
Version 1 (modified by trac, 17 years ago) ( diff )


Trac Ticket Queries

In addition to reports, Trac provides support for custom ticket queries, used to display lists of tickets meeting a specified set of criteria.

To configure and execute a custom query, switch to the View Tickets module from the navigation bar, and select the Custom Query link.


When you first go to the query page the default filters will display all open tickets, or if you're logged in it will display open tickets assigned to you. Current filters can be removed by clicking the button to the right with the minus sign on the label. New filters are added from the pulldown list in the bottom-right corner of the filters box. Filters with either a text box or a pulldown menu of options can be added multiple times to perform an or of the criteria.

You can use the fields just below the filters box to group the results based on a field, or display the full description for each ticket.

Once you've edited your filters click the Update button to refresh your results.

Clicking on one of the query results will take you to that ticket. You can navigate through the results by clicking the Next Ticket or Previous Ticket links just below the main menu bar, or click the Back to Query link to return to the query page.

You can safely edit any of the tickets and continue to navigate through the results using the Next/Previous/Back to Query links after saving your results. When you return to the query any tickets which was edited will be displayed with italicized text. If one of the tickets was edited such that it no longer matches the query criteria the text will also be greyed. Lastly, if a new ticket matching the query criteria has been created, it will be shown in bold.

The query results can be refreshed and cleared of these status indicators by clicking the Update button again.

Saving Queries

While Trac does not yet allow saving a named query and somehow making it available in a navigable list, you can save references to queries in Wiki content, as described below.

You may want to save some queries so that you can come back to them later. You can do this by making a link to the query from any Wiki page.

[query:status=new|assigned|reopened&version=1.0 Active tickets against 1.0]

Which is displayed as:

Active tickets against 1.0

This uses a very simple query language to specify the criteria (see Query Language).

Alternatively, you can copy the query string of a query and paste that into the Wiki link, including the leading ? character:

[query:?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=owner Assigned tickets by owner]

Which is displayed as:

Assigned tickets by owner

Using the [[TicketQuery]] Macro

The TicketQuery macro lets you display lists of tickets matching certain criteria anywhere you can use WikiFormatting.



This is displayed as:

Quota on used space
Monitor local files and upload
Folders in queue
rename on download
UMASK settings
Multi-threaded FTP connections
Setting file access o Upload
Show Total Est. Time Remaining for Queue
Set timed downloads
Server: quotas & dl/ul ratio
Current User/Current Upload
Provide Print Function for Remote File List
Include IP address in Server account settings
Auto-Update on changed files
Wildcats Down-/Upload Support (Filezilla)
Local File Monitor
user- or directory-size limits
Auto Upload Monitor
Directory Log (Save as Text)
Pause queue
Speed Limit in menu
quota per folder and user
traffic in logs
Secure ftp server
Shared Files And Network Drives Support
Queue sorting
Allow to switch off or hide local view
Server Security
Units separater
Disk quota
Resizing User Management Dialogue
Saving file/folder list in txt
Whole size of all directories and files
database support
Upload upon File Change
Time scheduling
(Server) File Permissions
FileZilla Quota's
directory / file size limit
Password for proxy authentication
Break up long series of contiguous digits
Compression of Files
security level of data connection (PROT C/P)
Max uploadsize or max foldersize
upload-only ftp sites
Security - Assign users to more than one group
mail transfer
Optionally process file after upload
FilezillaServer Feature : History Button
anti virus scan after file uploaded
Show status in taskbar?
Filezilla - Local Site to follow windows shortcuts correctly
File Change E-mail Notification
Configurable location of Logs directory
Copy/paste folder or file in remote directory
Filename collation order FZclient 2 and 3-beta
toggle local site window off
"Show log files folder" button in settings window
Advanced Logging
Disable Account after the "Expiration Date"
add search in remote browser
Gnome Keyring, KDE Kwallet, OS X Keychain Support
SFTP Server Support
ask for FTP proxy password (don't store it)
Queue Priority sorted by Highest to Lowest
Add Server type as400 / Iseries
Successful Transfers Adition
Diff. BG-Colours for Diff. Servers
Dates on files
Error Message
Process Queue having no effect
Refresh file list
simultaneous connections/ tabbed connections
FileZilla craches when the PRT input is hidden
system path disclosure
Right mouse click action: Copy URL to clipboard
Connect, Disconnect, Errors & information actions
Bad download resume
Make display of local file browser optional
Temporary file for editing is replacing
Two files with the same name (in different directories) are not the same file
localhost connection encryption
Transfer type icon in top icon row
Directory comparison: Synchronize folder change
Error downloading file with non alpha numeric filename (colon in filename)
"Open With..." Context Menu for Local
console font should be fixed width
console font should be fixed width
"Upload and unedit" does not remove edited file from dialog immediately
Email notification
error listing remote directory
filezilla crashed
files with an underscore before file name causes filezilla to not be able to work with it
Cannot handle files with some special character
Enhancement: provide ability to sort the download queue.
Multiple error warnings on login and after most actions.
Add a save current local/remote path button
Change folder on server automatically
Does not ask before overwrite of files
Allow downloads to be scheduled for a particular time window
Allow setting download/upload speed limits for a connection
pop windows broken after enabling secondary monitor
FileZilla Stuck Under Taskbar When It Opens
Add "Use Current Directories" button in Site Manager/Advanced/Default directory locations
Right Click on File -> Copy URL to Clipboard
"synchronization" of folders
Add files to queue broken
SubFolders Not Uploading
Doesn't properly recurse folders
FileZilla Fails to upload entire folder tree
Subdirectory transfer error
Running Multiple Server Instances On single Computer
Downloaded large files are not removed from queue
win32 - download file with `:` or other invalid chars unexpected behavior
Adding transfert mode button in tools bar
New File create
Sync Navigation
Zebra stripe the queued files
Quota Management
A Little Sound Would be Nice....
Directorylist jumps back to first entry after download/add queue
Logging to file
Double click on any file on the remote site downloads the file to local.
root dir sync local
Copy URL in remote context menu
Dragging not very accessible in site manager
add sftp protocol handler sftp://myserver
Provide options to hide button toolbar and quick connect toolbar
Mode Z compression
FileZilla Server.exe crashes during Windows shutdown
bug:cannot open file for writing
3.2.2 doesn't handle download of directory tree correctly
Create empty text file on the server
searching a file or a pattern on connected ftp-server
Feature : Sync Dirs (source - hosting
Context menu option to copy full file path
Incorrect sort order - Remote site
can't change local folder when in sync mode, only can do in remote pane
Not sorting remote directory
When upgrading from 3.2.1 to 3.2.3 "classic icons" theme not retained through app restart
Being able to transfer files from one server to another would be nice!
Open Crystal theme unchangeable
Directory listing
Right click -> new file.
SFTP timezone detection broken by dailight saving
folder size limit
Open file with other editor
File last modified date on Local Site display is not updated
Find Entire remote site - Source Code.
support for WebDAV
update on ticket #4492
Local Site Automatic Refresh
Recent paths
Files on Linux servers with names containing symbols not allowed in Windows file names don't download correctly.
File size is not updated after editing
Delete option after downloading file
Update check impossible - no facility to enter firewall proxy server authentication details
Scheduling feature for download
Update check impossible - no facility to enter firewall proxy server authentication details
sort column
Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac
Drag and Drop Upload File in Mac Causes Crash
no red warning on toggle directory comparison
Provide a means for automatically changing source filenames to accommodate different destination file systems
Preserve time stamps
Filenames including a : get stored as alternate data streams
Inhibit stream creation when downloading from Linux to Windows
Power Mangement, Standby, Suspend to disk
Windows "Open With..." list in Local
bad order files in filezilla for Slovak character "ch"
Email notification
Add option to refresh local or remote only to Refresh button
Remember Comparison and Synchronised settings on reconnect.
Local zip with escaped apostrophe in filename shows as a folder with file inside
Slashes in file names cause incorrect copy to host
Click becomes click-drag with Wacom tablet
Queue window display problem
No file-list refresh in local window
Local file listing does not match column headers
Prompt on Quit Interface
Ability to change Server process priority
Configuracion de columna
Problem customizing column headers in version 3.2.8
crash when attempting to edit a file
Program crashes when trying to view/edit css file on remote site
Reorder columns only changes column headings not content
Crash when try to view/edit
Last Modified column displays filetype instead of when files last modified
file exists action : label and action seems doesn't match
Default file action of overwrite if size/date different results in rename
Connecting to multiple Hosts
File can be sent on windows explorer's popup menu request
New file
Download resume bug
Remote Server to Remote Server
client not listening to resume settings
site manager doesn't allow moving connections to folder if list is long
Installed Dreamweaver, now Filezilla can't open .php files?
Remote and Local Directory Tree Toggle / not working
Default File Permission Settings
Make new version updates more like Firefox new version updates
A way to halt a upload or download of a particular file without removing it from the queue on right click
synch not working on reconnect
Autoset permission for folders and files
Automatic Upload on any changes in the edit/view function
FZServer: more width of directory/alias list in user dialog
Automatic upgrade on exit
Sound after transfer and another minor - but important - wish
wrong folder's name is editted when switching folders
Copy to clipboard as "http://www.domainname/filename"
Coloured tabs
clicking twice even if after delay on file/folder name, shows text box to rename it.
Feature request: Diff against local/remote version of file
Button to toggle bandwidth limits
alphabetization problem
Background of Quick connect bar and menu is overlapped
[Suggestion] Queue improvement
change connection settings in statusbar
Remote File Edit Association error with Dreamweaver CS4
Uploaded/downloaded file count in Transfer Queue
auto-upload modified files settings
Leading blank (again)
Return to parent directory
Toolbar Problem
Speedlimit patch
Log gui corruption
queue delayed and triggered at programmed time
Copy Current Connection to Site Manager should be able to auto-populate local/remote directory
MySQL Support
Site specific bookmarks not updating with multiple tabs open
initial message log overflows its viewpane
File list alphabetical sort order differs from windows explorer
Option to display cleartext password in site manager.
Maximum simultaneous transfers is limited to 10
Queued Files --
Site-specific bookmarks don't appear in bookmarks menu for site
Site-specific bookmarks 3.3.2 issue
Master Password Redux
"Create new file" option
Per-Server speed limit inputting
FileZille not recognizing new file associations...
Daylight Saving Time calculation broken
files renamed by accident due to previous clicks
Transfer Queue doesn't sort
Message Log overruns Quick Connect bar
SFTP problem - Its locks other connexions
Auto-Upload Option Instead Just Watch Local Edited Files
Correct show of windows
"Really delete 1 file?"
File count incorrect when using CTRL-SHIFT on file selection
Remembering overwrite action for current tab
Disable moving of non-empty Folders
folder/file synchronizing
Local pane doesn't refresh in all tabs
pause the transfer queue
Priority status of queue
Order the columns of the queue section
Do not prompt for local edit upload
Make View/Edit get to "Open with..."
Drag-drop file upload always fails
View/Edit doesn't work any more
Uploading a file via drag&drop fails
can't upload pics
Can't open file (error 2) when dragging from local to remote
Path problem
Drag'n'drop does not work in 3.3.4-rc1
Remote file not opening in editor
Drag and Drop Handler submitting wrong path/filename
uploading a directory with subdirs and files doesn't work
New feature
Move File/Folder option
Show agregate speed on status bar (and on a tab)
Error when viewing Winzip file
On the server, can View and Edit be separate actions?
configuration of file list sorting algorithm
auto-upload option for locally edited file
Drag & Drop from one to another ftp-server
Transfer Queue; not able to sort
Disappearing toolbar buttons
Protectes password
Copy from FTP to another FTP - directly
hebrew all texts are mirrored
protocol error with invalid data message
Automated File Syncronization
Download continues past 100%
"Check For Updates" Does Not Work When There Is A HTTP Proxy
Some of the display is broken in Windows 7 64bit
Add SSH functionality to FileZilla Server
Single Instance of Filezilla
Visually distinguishing sites in tabs (by colour or custom name)"
quick connect buttons vanish after connecting to a FTP-Server
add native 64bit for windows
Not working with vmWare
menus do not display
new feature - export / import Site Manager
Diff software integration
Failed to retrieve directory listing error: could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer
add MODE Z Compression option in FileZilla 3
Problems with retrieving files that starts with ,, '' (spacebar) at the begining.
Log showing through to top panel area when synchronized browsing
GUI overwrite of top menu and toolbar area
'failed to write xml file'
the picture will explain
Space before of name of folder
"Create file" option in addition to "Create directory" option
queue.xml bug
error message - 530 Login Incorrect
Filezilla binary conflict
natural order sorting of filelist
Strang Error
Won't reconnect after timeout (input_pushback not null!)
Wrong failure reason for local permission problems
Request client-side ASCII conversion for SFTP
Scrolling command/response window overwrites menu bar and toolbar
Show passwords in Site Manager
Updated to 3.5.0; now header block is scrambled
Connection closes when attempting to get initial directory listing
Lost password
Filezilla not working
Bug Report
SFTP: Unable to download if filename begins with space
optionally disable drag&drop
Alarm sound when finished transferring the queue
Mode Z support (compression)
Failed to retrieve directory listing, therfore FZ fails to upload files
Need help
Can't do anything when multiple alert dialog comes up
tool bar
Quick Connect Header overrun by Status
FTP synchronize
Changing Tab Orders in FIleZilla Client
Drag and drop
GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function.
Display error
Option to disable confirmation prompts on remote editing save/upload
Automatic upload when a previously opened file has been changed
Toolbar icon disappear after connection is made
Wrong date - Same problem as Ticket #3698
Connection causes the LOG output to overlap the connection bar
Site manager: Scroll list when reaching boundaries
Site specific bookmarks not showing
Upper and lower case problems in FileZilla and OS X
GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
since update to Filezilla 3.5.3 users can not connect to our server : FTPS over explicit
Unable to register with forum
Symlink not recognised using Proftpd Server
Latest version ftpes issue.
Default for the Already Connected dialog
Error message: XML-document not well formed
Critcal file transfer error when filename contains a space as the first character
TLS broken in 3.5.3 Mac Client
Active ftp over socks proxy implemented incorrectly
530 User cannot log in
FileZilla doesn't work with vsftpd using SSL
Automatic parse clipboard during pasting to Quickconnect bar
upload to temporary name to avoid script errors
Faster Auto-edit Upload -- SHORTCUT key request
timed bandwidth throttle mechanism (speed limit)
Inconsistent / non-alphanumeric file list sort order
Create new empty file on server
Visual layout messed up when opening connection (in new tab?)
GUI messed up (Cyrillic?)
convert filename to upper or lower case before transfer
Unintentional drag without holding down mouse button
Toolbar disappears after site connection..
directory listing error if it contains a space
Feature Request
Can not connect to servs after upgrading to 3.5.3
.htaccess & proftpd server
stop processing feature request
Auto upload local changed file
Deferred transfers
FileZilla client [Message Log] panel render error!
please delete it, because of duplication
z/VM: Unable to analyze the returned directory
File Sync
FileZilla 3.5.3 Mac Version - Folder with äöü on not shown
Separate download and upload queues
Encrypt passwords
Downloads Fail after 32,768 bytes are transfered
Drag and Drop in Linux mint 12 causes crash
Can't download a file when its size is 0 octets
Request: FileZilla server for Mac and Linux
Compare filesize and modification time
Filezilla compression bug during upload
Quick Connect bar obstructed by the panel content below
Client cannot connect using Require explicit FTP over TLS
Copy file link as http
Is there any way to Import user from BFTP to Filezilla FTP Server ? Please help me i am stopping here to implement Filezila
Real slow
TLS not work in
Filezilla can't open .php files in External Editor (Dreamweaver)?
QuickConnection bar not refreshed
GNU TLS ERROR persists in ver Debug log (4) in line
Disappearing User Interface When Connecting to the Server
clicking on a letter on the keyboard moves to the first folder matching the name starting with that letter
Windows 7/8 jumplist entries for saved sites (site manager)
FTP command missing
Unencrypted Password Storage - BUG
Autoban - Add to IP Filter
Separate proxy server for each sites in Site Manager
Right clicking on folder/file name while renaming freezes FileZilla
Program causes display driver to crash often during transfer of files.
IPv6 address causes error Invalid port given.
cannot upoad file that filename has some chinese character when using windows explorer
Automatically upload on file save.
Retina display issue
Windows 7 Progress display on Taskbar
Add "copy http url to clipboard"
Updates behind http proxy sever
Windows x64 version of FileZilla Server
Command line argument to set local folder on startup
Move ~/.filezilla to a proper place (~/.config, ~/.local ...)
Expansion of connection pane covering toolbars
dos to unix/linux line endings conversion for SFTP
Greek Directory Names become garbage in Remote Site's directory list (tree view)
Crashes on ftp login.
new ticket
[Just updated to newest!] This crash every time I try to connect to a server
Crash on connection to FTPES server, Client
Drag and drop doesn't work with dual monitors
FileZilla fails to login
SSH key loading order problem
Filezilla Crash Latest Update
Quick Connect Menu Corruption on Server Connect
Visual Problems
FileZilla will not connect to the server in Windows 8
tool bar view issue
Auto upload when editing/viewing files
js uploads corrupted
Slow access to File Shares
Header display messed up after successful connection. - Win7 Home Prem.
Server Special Command is not working.
Per-site bandwidth limitation settings or override
Check for program updates hangs through a proxy server
File filezilla.xml is vulnerable to malware
Update panel download on OSX
GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
last modified date is wrong when 1st item is a folder, OK if 1st item is file
Feature to copy http URL
Won't install
Remember the open sessions at startup
Sound when connecting and when download finished
Frustating Error!
No data received
Fails to recognize Binary Files
login details in plain text
GnuTLS error -12: When will this issue be fixed?
possible performance improvements
possible performance improvements
Patch for #2978
Visual Bug on Toolbar
Please add discrete up/down and back/forward navigation buttons
Filezill window cannot be moved on desktop
Copy File names
server not connected
Cannot log in to account
Always upload changed files option
message log listing overwrites toolbar and quickconnect bar
FileZilla Client crashs on rename
Upload of mp3 repeats
Upload of mp3 repeats
Filezilla does not move to primary monitor after disconnecting external screens
Quickfilter (quickly change file-filter settings)
Zip & unzip a file or folder
Slow double click to rename file then right click freezes whole interface.
Site Manager Encryption
Moving files on server side - no warning
Don't move skipped files to successful transfers list.
Feature request: extension conversion
no connection to directory
Rearrange/Organise Tabs
time shift when send/receive files from remote server
encrypt websites data, irrespective of application password
Pause Downloading Specific Files
Window cannot be repositioned
Custom Tab Names for connections
Automatically downloaded updates end up in Documents, not in Downloads
SSH client inside
Error when closing Filezilla Client 3.9.0-beta1.
Slow file and folder listing on lan
Cancel 'overwrite/resume dialog' results in successfull transfer status
File exists check should be done again before uploading
Up Button
Time based speed limiting
New versions download to wrong directory
Incorrect date order in 'Last Modified' column
#9668 causing crashes
drag and drop from filezilla to desktop in
Left Click Right Click is treated as a double click in
Auto Upload for Mac
Connecting to an FTP Site causes Display Adapter to crash
Der Anzeigetreiber wurde nach einem Fehler wiederhergestellt
Problems with focus
Can't copy/paste into Path
Symlinked sites lost after update to
#9698 crashes display driver
Can't copy paste in site path
"Right click" on Mac Trackpad - error
filezilla.xml couldn't be removed error message
Windows display driver stops responding when FZ is open
getting memory dump error (blue screen)
Focus in "local site" panel lost after uploading file
re-arrange window
Unicode and space at folder names support.
UI at is right to left out of order.
UI at is right to left out of order.
Host field automatic active
Downloading filezilla client warning
All views aligned to right
All views aligned to right
display driver stopped responding and has recovered when using filezilla
Window Off Scree, can't resize or zoom to fix
Error message appears at random
Speed limit changes based on the time of day
Remote file search result
hidden toolbar on mac os
Display driver issues on versions after 3.8.1
filezilla.xml couldn't be removed (error: 0 the operation completed successfully)
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server (yahoo)
File Server for Linux
No accepting latest update (2014-08-13) unless i run it in Administrator mode
FileZilla Network Configuration Wizard Error
Register with OS as ftp, sftp, ftpes handler
Malware in client download of Filezilla
Hide Local Panel
UI stuck at top of OSX screen
Installing new versions installs Adaware too
Urgent! Latest versions not working with latest Mac OS!!
Request Sync Option
Don't touch APPDATA, let user to use this as a portable application
When connected create a drive letter so you can use it as filesysten
HTTP links
Sorting columns in queued files
Filezilla positions itself off-screen after switching displays on OS-X
Commands sent in wrong order when uploading directories, resulting in files not uploaded
Publisher info on your Setup Files
FZ client window partly out of monitor on Yosemite 10.10
MacKeeper is installed
Very poor download performance since major update 3.9.0 and unresponsive GUI during file transfers
Updates on Mac OS X download to the ~/Documents folder, not ~/Downloads
Flatzilla - flat icon theme
please cease and decist from the 3rd-party malware installs
Video Driver interrupted.
Drag tabs around
Black screen trying to connect to FileZilla
Error showing up since last update
Upload dialog "Target file already exists" does not remember preferences
Does not connect -- started IMMEDIATELY after latest update
Latest update problem
After 3.10.0 Update, can no longer update files
Not active server with SSL
"error 0:the operation completed successfully" window (similar to Ticket #9737)
Won't connect at all after latest update
Issues with connections that ,ay be also related to other users similar recent issues with recent update
Listing times out ... every time.
FileZilla times out when retrieving directory listing
New version doesn't retrieve directory listing
Still can't connect after
Filezilla stopped working after update
Version Can't establish connexion
Auth TLS Error
Error with latest V
FileZilla doesnt allow access to listing in my FTP.
new version filezilla not working
Version 3.10.01
ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out
Fail to connet to servers now
Version 3.10.01 - Does not connect
Error when trying to reopen local file for editing
permissions missing uploading as root
newest version has an issue 3.10
associated command failed
Command log overwrites icon toolbar on initial scroll
Unable to connect to server with update
New file upload permissions
#10084 Will Not Connect Via FTP
GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server
Can't connect to half of my sites after the update
Reported before but still not resolved!!!
Site Manager dropdown list of sits to connect to doesn't scroll
Unrecognizable Code for the directories with Chinese words
Files uploading with no permissions -
Files uploading with no permissions -
Opening Failed
Failed to retrieve directory listing
Cannot connect to remote servers
Unable to connect to web site to upload files
Timing out since update
Cannot get pass "Retrieving directory listing..." with latest version update...
Initialising TLS... Connection timed out. Could not connect to server
OSX Autoupdate saves app in wrong folder
No connection possible
External editor second time firing on same file error issue
Can not get Directory listing since upgrade of FZ client
Connection Timed Out
v3.10.0.2 connection error (TLS? debug lvl 3 report)
Connection Timed Out
Connection failed in versions,
Not recover the file list and not connected
no file/folder permission (000) on the SSHD server (Windows 7 Pro)
new version does not work
Update malfunctions
Failed to retrieve directory listing
FileZilla not working after recent update
534 Protection level negotiation failed.
MLSD timeout after upgrade to
#10163 has timeout issues
Command: MLSD fails. Unable to download directory
Not seeing directory when logged on to ftp site(godaddy)
Not seeing directory when logged on to ftp site(godaddy)
Add the ability to do File Diffs from within the FileZilla UI
invalid directory
Get Certification popup when logging into a server
New version times out at attempt to connect with main directory of website
File transfer failed
Server Connection Issues with Latest Update
Impossibile connect to every server with but connect with!!
updated to v certifcate issues
updated to v certifcate issues
Initializing TLS problem
Initializing TLS porblem
Initializing TLS porblem
FileZilla 3.10.1 build failure due to missing #include <errno.h>
Connection issues on v3.10.1.1
Your Certificate is not Verified
Your Certificate is not Verified
Client failed to retrieve directory listing. Worked before this version on this site.
Client failed to retrieve directory listing. Worked before this version on this site.
Client failed to retrieve directory listing. Worked before this version on this site.
Client failed to retrieve directory listing. Worked before this version on this site.
Client failed to retrieve directory listing. Worked before this version on this site.
Client failed to retrieve directory listing. Worked before this version on this site.
Latest FileZilla not working
bur in newest update?
Fails to Retrieve Directory Listing
FTP will not connect to some FTP sites (e.g. MediaTemple)
Failed to retrieve directory listing
Issue in the latest update
toolbar and top of window are cut off on laptop as second screnn
Completely hide entire local tree and folders
Remote listing not showing all files
FileZilla updates installed to Documents folder
Fix build with updatecheck disabled
connect error with new version
Version 3.10.2
Title bar and window controls offscreen after changing monitor (Mac OSX)
v3.10.2 won't connect to server
Refresh issue
Cannot connect to client's server
Cannot connect to client's server
Server Connection-Reg
New Release just updated 3.10.3
need Option for disabling drag & drop
3.7.3 last working version
Mark (w/ background color) file panels when ftping on multiple server/tabs
No file overwrite confirmation on file drag drop from folder
help please, do not connect
Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
New Update Connection issue
3.11.0 - data connection could not established
MLSD - ENETUNREACH - Network unreachable
After 3.11.0 update-data connection could not be established
Auto upload after edit, without prompt
MacKeeper installation
Back and Forward Navigation Buttons?
Version for Windows not recognizing folder entries
open servermanager --> an assertion failed
/include/wx/string.h(1536): assert "!empty()" failed in Last(): wxString: index out of bounds
Server-to-Server Transfers
On OSX, French version, cmd+V is map to cmd+B (site manager)
Error (header file missing) in source distribution FileZilla_3.13.0_src.tar.bz2
Missing header file in Source Code donwload
Update on exit
"Check for updates" dialog is very tall
GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Fix CMD+C and CMD+A keyboard shortcuts for FileZilla's Site Manager (Mac version)
menu icons broken in context menu
Upgrade to 3.14.1 stops connection
download and edit bug
Fuzzy icons sometimes in latest version running on El Capitan!
Says broken file when downloading filezilla on MAC OX
Broken main menu icons on mac
download several files ,right click in the "Queued files" windows, user can't control certain one file to transport or pause
Translateable Windows start menu items
Pasting an IP for Host field creates a new favorite
Problems with the display of icons
Ability To Search Sites in Site Manager
Filetype associations dialog box closes unexpectedly
The date format specifier
Error message - The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection.
Round Robin DNS support for SFTP
Copy URL(s) to clipboard only copies one address.
Issue the "Copy URL(s) to clipboard" option
Show Overall Transfer Stats
I can't download some files from sftp serveur
FileZilla can not handle leading blank spaces in directory names
Leading spaces erroneously stripped from directory listing
filezilla should use different file name while uploads are in progress
Rename downloaded file
Feature request: Update check at close instead of open
Enhance Password Security
FileZilla is enforcing which is not supported by older server
Request: Show total bytes of files selected
Protocol error: Invalid data
sftp doesn't work in 3.22 on Mac Os X
V3.22 for Mac no longer connects to my servers
horizontal scrollbars don't seem to always know correct scrolling width (fluctuates while scrolling)
Add site name in passphrase entering dialog window title
Mac OS X auto-update downloads to Documents folder instead of Downloads
Explorer freezes when doing a transfer while notification is being shown
GnuTLS error -48: Key usage violation in certificate has been detected.
Site Manager General Password
Local file list not updated in Filezilla Client
Transfer is working but does not update the online site
Add option to move files and dirs only if key is pressed
Connection impossible
Some new feature requests
MinGW Runtime Assertion if wrong protocol is in servername
Crash when specifying unsupported protocol
Crash while using wrong protocoll
Drag and drop no longer works
Feature request
Just enable 'Use a different logfile each day
reduce ftp traffic
Sort Order for Transfer Queue
Cached password can't be corrected (see also #1240 and #4491)
Mouse drag in file browser slides the whole view sideways
Remote folder file selection on second screen buggy
Sélection à la souris des fichiers completés dans zone Transferts Réussis, incorrecte
Impossible to change directory if it contains trailing space(s)
Skipped File Transfers in the Transfer Queue window.
Incorrect cursor behavior when selecting files
Scroll in Local Site
Selecting files and directories by mouse external site
Selection of Multiple Files in FileZilla
After updating Win 10 Pro to build 1803 on 1 May Cannot Drag&Drop snapshots
Cannot Drag & Drop from a remote site to my computer
Site manager dropdown runs off screen when using two monitors of different sizes
View on the web // copy page URL
Can not move files to Desktop
Drag&Drop does not work
Site Manager not showing on Mac OSX
List of websites to connect with, panel (left) menu, is gone.
Too small list of FTP sites
Show progress in Windows task bar
Download error
Command line option -c Connect to specified Site Manager quit working after update to 3.35.1
Drag and Drop
All command line options are not working in 3.35.1
Command-line argument (-c, --site=<string>) not working since upgrade to 3.35.0
FileZilla SFTP Client 'Rename File' Bug
Drag & Drop From FileZilla to Computer Folder Not working
--site does not work on latest version
client crash on launch for mac
FileZilla crash when open it
Crash after reading folder
Persistent Appcrash in libgnutls-30.dll
drag and drop
No se pueden borrar carpetas con contenidos
Full directories delete: 451 Delete Failed with 3.37.0 (Pro so latest downloadable)
Fix the broken UI in MacOS Mojave Dark UI
Compilation error in 3.37.3
Cannot Drag Files From Filezilla Window to Taskbar and Have them Open
Drive and directory selection option for both downloads and settings including updates.
v3.40.0-rc1 doesn't open files when custom editor is used
Move files
Client timeout at "performing handshake" when using HTTP proxy
Increase Maximum Simultaneous Transfers >10+
Filezilla client closes when click on Site manager
Can't using copy/paste shortcut key on FileZilla Client for Mac
Google - Drive Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
moving files on server results in "no such file or directory"
cannot move / drag to subfolders
Upgrade from v3.45.1 to v3.46.3 corrupts ability to use SFTP
Reopen/follow up to ticket #12102 SFTP uploads to Cerberus Server of 1GB+ fail
Opening too large a window when uploading - transfers fail
3.48.0 Windows 10 File Type problem
FZ 3.48.0 Client File Associations Broken - Similar to other tickets
FZ 3.48.0: On reopening a server file, the popup always comes up defaulting to "Reopen local file"
No counter anymore on Tabs "Failed/Successful transfers" - screenshot
Lenghty wait to get to site after logging in
Files/folders permission chacnge error on Manjaro Linux
FileZilla Client crashes 3.53.1
Filezilla Client Crashes
Crash On Filezilla Pro gdrive
There is still no drag and drop confirm on filezilla 3.54.1
New Putty Key Gen 0.75 ARGON2 private key format
Regarding the error while connecting to sftp
libfilezilla soname reversion?
Filezilla should accept trusted certificates
Not able to access folder shared via Filezilla
ADD status column at TRANSFER QUEUE , shows , downloaded or skipped depend on the file status
Filenames with hebrew chars are not displayed
Edited file didnt upload and deleted the existing file
Local file monitoring intermittent or not working at all. File has change doesn't work/show up
Interpretation problem and commands
Whitelist my IP address from erth corp
Select all
CMD + C doesn't work in file list
Mac Color Background issue
File name change on remote causes crash
nagging updates
Cannot Access MicroSD card on cell phone

Just like the query: wiki links, the parameter of this macro expects a query string formatted according to the rules of the simple ticket query language.

A more compact representation without the ticket summaries is also available:

[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, compact)]]

This is displayed as:

#1712, #1753, #1763, #1769, #1800, #1828, #1835, #1860, #1888, #1908, #1911, #1935, #1942, #1952, #1953, #1961, #1974, #1979, #2003, #2015, #2038, #2044, #2045, #2063, #2077, #2083, #2118, #2121, #2149, #2177, #2203, #2227, #2235, #2240, #2242, #2249, #2266, #2314, #2315, #2332, #2344, #2380, #2387, #2395, #2411, #2418, #2445, #2474, #2484, #2509, #2552, #2573, #2578, #2580, #2630, #2653, #2675, #2722, #2764, #2799, #2884, #2903, #2904, #2915, #2922, #2957, #2967, #2981, #3014, #3698, #3704, #3707, #3708, #3711, #3719, #3761, #3784, #3792, #3797, #3798, #3800, #3811, #3828, #3840, #3842, #3846, #3848, #3850, #3871, #3872, #3894, #3902, #3903, #3931, #3933, #3940, #3942, #3946, #3953, #3962, #3976, #3977, #3978, #3979, #3983, #3988, #3989, #3991, #4016, #4030, #4031, #4042, #4045, #4060, #4068, #4070, #4071, #4077, #4078, #4081, #4082, #4090, #4118, #4135, #4137, #4151, #4180, #4194, #4223, #4236, #4239, #4255, #4268, #4276, #4284, #4289, #4294, #4322, #4344, #4345, #4348, #4356, #4362, #4365, #4371, #4397, #4419, #4433, #4442, #4459, #4465, #4471, #4494, #4502, #4510, #4528, #4556, #4567, #4585, #4588, #4591, #4597, #4613, #4626, #4628, #4630, #4668, #4674, #4697, #4704, #4707, #4708, #4709, #4741, #4745, #4746, #4799, #4800, #4802, #4842, #4850, #4852, #4862, #4863, #4864, #4867, #4868, #4871, #4872, #4876, #4878, #4883, #4906, #4910, #4916, #4918, #4921, #4923, #4924, #4937, #4959, #4975, #4977, #4982, #4985, #5002, #5004, #5005, #5007, #5013, #5014, #5015, #5016, #5040, #5044, #5065, #5081, #5089, #5090, #5103, #5120, #5135, #5145, #5157, #5158, #5182, #5188, #5189, #5190, #5193, #5198, #5214, #5218, #5221, #5223, #5224, #5231, #5232, #5233, #5249, #5251, #5253, #5259, #5266, #5273, #5275, #5276, #5283, #5294, #5295, #5297, #5362, #5382, #5395, #5405, #5434, #5439, #5453, #5454, #5455, #5469, #5470, #5501, #5505, #5506, #5507, #5508, #5509, #5510, #5511, #5514, #5515, #5522, #5557, #5558, #5562, #5571, #5576, #5582, #5585, #5592, #5602, #5606, #5613, #5621, #5626, #5637, #5640, #5643, #5654, #5675, #5678, #5683, #5694, #6504, #6526, #6527, #7152, #7159, #7169, #7196, #7209, #7233, #7265, #7281, #7284, #7285, #7286, #7292, #7300, #7325, #7332, #7333, #7345, #7347, #7351, #7357, #7365, #7387, #7394, #7396, #7400, #7426, #7440, #7445, #7448, #7449, #7454, #7457, #7458, #7460, #7474, #7733, #7743, #7746, #7753, #7764, #7773, #7790, #7791, #7796, #7799, #7803, #7807, #7826, #7840, #7875, #7876, #7877, #7899, #7904, #7917, #7922, #7924, #7928, #7937, #7948, #7951, #7956, #7961, #7979, #7989, #7990, #7996, #8013, #8058, #8060, #8100, #8108, #8125, #8140, #8155, #8159, #8178, #8180, #8194, #8196, #8217, #8218, #8224, #8227, #8228, #8234, #8237, #8243, #8254, #8264, #8282, #8311, #8318, #8321, #8322, #8327, #8333, #8334, #8337, #8338, #8340, #8352, #8357, #8364, #8387, #8399, #8407, #8425, #8463, #8479, #8516, #8532, #8556, #8611, #8615, #8651, #8654, #8678, #8679, #8688, #8693, #8698, #8704, #8708, #8718, #8723, #8725, #8744, #8745, #8746, #8747, #8750, #8762, #8764, #8767, #8773, #8779, #8784, #8792, #8797, #8810, #8824, #8830, #8843, #8844, #8850, #8854, #8857, #8861, #8871, #8877, #8890, #8911, #8912, #8929, #8940, #8941, #8955, #8956, #8969, #9023, #9041, #9045, #9071, #9112, #9121, #9128, #9143, #9149, #9190, #9191, #9208, #9214, #9219, #9228, #9245, #9260, #9335, #9362, #9375, #9406, #9428, #9468, #9561, #9566, #9569, #9581, #9587, #9615, #9628, #9629, #9630, #9636, #9650, #9655, #9662, #9668, #9671, #9673, #9674, #9678, #9682, #9683, #9691, #9697, #9698, #9700, #9702, #9703, #9709, #9710, #9711, #9713, #9714, #9715, #9716, #9717, #9725, #9727, #9728, #9741, #9750, #9770, #9771, #9772, #9794, #9800, #9802, #9806, #9813, #9815, #9819, #9827, #9833, #9845, #9846, #9848, #9854, #9858, #9860, #9861, #9863, #9869, #9879, #9883, #9885, #9892, #9899, #9903, #9912, #9917, #9932, #9955, #9964, #9967, #9970, #9974, #9983, #9989, #9993, #9998, #9999, #10007, #10015, #10017, #10021, #10023, #10024, #10025, #10026, #10027, #10028, #10030, #10031, #10032, #10033, #10035, #10036, #10040, #10041, #10049, #10051, #10052, #10055, #10056, #10071, #10084, #10085, #10089, #10091, #10093, #10095, #10096, #10102, #10109, #10112, #10113, #10120, #10121, #10122, #10123, #10126, #10128, #10129, #10131, #10132, #10133, #10135, #10137, #10138, #10140, #10141, #10146, #10148, #10150, #10151, #10152, #10155, #10156, #10157, #10163, #10164, #10171, #10172, #10174, #10175, #10176, #10180, #10183, #10189, #10201, #10203, #10204, #10209, #10210, #10211, #10213, #10216, #10220, #10221, #10223, #10224, #10225, #10226, #10227, #10228, #10239, #10242, #10245, #10248, #10250, #10262, #10264, #10267, #10273, #10282, #10284, #10289, #10292, #10294, #10295, #10305, #10307, #10308, #10318, #10326, #10357, #10373, #10383, #10386, #10388, #10396, #10397, #10408, #10442, #10445, #10447, #10476, #10513, #10572, #10578, #10598, #10609, #10620, #10622, #10631, #10635, #10646, #10652, #10683, #10688, #10692, #10721, #10728, #10731, #10740, #10746, #10759, #10763, #10764, #10781, #10782, #10815, #10830, #10836, #10840, #10850, #10854, #10862, #10874, #10893, #10896, #10915, #10919, #10921, #10944, #10962, #10976, #10983, #11003, #11004, #11016, #11017, #11032, #11064, #11141, #11156, #11166, #11200, #11222, #11241, #11253, #11304, #11319, #11321, #11331, #11343, #11349, #11399, #11438, #11460, #11475, #11489, #11500, #11503, #11505, #11507, #11510, #11521, #11558, #11570, #11592, #11606, #11609, #11624, #11627, #11634, #11641, #11646, #11648, #11662, #11668, #11674, #11680, #11682, #11686, #11687, #11688, #11689, #11691, #11692, #11724, #11737, #11743, #11749, #11750, #11755, #11760, #11762, #11827, #11832, #11931, #11936, #11939, #11976, #11982, #12060, #12071, #12072, #12078, #12109, #12110, #12169, #12170, #12174, #12284, #12305, #12336, #12417, #12442, #12466, #12467, #12470, #12493, #12540, #12546, #12609, #12611, #12618, #12627, #12706, #12707, #12714, #12764, #12807, #12810, #12880, #12983, #13071, #13212

Finally if you wish to receive only the number of defects that match the query using the count parameter.

[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, count)]]

This is displayed as:


Query Language

query: TracLinks and the [[TicketQuery]] macro both use a mini “query language” for specifying query filters. Basically, the filters are separated by ampersands (&). Each filter then consists of the ticket field name, an operator, and one or more values. More than one value are separated by a pipe (|), meaning that the filter matches any of the values.

The available operators are:

= the field content exactly matches the one of the values
~= the field content contains one or more of the values
^= the field content starts with one of the values
$= the field content ends with one of the values

All of these operators can also be negated:

!= the field content matches none of the values
!~= the field content does not contain any of the values
!^= the field content does not start with any of the values
!$= the field content does not end with any of the values

See also: TracTickets, TracReports, TracGuide

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.