Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#8824 closed Bug report (duplicate)

Server Special Command is not working.

Reported by: OZGUR COSKUNER Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: SITE TRUNCATE Cc: coskuner.ozgur@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: XP


I am using Filezilla for sending some files from my pc to MVS system. My pc file is bigger than my mvs file and I am using SITE TRUNCATE command for truncating rows. But this command is not working with filezilla.

You can find log below.

14:07:30 Komut: SITE TRUNCATE
14:07:30 Yanıt: 200 SITE command was accepted
14:07:47 Durum: tsta için adres çözümleniyor
14:07:47 Durum: bağlantısı kuruluyor...
14:07:47 Durum: Bağlandı, hoşgeldin iletisi bekleniyor...
14:07:47 Yanıt: 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R13 at test.FW.GARANTI.COM.TR, 14:07:45 on 2013-08-06.
14:07:47 Yanıt: 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.
14:07:47 Komut: AUTH TLS
14:07:47 Yanıt: 234 Security environment established - ready for negotiation
14:07:47 Durum: TLS başlatılıyor...
14:07:47 Durum: Sertifika onaylanıyor...
14:07:47 Komut: USER noc1
14:07:47 Durum: TLS/SSL bağlantısı sağlandı.
14:07:47 Yanıt: 331 Send password please.
14:07:47 Komut: PASS *
14:07:47 Yanıt: 230 NOC1 is logged on. Working directory is "NOC1.".
14:07:47 Komut: OPTS UTF8 ON
14:07:47 Yanıt: 501 command OPTS aborted -- no options supported for UTF8
14:07:47 Komut: PBSZ 0
14:07:47 Yanıt: 200 Protection buffer size accepted
14:07:47 Komut: PROT P
14:07:47 Yanıt: 200 Data connection protection set to private
14:07:47 Durum: Bağlandı
14:07:47 Durum: C:\ftptest\CASS_TR_EFTFileFX_20130802.TXT karşıya yüklemesi başlıyor
14:07:47 Komut: CWD 'NOC1.PGAR.DNTMP.WRK.'
14:07:47 Yanıt: 250 "NOC1.PGAR.DNTMP.WRK." is the working directory name prefix.
14:07:47 Komut: PWD
14:07:47 Yanıt: 257 "'NOC1.PGAR.DNTMP.WRK.'" is working directory.
14:07:47 Durum: Klasör listesi alınıyor...
14:07:47 Komut: TYPE I
14:07:47 Yanıt: 200 Representation type is Image
14:07:47 Komut: PASV
14:07:47 Yanıt: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,24,64,1,253,85)
14:07:47 Komut: LIST
14:07:47 Yanıt: 125 List started OK
14:07:47 Yanıt: 250 List completed successfully.
14:07:49 Komut: TYPE A
14:07:49 Yanıt: 200 Representation type is Ascii NonPrint
14:07:49 Komut: PASV
14:07:49 Yanıt: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,24,64,1,250,221)
14:07:49 Komut: STOR INP4123
14:07:49 Yanıt: 125 Storing data set NOC1.PGAR.DNTMP.WRK.INP4123
14:07:49 Yanıt: 451-File transfer failed. File contains records that are longer than the LRECL of the new file.
14:07:49 Yanıt: 451 Transfer aborted due to file error.
14:07:49 Hata: Dosya aktarılamadı

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Alexander Schuch, 12 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Please provide logs in English language.

And furthermore, I do not see a problem with FileZilla. The server you are using returns an error. This is unrelated to the client (FileZilla). Maybe the server requires the SITE command even for transfer connections? If yes, your should use a post login command, as documented in the wiki over at

And if this is the case, this issue is a duplicate of #2223. Feel free to re-open this bug report in case you still have this problem and are sure this is a FileZilla bug rather than one of the FTP server you are using.

comment:2 by OZGUR COSKUNER, 12 years ago

Post login command option in sitemanager.xml is working properly. Thanks for your support.

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