Opened 19 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#2484 closed Feature request (duplicate)

FilezillaServer Feature : History Button

Reported by: soopajud Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Server
Keywords: history Cc: soopajud
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Like in G6FTP server, A button showing, by day or week,
who and what's been downloaded, who and what's been

thanks !
great job anyway !

Change History (6)

comment:1 by soopajud, 18 years ago

FilezillaServer Feature : History Button

UP !
i really think that it could be a good idea to see a log of down/upload activities

comment:2 by HT, 14 years ago

Keywords: history added


is this feature being worked on ?

i'd like to see that too to know what happened on my server while i wasn't there. not just a log but a more user friendly way like keep the list of file transfers for this session in the bottom part of the file transfer window and a more complete one into a log file.

the current file transfer would be on top and showing all transfers for this session sorted by date/site descending.

comment:4 by Kurt McKee, 8 years ago

Triage suggestion

This is a request for a log analyzer. This is a duplicate of #2365.

comment:5 by Kurt McKee, 8 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

comment:6 by HT, 8 years ago

how do i unsub from notifications?

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