Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#5395 closed Feature request (duplicate)

Remembering overwrite action for current tab

Reported by: Banana Owned by:
Priority: critical Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: remember, overwrite, action, tab, server Cc:
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Pretty much what I described here: (+tnx to boco for his comment)


When transmitting a file that already exists, you get the overwrite/skip/etc dialog, with the option "Always use this action", and sub-options "Apply to current queue only" and "Apply only to uploads" (or only to downloads if you're downloading).

How about adding another sub-option: "Remember for this tab", which would remember the action for the current tab only (i.e. until I close the tab or entire program). Or perhaps make it "Remember for this tab/server", i.e. it should also forget the action when I connect to a different server within the same tab.

This would be REALLY handy when I'm connected to a server, and drag some files in there every few minutes (which happens quite often when I'm incrementally updating a site or server or backing up stuff or whatever).

I hope you will consider adding this... It would definitely make my life easier and I'd love FileZilla even more!

Change History (1)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by Banana, 15 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Oops, sorry, I accidentally submitted this with 'critical' priority, which is of course not the case. Tried to cancel the case (browser was still submitting) and submit it again with normal priority (which is ticket 5396) but this one apparently slipped through.

This one can be closed.

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