Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#10688 closed Bug report (duplicate)

Fix CMD+C and CMD+A keyboard shortcuts for FileZilla's Site Manager (Mac version)

Reported by: Octavio Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: keyboard shortcuts, copy, select all, cmd+a, cmd+c Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: OS X
Operating system version: OSX 10.10


When adding new FTP servers to the Site Manager currently it's a nightmare using keyboard shortcuts because I keep on using again and again the Standard Cmd+C to copy and Cmd+A to select all text in a textfield, and they don't work like that in the Site Manager window so they drive me crazy!

Instead, pressing Cmd+A closes the window! It doesn't make sense.
And pressing Cmd+C creates a new folder! Why?! Cmd+C should just copy text inside a textfield!! Al least Cmd+V works as it should (it actually pastes text).

Please, stick with the standard key combinations. When I have to add a large amount of FTP servers to FileZilla it's really annoying not being able to use standard system-wide key combinations such as Copy (Cmd+C) and Select All (Cmd+A). I keep accidentally closing the window all the time because I'm trying to select all the text in a textfield with Cmd+A.

Thank you!

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Octavio, 9 years ago

Summary: Fix keyboard shortcuts for FileZilla's Site Manager (Mac version)Fix CMD+C and CMD+A keyboard shortcuts for FileZilla's Site Manager (Mac version)

comment:2 by Carmine Pizza, 9 years ago

Thanks OMA2k,
I believe this is very very important for mac users.
I love Filezilla, and I hope that this bug is fixed soon


comment:3 by Tim Kosse, 9 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by Octavio, 2 years ago

For some time, in the latest years, this issue was fixed (Cmd+C and Cmd+A worked as Copy and Select All, like in ANY other program), but in the latest version of FileZilla, there has been a regression somehow, and again, Cmd+C creates a new folder, throwing you OUT of the FTP details you were trying to edit, and Cmd+A outright CLOSES the window when just trying to select the text in a field.

You fixed this and then you botch it up again in the new versions. Why is that?!

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