Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#5510 closed Bug report (duplicate)

Drag'n'drop does not work in 3.3.4-rc1

Reported by: Sibin Owned by:
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: drag, drop, explorer, panel Cc: digitaltoast@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Win7 x64


In 3.3.4-rc1 drag-and-drop function fron Windows Explorer does not work. From explorer panel inside the Filezilla itself it does not work either. The only way to transfer a file is double click - only this works which is very inconvenient

Change History (4)

comment:2 by digitaltoast, 15 years ago

Cc: digitaltoast@… added

I can also confirm this here - most annoying.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.3.4-rc1

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc
Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Build date: 2010-08-02
Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2)
Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11
GnuTLS: 2.8.3

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7600)
Version: 6.1
Platform: 64 bit system

comment:3 by digitaltoast, 15 years ago

I just realised there's a nightly builds option - works fine now with the following version

Version: 3.3.4-rc1-nightly

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc
Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Build date: 2010-08-06
Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2)
Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11
GnuTLS: 2.8.3

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7600)
Version: 6.1
Platform: 64 bit system

comment:4 by lucato, 15 years ago

Priority: normalhigh
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

I just had an automatic upgrade to 3.3.4-rc1 and the Drag&Drog stopped working. It is a must having feature working. ;0)

The message that appears after releasing into FZ is:

"Can't open file 'X:/mypath/myfile.ext' (error 2: The system can't find the specif file)"

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