Custom Query (236 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Component Resolution
#5067 Already Connected dialog should include option to set choice as default closed high FileZilla Client fixed
#5705 automatically upload files when i save a file that is been edited closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#7311 Office Chairs - How to Repair an Office Chair jinky maputi closed high FileZilla Server invalid
#7922 Default for the Already Connected dialog closed high FileZilla Client duplicate
#8093 Increase number of retries (it's only 3) at FZS when using PASV and Port range closed high FileZilla Server fixed
#8584 Basque Translation closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#8612 Iconia pc tablet dengan windows 8 mr. hans closed high Other fixed
#8724 PASV: Use the server's external IP address instead NOT work closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#9203 Keyboard shortcuts new high FileZilla Client
#9997 FileZilla 3.10.0 build failure due to missing #include <errno.h> closed high FileZilla Client fixed
#10213 FileZilla 3.10.1 build failure due to missing #include <errno.h> closed high FileZilla Client duplicate
#11134 Disable support for weak ciphers when using TLS 1.2 closed high FileZilla Server rejected
#11501 FILEZILLA sent "CLNT FileZilla" command to FTP serveurs when Generic proxy is used which breaks connections closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#11699 Need to disable TLs 1.0 support on FTPS Server closed high FileZilla Server outdated
#12307 [Patch] Auto-update proposal reopened high FileZilla Client
#12648 [PATCH]Windows Long PATH support new high FileZilla Client
#1443 standard anonymous password Tim Kosse closed normal Other
#1444 Custom PASV settings for the server Tim Kosse closed normal Other
#1445 Simplified Chinese Translation Tim Kosse closed normal Other
#1446 FileZilla Server: show drives at rootlevel Tim Kosse closed normal Other
#1447 Fixes for the German resource file closed normal Other
#1448 Fix _UNICODE compilation of current cvs (& 2.2.1b) closed normal Other
#1449 Longer Welcome Message, Welcome Message Hidden Tim Kosse closed normal Other
#1450 Decrease the size of instaler closed normal Other
#1451 allow passive mode range to be one port only closed normal Other
#1452 filezilla server solution uses absolute paths closed normal Other
#1453 filezilla server with windows xp styles (using manifest) closed normal Other
#1454 filezilla server memory/speed optimization closed normal Other
#1455 (fsi) connected users details closed normal Other
#1456 (fs) aliases not working closed normal Other
#1457 (fzs+fzsi) gui enhancement Tim Kosse closed normal Other
#1458 FZS: Make the installer use previous directory closed normal Other
#1459 Fix for multihomed servers w/active FTP closed normal Other
#1460 Fix for certain FTP clients sending PORT commands closed normal Other
#1461 Patch for local folder auto-refresh closed normal Other
#1462 fixed some sftp buffer overflow in unicode mode closed normal Other
#1463 let FzSFtp.exe work in unicode build closed normal Other
#1464 add an option to force to use UTF-8 for remote site closed normal Other
#1465 show unicode string in status window (CRichEditCtrl) closed normal Other
#1466 force UTF8 won't reload while use reconnect closed normal Other
#1467 Allow use force UTF8 option for sftp mode closed normal Other
#1468 Splitter position not save correct closed normal Other
#1469 Fix VS.NET 2003 compilation warnings (cvs) closed normal Other
#1470 [ 1106937 ] Typo in uninstall dialog closed normal Other
#1471 [ 1167290 ] HELP FILE typo alert closed normal Other
#1472 Spelling error in German version closed normal Other
#1473 Improve commandline hints closed normal Other
#1474 Optimization for type parsing closed normal Other
#1475 New cmdline args so it doesn't hang closed normal Other
#1476 corected typos closed normal Other
#1477 corected typos 2 closed normal Other
#1478 typofix closed normal Other
#1479 FileZilla server CWD can't change drive closed normal Other
#1480 Specify default anonymous password closed normal Other
#1482 Toggle MODE Z in FEAT response closed normal FileZilla Server
#1483 wildcards in command line closed normal FileZilla Client
#1484 Turkish Language File closed normal Other
#1485 German translation (seite!=site, seite=page) closed normal FileZilla Client
#1486 Pre-allocate diskspace to minimize fragmentation closed normal FileZilla Client
#1487 Round filesizes up (like Explorer) closed normal FileZilla Client
#1488 Fixes Wrong Date Bug closed normal Other
#1489 Slovenian Update for Filezilla3 closed normal FileZilla Client
#1490 Turkish Update closed normal FileZilla Client
#1491 Updated Slovenian translation (sl) closed normal FileZilla Client
#1492 Updated Slovenian translation (sl) closed normal FileZilla Client
#1493 lost UTF8 after close connection closed normal FileZilla Client
#1494 Patchs for adding Desktop folders... closed normal Other
#1495 problem with desktop location changed by user closed normal FileZilla Client
#1496 full-row-select in listview closed normal Other
#1497 Arraysort in DirTreeCtrl closed normal FileZilla Client
#1498 transfer queue didn't save server's UTF8 value closed normal FileZilla Client
#1499 FileZilla didn't remember maximized status at beginning closed normal FileZilla Client
#1500 sometimes, FZ don't ask for overwrite, just resume it closed normal FileZilla Client
#1501 Transfer file with folder in GeeXbox's bftpd closed normal FileZilla Client
#1502 Add an option to hide local hidden files Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client
#1503 Implement friendly byte counts closed normal FileZilla Server
#1504 Add two more commandline arguments to FAQ doc Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client
#1505 Fix outgoing port on data connections in active mode closed normal FileZilla Server
#1506 UTF-8 patch for FileZilla3's sftp mode closed normal FileZilla Client
#1507 fix FZ3 sftp upload/download directory closed normal FileZilla Client
#1508 let FZ3 create empty directory also closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1509 Nepali Translation closed normal FileZilla Client
#1510 Updated Nepali Translation closed normal Other
#1511 "Users" table in "Users" window correction. closed normal FileZilla Server
#1512 IDR_MAINFRAME accelerator remove. closed normal Other
#1513 "Users" table in "Users" window, version 1 closed normal Other
#1514 FZ2 VS2005 compile fix closed normal FileZilla Client
#1515 Fix serverpath autodetect closed normal FileZilla Client
#1516 New icons closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#1517 Stratus VOS listing support Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client
#1518 remember UI position for FZ3rc1 closed normal FileZilla Client
#1519 keepalive for FZ3rc1 Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client
#1522 Fench translation - Fz 3.0 closed normal FileZilla Client
#1523 fr_FR.po update for FileZilla-3.0.0 closed normal FileZilla Client
#1524 show server information in window title closed normal FileZilla Client
#1525 configure assumes that wxrc is named wxrc closed normal FileZilla Client
#1526 GetPathEllipsis() closed normal FileZilla Client
#1527 Pointer comparison using < and > is gcc-specific closed normal FileZilla Client
#1528 Bypass proxy settings feature Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client
#1529 New FTP Sub-Category in the "Connection" Dialog closed normal FileZilla Client
#1530 Handling DEL key in queue window closed normal FileZilla Client
#1531 Added file exist actions Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client
#1532 socket.cpp and win2000 compatibility problem closed normal FileZilla Client
#1982 status bar: add Total Transfer Speed closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2161 Support other FTPS PROT command options closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#2467 FileZilla Server Setting or Detection closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#2978 Add option to sort files with natural/numerical order algorithm + select collation closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#3905 New mk_MK.po file closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4072 FTP not performed after latest patch closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4206 FileZilla may submit wrong password for a anonymous account Nico closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4265 Make big digits format more user friendly. closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4292 command line: local directory Barry Ralphs closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4489 Compile problems with >=gnutls-2.7.0 Tim Kosse closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4822 Silk Theme closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5009 Patch for feature request #4993 closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5019 Fix precompiled header support for TinyXml closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5021 Remove small parts of useless code closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5022 Fix a compiler warning in UsersListCtrl.cpp closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5023 Fix issues reported by code analyzer closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5025 Also fix Debug / Memcheck targets for server project closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5026 Simplify code a little bit closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5030 Minor settings dialog fixes closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5038 Minor clean-ups in CServerThread::AddNewSocket() closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5063 [PATCH] FileZilla not waiting for server reply before upload (starts too early) closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5071 time/datestamp showing 00 for seconds on all files closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5091 command-line option for connecting to multiple servers at statup closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5189 Speedlimit patch closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5262 (option to) show site manager at startup Edward W closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5397 typo fixes in fr.po language file closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5493 Problem while copying from Unixfolders to Windows with casesensitive filenames. new normal FileZilla Client
#5496 Bug - Ticket #5054 Quick fix patch closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5499 FileZilla Server 0.9.36 - Fix spelling errors in Options - Miscellaneous dialog window closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5686 improved SFTP upload performance patch closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7188 SFTP lacks compression closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7203 automatically trimming file name for downloading hamza closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7271 patch for filezilla 3.4.0 win64 build closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7303 Incorrect rights in file permissions dialog Lucio Crusca closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7461 Vietnamese translation fix closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#7668 Copy files/folders on the same remote connection closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#7742 FTPES handshake fails with GnuTLS 3 closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7795 wrong server save for files in queue.sqlite3 closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7808 gnutls_transport_set_lowat has been removed from >gnutls-3 closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7831 Strip VMS revisions option doesn't work. Here is a fix closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7938 Feature request: url capture joel.elias.333 closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7991 Local file select tool closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8011 Patch for simple on/off queue scheduler (feature request #1665) Scott Bragg assigned normal FileZilla Client
#8039 Ability to edit files from Remote File Search list Bruno Ramos closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8048 Support SOCKS 4 closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8094 Preallocate space Underground78 closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8118 Typo in filezilla.xml closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8141 bag - Hebrew is shown reverse closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8173 Password Encryption // Master Password Theo D. moreinfo normal FileZilla Client
#8176 Patch: New file exist action, "owerwrite if newer else resume if sizes differ" closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8179 Multiple "--site" command line parameters rajesh closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8185 Add the ability to save and restore opened tabs Rahul Nanwani closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8188 filezilla-3.5.3 invalid conversion error during compilation closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8190 Event queue processing modification to improve filezilla client resposibility closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8208 Quickconnect bar remains same for every tab rajesh closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8209 Deleting of a file in a local directory is not reflected in all tabs Shashank Sharma closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8214 Multiple files select problem (Number of Files information) Shashank Sharma closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8272 FileZilla wxWidgets 2.9 support closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8280 remove ssize_t define in tlssocket.h closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8294 Allow downloading of files with are open for writing by another process => move it at user level closed normal FileZilla Server outdated
#8344 Focus the last directory when navigating to it's parent closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8360 Testcases fails to build closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8406 When a new directory created, focus the new directory in listviews new normal FileZilla Client
#8411 Remove clients "local" pane, add vertical directory tree new normal FileZilla Client
#8413 File type association does not work closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8452 add digest support for http proxy closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8852 missing fzputtygen when creating bundle on Mac OS X closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8866 dirparsertest fails closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8969 Patch for #2978 closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#8976 generic proxy per site closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#9048 [PATCH] Directory listing fails for dates in October and server locale=PL closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9105 New translation for Corsican language closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9205 Context menu opens on unexpected item in LocalTreeView/RemoteTreeView (where you can accidentally delete wrong directory) closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#9269 add #include <pthread.h> to wxdbusconnection.cpp closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9401 Get file icons on linux new normal FileZilla Client
#9402 Support customizable sort mode closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9403 Retina support closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9438 invalid GnuTLS ciphers string for GnuTLS < 2.11.5 closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#9572 Open in 'Download' folder by default closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#9573 One more runtime errors cause by [0] and the likes. closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9578 wxCB_SORT not implemented in wxOSX/Cocoa closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9680 Small bug in russian translate closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9809 Cancel/Disconnect buttons don't stop file/folder transfer Stephen L'Allier moreinfo_accepted normal FileZilla Client
#9932 Flatzilla - flat icon theme closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#9933 Flatzilla - flat icon theme closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10143 buttons in update window not visible using screen resolution 1024 x 600 Stephen L'Allier moreinfo_accepted normal FileZilla Client
#10217 src/engine/tlssocket.h needs errno.h closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10266 Implementation of Kerberos/GSSAPI support (RFC 2228) new normal FileZilla Client
#10284 Fix build with updatecheck disabled closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#10302 Filezilla 3.10.2 fails to build with strict wxwidgets closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10345 Scrolling with drag and drop scrolls too fast, too far Stephen L'Allier moreinfo_accepted normal FileZilla Client
#10656 bookmark category Stephen L'Allier moreinfo_accepted normal FileZilla Client
#10724 desktop entry file: add key MimeType new normal FileZilla Client
#10742 Compile failure on non-Windows platforms due to missing header closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10829 [new feature] Option to copy URL with password closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10842 trust certificate closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#10912 CPFR and CPTO command (copy file on server) closed normal FileZilla Server outdated
#10972 Wrong token-ization on custom ftp proxy string closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#11005 GetUser()/GetPass() in CProxySocket should use fz::to_wstring_from_utf8() closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#11044 Status text is wrong color, unreadable if using a dark theme closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#11057 String conversion functions failure closed normal libfilezilla rejected
#11086 wxDOT deprecation warning closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#11087 portable version for Windows closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11478 [PATCH] Use reverse-DNS style AppStream ID closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#12000 Patch for gcc 10 closed normal libfilezilla fixed
#12172 Actually display all files when selecting a key new normal FileZilla Client
#12229 filezilla.appdata.xml in legacy format closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12231 Spelling of 'administrator' error in src/interface/verifycertdialog.cpp closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12276 'data/filezilla.appdata.xml': launchable 'type' should be 'desktop-id' not 'desktop'. closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12343 Fix datadir lookup on Windows closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12368 program lock when used with the screen reader: NVDA. closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#12371 Add 'Keywords' entry to .desktop file. Fixes lintian warning under Debian new normal FileZilla Client
#12554 Fix building of libfilezilla-0.34.0 on OpenBSD new normal libfilezilla
#12616 Synchronized browsing is not turned on when reconnecting new normal FileZilla Client
#12688 fzsftp could not be started new normal FileZilla Client
#12729 Vulnerabilites on FileZilla Client and 3.7.3 closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#12751 Patches for libfilezilla 0.38.1 new normal libfilezilla
#12752 MinGW-W64 compiler detection using clang and lld fix new normal FileZilla Client
#13031 When creating multiple sites in the Site Manager only last one is saved new normal FileZilla Client
#13042 putty: Fails to compile on GCC 14 (error: passing argument 1 of ‘next_int’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]) reopened normal FileZilla Client
#13146 [PATCH] add 'View temp copy' feature new normal FileZilla Client
#1481 Updated changelog for version history.html closed low FileZilla Client
#1521 Some confirmations closed low FileZilla Client
#1795 Secure mode for FTP proxy password closed low Other fixed
#4430 Patch to bug ticket 4199 closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#6486 speed limits wrong spanish translation closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#7466 Edit filters "Rename" button doesn't save changes Nitin Kumar Gautam closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#8013 Create new empty file on server closed low FileZilla Client duplicate
#8899 Italian translation for one the the File Filter options is wrong closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#9851 Please install the supplied AppData file closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#12399 Trojan. closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#13101 Syntax error on renaming file closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#13103 No message about new folder already existing new low FileZilla Client
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.