Opened 13 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#8039 closed Patch (fixed)

Ability to edit files from Remote File Search list

Reported by: Will Chapman Owned by: Bruno Ramos
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: nbquidditch@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: 3.5


I find the remote file search very useful but also restricting. For example, I often search for error logs and having several subdomains I end up with a long list.

Invariably I want to open a file to see, and often edit its contents but I can't do so without waiting for the search to finish (or stopping the search).

Could I suggest one or more of the following in order of preference:

  1. To be able to click on a file in the list and read/edit it.
  2. For the search results form not to be a fixed dialog so that one can perform other functions whilst it is running (for example open and edit a file from the main FZ screens).
  3. Export a copy of the search results so that they can easily be referred to outside FZ (say in notebook)

Attachments (1)

edit-from-remote-search-window.patch (6.2 KB ) - added by Bruno Ramos 11 years ago.
[Patch] Add View/Edit from the remote search window

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

comment:1 by gourav, 13 years ago

Operating system version: 3.5
Owner: set to gourav
Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by Bruno Ramos, 11 years ago

Owner: changed from gourav to Bruno Ramos
Status: acceptedassigned

comment:3 by Bruno Ramos, 11 years ago

Currently working on point 1 requested here.

by Bruno Ramos, 11 years ago

[Patch] Add View/Edit from the remote search window

comment:4 by Bruno Ramos, 11 years ago

First version for of the patch to add the View/Edit option from the remote search window.

This should be fully functional.
Code taken and adapted from the already existing View/Edit functionality.
Tested under Debian GNU/Linux.

Even if with this we will have a bit of duplicated code, I think it would be better to accept a small patch to add the functionality. And later on refactor the code to make sure we will be able to reuse code and not duplicate it in these situations.

comment:5 by Tim Kosse, 11 years ago

Type: Feature requestPatch

comment:6 by Tim Kosse, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Thanks, patch applied.

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