Custom Query (314 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Component Resolution
#7179 File Zila password closed critical FileZilla Client invalid
#7208 Regarding FTP Connectoin new critical FileZilla Client
#8250 Can't create thread (error 8: Not enough storage is available to process this command) new critical FileZilla Client
#10432 Cannot connect to FTP closed critical FileZilla Client invalid
#11143 Security Concern new critical Other
#11804 Could not connect to server closed critical FileZilla Client fixed
#11806 Forgot my hosting address closed critical FileZilla Client rejected
#11843 he perdido mi contraseña new critical FileZilla Client
#11889 installers contain adware new critical FileZilla Client
#11967 I want to unsuscribe from filezilla Pro closed critical FileZilla Client fixed
#12463 File zile losing the setings new critical FileZilla Server
#12589 Connection server issues new critical FileZilla Server
#13000 old file zilla to new file zilla upgrade issue new critical FileZilla Server
#13013 I changed my laptop please move to my new laptop - Order Number: 138036213 new critical FileZilla Client
#12308 File Zilla Pro Download closed blocker FileZilla Client invalid
#12910 Cannot connect to Filezilla server closed blocker FileZilla Client rejected
#13141 registration limit exceded new blocker FileZilla Client
#4425 FTP connections stop working; Error, could not connect to server closed high FileZilla Server outdated
#4607 Filezilla to Windows closed high FileZilla Client worksforme
#4719 Fails to Connect through proxy new high FileZilla Client
#5354 FileZila server closed high FileZilla Server invalid
#5525 Can not connect to server closed high FileZilla Client invalid
#5578 Problem uploading large files with .tif extensions closed high FileZilla Server outdated
#5644 unable to connect ftp closed high FileZilla Client invalid
#5703 Filezilla server Disconnected continously. closed high FileZilla Server invalid
#7276 I think there's a bug closed high Other invalid
#7376 425 Can't open data connection closed high FileZilla Server outdated
#7447 O.k., I'm lost closed high FileZilla Server fixed
#7738 Accidentally dellated the public html file Katherine closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#7844 Form page not showing closed high Unknown invalid
#7919 cannot log into to ftp to retreiive files - please help closed high FileZilla Client outdated
#7992 KM closed high FileZilla Server invalid
#8103 Password closed high FileZilla Server invalid
#8132 Please ban spamming user! closed high Other fixed
#8133 Obtaining FileZilla User Account Passwords closed high FileZilla Server invalid
#8241 FTP problem closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#8699 530 Login authentication failed closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#8748 does not connect to server closed high FileZilla Client outdated
#8758 Error on overwrite an existing file closed high FileZilla Client invalid
#8901 can not login to FileZilla closed high Other rejected
#9033 Not able to download closed high FileZilla Client fixed
#9323 Connection Problems closed high FileZilla Server outdated
#9325 RESET PASSWORD closed high FileZilla Server rejected
#9767 Unable to upload file closed high FileZilla Client outdated
#10315 The number order of files in a folder closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#10327 Server Connection-Reg closed high FileZilla Client invalid
#10366 Filezilla 3.10.3 Recover passwords closed high FileZilla Client invalid
#10674 Cannot undo an incorrect server ID closed high FileZilla Server worksforme
#10675 So My name is Arthur and I accedentally changed the word press url, cause I was alittle spooked that the both my site url and my wordpress url, so I had validating in WC3 validator ArthurRLee closed high Other rejected
#10860 we can't able access out ftp client account closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#11077 Usrnamer and Password closed high FileZilla Client invalid
#11287 Filezilla Version Still Being Supported? Rob Gutierrez (me) closed high Unknown rejected
#11311 Error to connecting site entries closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#11315 Cannot delete on server side? closed high FileZilla Client worksforme
#11470 Virus infection with Filezilla 3.29.0 downloads new high FileZilla Client
#11656 my antivirus found this spyware in your bundle closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#11880 password reset new high FileZilla Client
#11887 Incorrect Password new high FileZilla Client
#11911 Forgotten Pass Word new high FileZilla Client
#12086 Why am I banned from new high Other
#12320 Filezilla Login problem new high FileZilla Server
#12401 421 Could not create socket error closed high FileZilla Server worksforme
#12462 Lost Password new high FileZilla Server
#12477 Where FileZilla downloads a file opened for editing? new high FileZilla Client
#12536 login authentication closed high FileZilla Client worksforme
#12597 Invoice required new high Other
#12613 Connection error/ forgot password closed high FileZilla Client rejected
#12714 Interpretation problem and commands closed high FileZilla Client duplicate
#12825 Repeated images/files with various sizes new high FileZilla Client
#12836 FileZilla and Inhouse s3 closed high FileZilla Client worksforme
#12838 Reset all FileZilla Installations new high FileZilla Client
#12916 Refund For Product new high FileZilla Client
#12965 Error opslaan wachtrij closed high Other worksforme
#12970 Server and File Zilla Upgrade closed high FileZilla Server rejected
#13004 Can no longer transfer files successfully moreinfo high FileZilla Client
#13010 Data Transfer Between Dropbox , AWS & Google Drive new high Other
#13067 FileZilla not connecting to Quickconnect Server new high FileZilla Server
#13164 SFTP "could not connect to server" when attempting file upload new high FileZilla Client
#13211 Critical Error new high FileZilla Server
#1520 (Repeated) action after queue completion Tim Kosse reopened normal FileZilla Client
#3812 Adding a link onto my site closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4133 Can't Login to File Zilla closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4181 Cannot purge a folder that contains 2014 files anybody closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4437 syntax / parameter / documentation for command line closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4479 Automate backups closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4494 update on ticket #4492 closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4533 prevention of ftp credentials theft by a virus/trojan closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4536 [SOLVED] ECONNABORTED closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4624 Permission Problems closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4718 Dreamweaver SFTP with FIleZilla Server closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4739 Tiny cosmetic bug in the french "File d'attente" section closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4780 530 more info : Carlo Galli closed normal FileZilla Server invalid
#4896 Please remove ticket closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5243 Cannot Delete Folders closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5372 Public access to download files unrestricted closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5374 Uniinstall Filezilla closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5463 system disconnects when uploading large file at slow speed closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5628 Problem concerning the connection to the server closed normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#6191 Using WinRAR? Forget FlieZilla, try FireFTP instead (Firefox only). Faraz Choudhry closed normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#7229 refund closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7273 Help! Can't connect to server at, created domain 4/6/11 Steve Papler closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7293 Error trying to connect to server closed normal Unknown rejected
#7305 Remove corrupted file from FTP folder closed normal FileZilla Server outdated
#7329 Client upgrade/installation problem closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#7370 Can't install filezilla with traditional chinese icons and panel in windows 7 closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7380 ASSISTANCE WITH AUTOMATION OF DOWNLOAD closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7382 spam closed normal Other rejected
#7400 Lost password Do not touch closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#7401 Failed to retrive directory listing Eric closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#7773 GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function. closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#7777 filezilla.xml Corrupt new normal FileZilla Client
#7779 Blinking butttons on bottom right corner of FZ Client new normal FileZilla Client
#7855 Cannot Connect to Server closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7898 Unable to register with forum closed normal Other outdated
#7962 spam closed normal Other rejected
#8009 Problem While Connecting to SFTP Server closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8018 Locked out closed normal FileZilla Server invalid
#8065 Hostname closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8151 Cannot log onto FileZilla closed normal Other fixed
#8181 Cannot login closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8212 FileZilla.exe command line error closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#8226 FTP File Corrupted closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8244 Binary instead of ASCII closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8247 filezilla limit for concurrent downloads closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8261 Connection error closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8299 Can not open closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#8315 Lumalight Footage closed normal FileZilla Server outdated
#8320 Is there any way to import users from Bullet Proof FTP Server to FileZilla FTP Server? new normal FileZilla Server
#8415 Connected, waiting for authentication closed normal FileZilla Server outdated
#8629 Fileshosts - Free Download Files Free closed normal Other fixed
#8723 new ticket closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#8870 Won't install closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8871 Won't install closed normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#8989 Spam closed normal Other fixed
#9000 530 error cannot log in closed normal Other rejected
#9122 Filezilla's download button links to installer closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#9148 settings permission for uploading on filezilla server closed normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#9298 Password dosen't work to connect closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#9374 no connection to directory closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#9384 Can't connect to the server closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#9386 Server log in problem closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#9387 upload problem from pc to server closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#9538 How to reset password closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9563 Multi-User Citrix environment does not allow multiple users to use FileZilla new normal FileZilla Client
#9571 SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224) closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#9679 filezilla client closed normal FileZilla Server fixed
#9726 Site manager settings location closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#9747 FileZilla's page on SourceForge serving viruses/malware closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#9857 Configuration Test Wizard Failed, new normal FileZilla Client
#9959 file zila serever closed normal FileZilla Server invalid
#9980 Transferring files to subfolders closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10030 Error with latest V closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#10184 filezilla closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#10196 I lost the address to quick connect closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#10326 Server Connection-Reg closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#10337 Error 552 Disk Full closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#10357 New Release just updated 3.10.3 closed normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#10358 New Release just updated 3.10.3 closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#10372 FileZilla Service is always down in period closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#10387 Unable to view excel file in FileZilla client closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#10409 upload closed normal FileZilla Server invalid
#10440 Error The data connection could not be established: ENETUNREACH closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#10512 locked out of ftp closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#10515 wats the issue closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#10567 Forgotten Filezilla Password closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#10604 Can't connect to server closed normal Unknown rejected
#10654 Ik wil een Database van MySQL closed normal Other invalid
#10662 East Staffordshire Borough Council - Application Compatibility closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#10681 The data connection could not be established: WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL - Cannot assign requested address closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#10767 Help Software closed normal Other worksforme
#10805 Never Check for Updates not working (solution) closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#10819 Filezilla update server uses untrusted certificate closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#10836 Error message - The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection. closed normal Other duplicate
#10873 Failed to parse returned path/retrieve directory listing closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10913 Error loading XML file closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#10946 I need Help closed normal Other rejected
#10991 Error 503 closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#10996 unable to login from outside the network. Kinetix solutions Pvt Ltd closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#11006 EConnRefused error (unable to find a solution on any threads) moreinfo_reopened normal FileZilla Client
#11008 Podcast won't delete from FileZilla closed normal FileZilla Client outdated
#11012 make download link on your site for XP users to 3.8.0 closed normal Other rejected
#11158 How to translate strings for filezilla.desktop file closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#11170 Setting up Limited accounts closed normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#11182 More details, please ! new normal FileZilla Client
#11194 lost password closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11220 installer 3.25.1 infected with virus closed normal Other rejected
#11245 NO PERMISSION TO CREATE FILES < Jacquelin Laborde> closed normal Other rejected
#11302 I can't login to my account closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11325 Critical file transfer error reopened normal FileZilla Client
#11370 Unable to download more than 2 GB files using filezilla client closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#11393 Some files are missing when I transfer file over a server. new normal FileZilla Client
#11396 Too big icon in Dock (Mac OS) new normal FileZilla Client
#11408 Listing AS400 File Members closed normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#11412 "552 Disk full - please upload later" when transferring files. closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11419 Constant message to update closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#11464 Requeue Failed Transfers via Shortcut Keys new normal FileZilla Client
#11511 Digital Ocean S3 closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#11523 Changing My Password closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11532 An intrusive warning about invalidity SSL closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11533 Forgot FileZilla password closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#11550 How can TLSv1 be disabled in 3.31.0 closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#11633 Cannot update files closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#11652 (000116)6/27/2018 14:24:27 PM - ftp (> 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/" new normal FileZilla Server
#11653 Cant connect to the server closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#11683 File upload said success but not showing up at my website new normal FileZilla Client
#11690 Cannot get priority range for scheduling policy 0. closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11748 Periodic ETIMEDOUT, 425 response and Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing moreinfo normal FileZilla Client
#11829 PROBLEME DE CONNECTION closed normal Other invalid
#11884 Sometimes the uploading speed is obviously low (1000 Mbps LAN) new normal FileZilla Client
#11897 Please tag 3.41.X releases in the FileZilla client SVN repository closed normal Other rejected
#11950 552 Disk Full closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#11961 FTP over TLS new normal FileZilla Client
#12009 Can't connect new normal FileZilla Server
#12118 Minimum requirements jumped 2 os's up closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12140 LOGIC BUG IN SYCRO NAVIGATION new normal FileZilla Client
#12211 no access to my ftp sites with Vodafon new normal FileZilla Client
#12240 Index of/public_html/ new normal FileZilla Server
#12255 Home Security Products new normal Other
#12282 Mejora posible. closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#12294 Wrong example shown for time formatting closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12324 What is my host? new normal FileZilla Client
#12335 Vers 3.51.0 Client update, now website has 404 errors new normal FileZilla Client
#12340 Cannot Login Anymore closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#12372 PUA detected in Windows installer V3.52.2 closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#12403 FileZilla server times out - no connection new normal FileZilla Server
#12407 no se puede subir con filezilla closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#12410 NOt able to login closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#12495 Previous File Access new normal Other
#12507 Connection Error new normal FileZilla Client
#12515 Cannot activate Filezilla Pro closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#12567 nsis_appid - License? closed normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12614 Error:ECONNABORTED moreinfo normal Unknown
#12622 Envato Market Place don't show apparently successfully transferred files. closed normal FileZilla Client rejected
#12652 Accessibility problems with administration interface GUI Fabio Alemagna accepted normal FileZilla Server
#12713 SSH Connection and Certificates closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#12716 could not connect to server closed normal FileZilla Server rejected
#12728 we forgot our password for in filezilla closed normal FileZilla Client invalid
#12797 Implicit Encryption new normal FileZilla Client
#12859 New Version Could Not Be Downloaded closed normal Other worksforme
#12885 Worong portuguese translation new normal FileZilla Client
#12912 Lacking "key file" description in the UI new normal FileZilla Client
#12936 Very slow local site over samba share new normal FileZilla Client
#12953 local directory and files not displaying in left pane closed normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#12978 SFTP Mac App Store unable to use ssh-agent new normal FileZilla Client
#13007 Connection Banner new normal FileZilla Server
#13016 filezilla Pro subscription new normal FileZilla Client
#13026 Clarification of drag and drop support. closed normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#13041 Please consider a WASM build of the project closed normal libfilezilla invalid
#13053 Fout bij het laden van xml new normal FileZilla Client
#13058 Silent install parameters for settings customizations - FileZilla Server new normal FileZilla Server
#13075 I cannot make connection to the server new normal FileZilla Server
#13086 Access while using Zscaler closed normal Other rejected
#13198 Mail-Adresse der Lizensierung ändern new normal FileZilla Client
#6 Ciekawostki ze świata Tim Kosse closed low Other
#3740 Critical error when uploading files closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#3806 The label on the pirority of the transfert is in the wrong gender closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#3972 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION GUIDELINES closed low FileZilla Server invalid
#4363 When importing Site Managing entries from 3.2.3 (XP) to (Vista) duplicate entires are created. closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#4396 import of sites from an un-exported previous installation of filezilla closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#4516 Lost username closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#5050 Filezilla abandones files with zero length after trying to upload closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#5336 Critical Error - Could not connect to server closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#5369 favicon not showing on webpage closed low FileZilla Server fixed
#5375 SetAsyncRequestReply called to wrong time Tim Kosse closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#5386 problem in loading files closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#7331 Spam closed low Other rejected
#7459 Using Filezilla Server Admin tool as FZ Client doesn't work. closed low FileZilla Server invalid
#7817 Spam closed low Unknown rejected
#7933 website closed low FileZilla Server rejected
#7967 doit closed low Other invalid
#8014 Factors make you eligible to say for bankruptcy closed low Other invalid
#8037 June Incident closed low Other invalid
#8062 Would you truly fancy the concept of getting a Coach Handbag? closed low Other rejected
#8077 Lollipop Tollo closed low Other rejected
#8079 Monster favorites closed low Other rejected
#8080 Shy girl for gentlemen closed low Other rejected
#8084 Team fortres 2 Klocuh 12 closed low Other rejected
#8089 Team fortress 2 hacki cheaty czity closed low Other rejected
#8095 Team fortress 2 cheaty closed low Other rejected
#8096 Team fortress 2 cheaty closed low Other rejected
#8119 Phlebotomy training resources closed low Other rejected
#8126 What exactly is Netsky closed low Other invalid
#8426 Lost my site manager details.... closed low FileZilla Client outdated
#8509 "route -f" from command-line kill localhost and admin console can't connect after that closed low FileZilla Server invalid
#9343 Cannot transfer files closed low FileZilla Server outdated
#9537 Broken file upload closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#9734 EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.ControlChannelIOException closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#9961 Phpbb3 connect closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#9991 Cursor should start in "Host" box closed low FileZilla Client fixed
#10022 DNS Film FIles closed low FileZilla Client invalid
#10115 Sourceforge installer is 100% malware! closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#10127 I cannot update since Version: closed low FileZilla Client worksforme
#10513 MacKeeper installation closed low FileZilla Client duplicate
#10524 "insecure server it does not support ftp over tls" closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#10543 Too many logged in users closed low Other rejected
#10568 Getting the host closed low Unknown rejected
#10621 Use special character in file name closed low FileZilla Server worksforme
#10809 famous repeat uploads closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#10870 Unable to login - till last week it was working fine closed low FileZilla Client worksforme
#10880 Add trac URL to Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in POT file new low FileZilla Client
#11190 TRANSFER FILE ELAPSE ISSUE PABLO moreinfo low FileZilla Client
#11261 default screen selection after use on Dual screen system new low FileZilla Client
#11410 Version 3.28.0 fails on Ubuntu 16.04 with closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#11485 Appears to be variance in Filezilla allocating the correct download bandwidth especially when downloading multiple files closed low FileZilla Client worksforme
#11810 ticket system "local naming policy" message new low Other
#12098 dll file transfer closed low FileZilla Client worksforme
#12197 Error closed low FileZilla Server invalid
#12233 Malwarebytes 4.1.0 detection closed low FileZilla Client rejected
#12330 Typo on FileZilla home page new low Other
#12457 Server connection issue moreinfo low FileZilla Client
#12501 License violation closed low Other rejected
#12655 FileZilla fault moreinfo low FileZilla Client
#12895 purchase of Filezilla enterprise version closed low FileZilla Server invalid
#12906 Cannot connect to Filezilla server closed low FileZilla Client outdated
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.