Custom Query (1267 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 1267)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#8336 Quick Connect issue normal rejected 12 years 11 years
#1684 Cancel Active Transfer normal 22 years 11 years
#2018 upload/download buttons with arrows normal 20 years 11 years
#8955 possible performance improvements normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#8956 possible performance improvements normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#5193 queue delayed and triggered at programmed time normal duplicate 14 years 11 years
#8196 Deferred transfers normal duplicate 12 years 11 years
#4746 Remember Comparison and Synchronised settings on reconnect. normal duplicate 15 years 11 years
#8890 Sound when connecting and when download finished filezilla normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#7449 Alarm sound when finished transferring the queue normal duplicate 13 years 11 years
#5014 Sound after transfer and another minor - but important - wish normal duplicate 15 years 11 years
#8793 transfer feature normal outdated 11 years 11 years
#5061 compress and split file with a configure length normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#5157 auto-upload modified files settings normal duplicate 14 years 11 years
#8830 Per-site bandwidth limitation settings or override low duplicate 11 years 11 years
#8814 Support for Microsoft Firewall "TMG" (was ISA Server before) normal wontfix 11 years 11 years
#8806 Feature Request: File Name Search normal worksforme 11 years 11 years
#2967 Add Server type as400 / Iseries normal duplicate 16 years 11 years
#5613 Copy from FTP to another FTP - directly normal duplicate 14 years 11 years
#2411 upload-only ftp sites normal duplicate 18 years 11 years
#4982 Make new version updates more like Firefox new version updates normal duplicate 15 years 11 years
#4993 Local default Directory for all Servers Xishi Pan normal fixed 15 years 11 years
#5213 Can be cut if file> 56MB.? normal outdated 14 years 11 years
#2223 Execute custom FTP-commands on connect normal 19 years 11 years
#3953 Add a save current local/remote path button normal duplicate 16 years 11 years
#2125 Remember remote site paths per site normal worksforme 20 years 11 years
#2078 Can't change to folder with no list rights normal worksforme 20 years 11 years
#3969 One click to open folders normal worksforme 16 years 11 years
#4524 Full support for INC (Shortcut) files normal outdated 15 years 11 years
#8711 Automatic Login normal worksforme 11 years 11 years
#4037 Open Sitemanager each time FileZilla starts normal fixed 16 years 11 years
#7292 "Create file" option in addition to "Create directory" option normal duplicate 13 years 11 years
#5223 File list alphabetical sort order differs from windows explorer normal duplicate 14 years 11 years
#4824 differentiate symlinks normal worksforme 15 years 11 years
#7357 Request client-side ASCII conversion for SFTP high duplicate 13 years 11 years
#8387 Windows 7/8 jumplist entries for saved sites (site manager) normal duplicate 12 years 11 years
#8127 GnuTLS out of date. Upgrade it please to 2.12.20 or better yet to 3.0.20 normal fixed 12 years 11 years
#8678 Updates behind http proxy sever low duplicate 11 years 11 years
#8693 Move ~/.filezilla to a proper place (~/.config, ~/.local ...) normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#2017 Legacy FS Support low outdated 20 years 11 years
#8688 Command line argument to set local folder on startup normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#4846 enable prioritizing of edited files normal fixed 15 years 11 years
#4438 Fill 'File Permissions' dialog with current file permissions normal worksforme 15 years 11 years
#8475 Option to turn off Floppy support normal rejected 11 years 11 years
#8674 Slow loading times for disconnected network drives on Windows normal wontfix 11 years 11 years
#2573 Filezilla - Local Site to follow windows shortcuts correctly normal duplicate 18 years 11 years
#4315 Lack of Network Drives normal outdated 15 years 11 years
#8327 Copy file link as http normal duplicate 12 years 11 years
#7796 Automatic upload when a previously opened file has been changed normal duplicate 13 years 11 years
#5303 Automatic upload after edit high rejected 14 years 11 years
#8615 Retina display issue normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#8611 Automatically upload on file save. normal duplicate 11 years 11 years
#8623 difficulty on release resolved normal fixed 11 years 11 years
#6504 add native 64bit for windows low duplicate 14 years 11 years
#8520 remove a directory normal invalid 11 years 11 years
#8523 Correct the IP replied in passive mode (227 Entering Passive Mode) normal rejected 11 years 11 years
#7961 Automatic parse clipboard during pasting to Quickconnect bar normal duplicate 12 years 11 years
#8416 DOUBLE CLICK FUNCTION Ralph Graham normal invalid 12 years 11 years
#5405 Disable moving of non-empty Folders high duplicate 14 years 12 years
#8372 Hide Local Files/Folders By RegEx Pattern in Filezilla Client normal rejected 12 years 12 years
#8364 clicking on a letter on the keyboard moves to the first folder matching the name starting with that letter normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#5643 "Check For Updates" Does Not Work When There Is A HTTP Proxy low duplicate 14 years 12 years
#8317 Needs a New Visual Erick low invalid 12 years 12 years
#3862 Program loading speed normal outdated 16 years 12 years
#2916 icon themes support normal fixed 16 years 12 years
#8259 Inclusion of Oxygen. normal rejected 12 years 12 years
#5259 Per-Server speed limit inputting normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#2669 Tango Icons for Filezilla 3 normal 17 years 12 years
#5571 On the server, can View and Edit be separate actions? normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5362 "Really delete 1 file?" Darren Young normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5601 Search Feature normal fixed 14 years 12 years
#8227 File Sync normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7771 Downloading a locked file into a local folder overwriting an existing one, it destroy the local file Nitin Kumar Gautam low wontfix 13 years 12 years
#5253 "Create new file" option normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#4918 New file normal duplicate 15 years 12 years
#5320 in find dialog: does not contain normal fixed 14 years 12 years
#7800 Automatic directory refresh upon transfer completion Rahul Nanwani normal fixed 13 years 12 years
#5342 Allow 'untar' and 'gunzip' from filezilla client normal rejected 14 years 12 years
#7296 Automatic zip and transfer file normal rejected 13 years 12 years
#8194 Auto upload local changed file normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#2015 Pause queue normal duplicate 20 years 12 years
#8180 stop processing feature request normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7452 no secured password ? Ok, other proposition. high fixed 13 years 12 years
#8155 Feature Request normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#5469 Do not prompt for local edit upload normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5606 Protectes password critical duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5224 Option to display cleartext password in site manager. low duplicate 14 years 12 years
#2334 Preventing local file list from refreshing normal fixed 19 years 12 years
#2675 Filename collation order FZclient 2 and 3-beta low duplicate 17 years 12 years
#2083 Queue sorting normal duplicate 20 years 12 years
#5522 New feature normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5576 configuration of file list sorting algorithm normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#7333 natural order sorting of filelist low duplicate 13 years 12 years
#8100 convert filename to upper or lower case before transfer normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7453 Request cleaner GUI normal outdated 13 years 12 years
#1763 Folders in queue normal duplicate 21 years 12 years
#2087 control channel only tls normal rejected 20 years 12 years
#4444 Pause resume not working during upload of video files to low outdated 15 years 12 years
#4427 FileZilla is unable to allow File send when server deny directory listing normal outdated 15 years 12 years
#4124 Network mapped drivers do not show volume label low outdated 16 years 12 years
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Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.