Custom Query (1267 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1267)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#10801 After action queue completion feature request/return normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10782 Ability To Search Sites in Site Manager normal duplicate 8 years 8 years
#10773 bring back XP support. changes to installer only needed? normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10763 Translateable Windows start menu items normal duplicate 8 years 8 years
#10759 download several files ,right click in the "Queued files" windows, user can't control certain one file to transport or pause low duplicate 8 years 8 years
#10749 Remote system is Toshiba 4690 OS. Have problems deleting files. Slash related? normal fixed 8 years 8 years
#10708 Highlight that applied Filename filters are used normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#8651 Windows 7 Progress display on Taskbar normal duplicate 11 years 9 years
#8234 Separate download and upload queues normal duplicate 12 years 9 years
#2981 Successful Transfers Adition normal duplicate 16 years 9 years
#2914 Option to auto upload & overwrite on external edit critical wontfix 16 years 9 years
#2992 automatically upload file after edit Tim Kosse normal 16 years 9 years
#1753 Monitor local files and upload normal duplicate 21 years 9 years
#10655 Shutdown when downloads end normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#10646 Update on exit low duplicate 9 years 9 years
#10645 Site Manager - Tree View low worksforme 9 years 9 years
#2552 Show status in taskbar? normal duplicate 18 years 9 years
#1649 add customisable systray icon tooltip Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 9 years
#5145 Uploaded/downloaded file count in Transfer Queue low duplicate 15 years 9 years
#10620 Server-to-Server Transfers high duplicate 9 years 9 years
#4708 Windows "Open With..." list in Local low duplicate 15 years 9 years
#4442 Open file with other editor normal duplicate 15 years 9 years
#10476 Auto upload after edit, without prompt high duplicate 9 years 9 years
#8450 FileZilla should parse and follow ~/.ssh/config directives when using SFTP high rejected 12 years 9 years
#10613 Register app path in windows Tim Kosse normal fixed 9 years 9 years
#10596 No Version or build changed shown after update normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#7448 optionally disable drag&drop normal duplicate 13 years 9 years
#10373 need Option for disabling drag & drop normal duplicate 9 years 9 years
#9335 Don't move skipped files to successful transfers list. jakub normal duplicate 10 years 9 years
#10572 Back and Forward Navigation Buttons? normal duplicate 9 years 9 years
#10565 Constantly wrong use of WWW normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#10527 quick connect SFTP option normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#10390 Site Manager Site List low worksforme 9 years 9 years
#10494 Server Connect Failed low rejected 9 years 9 years
#10351 Export xml file does not reveal password normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#8861 Feature to copy http URL normal duplicate 11 years 9 years
#8654 Add "copy http url to clipboard" normal duplicate 11 years 9 years
#1979 Auto Upload Monitor low duplicate 21 years 9 years
#1952 Auto-Update on changed files normal duplicate 21 years 9 years
#5582 auto-upload option for locally edited file high duplicate 14 years 9 years
#2765 automatic transfer of edited files normal 17 years 9 years
#10240 Filezilla + Version Control = Awesome low rejected 9 years 9 years
#5678 Single Instance of Filezilla high duplicate 14 years 9 years
#7159 Diff software integration normal duplicate 14 years 9 years
#10174 Add the ability to do File Diffs from within the FileZilla UI normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#2402 VMS optional inclusion of version number normal worksforme 19 years 10 years
#9967 Drag tabs around normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9958 Automatic shutdown of app or computer when finished transfers. normal worksforme 10 years 10 years
#9943 Dark Theme with Gnome 3.14.2 normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9707 allow removing of individual items from Quick Connect Bar normal wontfix 10 years 10 years
#9860 Request Sync Option normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9863 When connected create a drive letter so you can use it as filesysten normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9846 Hide Local Panel high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9833 Register with OS as ftp, sftp, ftpes handler normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9914 Drag&Drop support for browser uploads normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9626 Filezilla Client does not list directory high outdated 10 years 10 years
#9652 Quick Connect suggestion normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9612 Filezilla for ARM download executeable normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9834 Address bar for FTP/SFTP/FTPES links normal worksforme 10 years 10 years
#9815 Quickconnect brisbane@… normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9794 hidden toolbar on mac os normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9771 Speed limit changes based on the time of day normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#7990 timed bandwidth throttle mechanism (speed limit) normal duplicate 12 years 10 years
#9841 Add option to force "LIST -a" instead of "MLSD" normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#2471 Folder Changing Bruno Ramos normal fixed 18 years 10 years
#9801 Promote 'quick connect' history item to 'site' normal worksforme 10 years 10 years
#7387 Show passwords in Site Manager low duplicate 13 years 10 years
#2464 Select all normal 18 years 10 years
#2420 Mirror folders, Automate, Schedule normal 18 years 10 years
#9041 Please add discrete up/down and back/forward navigation buttons normal duplicate 11 years 10 years
#2355 RFE for SFTP Public/Private Key Setup Documentation normal outdated 19 years 10 years
#2804 SSH Keys Authentication ( without password ) normal fixed 17 years 10 years
#6200 SCP - SFTP Private-key feature high fixed 14 years 10 years
#9763 Automated Shutdown normal worksforme 10 years 10 years
#9736 tab order between fields normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9757 New Feature Request low invalid 10 years 10 years
#9760 Restore highlight of selected file after Filezilla client window loses focus then regains it normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#1745 Map FTP resource as a network drive (and "send to FTP" option in file explorer) Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 10 years
#5607 Site manager should copy default folders when copying site normal fixed 14 years 10 years
#9723 Remove folder instantly with SSH low rejected 10 years 10 years
#9684 Blank Symbolic Linked sitemanager.xml File normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9674 Auto Upload for Mac high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9587 SSH client inside normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9650 Time based speed limiting normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9636 Up Button high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#4889 Mark skipped files in transfer log normal fixed 15 years 10 years
#5040 Coloured tabs normal duplicate 15 years 10 years
#9569 Custom Tab Names for connections normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#7342 Option to have connections always open in new tab normal outdated 13 years 10 years
#9561 Pause Downloading Specific Files normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#5453 pause the transfer queue low duplicate 14 years 10 years
#9544 Deleting directories with more than XXXX files normal wontfix 10 years 10 years
#9428 time shift when send/receive files from remote server me normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#4565 Encoding passwords normal rejected 15 years 10 years
#9362 Feature request: extension conversion normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#7887 Clear Private Data when closing the application normal outdated 13 years 10 years
#5295 Auto-Upload Option Instead Just Watch Local Edited Files normal duplicate 14 years 10 years
#2294 FTP custom BOOST-mode in FileZilla client (like QWIX) normal 19 years 10 years
#4840 Filezilla Client do not allow to append(APPE) to existing file normal rejected 15 years 10 years
#2202 Host type support Alexander Schuch normal 20 years 10 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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