Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#5607 closed Feature request (fixed)

Site manager should copy default folders when copying site

Reported by: Rick Mabry Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: copy site manager Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: WinXP


The SiteManager/Copy feature can be improved by actually copying all the settings of a site (or at least make that an option). At the very least, I'd be happy if the remote and local default folders were copied. This way one usually has choices of closely related sites that can be easily modified. Browsing from the root makes me feel dirty, so it would be nice if browsing for the local directory started at the copied folder.

Due diligence? I searched for copy+site+manager and found only these somewhat related tickets:


Change History (5)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 14 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo

Please clarify, do you mean the copy function inside the site manager by clicking on the button labeled "Copy" which is in the lower right corner in a grid of 6 buttons?

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Rick Mabry, 14 years ago

Replying to codesquid:

Please clarify, do you mean the copy function inside the site manager by clicking on the button labeled "Copy" which is in the lower right corner in a grid of 6 buttons?

That is exactly what I meant. And now ... I see ... and ask, WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN??

I'm embarassed. The behavior I asked for is exactly what I see with that feature. The thing is, I have made many copies of sites and the same thing always seemed to occur, namely, that I'd have blank fields for the local and remote directories.

But I realize what's happened, and this is what you already suspect: I used the "File/Copy current connection to Site Manager". I generally have a bunch of tabs open. I click the one I want to copy and select this File/Copy option.

So since I've come this far, I will say that I'd prefer the behavior there (File/Copy current connection to Site Manager) to be as I described, that my current folders are copied to the local and remote fields. The request in #2794 was for the local field only (why only local?), so I guess I'm just chiming in, in agreement with that requestor.

If there are practical reasons not to do that as the default, can it be made an option?

Apologies for the confusion and thanks for the reply,


comment:3 by Alexander Schuch, 13 years ago

So you are happy with the implementation of this feature and what you still request is covered by #2794?

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by Rick Mabry, 13 years ago

Status: moreinfonew

Replying to ci-dev:

So you are happy with the implementation of this feature and what you still request is covered by #2794?

Yes, happy indeed. Thanks for the prompt.

comment:5 by Alexander Schuch, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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