Custom Query (292 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#129 bad local directory listing low 22 years 14 years
#986 Request change to IP Filter priority handling high worksforme 19 years 7 years
#987 Request change in Speed Limit priority between user, server and group. high worksforme 19 years 7 years
#1599 SSL for FileZilla Server normal 22 years 17 years
#1638 welcome message tag list normal invalid 22 years 15 years
#1673 Log normal outdated 22 years 15 years
#1733 FEAT Command normal 22 years 11 years
#1743 FileZilla_Server_0_8_2.exe normal 22 years 17 years
#1759 IPv6 Support in server normal fixed 21 years 8 years
#1816 FileZilla: Server(!) normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1840 "all" check for users rights read-write-....-select normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1842 Network Names would be *nice to have* normal 21 years 17 years
#1848 Recursive Listing normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1875 PASV IP address in a seperate file normal outdated 21 years 15 years
#1891 FileZilla Server - Comment field normal 21 years 17 years
#1900 IP restriction for Server normal worksforme 21 years 11 years
#1928 FZS different welcome messages for users/groups normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1951 Upload Download Ratios normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1958 plug-in support normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1973 FileZilla Server -- IP Access Rules normal fixed 21 years 15 years
#1974 user- or directory-size limits normal duplicate 21 years 15 years
#1985 server, see the current download by users normal 21 years 17 years
#1988 [FileZilla Server] Enhance I18N for better L10N normal 21 years 17 years
#1995 ability to change file protection level normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#2010 Filezilla server sync. normal invalid 20 years 7 years
#2022 Server: User assigned to mutliple groups normal outdated 20 years 7 years
#2024 Server : "Connect to server" dialog normal outdated 20 years 7 years
#2047 SSH (SFTP / SCP) for the Server normal rejected 20 years 6 years
#2052 Support additional languages in the FileZilla Server Interface normal rejected 20 years 6 years
#2070 [FilleZilla Server] File disallow normal 20 years 16 years
#2071 Custom actions for various events (file upload etc.) normal outdated 20 years 7 years
#2072 PASV min and max port range normal 20 years 17 years
#2077 Shared Files And Network Drives Support normal duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2091 Feature Request: virtual file system normal 20 years 16 years
#2094 [FileZilla Server] CHMOD Support normal outdated 20 years 7 years
#2112 IP blocking needed normal 20 years 17 years
#2121 Server Security normal duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2123 [FileZilla Server] Delayed Connect of the Interface normal 20 years 17 years
#2142 Server release - option of user login notifications normal 20 years 17 years
#2147 FileZilla Server - Display transfered filenames normal fixed 20 years 15 years
#2149 Units separater normal duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2187 FZ Server - Need Improved IP detection normal 20 years 16 years
#2188 Treeview for User Manager normal outdated 20 years 7 years
#2190 The ALLO command should be treated as a NOOP (no operation) normal fixed 20 years 7 years
#2198 FileZilla Server - Return "Resolve Shortcuts Option" normal outdated 20 years 7 years
#2205 Configurable Logfile directory path and filename high wontfix 20 years 6 years
#2206 [Server] Admin authorization from localhost as well normal 20 years 17 years
#2224 SERVER interface: Confirm application exit normal rejected 19 years 11 years
#2239 Virtual Directory Ability normal fixed 19 years 7 years
#2262 Backup, Export, Import high worksforme 19 years 7 years
#2266 (Server) File Permissions normal duplicate 19 years 15 years
#2267 (Server) Admin Interface only Install normal 19 years 17 years
#2273 per user/group SSL normal 19 years 17 years
#2288 Statistics normal fixed 19 years 7 years
#2293 FTP custom BOOST-mode in FileZilla server (like Avalaunch) normal 19 years 10 years
#2311 FZS: Option to force PROT P normal 19 years 19 years
#2314 FileZilla Quota's high duplicate 19 years 15 years
#2315 directory / file size limit high duplicate 19 years 7 years
#2318 Multiples IP in Passive Transfert normal fixed 19 years 7 years
#2319 Detect/Warn on Windows firewall normal wontfix 19 years 7 years
#2324 MDTM implementation normal 19 years 19 years
#2326 Force SSL login at user level normal 19 years 17 years
#2338 Support expiration dates for user accounts normal rejected 19 years 7 years
#2344 Break up long series of contiguous digits normal duplicate 19 years 15 years
#2345 use existing SSL cert normal 19 years 18 years
#2346 Improve screen reader support in FZ Server Interface normal fixed 19 years 7 years
#2361 Connect IP address on windows caption normal fixed 19 years 15 years
#2365 Add a log analyzer to FileZilla Server normal wontfix 19 years 7 years
#2369 virtual folders of other ftp sites normal 19 years 17 years
#2371 Sounds (and other notifications) in FTP Server normal wontfix 19 years 7 years
#2372 Active Directory Authentication normal 19 years 11 years
#2373 Multiple Servers from one install normal fixed 19 years 7 years
#2381 Need translation for server normal 19 years 19 years
#2391 Log to Syslog server normal rejected 19 years 7 years
#2394 zmode file types normal invalid 19 years 7 years
#2395 Max uploadsize or max foldersize normal duplicate 19 years 15 years
#2396 Server Interface Window Size normal wontfix 19 years 7 years
#2398 chat normal 19 years 11 years
#2400 Vulnerability: FileZilla Server Interface Password low 19 years 10 years
#2405 Email notification normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2406 Toggle permission denied in directories normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2410 Server Interface Secure Communcation normal outdated 18 years 7 years
#2413 Display client IP address in server welcome message normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2417 Resizable settings windows normal rejected 18 years 7 years
#2418 Security - Assign users to more than one group normal duplicate 18 years 15 years
#2422 Better logging options normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2424 Automatic account lockout / IP Ban normal 18 years 18 years
#2430 Delete partial / incomplete uploads normal invalid 18 years 7 years
#2431 comment for each account normal 18 years 17 years
#2437 Security IP or Account locking against Brute force attack normal 18 years 11 years
#2438 SFTP Newbie Q normal 18 years 18 years
#2440 Allow FTP clients to run external programs on the server normal rejected 18 years 7 years
#2445 mail transfer normal duplicate 18 years 15 years
#2446 Change FileZilla Server ftps port to something else than 990 normal 18 years 18 years
#2455 Add ability to use mapped directories/drives normal 18 years 11 years
#2456 Allow RNTO to overwrite an existing file normal rejected 18 years 6 years
#2457 Command Line normal 18 years 11 years
#2459 IP filter normal 18 years 10 years
#2462 Make logs human-readable normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2463 Make UTF8 support selectable normal rejected 18 years 10 years
#2465 Limit failed login attempts normal 18 years 10 years
#2466 Log FileZilla Server Interface connections normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2474 Optionally process file after upload normal duplicate 18 years 15 years
#2477 ability to turn-off UTF normal 18 years 18 years
#2484 FilezillaServer Feature : History Button normal duplicate 18 years 7 years
#2487 IP address locking normal 18 years 17 years
#2489 IP Ban from server interface normal outdated 18 years 11 years
#2490 Batch usernames normal 18 years 11 years
#2491 Batch usernames normal 18 years 18 years
#2496 Encode passwords normal 18 years 18 years
#2499 automatic bad ip blacklist normal 18 years 10 years
#2500 File hit meter/chart normal 18 years 18 years
#2509 anti virus scan after file uploaded normal duplicate 18 years 15 years
#2515 failed log-in limits normal outdated 18 years 15 years
#2516 Directory Message normal 18 years 18 years
#2517 Hide and disallow access to arbitrary files and directories normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2529 Full timestamps on old files normal 18 years 17 years
#2531 Support speed limit rules for arbitrary IP ranges normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2532 Option for Auto kick on administrator login low 18 years 10 years
#2535 Statistic: e.g. total transfer-amount per user normal 18 years 18 years
#2542 Support for MDTM read and write normal 18 years 18 years
#2550 Comma-separated byte counts normal 18 years 17 years
#2559 Add/fix logical mapped drive support low outdated 18 years 15 years
#2562 Notifications normal 18 years 17 years
#2563 Failed login attempt lockout normal 18 years 18 years
#2564 Silent Setup for ALLUSERS normal 18 years 16 years
#2568 Different speed limit on user inactivity normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2574 FZS: Wildcard support for LIST normal 18 years 10 years
#2578 Syslog normal duplicate 18 years 11 years
#2580 File Change E-mail Notification normal duplicate 18 years 15 years
#2581 Implicit FTP PBSZ 0 and PROT P optional requirement normal 18 years 18 years
#2589 Audible Connection Alert normal 18 years 18 years
#2596 Run in Tray normal 18 years 18 years
#2598 Display time and date in server welcome message normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2599 Detailed log normal outdated 18 years 7 years
#2600 Ban an IP address if a specific username is used normal wontfix 18 years 7 years
#2610 UTF8 on/off switch normal 17 years 17 years
#2614 uploads as atomic transactions normal 17 years 17 years
#2619 Option to not list hidden files and folders normal 17 years 17 years
#2620 Block brute force after X attempts normal 17 years 17 years
#2622 Minimize button normal 17 years 17 years
#2625 Saving of config settings file to another location normal 17 years 17 years
#2628 configurable response texts normal 17 years 17 years
#2630 Configurable location of Logs directory normal duplicate 17 years 15 years
#2635 Passive address selection normal 17 years 17 years
#2637 IP Parsing Option normal 17 years 17 years
#2650 Active Directory Authentication normal 17 years 11 years
#2651 Merge the contents of duplicate directory aliases normal wontfix 17 years 7 years
#2658 "Delete To Trash" Option normal wontfix 17 years 7 years
#2662 enable or disable to launch filezilla when windows starts normal 17 years 17 years
#2667 Improved auto-ban for anti-hacking normal 17 years 17 years
#2681 Override Files by Rename normal worksforme 17 years 15 years
#2683 public upload folder normal wontfix 17 years 7 years
#2686 Alter SYST reply to increase security normal 17 years 11 years
#2727 UP/DL Ratio normal 17 years 17 years
#2728 Webservice normal 17 years 17 years
#2731 X-Forwarded-For Support normal 17 years 17 years
#2740 Individual down- and upstream traffic allocations for users normal 17 years 17 years
#2749 Scripting engine for server normal 17 years 17 years
#2753 Timestamp for all log entries normal invalid 17 years 7 years
#2756 Default unicode handling normal 17 years 11 years
#2758 Change attempts range before autoban normal 17 years 17 years
#2763 "Show last log file","Show log files folder" status bar menu normal rejected 17 years 7 years
#2764 "Show log files folder" button in settings window normal duplicate 17 years 15 years
#2773 limit max. connections per IP normal fixed 17 years 15 years
#2777 Server version for Linux/Mac low rejected 17 years 5 years
#2778 Autoban - User List normal 17 years 17 years
#2798 Support disabling server activity in the server interface normal rejected 17 years 7 years
#2799 Advanced Logging normal duplicate 17 years 15 years
#2806 Customizable FTP messages normal 17 years 17 years
#2807 Account statistics normal 17 years 17 years
#2808 Support user-specific timeout configuration normal rejected 17 years 7 years
#2809 Aliases normal rejected 17 years 6 years
#2824 Support logging to the W3C or ProFTPd log file formats normal rejected 17 years 6 years
#2830 UTF-8 directory/filename encoding normal 17 years 10 years
#2839 Filezilla server.xml Check for update every X seconds high 17 years 17 years
#2884 Disable Account after the "Expiration Date" high duplicate 16 years 7 years
#2891 Allow the server to automatically start in a disabled state normal wontfix 16 years 7 years
#2896 Message Filter in Server Interface normal rejected 16 years 7 years
#2906 Some Security minded options normal 16 years 16 years
#2915 SFTP Server Support normal duplicate 16 years 15 years
#2928 FileZilla Server.xml file in wiki/FAQ normal wontfix 16 years 6 years
#2960 Auto ban normal 16 years 11 years
#2969 ActiveDirectory Authentication / NTFS Authorization normal 16 years 16 years
#2971 Linux support normal 16 years 16 years
#2988 Option to hide directory content normal rejected 16 years 6 years
#3773 Manage FileZilla User Accounts using PHP normal worksforme 16 years 16 years
#3835 restart server to take modification in FileZilla Server.xml low rejected 16 years 16 years
#3840 localhost connection encryption normal duplicate 16 years 16 years
#3902 Email notification high duplicate 16 years 11 years
#3916 Thousands separator for bytes sent/received normal fixed 16 years 15 years
#4050 better support through firewalls doing passive ftp and passive ftp over ssl through nat normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4060 Running Multiple Server Instances On single Computer normal duplicate 16 years 15 years
#4082 Quota Management normal duplicate 16 years 11 years
#4136 Secure Site-To-Site-Transfer low rejected 16 years 9 years
#4196 Password encoding normal outdated 15 years 12 years
#4362 Being able to transfer files from one server to another would be nice! low duplicate 15 years 15 years
#4426 allow unc paths normal rejected 15 years 6 years
#4433 folder size limit low duplicate 15 years 11 years
#4526 Using SSL normal worksforme 15 years 15 years
#4539 Treat shortcut as aliases normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4592 choice of manual or auto updates normal rejected 15 years 6 years
#4610 New Feature - Would like to have a 64Bit version of the Server normal wontfix 15 years 6 years
#4682 Send e-mail on file upload normal wontfix 15 years 6 years
#4707 Power Mangement, Standby, Suspend to disk normal duplicate 15 years 7 years
#4741 Email notification low duplicate 15 years 15 years
#4810 Plugin for Dreamweaver Site Manager to access fzdefaults.xml normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4862 Prompt on Quit Interface normal duplicate 15 years 15 years
#4863 Ability to change Server process priority high duplicate 15 years 7 years
#4887 Speed limit setting in bytes (not just in kbytes) normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#5007 FZServer: more width of directory/alias list in user dialog normal duplicate 15 years 6 years
#5075 STAT command normal rejected 15 years 6 years
#5169 Map FTP Logins to Windows User Accounts normal rejected 14 years 6 years
#5214 MySQL Support high duplicate 14 years 11 years
#5323 Associating "Public" permission with a windows user or group for CHMOD commands. normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#5340 Private Key password encryption in FileZilla Server configuration file normal rejected 14 years 6 years
#5363 Feature request, banned files normal rejected 14 years 6 years
#5417 retrieving previous logs on admin interface startup normal rejected 14 years 6 years
#5520 more "user" commands in server normal rejected 14 years 6 years
#5575 Warn about "Routing and Remote Access" critical outdated 14 years 7 years
#5641 windows explorer cannot upload some files with special name high wontfix 14 years 6 years
#5642 FTP/SSL client certificate support low rejected 14 years 5 years
#5675 Add SSH functionality to FileZilla Server normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5684 Don't use external IP's for local connections high outdated 14 years 7 years
#7264 Public Login normal worksforme 13 years 12 years
#7719 MAC address authentication for (at least) admin normal rejected 13 years 8 years
#7862 SCTP protocol support low outdated 13 years 12 years
#8059 Option to disable TLS 1.0 because of possible security issue normal fixed 12 years 9 years
#8193 Unhandled exception popup normal outdated 12 years 12 years
#8282 Request: FileZilla server for Mac and Linux normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#8399 FTP command missing normal duplicate 12 years 9 years
#8400 Lacking Service Controls over Command Line normal worksforme 12 years 5 years
#8425 Autoban - Add to IP Filter normal duplicate 12 years 11 years
#8467 Add "Computer" as new directory in Shared Folders high worksforme 11 years 7 years
#8501 minimize on tray when close buton is pressed. normal outdated 11 years 11 years
#8679 Windows x64 version of FileZilla Server normal duplicate 11 years 6 years
#8731 LIST or NLST commands behavior\reply if file not exists normal rejected 11 years 6 years
#9077 Sort LIST output normal wontfix 11 years 6 years
#9078 Formatting LIST output normal rejected 11 years 9 years
#9359 Support CCC Command In FileZilla Server high rejected 10 years 9 years
#9813 File Server for Linux normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9864 Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server high invalid 10 years 10 years
#10502 I can't setup certificate of Godady on FileZilla server normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#1712 Quota on used space normal duplicate 22 years 15 years
#1719 IP Based users for Server normal outdated 22 years 7 years
#1780 Server: Accesss Control via IP-mask normal outdated 21 years 15 years
#1790 Server: User Admin Features normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1823 FileZilla Server - Directory Aliases normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1904 FileZilla FTP Server Meg Limit Feature normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#1908 Server: quotas & dl/ul ratio normal duplicate 21 years 15 years
#1911 Current User/Current Upload normal duplicate 21 years 15 years
#1942 Include IP address in Server account settings normal duplicate 21 years 15 years
#1993 Traffic in Server Logs normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#2044 quota per folder and user normal duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2045 traffic in logs normal duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2063 Secure ftp server low duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2111 Edit Speed Limit rules normal fixed 20 years 7 years
#2126 Database support normal worksforme 20 years 7 years
#2143 FZ Server: view log file in console normal fixed 20 years 7 years
#2177 Disk quota normal duplicate 20 years 11 years
#2203 Resizing User Management Dialogue normal duplicate 20 years 15 years
#2240 database support normal duplicate 19 years 15 years
#2247 Support setting the server process priority normal outdated 19 years 7 years
#11232 "LAN-only" mode, please normal rejected 7 years 5 years
#11380 autoban after configurable number of bad commands (command unrecognized) normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11438 reduce ftp traffic low duplicate 7 years 7 years
#11469 executable alias. is it possible? normal rejected 7 years 6 years
#11516 Increase in remote attacks against FileZilla FTP Server - Can better protection be implemented normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11548 Disable Filezilla Server Interface autostart on server logon normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11566 FileZilla FTP + Amcrest cameras low worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11709 error disk full high rejected 6 years 6 years
#11726 Several questions about the Beta version of FileZilla server software high invalid 6 years 6 years
#11927 Use more memory to reduce drive load low rejected 5 years 5 years
#12014 Password and access level permission suggestion low rejected 5 years 5 years
#12547 New Server setting SMB path normal fixed 3 years 18 months
#12615 Feature Request: provide a milllisecond delay parameter to session termination after 'Goodbye.' normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#12644 Support LIST -a normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#12732 loungerie_6151427 high invalid 2 years 18 months
#12733 loungerie_6151427 high invalid 2 years 18 months
#12734 loungerie_6151427 high invalid 2 years 18 months
#4093 allowing domains to access via IP List domains access IP list allow extern normal worksforme 16 years 16 years
#7254 Short Term Loans - How To Get the Best Small Business Loan Terms diana teves high invalid 13 years 13 years
#1643 Change password (Filezilla Server) Tim Kosse normal outdated 22 years 7 years
#1883 dynamic Service Configuration Tim Kosse low rejected 21 years 5 years
#1886 Support for Universal Plug and Play? Tim Kosse normal outdated 21 years 7 years
#2041 [filezilla server]ability to add user's to more then 1 group Alexander Schuch normal 20 years 17 years
#2374 Hammering protection Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years
#2401 Server interface password encryption Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years
#2545 always send Y-m-d hh:mm:ss for date/time in listing Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 10 years
#2699 Attach users to multiple groups. Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#1737 User authentication - Filezilla Server Daniel Stone normal outdated 22 years 14 years
#5113 log files need extra abilities ? normal rejected 15 years 6 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.