Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#2487 closed Feature request

IP address locking

Reported by: smarttech Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Server
Keywords: Cc: smarttech, n3r0, lirvine, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


my server is under constant attachs from multiple IP
addresses. it would be great to have a lockout manager
to be able to ban IP addresses from where there were
more than certain number of failed login attempts
within certain timeframe.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by n3r0, 18 years ago

this is the most requested feature IMHO. A few months ago
when i posted to have this feature added, some guy came on
and convinced me that i could have this functionality. so i
downloaded perl for windows, all these python/perl scripts
set up scehduled tasks to run every 10 minutes, installed
all the libraries cgywin etc.. and at the end of it all? it
did shit!

this is like the simplest feature. If client makes 5 bad
login attempts, then ban. Its so mind numbingly easy and
such a common feature on ftp clients i havent any idea why
it would not be implemented.

comment:2 by lirvine, 18 years ago

I totally agree, this would be a HUGE feature that should be added.

comment:3 by smarttech, 18 years ago

This feature has been implemented. Please update to the most
recent version of FileZilla.

comment:4 by smarttech, 18 years ago

Hi, since I posted it in 2006 the feature has been implemented, which I am very greateful for.

Although it was a little strange to me that it was implemented without an opportunity to remove a particular IP address from the banned list. I had it several times when my own clients were trying to log in with wrong credentials. Then Autoban would lock them out. But there is no way to remove just one IP address fromt eh list of autobanned ones. I had to turn this feature off, then wait, then turn on again... anyway, as much as I saw it in most software in many categories, if you have a banned list, usually it is accompanied by a feature to remove something from it. I am looking forward to seeing it in the new version. Other than that, THANKS FOR IMPLEMENTING IT.

comment:5 by n3r0, 18 years ago

Yeah I updated a while ago, works great! As for your complaint, im sure the ips are stored somewhere editable. Xml file? Anyways if you set it to like 1 hour or something thats pretty resonable. It will make users not forget their passwords :) (i know thats not how it goes down though irl, heheh)

Its a temp ban, so no need for a list, but I could see how having one would be nice for stupid users.

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