Custom Query (1267 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1267)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#3978 Allow setting download/upload speed limits for a connection normal duplicate 16 years 15 years
#5107 Select All shortcut does not work in host field normal worksforme 15 years 15 years
#5083 Right Click to Add Bookmark or to Advanced Tab in Site Manager normal worksforme 15 years 15 years
#4713 Cut & Paste Files normal worksforme 15 years 15 years
#1602 Urgent Dialog Box connection timesout normal fixed 22 years 14 years
#1644 Button for transfer type(auto/ascii/bin) normal fixed 22 years 14 years
#1629 Startup changes normal rejected 22 years 14 years
#1740 Change Language from menu normal rejected 22 years 14 years
#1761 Select View/Edit with multiple files highlighted normal fixed 21 years 14 years
#1991 support for BACK button normal fixed 21 years 14 years
#5186 Option to specify where to store sites and settings normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#2853 File Transfer Summary in Log When File Transfer Completes normal fixed 17 years 14 years
#2148 Enhancement to logging Tim Kosse normal fixed 20 years 14 years
#5216 Don't save failed credentials in quickconnect normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#5230 Umlaute, Sonderzeichen in File-Names low rejected 14 years 14 years
#5232 Queued Files -- normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5239 Let the user select the directory for storing settings normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#5241 Check for invalid servername or IP normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#5246 Cannot detect timezone normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#5282 directory listing with STAT -L normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#5326 Support for VisNetic FTPServer 2.01.99 high rejected 14 years 14 years
#5330 Ability to select protocol (server type) in QuickConnect normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#5327 Site Selector Dropdown menu normal wontfix 14 years 14 years
#5359 Shut down system after queue successfully processed normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#5370 Subversion Icons low wontfix 14 years 14 years
#5395 Remembering overwrite action for current tab critical duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5427 Let remote site file structure follow the local normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#5434 folder/file synchronizing normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5454 Priority status of queue low duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5455 Order the columns of the queue section low duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5488 What to do with failed Transfers (While Downloading) high worksforme 14 years 14 years
#5557 Move File/Folder option normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5558 Show agregate speed on status bar (and on a tab) normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#5394 Passwords are stored in plain Text and not encrypted... they can easily be hacked high rejected 14 years 14 years
#5585 Drag & Drop from one to another ftp-server normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#2926 Easier resume of failed transfers normal fixed 16 years 14 years
#1619 Advanced Refresh normal outdated 22 years 14 years
#2310 log file size limit normal fixed 19 years 14 years
#5462 Remote file search: add dates Tim Kosse normal fixed 14 years 14 years
#5637 Automated File Syncronization normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#2330 Common Windows local treeview normal 19 years 14 years
#5065 Feature request: Diff against local/remote version of file normal duplicate 15 years 14 years
#5702 QUOTE SITE command to use translation tables for ASCII-EBCDIC trans to IBM-Mainframes normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#5198 Copy Current Connection to Site Manager should be able to auto-populate local/remote directory normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#7152 new feature - export / import Site Manager normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#7231 [Feature request] remote compression/decompression normal rejected 13 years 13 years
#2982 Search remote ftp site for specific files normal 16 years 13 years
#2582 Need to Recover Passwords normal 18 years 13 years
#4150 Ability to turn off "Operating system problem detected" message low rejected 16 years 13 years
#7839 TCP connections left open in "wait state" can cause IP DoS lockout normal wontfix 13 years 13 years
#7899 Unable to register with forum normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7846 Backups normal rejected 13 years 12 years
#7373 I CAN'T CONFIGURE FILE ZILLA CLIENT high rejected 13 years 12 years
#8043 Total usage Marc from Houston normal fixed 12 years 12 years
#7196 add MODE Z Compression option in FileZilla 3 normal duplicate 13 years 12 years
#4239 Mode Z compression normal duplicate 15 years 12 years
#2380 Compression of Files normal duplicate 19 years 12 years
#7281 Sync critical duplicate 13 years 12 years
#7299 Manual setting of target filename normal worksforme 13 years 12 years
#6485 Domain registration normal fixed 14 years 12 years
#7201 Zip, Ship, Unzip normal wontfix 13 years 12 years
#4223 add sftp protocol handler sftp://myserver normal duplicate 15 years 12 years
#2387 security level of data connection (PROT C/P) normal duplicate 19 years 12 years
#3906 On client startup, parts of program window are beyond edge of desktop normal fixed 16 years 12 years
#1563 FTP Searching normal rejected 23 years 12 years
#1704 Saving the server log to a file high fixed 22 years 12 years
#4685 FileZilla connecting to CMS government site with sftp SSH v2 normal outdated 15 years 12 years
#4124 Network mapped drivers do not show volume label low outdated 16 years 12 years
#4427 FileZilla is unable to allow File send when server deny directory listing normal outdated 15 years 12 years
#4444 Pause resume not working during upload of video files to low outdated 15 years 12 years
#2087 control channel only tls normal rejected 20 years 12 years
#1763 Folders in queue normal duplicate 21 years 12 years
#7453 Request cleaner GUI normal outdated 13 years 12 years
#8100 convert filename to upper or lower case before transfer normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7333 natural order sorting of filelist low duplicate 13 years 12 years
#5576 configuration of file list sorting algorithm normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5522 New feature normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#2083 Queue sorting normal duplicate 20 years 12 years
#2675 Filename collation order FZclient 2 and 3-beta low duplicate 17 years 12 years
#2334 Preventing local file list from refreshing normal fixed 19 years 12 years
#5224 Option to display cleartext password in site manager. low duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5606 Protectes password critical duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5469 Do not prompt for local edit upload normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#8155 Feature Request normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7452 no secured password ? Ok, other proposition. high fixed 13 years 12 years
#8180 stop processing feature request normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#2015 Pause queue normal duplicate 20 years 12 years
#8194 Auto upload local changed file normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#7296 Automatic zip and transfer file normal rejected 13 years 12 years
#5342 Allow 'untar' and 'gunzip' from filezilla client normal rejected 14 years 12 years
#7800 Automatic directory refresh upon transfer completion Rahul Nanwani normal fixed 13 years 12 years
#5320 in find dialog: does not contain normal fixed 14 years 12 years
#4918 New file normal duplicate 15 years 12 years
#5253 "Create new file" option normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#7771 Downloading a locked file into a local folder overwriting an existing one, it destroy the local file Nitin Kumar Gautam low wontfix 13 years 12 years
#8227 File Sync normal duplicate 12 years 12 years
#5601 Search Feature normal fixed 14 years 12 years
#5362 "Really delete 1 file?" Darren Young normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#5571 On the server, can View and Edit be separate actions? normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#2669 Tango Icons for Filezilla 3 normal 17 years 12 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Batch Modify
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