Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (1401 - 1500 of 4044)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#9732 Certificate text overlap normal invalid 10 years 10 years
#9731 Filezilla will not descend into direcotry beginning with a space normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9730 Error message appearing normal fixed 10 years 9 years
#9728 All views aligned to right normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9727 All views aligned to right normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9725 Downloading filezilla client warning high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9724 Site Manager bugs high outdated 10 years 10 years
#9721 Focusing into app doesn't allow for quick upload by hitting Enter normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9720 Transfer speed is slow when using TLS normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9718 Connexion refused normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9717 Host field automatic active high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9716 UI at is right to left out of order. normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9715 UI at is right to left out of order. normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9714 Unicode and space at folder names support. normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9713 re-arrange window normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9712 Error code 530 normal outdated 10 years 7 years
#9711 Focus in "local site" panel lost after uploading file normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9710 getting memory dump error (blue screen) Support low duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9709 Windows display driver stops responding when FZ is open normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9708 Filezilla 3.9 under Ubuntu multiple connections not showing normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9706 won't upload large mp3 files that worked with earlier versions normal outdated 10 years 7 years
#9705 Quit "unexpectedly" after deliberate quitting low outdated 10 years 7 years
#9703 filezilla.xml couldn't be removed error message high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9702 "Right click" on Mac Trackpad - error critical duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9701 Open in new tab normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9700 Can't copy paste in site path normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9699 In 3.9.x you can no longer copy and paste from/to the site directory bars normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9698 crashes display driver low duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9697 Symlinked sites lost after update to normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9696 Navigation to local files list by keybord - problem normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9695 After updating cant drag and drop files from fielzilla onto my desktop high fixed 10 years 10 years
#9694 click on Export, FileZilla shuts down, nothing exported normal outdated 10 years 7 years
#9693 Succeeded Transfers Tab stays empty normal outdated 10 years 7 years
#9692 Driver crash and no drag&drop normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9691 Can't copy/paste into Path normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9689 Copy and paste by using Command+C or Command+P has been disabled normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9688 Unable to open two servers in different tabs. normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9683 Problems with focus normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9682 Der Anzeigetreiber wurde nach einem Fehler wiederhergestellt high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9678 Connecting to an FTP Site causes Display Adapter to crash normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9677 filezilla client normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9676 No tab stop for local or remote file list low fixed 10 years 10 years
#9673 Left Click Right Click is treated as a double click in normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9672 FileZilla stop upload file when file queue lager than 200 normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9671 drag and drop from filezilla to desktop in normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9670 Window focus changes after file upload normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9669 Filezilla opens new control sesiion when starting to transfer data normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9668 causing crashes Do not touch normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9667 Multiple simultaneous downloads on OS X locks up UI and slows downloads significantly Tim Kosse normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9665 "create directory and enter it" causes error dialog normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9664 cannot open any file high outdated 10 years 10 years
#9663 Lost Drag & Drop normal fixed 10 years 9 years
#9662 Incorrect date order in 'Last Modified' column high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9660 Never Check for Updates not working normal worksforme 10 years 10 years
#9658 crashes display driver normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9657 Unable to copy filepath normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9655 New versions download to wrong directory low duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9653 Update Error Client 3.9. -rc3 setup -> stop Plusminus p.u.n.g@… normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9649 FTP client crashes when pasting UNC path to the "Local Site" box Tim Kosse normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9647 File corrupted in passive mode when uploading normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9646 Password characteres doens't accept certain characters for connection. high worksforme 10 years 10 years
#9645 Automatic shutdown problem normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9644 Filezilla does not remember column width on iMac normal worksforme 10 years 9 years
#9643 Last Modified Date does not update normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9642 Retina overscan issue normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9640 "Create directory and enter it" continues after disconnect normal fixed 10 years 9 years
#9639 Filezilla 3.8.0 Aborts at Startup, unable to find resources high outdated 10 years 8 years
#9637 Error with oppening high worksforme 10 years 10 years
#9635 I am, all of a sudden continually getting Server Timed Out Messages normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9634 Unable to transfer image Ioannis Papaiacovou normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9632 cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9631 Critical error after latest update low rejected 10 years 10 years
#9630 File exists check should be done again before uploading normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9629 Cancel 'overwrite/resume dialog' results in successfull transfer status normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9628 Slow file and folder listing on lan normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9627 3.9.0-beta3: OS X: Fixed rendering of the main window -- NOT Fixed normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9624 No retry after failed to sent a command. normal fixed 10 years 9 years
#9622 Client crashes if sftp connection closed by remote normal outdated 10 years 9 years
#9621 3.9.0 Beta 2 not shows remote window content in OS X 10.9.4 high fixed 10 years 10 years
#9620 Directory tree toggle icon marked incorrectly low fixed 10 years 10 years
#9617 File transfer success but file size is wrong. normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9615 Error when closing Filezilla Client 3.9.0-beta1. normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9609 Critical Error/Could not connect to server on login normal invalid 10 years 10 years
#9608 Multiple UI problems with latest unstable normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9607 Directory comparison function shows unexpected results in some cases normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9600 On exit an error message appears after a file was edited normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9599 Bluescreen after "Action after queue completion"->"shutdown system" (when the queue is empty) normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9589 Windows explorer crash after installation normal outdated 10 years 9 years
#9586 Right click in filename when you rename it make program to freeze normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9585 Problems with cyrillic characters normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#9584 Build failure on OS X 10.6 (error: field ‘m_path’ has incomplete type) normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#9582 FileZilla "hardcodes" inclusion of GTK2 even when wxWidgets use GTK3 normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9581 Automatically downloaded updates end up in Documents, not in Downloads low duplicate 10 years 9 years
#9580 locale_initializer.cpp:295: no member named 'front' in 'std::basic_string<char>' normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9579 wrapengine.cpp(735): assert "size.x <= bestWidth" failed normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#9566 Window cannot be repositioned high duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9560 Path resolution not working (DFS) high rejected 10 years 10 years
#9559 FileZilla 3.8.1 incompatible with EMET high rejected 10 years 10 years
#9555 FileZilla Closes Abruptly, If not updated normal wontfix 10 years 10 years
#9552 Error message is shown during upgrade when files could not be removed normal fixed 10 years 10 years
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