Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 4044)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#3217 Command Lines Aren't Properly Accepted normal 17 years 17 years
#11674 Command line option -c Connect to specified Site Manager quit working after update to 3.35.1 normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#10055 Command log overwrites icon toolbar on initial scroll normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#11686 Command-line argument (-c, --site=<string>) not working since upgrade to 3.35.0 normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#10164 Command: MLSD fails. Unable to download directory normal duplicate 10 years 9 years
#9885 Commands sent in wrong order when uploading directories, resulting in files not uploaded low duplicate 10 years 10 years
#9886 Commands sent in wrong order when uploading directories, resulting in files not uploaded normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#11760 Compilation error in 3.37.3 normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#5597 Compilation error in svn revision 3864 regarding "m_pImageList" normal fixed 14 years 14 years
#7438 Compilation error svn rev 4101: stray ' in dsub/desktop_notification.cpp line 1 normal fixed 13 years 13 years
#4101 Compiler warnings from HP-UX's C++ normal fixed 16 years 16 years
#911 Complete System crash while uploading Alexander Schuch blocker 19 years 18 years
#10267 Completely hide entire local tree and folders normal duplicate 9 years 9 years
#3782 Computer restarts while uploading files normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#12379 Concurrent Transfers Crashing My Machine normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#11549 Conexao IPV6 normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#11108 Conexão com o Host Windows 10 high rejected 8 years 8 years
#3410 Configuration Wizard Results Overflow Tim Kosse normal 16 years 16 years
#1375 Configuration Wizard failed normal 16 years 16 years
#11812 Configuration files not shown normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#7350 Confusing option on prompt after a file being edited has been changed normal fixed 13 years 9 years
#4915 Connect Error normal worksforme 15 years 15 years
#12254 Connect dialog sends syntactically incorrect OPEN command witih port number which is rejected. normal rejected 4 years 4 years
#3737 Connect problem!! low outdated 16 years 12 years
#9807 Connecting menu problem high rejected 10 years 10 years
#9678 Connecting to an FTP Site causes Display Adapter to crash normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#5648 Connecting to host normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#10826 Connecting to server after installing latest update this morning normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#12397 Connecting to third party S3 provider normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#3845 Connecting to z/OS 1.9: cannot change directory from client normal outdated 16 years 10 years
#8323 Connection normal rejected 12 years 12 years
#6495 Connection Issue normal invalid 14 years 14 years
#3921 Connection Problem low outdated 16 years 12 years
#10727 Connection Problems normal worksforme 9 years 8 years
#10137 Connection Timed Out normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#10140 Connection Timed Out low duplicate 10 years 10 years
#4520 Connection aborted normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#10029 Connection attempt failed with "EACCES - Permission denied" low invalid 10 years 10 years
#11704 Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED" Could not connect to server critical fixed 6 years 6 years
#5639 Connection cannot be established to a proftpd with TLS normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#7807 Connection causes the LOG output to overlap the connection bar normal duplicate 13 years 11 years
#1071 Connection closed and doesn't reconnect Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#7396 Connection closes when attempting to get initial directory listing blocker duplicate 13 years 12 years
#3222 Connection dropped every 10 minutes normal 17 years 17 years
#10141 Connection failed in versions, low duplicate 10 years 10 years
#12328 Connection failed to Fedora 33 SSH/SFTP server high rejected 4 years 4 years
#3693 Connection failure when server name includes German Umlauts normal 16 years 16 years
#9995 Connection failures if server is not configured properly for FTP over TLS normal rejected 10 years 8 years
#10216 Connection issues on v3.10.1.1 high duplicate 9 years 9 years
#10969 Connection problem normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10970 Connection problem normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10973 Connection problem normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#7797 Connection problem ! critical invalid 13 years 12 years
#10839 Connection refused by server high worksforme 8 years 8 years
#11211 Connection through a FTP proxy is not possible anymore normal fixed 7 years 7 years
#10493 Connection time out when try to retrieve directory listing low rejected 9 years 9 years
#4231 Connection timed out normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#8403 Connection timed out normal invalid 12 years 11 years
#10397 Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity low duplicate 9 years 9 years
#960 Connection timeout too soon Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years
#5321 Connection timeout uploading large files normal outdated 14 years 12 years
#11031 Connection timeout when delete many huge files normal worksforme 8 years 8 years
#10354 Connection to Web Site normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#7272 Connection to server defined by command line options always uses more than one connection low invalid 13 years 7 years
#11525 Connection worked until nineteenth this month stopped working normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#9718 Connexion refused normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#4148 Contentscrambling on .jpg-Upload normal outdated 16 years 12 years
#5428 Contextual Right-Click Edit lost Custom Editor normal outdated 14 years 12 years
#8010 Continuously damaging pdf and swf files. Chilm critical worksforme 12 years 12 years
#4971 Control-Tab between tabs doesn't loop back to the start after last tab normal fixed 15 years 15 years
#3950 Convert Datatype from Unix til Windows normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#10845 Copy URL not working as intended normal fixed 8 years 8 years
#10849 Copy URL to clipboard low invalid 8 years 8 years
#4737 Copy URL to clipboard doesn't leave anything in the clipboard if FileZilla has been closed normal fixed 15 years 15 years
#4684 Copy URL(s) to clipboard crashes with some unicode filenames Tim Kosse normal fixed 15 years 15 years
#10850 Copy URL(s) to clipboard only copies one address. normal duplicate 8 years 8 years
#11406 Copy URL(s) to clipboard option is including "anonymous@" in the URL normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#9689 Copy and paste by using Command+C or Command+P has been disabled normal fixed 10 years 10 years
#4667 Copying files within FTP server moves files instead (via RNTO) normal rejected 15 years 10 years
#4496 Copying folders not possible after server disconnected client normal fixed 15 years 15 years
#5297 Correct show of windows normal duplicate 14 years 12 years
#10324 Corrupt Image Uploads normal fixed 9 years 9 years
#10325 Corrupt Image Uploads low rejected 9 years 9 years
#4575 Corrupt file list when using foreign signs (öéò etc) normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#11187 Corrupted desktop file removes Filezilla from GUI menus high fixed 7 years 7 years
#1072 Corrupting Files with SFTP on Linux normal 18 years 10 years
#4581 Corrupting Wordpress File Uploads! high outdated 15 years 12 years
#5299 Corrupting animated gif files high rejected 14 years 14 years
#8097 Could Not Connect To Server critical worksforme 12 years 12 years
#12842 Could Not Connect to Server / Connection Timed Out After 20 seconds of inactivity high invalid 19 months 18 months
#7999 Could it be Critical to get caramba chemie for an organization? normal invalid 12 years 12 years
#12834 Could not connect to FTP server normal worksforme 20 months 20 months
#4485 Could not connect to server normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#7187 Could not connect to server normal outdated 14 years 12 years
#9822 Could not connect to server normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#10170 Could not connect to server normal rejected 10 years 10 years
#10328 Could not connect to server normal invalid 9 years 9 years
#10626 Could not connect to server normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#10144 Could not connect to server TLS error low rejected 10 years 10 years
#11603 Could not connect to server issue normal rejected 6 years 6 years
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Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.