Custom Query (515 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 515)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#10610 "Check for Updates" dialog reappears after update Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#4983 "Favourites" for local Folders Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#11290 "Last modified" column date format Feature request normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#7190 "Overwrite if newer" not working with Bug report critical FileZilla Client 13 years
#10920 "Preserve timestamps of transferred files" stopped working last week Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#11666 "Preserve timestamps on transferred files" does not work with GoDaddy! Bug report normal FileZilla Client 6 years
#11563 .htaccess file Bug report low FileZilla Client 6 years
#940 0.9.10 Failed to load SSL libraries Bug report normal FileZilla Server 19 years
#10352 1st char is cut off on file download (random). Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#10011 3.1.0 connection problem Bug report high FileZilla Client 10 years
#4329 not showing uploads Bug report normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#4656 Can't Browse To Desktop to select files Bug report high FileZilla Client 15 years
#4688 version Bug report normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#11097 3.23.0 broken linux icon theme Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#11180 3.24.1 Directory Retreival Times Out Bug report normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#9982 Updates wrong version Bug report low FileZilla Client 10 years
#12401 421 Could not create socket error Other high FileZilla Server 3 years
#12503 550 delete error when trying to delete config file Bug report normal FileZilla Server 3 years
#4167 552 Quota error handling Bug report normal FileZilla Client 16 years
#10864 ? B/s: error Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#5330 Ability to select protocol (server type) in QuickConnect Feature request normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#12244 Access denied to local drive Bug report low FileZilla Client 4 years
#8467 Add "Computer" as new directory in Shared Folders Feature request high FileZilla Server 11 years
#11052 Add new fatures Feature request normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#12232 Added new directory does not show in structure after refresh. Bug report normal FileZilla Client 4 years
#11554 Adding a new sige. Bug report normal FileZilla Client 6 years
#9834 Address bar for FTP/SFTP/FTPES links Feature request normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#12260 All transfers fail Bug report normal FileZilla Client 4 years
#12620 Allow change of drive for update download Feature request normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#3965 Allow compare by filename only Feature request normal FileZilla Client 16 years
#4764 Anonymous option for logon prompt Feature request low FileZilla Client 15 years
#11485 Appears to be variance in Filezilla allocating the correct download bandwidth especially when downloading multiple files Other low FileZilla Client 7 years
#4447 Are you sure you want to cancel transfer? Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#4334 Arrange icons by... Levani Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#11849 Association by type of file Bug report high FileZilla Client 5 years
#11467 Auto Connect Bug report normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#5086 Auto open same folder Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#12812 Auto shut down - turn your FileZilla Client eco friendly please Feature request normal FileZilla Client 21 months
#9763 Automated Shutdown Feature request normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#8711 Automatic Login Feature request normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#9958 Automatic shutdown of app or computer when finished transfers. Feature request normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#11373 Availability of Chracters; for creating new directory yes, same for renaming an existing directory no Bug report normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#2262 Backup, Export, Import Feature request high FileZilla Server 19 years
#10682 Bluehost Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#7183 Broken Files Bug report normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#10669 Broken Toolbar Icons Tim Kosse Bug report high FileZilla Client 9 years
#11309 Bug after last update Bug report normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#11969 Bug with editing files on the local disk Bug report normal FileZilla Client 5 years
#10208 Bugged drag&drop downloading files Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#9743 Build fails, CControlSocket::LogMessage, wxChar* vs wxString& Bug report normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#12774 COULD NOT CONNECT TO SERVER Bug report normal FileZilla Client 23 months
#5590 CTToolbar subclassing error Bug report normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#8299 Can not open Other normal FileZilla Client 12 years
#2078 Can't change to folder with no list rights Feature request normal FileZilla Client 20 years
#10520 Can't connect using FTP or SFTP after Update to Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#4716 Can't drag files onto filezilla Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#11937 Can't install latest version 3.41.2 Bug report normal FileZilla Client 5 years
#11599 Can't stay connected via SFTP Bug report normal FileZilla Client 6 years
#12948 Can't upload files to ticket Bug report normal Other 13 months
#4544 Can't view queued files Bug report normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#5418 Cannot Connect To SFTP Server Bug report normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#12515 Cannot activate Filezilla Pro Other normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12608 Cannot click "Always trust this certificate in future sessions" Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12548 Cannot connect to my product account via 43 port using the "Quick Connect" Bug report normal FileZilla Server 3 years
#11335 Cannot connect to server. Also did the update and still cannot connect to server. Bug report high FileZilla Server 7 years
#8591 Cannot connect while using latest Filezilla version Bug report normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#11315 Cannot delete on server side? Other high FileZilla Client 7 years
#5671 Cannot download files with filenames that contains the chars " & « " Bug report normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#9742 Cannot lower window, stuck under the apple top bar Version: Bug report normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#4475 Cannot sort using Last Modified Column - Bug report normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#10674 Cannot undo an incorrect server ID Other high FileZilla Server 9 years
#4385 Can´t drag any file from my remote folder to my computer Bug report normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#11855 Change configuration files location on *N?X systems to .config/filezilla if .config/ exists Feature request normal FileZilla Client 5 years
#11586 Changing location of key file keeps old location in memory Bug report normal FileZilla Client 6 years
#11109 Check for update fails to apply the update. Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#12999 Check for updates is set at "NEVER" yet it asks me to update every day? v3.64.0 Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 months
#12419 Chinese characters added to code Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#13052 Client 3.66.4 Uninstall fails to clean up after itself Bug report normal FileZilla Client 6 months
#13088 Client unable to uninstall Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 months
#11379 Clipboard failure Bug report normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#4833 Cloak files by name Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#9852 Command line argument to prevent check for updates Feature request normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#3852 Configurable settings location Feature request normal FileZilla Client 16 years
#11812 Configuration files not shown Bug report normal FileZilla Client 6 years
#4915 Connect Error Bug report normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#10727 Connection Problems Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#10525 Connection problems Bug report normal Unknown 9 years
#10839 Connection refused by server Bug report high FileZilla Client 8 years
#11031 Connection timeout when delete many huge files Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#11419 Constant message to update Other normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#8010 Continuously damaging pdf and swf files. Chilm Bug report critical FileZilla Client 12 years
#11406 Copy URL(s) to clipboard option is including "anonymous@" in the URL Bug report normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#8097 Could Not Connect To Server Bug report critical FileZilla Client 12 years
#12834 Could not connect to FTP server Bug report normal FileZilla Client 20 months
#10626 Could not connect to server Bug report normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#5661 Could not write to transfer socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Bug report normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#4332 Count the number of downloaded files befor starting download Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#11036 Created directory does not appear even after refresh with F5 Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#12792 Cross-device sync of Site Manager (c'mon, it's 2022:) Feature request normal FileZilla Client 22 months
#4713 Cut & Paste Files Feature request normal FileZilla Client 15 years
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Batch Modify
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