Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (5201 - 5300 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#5213 Can be cut if file> 56MB.? Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5215 Filezilla (3.3.2) lists large file sizes as 2gb Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5216 Don't save failed credentials in quickconnect Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5217 SFTP get from OpenSUSE Server causes Vista 64 blue screen crash Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5218 Site specific bookmarks not updating with multiple tabs open Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5220 Cannot access Folder with French access on Mac FileZilla version Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5221 initial message log overflows its viewpane Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5223 File list alphabetical sort order differs from windows explorer Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5227 Ftp upload through websense ftp proxy fails most of the time, opened ticket with websense and they said we shall use cureftp or totalcommander and we tested CureFTP and it worked all the time Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5231 Maximum simultaneous transfers is limited to 10 Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5232 Queued Files -- Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5233 Site-specific bookmarks don't appear in bookmarks menu for site Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5234 Wrong mouse pointer on drag&drop with serverside folders (move vs. copy) Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#5235 FileZilla Client - dutch Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5236 preserve timestamps option Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5237 Download problem, large file corrupt Fz-Client 3.3.2 Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5238 Windows 7 Taskbar behaviour Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5239 Let the user select the directory for storing settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5240 Can't Connect after upgrading to 3.3.2 Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5241 Check for invalid servername or IP Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5243 Cannot Delete Folders Other normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5244 Can't get directory listing Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5245 Problem with new version Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5246 Cannot detect timezone Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5247 MOV files listed as TEXT files Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5249 Site-specific bookmarks 3.3.2 issue Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5250 'nightly' builds update error Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5253 "Create new file" option Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5256 Double clicking on a item brings up the filename edit box too frequently Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5258 Downloading a file with a colon ":" in it makes 0 byte file Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5259 Per-Server speed limit inputting Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5262 (option to) show site manager at startup Edward W Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5264 some files with chinese name can't upload Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#5266 FileZille not recognizing new file associations... Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5271 every file and dir are showing an timestamp before name of it Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5273 Daylight Saving Time calculation broken Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5275 files renamed by accident due to previous clicks Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5276 Transfer Queue doesn't sort Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5280 sg gf Bug report normal Other rejected
#5282 directory listing with STAT -L Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5283 Message Log overruns Quick Connect bar Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5284 Tray icon hcpag2 Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5290 Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5292 Access to special path failed if the folder name has an extra space at the end Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5294 SFTP problem - Its locks other connexions Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5295 Auto-Upload Option Instead Just Watch Local Edited Files Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5297 Correct show of windows Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5298 Invalid filename display in other charset Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5300 Resolving address failure Bug report normal Unknown rejected
#5301 OSX - Only sees root drive, doesn't see other drives Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5304 Images transfer and then on the host are 0 bytes. Dean Pennington Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5305 Transfering a binary file to the target server will fail after few seconds Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5307 Limit on the number of files listed Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5308 Windows System Resource Leak Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5311 Showing transfer complete notification even when transfer is cancelled Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5314 drag & drop transfers parent directory instead of selected files Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5318 Activity lights intermittantly not working in Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5319 Filezilla fails to CWD into a directory with trailing spaces Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5320 in find dialog: does not contain Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5321 Connection timeout uploading large files Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5322 After N files transferred through SFTP using FileZilla, the queue slows down Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5323 Associating "Public" permission with a windows user or group for CHMOD commands. Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#5324 filenames startings with # (sharp) Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5325 Spaces in filenames don't open properly Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5327 Site Selector Dropdown menu Feature request normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#5328 Incorrect change of the listening port if changed in the XML and called with /reload-config Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5330 Ability to select protocol (server type) in QuickConnect Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5331 No connetion to Server SFTP with non-ASCII password Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5335 can not open directory name Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5340 Private Key password encryption in FileZilla Server configuration file Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#5342 Allow 'untar' and 'gunzip' from filezilla client Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5343 Leading space for the host name confuse client. robert macnamara Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5344 Filezilla doubleclick brings file renaming Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5347 Windows 7: network card crashes on multiple connections Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5353 Valid remote directory name refused Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5357 Filezilla works at home but not at worksite Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5358 Large queues die out, require restart of filezilla Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5359 Shut down system after queue successfully processed Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5360 While transfering files, if choose Server and uncheck "Force showing hidden files", bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5361 Upload stops though there are still files in the queue Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5362 "Really delete 1 file?" Darren Young Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5363 Feature request, banned files Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#5364 large files upload fails Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5367 7-hour error on timestamp for all sent files Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5368 A new tab titled 'not connected' is created when double clicking the right or left tabs arrows Bug report normal FileZilla Client invalid
#5371 Password is publicly displayed on export Atul Jha Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5372 Public access to download files unrestricted Other normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5373 Resuming a upload Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5374 Uniinstall Filezilla Other normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5376 Multiple connection errors Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5380 FileZilla client prompts for next passcode when using securid authentication Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5381 Intermittent massive memory leak when transferring files Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5382 File count incorrect when using CTRL-SHIFT on file selection Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5387 Crash during multiple upload Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5388 FZ freezing Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5389 When File Transfer is cancelled using "untick Process Queue", it cannot be resumed Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#5390 Server - File Zilla - No Administrator Password Needed Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#5392 Filezilla crash when scrolling through active queue Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5397 typo fixes in fr.po language file Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5402 Client crashes ONLY on certain sites/directories Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
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