Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 8174)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1502 Add an option to hide local hidden files Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1503 Implement friendly byte counts Patch normal FileZilla Server
#1504 Add two more commandline arguments to FAQ doc Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1505 Fix outgoing port on data connections in active mode Patch normal FileZilla Server
#1506 UTF-8 patch for FileZilla3's sftp mode Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1507 fix FZ3 sftp upload/download directory Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1508 let FZ3 create empty directory also Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1509 Nepali Translation Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1510 Updated Nepali Translation Patch normal Other
#1511 "Users" table in "Users" window correction. Patch normal FileZilla Server
#1512 IDR_MAINFRAME accelerator remove. Patch normal Other
#1513 "Users" table in "Users" window, version 1 Patch normal Other
#1514 FZ2 VS2005 compile fix Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1515 Fix serverpath autodetect Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1516 New icons Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#1517 Stratus VOS listing support Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1518 remember UI position for FZ3rc1 Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1519 keepalive for FZ3rc1 Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1521 Some confirmations Patch low FileZilla Client
#1522 Fench translation - Fz 3.0 Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1523 fr_FR.po update for FileZilla-3.0.0 Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1524 show server information in window title Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1525 configure assumes that wxrc is named wxrc Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1526 GetPathEllipsis() Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1527 Pointer comparison using < and > is gcc-specific Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1528 Bypass proxy settings feature Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1529 New FTP Sub-Category in the "Connection" Dialog Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1530 Handling DEL key in queue window Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1531 Added file exist actions Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1532 socket.cpp and win2000 compatibility problem Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1795 Secure mode for FTP proxy password Patch low Other fixed
#1982 status bar: add Total Transfer Speed Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2161 Support other FTPS PROT command options Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#2467 FileZilla Server Setting or Detection Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#2978 Add option to sort files with natural/numerical order algorithm + select collation Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#3905 New mk_MK.po file Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4072 FTP not performed after latest patch Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4206 FileZilla may submit wrong password for a anonymous account Nico Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4265 Make big digits format more user friendly. Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4292 command line: local directory Barry Ralphs Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4430 Patch to bug ticket 4199 Patch low FileZilla Client rejected
#4489 Compile problems with >=gnutls-2.7.0 Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4822 Silk Theme Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5009 Patch for feature request #4993 Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5019 Fix precompiled header support for TinyXml Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5021 Remove small parts of useless code Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5022 Fix a compiler warning in UsersListCtrl.cpp Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5023 Fix issues reported by code analyzer Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5025 Also fix Debug / Memcheck targets for server project Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5026 Simplify code a little bit Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5030 Minor settings dialog fixes Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5038 Minor clean-ups in CServerThread::AddNewSocket() Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5063 [PATCH] FileZilla not waiting for server reply before upload (starts too early) Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5067 Already Connected dialog should include option to set choice as default Patch high FileZilla Client fixed
#5071 time/datestamp showing 00 for seconds on all files Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5091 command-line option for connecting to multiple servers at statup Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#5189 Speedlimit patch Patch normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5262 (option to) show site manager at startup Edward W Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5397 typo fixes in fr.po language file Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#5496 Bug - Ticket #5054 Quick fix patch Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5499 FileZilla Server 0.9.36 - Fix spelling errors in Options - Miscellaneous dialog window Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#5686 improved SFTP upload performance patch Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#5705 automatically upload files when i save a file that is been edited Patch high FileZilla Client rejected
#6486 speed limits wrong spanish translation Patch low FileZilla Client fixed
#7188 SFTP lacks compression Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7203 automatically trimming file name for downloading hamza Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7271 patch for filezilla 3.4.0 win64 build Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7303 Incorrect rights in file permissions dialog Lucio Crusca Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7311 Office Chairs - How to Repair an Office Chair jinky maputi Patch high FileZilla Server invalid
#7461 Vietnamese translation fix Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#7466 Edit filters "Rename" button doesn't save changes Nitin Kumar Gautam Patch low FileZilla Client fixed
#7668 Copy files/folders on the same remote connection Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#7742 FTPES handshake fails with GnuTLS 3 Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7795 wrong server save for files in queue.sqlite3 Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7808 gnutls_transport_set_lowat has been removed from >gnutls-3 Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#7831 Strip VMS revisions option doesn't work. Here is a fix Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7922 Default for the Already Connected dialog Patch high FileZilla Client duplicate
#7938 Feature request: url capture joel.elias.333 Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#7991 Local file select tool Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8013 Create new empty file on server Patch low FileZilla Client duplicate
#8039 Ability to edit files from Remote File Search list Bruno Ramos Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8048 Support SOCKS 4 Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8093 Increase number of retries (it's only 3) at FZS when using PASV and Port range Patch high FileZilla Server fixed
#8094 Preallocate space Underground78 Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8118 Typo in filezilla.xml Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8141 bag - Hebrew is shown reverse Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8176 Patch: New file exist action, "owerwrite if newer else resume if sizes differ" Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8179 Multiple "--site" command line parameters rajesh Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8185 Add the ability to save and restore opened tabs Rahul Nanwani Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8188 filezilla-3.5.3 invalid conversion error during compilation Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8190 Event queue processing modification to improve filezilla client resposibility Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8208 Quickconnect bar remains same for every tab rajesh Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8209 Deleting of a file in a local directory is not reflected in all tabs Shashank Sharma Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8214 Multiple files select problem (Number of Files information) Shashank Sharma Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8272 FileZilla wxWidgets 2.9 support Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8280 remove ssize_t define in tlssocket.h Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8294 Allow downloading of files with are open for writing by another process => move it at user level Patch normal FileZilla Server outdated
#8344 Focus the last directory when navigating to it's parent Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8360 Testcases fails to build Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#8413 File type association does not work Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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