Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (2401 - 2500 of 4044)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#8548 Port Configuration Issue normal outdated 11 years 11 years
#4515 Port change doesn't take effect until FZ client restart. normal outdated 15 years 12 years
#5069 Port number not saving in site manager normal outdated 15 years 12 years
#1423 Port number not saving in site manager? high 16 years 14 years
#5100 Portuguese Translation - suggested correction normal fixed 15 years 14 years
#11536 Possible Malware critical rejected 6 years 6 years
#11875 Possible virus normal rejected 5 years 5 years
#11767 Post update - cannot retrieve directories normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#1254 Posting error, moved to FZ 3 site normal 17 years 17 years
#11661 Preferences windows uses full screen width when language is not english normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#3340 Prefix search fails with numpad keys, umlauts and others Tim Kosse normal 17 years 17 years
#8961 Preserve Timestamps Does not Work normal outdated 11 years 11 years
#4674 Preserve time stamps normal duplicate 15 years 15 years
#4586 Preserve timestamps not working normal rejected 15 years 14 years
#3869 Preserve timestamps of transferred files does not preserve for uploaded files normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#12525 Prevent Window position and size to saving minus values on exit normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#3858 Previously selected default file exist action working but not reselected. normal fixed 16 years 16 years
#12116 Priority Settings added doesn't work while downloading files. normal rejected 4 years 4 years
#11932 Priority not respected normal fixed 5 years 5 years
#10832 Privilege escalation vulnerability in installer due to executing uninstaller using unquoted path critical fixed 8 years 8 years
#11622 Privilege escalation vulnerability in installer due to executing uninstaller using unquoted path Tim Kosse high fixed 6 years 6 years
#12069 Probleem bij upgrade low invalid 5 years 5 years
#7837 Problem Uploading via FTPS. blocker fixed 13 years 10 years
#10957 Problem after Windows 10 Version 1607 update normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#3735 Problem by updating from to 3.1.2 normal worksforme 16 years 16 years
#8240 Problem connecting to Filezilla server normal rejected 12 years 12 years
#1148 Problem connecting to some servers normal 18 years 18 years
#4867 Problem customizing column headers in version 3.2.8 normal duplicate 15 years 15 years
#5059 Problem downloading non-ascii filenames blocker rejected 15 years 9 years
#9744 Problem in FileZilla Client is high outdated 10 years 10 years
#993 Problem in browsing FTP with Chinese filename/directory name normal 19 years 18 years
#907 Problem renaming files Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years
#908 Problem renaming files normal 19 years 19 years
#8210 Problem to connect filezilla normal fixed 12 years 12 years
#7942 Problem transfering directory with name "1ab cd ef" which becomes "cd ef" high worksforme 12 years 12 years
#10899 Problem updating FTP password normal worksforme 8 years 8 years
#11088 Problem version normal fixed 8 years 8 years
#8253 Problem when listing files normal outdated 12 years 12 years
#5486 Problem with Ascii download high rejected 14 years 12 years
#11310 Problem with DNS vs IP high worksforme 7 years 7 years
#1228 Problem with MAC Formated Files normal 17 years 17 years
#4683 Problem with automatic update low fixed 15 years 15 years
#4141 Problem with crashing when downloading folder/files very repeatable high fixed 16 years 10 years
#12176 Problem with file to program association normal fixed 4 years 4 years
#5245 Problem with new version normal rejected 14 years 14 years
#11137 Problem with renaming files on a HP NonStop normal worksforme 8 years 8 years
#11591 Problem with version 3.32.0 normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#10861 Problemas com nova versão 3.18.0 - area de transferencia low invalid 8 years 8 years
#12634 Probleme de transfert d'un fichier normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#10486 Problems - ENETUNREACH - Network inaccessible normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#7369 Problems in Traditional Chinese in "remote site" box high outdated 13 years 11 years
#8022 Problems to upload some files from MAC OS simon high invalid 12 years 12 years
#10577 Problems with Directory Listing in MLST command blocker fixed 9 years 9 years
#4440 Problems with Dotfiles normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#9585 Problems with cyrillic characters normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#8647 Problems with downloading files whose names have non-ANSI characters normal invalid 11 years 10 years
#1368 Problems with drag and drop shell extension normal 16 years 11 years
#3299 Problems with files with accents in name normal 17 years 10 years
#9683 Problems with focus normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#3032 Problems with leading or terminating spaces low fixed 18 years 10 years
#7209 Problems with retrieving files that starts with ,, '' (spacebar) at the begining. high duplicate 13 years 12 years
#10781 Problems with the display of icons Alexey7 normal duplicate 8 years 8 years
#3541 Problems with umlaut normal 16 years 16 years
#4112 Problems with uploads containing many files normal outdated 16 years 12 years
#3675 Problème de transferts critical 16 years 16 years
#3707 Process Queue having no effect normal duplicate 16 years 16 years
#3844 Process queue freezing normal outdated 16 years 16 years
#1024 Processor usage when connection times out Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#11355 Product Site's Bundled Installer download file has Adware.OSX.Spigot virus normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#4094 Product does not save settings normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#10911 Program asks for but does not recognize allowance of old certificate high rejected 8 years 8 years
#8516 Program causes display driver to crash often during transfer of files. normal duplicate 11 years 10 years
#11866 Program crashes on queue transfer completion normal fixed 5 years 5 years
#4871 Program crashes when trying to view/edit css file on remote site high duplicate 15 years 15 years
#4758 Program shuts down adding a new filter normal fixed 15 years 15 years
#1009 Progress Bar not appearing in some servers normal 19 years 18 years
#4409 Progress Bar on "Check for updates window" bleeds off the right edge of the window. normal fixed 15 years 15 years
#4601 Progress Bar on "Check for updates window" runs off the right edge of the window. normal outdated 15 years 15 years
#8114 Prompts again for action on file aready exists, despite "always use this action"/"apply only to current queue" previously checked within same queue high fixed 12 years 9 years
#10410 Proxy Settings Update normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
#11915 Proxy connect timeout high fixed 5 years 5 years
#10165 Proxy ignored for SFTP connections (Regression from normal fixed 10 years 9 years
#1012 Proxy issue with ISA 2004 normal 18 years 18 years
#9892 Publisher info on your Setup Files normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#11657 Question to password normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#4380 Queue Numbers low worksforme 15 years 15 years
#3212 Queue and Server-Protocol always shown by default normal 17 years 17 years
#3294 Queue duplicates normal 17 years 17 years
#4324 Queue file sizes incorrect (skips 1GiB) normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#1318 Queue inverse file sort order Alexander Schuch low 17 years 10 years
#8620 Queue item cleared anyway when transfer fails due to permission denied on target normal invalid 11 years 11 years
#897 Queue process stops when disconnect button is presses normal 19 years 19 years
#3569 Queue size displaying incorrectly normal 16 years 16 years
#3751 Queue sorting differences between recursive and direct downloads normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#1165 Queue stores PW when "Don'tRememberPassword=1" normal 18 years 18 years
#4842 Queue window display problem normal duplicate 15 years 12 years
#3354 Queue window lists wrong filenames normal 17 years 17 years
#1185 Queue won't allow scrolling while active Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#3712 Queued files are not converting to successful transfers normal outdated 16 years 11 years
#4389 Queued files transfer status not accurately reported normal fixed 15 years 15 years
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