Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (1901 - 2000 of 4044)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Operating system type
#5659 problems with german umlauts low rejected 14 years Windows

Dear filezilla team,

with downloading a file containing german umlauts and / or a directory with german umlauts an error occurs with cannot open file. I am using the latest version.

with best regards Werner

#5660 Filezilla sometimes occurred false error message when a file was downloaded successfully normal worksforme 14 years Windows

Hi, all,

I am an user from Taiwan, and I use the filezilla, under win xp pro 32bit.

I found the filezilla sometimes occurred false error message when a file was downloaded successfully, but the program and the logs reported the server disconnect or downloaded, then filezilla tried re-download the file and jumped a window for user to check the re-download method. Here is the log and the screenshot, please check it, thank you.

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-This server is for private use only Response: 220-If you do not have access to this server Response: 220-Please disconnect now Response: 220 Please enter your login name now. Command: USER TNDR Response: 331 Password required for TNDR . Command: PASS Response: 230-Welcome to RaidenFTPD32_TNDR FTP server Response: 230- Response: 230-Current Time : 2010/10/28 20:08 , Total 1 connected users out of 32 Response: 230-User TNDR (NOT SET ) Group TNDR logged in from Response: 230-You are under / Response: 230-The server will deny access if you connect more than 5 time. Response: 230-Type site help for a list of supported commands Response: 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.All time top 10 uploaders Response: 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.Rank Username Group Comment uploaded mb Response: 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-| 01 TNDR TNDR NOT SET 25.16 gb | Response: 230-| 02 hiritsuki TNDR NOT SET 24.52 gb | Response: 230-| 03 wct default NOT SET 659.00 kb | Response: 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.All time top 10 downloaders Response: 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.Rank Username Group Comment downloaded mb Response: 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-| 01 TNDR TNDR NOT SET 207.06 gb | Response: 230-| 02 LNsuzu LNsuzu NOT SET 23.03 gb | Response: 230-| 03 hiritsuki TNDR NOT SET 14.79 gb | Response: 230-| 04 wct default NOT SET 621.00 kb | Response: 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------: Response: 230-.-' username : TNDR -: Response: 230-.-' group : TNDR -: Response: 230-.-' class : normal -: Response: 230-.-' ratio : unlimited -: Response: 230-.-' comment : NOT SET -: Response: 230-.-' status : enabled -: Response: 230-.-' laston : 2010/10/28 20:08 ( -: Response: 230-.-' created : - -: Response: 230-.-' session download : 0.000000 kb -: Response: 230-.-' session uploaded : 0.000000 kb -: Response: 230-.-' total download : 207.06 gb -: Response: 230-.-' total uploaded : 25.16 gb -: Response: 230-.-' available credit : maximum -: Response: 230-.-' timeout value : 600 seconds -: Response: 230-.-' speed limit : (dl)no limit (ul)no limit -: Response: 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------: Response: 230 User TNDR logged in. Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 , CP:950 Command: FEAT Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: SIZE Response: MDTM Response: MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS filename Response: LIST -laT Response: STAT -laT Response: MODE Z Response: MLST type*;lang*;size*;modify*;create*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;*;WIN32.ea* Response: MLSD Response: REST STREAM Response: XCRC filename;start;end Response: XMD5 filename;start;end Response: TVFS Response: CLNT client_type Response: LANG EN;FR;JA;DE;IT;SV;ES;RU;ZH-TW;ZH-CN Response: UTF8 Response: EPRT Response: EPSV Response: 211 END Command: CLNT FileZilla Response: 213 client type set to FileZilla. Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 220 UTF8 OPTS ON. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to IMAGE. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (140,116,234,2,5,122) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /. Response: 226-free disk space under this directory : 248761 mb Response: 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed . Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD MM Response: 250-[Ul: 25765.36MB] [Dl: 212032.61MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 248761MB] Response: 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited] Response: 250 "/MM" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/MM" is current directory Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (140,116,234,2,5,123) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /MM. Response: 226-free disk space under this directory : 248761 mb Response: 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed . Status: Directory listing successful Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-This server is for private use only Response: 220-If you do not have access to this server Response: 220-Please disconnect now Response: 220 Please enter your login name now. Command: USER TNDR Response: 331 Password required for TNDR . Command: PASS Response: 230-Welcome to RaidenFTPD32_TNDR FTP server Response: 230- Response: 230-Current Time : 2010/10/28 20:08 , Total 2 connected users out of 32 Response: 230-User TNDR (NOT SET ) Group TNDR logged in from Response: 230-You are under / Response: 230-The server will deny access if you connect more than 5 time. Response: 230-Type site help for a list of supported commands Response: 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.All time top 10 uploaders Response: 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.Rank Username Group Comment uploaded mb Response: 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-| 01 TNDR TNDR NOT SET 25.16 gb | Response: 230-| 02 hiritsuki TNDR NOT SET 24.52 gb | Response: 230-| 03 wct default NOT SET 659.00 kb | Response: 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.All time top 10 downloaders Response: 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.Rank Username Group Comment downloaded mb Response: 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-| 01 TNDR TNDR NOT SET 207.06 gb | Response: 230-| 02 LNsuzu LNsuzu NOT SET 23.03 gb | Response: 230-| 03 hiritsuki TNDR NOT SET 14.79 gb | Response: 230-| 04 wct default NOT SET 621.00 kb | Response: 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------: Response: 230-.-' username : TNDR -: Response: 230-.-' group : TNDR -: Response: 230-.-' class : normal -: Response: 230-.-' ratio : unlimited -: Response: 230-.-' comment : NOT SET -: Response: 230-.-' status : enabled -: Response: 230-.-' laston : 2010/10/28 20:08 ( -: Response: 230-.-' created : - -: Response: 230-.-' session download : 0.000000 kb -: Response: 230-.-' session uploaded : 0.000000 kb -: Response: 230-.-' total download : 207.06 gb -: Response: 230-.-' total uploaded : 25.16 gb -: Response: 230-.-' available credit : maximum -: Response: 230-.-' timeout value : 600 seconds -: Response: 230-.-' speed limit : (dl)no limit (ul)no limit -: Response: 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------: Response: 230 User TNDR logged in. Command: CLNT FileZilla Response: 213 client type set to FileZilla. Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 220 UTF8 OPTS ON. Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /MM/[TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv Command: CWD /MM Response: 250-[Ul: 25765.36MB] [Dl: 212032.61MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 248761MB] Response: 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited] Response: 250 "/MM" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/MM" is current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to IMAGE. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (140,116,234,2,5,122) Command: RETR [TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv Response: 150 Sending /MM/[TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv (482082364 bytes). Mode STREAM Type BINARY Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 459.75 MB in 2007 seconds Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-This server is for private use only Response: 220-If you do not have access to this server Response: 220-Please disconnect now Response: 220 Please enter your login name now. Command: USER TNDR Response: 331 Password required for TNDR . Command: PASS Response: 230-Welcome to RaidenFTPD32_TNDR FTP server Response: 230- Response: 230-Current Time : 2010/10/28 20:42 , Total 2 connected users out of 32 Response: 230-User TNDR (NOT SET ) Group TNDR logged in from Response: 230-You are under / Response: 230-The server will deny access if you connect more than 5 time. Response: 230-Type site help for a list of supported commands Response: 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.All time top 10 uploaders Response: 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.Rank Username Group Comment uploaded mb Response: 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-| 01 TNDR TNDR NOT SET 25.16 gb | Response: 230-| 02 hiritsuki TNDR NOT SET 24.52 gb | Response: 230-| 03 wct default NOT SET 659.00 kb | Response: 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.All time top 10 downloaders Response: 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.Rank Username Group Comment downloaded mb Response: 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------: Response: 230-| 01 TNDR TNDR NOT SET 207.06 gb | Response: 230-| 02 LNsuzu LNsuzu NOT SET 23.03 gb | Response: 230-| 03 hiritsuki TNDR NOT SET 14.79 gb | Response: 230-| 04 wct default NOT SET 621.00 kb | Response: 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------: Response: 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------: Response: 230-.-' username : TNDR -: Response: 230-.-' group : TNDR -: Response: 230-.-' class : normal -: Response: 230-.-' ratio : unlimited -: Response: 230-.-' comment : NOT SET -: Response: 230-.-' status : enabled -: Response: 230-.-' laston : 2010/10/28 20:42 ( -: Response: 230-.-' created : - -: Response: 230-.-' session download : 0.000000 kb -: Response: 230-.-' session uploaded : 0.000000 kb -: Response: 230-.-' total download : 207.51 gb -: Response: 230-.-' total uploaded : 25.16 gb -: Response: 230-.-' available credit : maximum -: Response: 230-.-' timeout value : 600 seconds -: Response: 230-.-' speed limit : (dl)no limit (ul)no limit -: Response: 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------: Response: 230 User TNDR logged in. Command: CLNT FileZilla Response: 213 client type set to FileZilla. Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 220 UTF8 OPTS ON. Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /MM/[TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv Command: CWD /MM Response: 250-[Ul: 25765.36MB] [Dl: 212492.36MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 248761MB] Response: 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited] Response: 250 "/MM" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to IMAGE. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (140,116,234,2,5,122) Command: REST 482082364 Response: 350 REST Command Ok , restarting position set to 482082364 Command: RETR [TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv Response: 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed. Error: File transfer failed Status: Starting download of /MM/[TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv Status: Skipping download of /MM/[TNDR][MM][03][BIG5][1080P][CRC][cb1567aa].mkv Status: File transfer skipped Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (140,116,234,2,5,123) Command: REST 0 Response: 350 REST Command Ok , restarting position set to 0 Command: MLSD Response: 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /MM. Response: 226-free disk space under this directory : 248761 mb Response: 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed . Status: Directory listing successful

#5661 Could not write to transfer socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer normal worksforme 14 years Windows

My FileZilla used to work fine, but it started giving me the follwing error all of the sudden.

Could not write to transfer socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer

I need to upload some stuff. What is the fix?

#5662 Error - access violation / segfault in all menuitems if you double-change language low fixed 14 years Windows

Filezilla client V3.3.4.1

I get an access violation / segfault:

The instruction at "0x00a1a8d9" referenced memory at "0xc80202e0". The memory could not be read.

It is 100% reproducible.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open filezilla, assert that language is set to "Default system language" (otherwise do it and restart filezilla).

2) Settings -> switch to language English (en). Press OK

3) Setting -> switch back to language "Default system language".

Now nearly all calls to menuitems lead to this segfault.

This is no tragedy but I do want to mention it.

#5664 cannot connect to server high outdated 14 years Windows

filezilla breaks off the connection when I try to upload files to zymic

#5669 site list needs to scroll when taller than screen normal outdated 14 years Windows

I have a LOT of sites in the site manager. When I pop down the list with the down arrow, it rolls off the bottom of the screen. It needs to determine the screen dimensions and turn on a scroll bar when the list is too long to show.

#5670 delete edited file and upload doesn't unedit them normal outdated 14 years Windows

when you edit a file from the FTP server, save it in the host application and close this one, you get a prompt from FZ to upload it and a checkbox to finish editing it and delete the local copy. When much later on, you close FZ, it tells you you still have files being edited.

related to #3893

#5671 Cannot download files with filenames that contains the chars " & « " normal worksforme 14 years Windows
#5672 error connecting to server normal outdated 14 years Windows

I am cconsistently gettin this error

Network error: Software caused connection abort Error: Could not connect to server

#5673 FZ Crashes on slow computers with ssl normal outdated 14 years Windows

Hi, I have a serious problem with ftps on my eeePC (WinXP Home 32, intel atom): as soon as i use ftps (SSL), filezilla( keeps hanging up the entire system and sometimes even crashes. the connections are really slow and the gui is not really responsive. connecting over normal ftp is no problem. i use filezilla server(0.9.37 beta) on my other pc(Win7 x64, Core i7), which is pretty fast and has no problems with this.

i understand that ssl needs cpu power, but is it necessary to crash filezilla?

#5680 Dates not sort correctly low worksforme 14 years Windows

When viewing dates on the local drive, 11-10-10 appears before 11-3-10. This is because it appears to be picking up the first digit and not both, to correctly order the dates.

#5681 Quickconnect bar weird after change language normal outdated 14 years Windows

I just tested with the latest stable version on Windows

Please follow these steps:

  1. Clear the check of "Quickconnect bar" under menu "View"
  2. We can see the quickconnect bar was hidden
  3. Click on menu "Edit" -> "Settings..." -> "Language"
  4. Choose another language then click "OK"
  5. The language changed but the "quickconnect bar" displayed and the check of "Quickconnect bar" under menu "View" still clear
  6. If you click the "Quickconnect bar" under menu "View", you will see the "Quickconnect bar" display/hide is opposite with the check status
#5687 Not creating initial remote directory with local directory upload normal outdated 14 years Windows

I am seeing a problem where the client is not creating the initial remote directory. Example: I want to upload c:\foo to the remote location of /home/user/foo I select foo directory on the local end and user directory on the remote end. I then select add to queue of the local foo directory and then attempt to process the queue. The queue will timeout trying to upload the files as it does not create the initial /home/user/foo directory when it performs the first CWD /home/user/foo. Attached is a log of an actual attempt at this. If I manually create the /home/user/foo directory prior to processing the queue then the upload will work fine and subdirectories will also be processed ok.

I am also using the latest rc1 candidate

#5691 transfer queue not shown normal outdated 14 years Windows

Just updated my version and now there is no status view so I have no idea what the progress is of my files I am transferring. Help.

#5693 "Always trust certificate in future sessions" doesn't work. normal fixed 14 years Windows

The certificate is valid, in that it started one month ago and expires in 20 years time. It's a general certificate for my ISP which allows me to upload files to my domain, so the certificate's common name doesn't match my domain name, and it's a self sigend certificate by my ISP, so it's good that I'm warned about it, but I should be able to trust certificate in future sessions, but ticking the "Always trust certificate in future sessions" box and clicking "OK" has no effect. i.e. The dialog keeps appearing for every file and for every time I log in to the server.

#5694 quick connect buttons vanish after connecting to a FTP-Server high duplicate 14 years Windows

Hello, After connecting to a FTP-Server i have grafic errors on "quick-connect tab". All buttons are gone and i can watch in between all protokoll data. Please have a look at the screenshot. It should explain the error. Hope you can fix it ... .

#5696 Could not write to transfer socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer + transfer not logged as failed normal outdated 14 years Windows

Started FileZilla and was auto-upgraded to v3.3.5. Invoked about 300+ file transfer in passive mode from FZ on Win7 Ultimate 64bit. Several transfers failed, some smaller files <100K and larger files about 16MB with the subject error message.

This left partially uploaded file in DESTINATION folder. HOWEVER, the filesize was incorrect due to incomplete file transfer.... AND.... the file transfer was NOT SHOWN as an ERROR in the FZ GUI... I would have expected this.

I searched known bugs and understand ECONNRESET due to external network issues, however FZ should not show failed FTP as SUCCESSFUL.

I tried recreating in DEBUG 3 mode... however I was unable to reproduce the problem. I suspect the DEBUG setting slows down the condition that creates the problem... or no network issues (which seems strange to resolve in same timeframe since it was occurring for over 5-10 minutes). I did receive "Connection closed by server" with unexpected reply from server... suspect network issues... but again, NO FAILED TRANSFERS shown... ???

#5697 photo size changes to 4380 bytes when uploading to filezilla normal outdated 14 years Windows

No matter what the size of the jpg is, when I upload to my website via filezilla, and no matter what option I choose in the box that pops up, Filezilla reduces the size of the jpg to 4380 bytes consistently every time, no matter what the original size was, and then renders the photo un-useable in the website. To troubleshoot, I uploaded the 4380 size photo that's been altered by filezilla, back to my computer's folder, and the picture is corrupted in my computer also. I never had this problem before, been using filezilla for years to upload photos to my website.

#5700 Crashes when Dragon Naturally Speaking running normal rejected 14 years Windows

Steps to reproduce:

Load program:

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Version

Run FileZilla client and connect to an FTP server. At that point, pretty much any mouse click on the FileZilla client window will cause it to crash.

The crash description: Faulting application filezilla.exe, version, faulting module oleacc.dll, version 4.2.5406.0, fault address 0x0001e368.


Shutdown Dragon NaturallySpeaking, use FileZilla client, then shut down FileZilla client, then restart Dragon.

#5706 filezilla ftp client 3.3.5 download file size wrong low outdated 14 years Windows

Downloading files from filezilla ftp server over FTPES, when I drag a file from the server file list to the client file list, if its replacing an old file, the file size is for the old file, not the one replacing it. This doesn't seem to always happen.

Both client and server are windows xp sp2.

#5707 Transfer of files with umlauts fails when using the transfer queue normal outdated 14 years Windows

During a backup transfer (server to client) of about 3181 files always the same jpg files wont be transferred, most likely because they include German umlauts and special characters like ü and ß.

But downloading each of these files directly without using the queue succeeds. So something is not working when using the queue.

Attached a screenshot showing some of the files.

FileZilla Version: 3.3.4

#5708 Unable to install Version normal outdated 13 years Windows

Immediately following the successful downloading of, I accept the instruction to install and I get "error 5: access is denied" and can proceed no further.

I can go to the downloaded .exe file and begin the install, but then I get "error opening file for writing..... /filezilla.exe

.... Abort-Retry-Ignore"

If I click "Ignore" the install proceeds and finally says the new version is installed.... "do I want to start Filezilla?" I click yes and nothing happens.

I re-launch Filezilla and is still operating (satisfactorily), telling me that a newer version is available.

ABOUT: FileZilla Client

Version: Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2010-08-16 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11 GnuTLS: 2.8.3

Operating system:

Name: Windows Vista (build 6002, Service Pack 2) Version: 6.0 Platform: 32 bit system

Any ideas?

Regards, Bruce Lang

#5709 directory not listed via sftp - ACL high outdated 13 years Windows

I'm connecting to a sftp service I've created.

the directory is empty but it should have some files in.

My config is the same than a previous one, except ACL.

here is the debug log, showing that filezilla receive a good response from the command ls :

Statut : Récupération du contenu du dossier... Trace : CSftpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace : CSftpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace : CSftpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace : CSftpControlSocket::ListSend() Commande : ls Statut : Listing directory /home/TAO/dmagniez Contenu : drwxrwx--T 9 root root 4096 Nov 22 14:37 .. Contenu : drwx------ 2 dmagniez utilisa. du domaine 4096 Nov 22 15:10 .ssh Contenu : drwxr-x--- 4 dmagniez utilisa. du domaine 4096 Nov 22 15:10 . Contenu : -rwxr-x--- 1 dmagniez utilisa. du domaine 0 Nov 22 14:57 Nouveau document texte.txt Contenu : drwxr-x--- 2 dmagniez utilisa. du domaine 4096 Nov 22 15:05 Nouveau dossier Trace : CSftpControlSocket::ListParseResponse() Trace : CSftpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace : CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Statut : Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier

but nothing appear.

file right seems to be good : dmagniez@LINUXTAO:~> getfacl /home/TAO/dmagniez/ getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: home/TAO/dmagniez/ # owner: dmagniez # group: utilisa.\040du\040domaine user::rwx user:other_user1:r-x group::--x group:g_ftp:--x mask::r-x other::--- default:user::rwx default:user:other_user1:r-x default:group::--x default:group:g_ftp:--x default:mask::r-x default:other::---

sftp command in localhost linux :

sftp> ls Nouveau document texte.txt Nouveau dossier

#6192 Incorrect folder name shown normal outdated 13 years Windows

The inexistent folder "Feb 29 13:59 Giochi" is shown in the folder list of the remote FTP site instead of the existing one "Giochi". The error occurred for the first time in the last but one version of the filezilla client program. The only way for accessing it is to rename the inexistent folder into "Giochi". This folder contains 129 files and 47 folders. Other FTP programs (like Internet Explorer) shows and handles the folder normally.

#6195 Filezilla client cannont get through ad-hoc networking normal outdated 13 years Windows

Using the Filezilla client cannont get through remote site by ad-hoc networking from other PC sharing wi-fi connection. Though the password accepted, no content shows from the remote-site (App's right column)

But the Windows Explorer does! (proved not the error on network)

#6196 Installed new version of filezilla. Lost my quickconnect password normal invalid 13 years Windows

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2010-11-21 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11 GnuTLS: 2.10.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) Version: 5.1 Platform: 32 bit system

Installation was at the invitation of the Filezilla.

#6197 File upload content duplication normal outdated 13 years Windows

I tested this a few times and filezilla repeatedly uploads my files but with it's content duplicated...

SmartFTP did not give me this problem (so far...)

This may be because of the server I'm connecting to is not very good at all... and drops connections all the time, so filezilla takes about 5 or more tries to upload a file... but still the resulting content duplication is not good <_<

#6198 Locked out of directory low outdated 13 years Windows

Certain directories on remote server appear to be locked (see attached log). Opened a ticket at the remote server and they forwarded it to FTP Voyager (the FTP server that they use). FTP Voyager people insisted that I purchase their client. Their client has no problem accessing the "locked" directories. By the way, the same directories are "locked" when using the FTP Commander client.

#6487 Timestamp not preserved for large (>2G) files normal outdated 13 years Windows

FileZilla client is set to preserve timestamps on transfered files.

File creation time is preserved on files smaller than 2G.

File creation time is set to current time on files larger than 2G.

#6490 Mapped Network Drives not shown in normal invalid 13 years Windows

Prior to updating the mapped network drives were visible in the directory tree. Once I updated to they were no longer visible. Tried re-mapping the drives, refreshing, rebooting. Can only access the folders if I enter the UNC path.

#6491 FileZilla will not upload my files. John-Henry, Lake Isabella, CA, USA normal outdated 13 years Windows

FileZilla will not upload my files in Traditional Mandarin Chinese to Online Storate Solutions IICInternet. The files were written to Windows XP 2004 in MSWord and saved to my hard drive originally.

#6495 Connection Issue normal invalid 13 years Windows

FileZilla is not connecting to my server.

#6499 GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function normal fixed 13 years Windows

Hi Guys,

I'm using Filezilla client version and I have trouble to connect on my FTP when I'm using TLS, my setting to connect are FTPES in passive method, I receive the error message "GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function"

This is the log when I activate the debug mode: Commande : MLSD Trace : CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace : CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace : CTlsSocket::ContinueHandshake() Trace : CTlsSocket::Failure(-53, 10053) Erreur : GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function. Trace : CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(3) Trace : CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd()

I have tried with another client version 3.3.5 and I don't have any issue to connect on my FTP server.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

#6505 Unrecognized characters after uploading file high rejected 13 years Windows


I've been using FileZilla for years now but lately I have to move to another FTP Client due to some issues I'm having.

FileZilla version: Processor: AMD Phenom 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.10 GHz RAM: 2GB System:Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits.

I am a freelancer, web developer, basically using Flash, PHP and MySql. Daily, I need to upload/download files from my Server or my Clients.

After testing my applications in my local environment I upload it to my Server for a remote testing and allowing my Clients check work evolution and suggest corrections, changes, etc.

Since last week I started to have issues after uploading files to my Server:

a) although all files were uploaded properly, with no error messages and all of them being in its proper folder, application refused to work as it was working in my local environment.

b) I observed that some files were having different size in my disk than in my Server. Since I have moved recently to a new WebHosting (Linux) I thought this could be due to a different method Linux had to calculate the space on disk, I don't know.

c) some files, although displaying the same size in my disk than in my Server what lead to think it had been properly uploaded, when testing they refused to be loaded. This was easily detected with Flash movies (most of them forms) and graphics, simple graphics like backgrounds or headers (.png and .jpg). All of them small to middle file sizes (2KB - 200KB). FileZilla showed the files were in their proper folder, Server's FileManager application also showed that the file was in its proper location, Browser's "Source View" feature showed that the file/s were been called at the right places but the file/s didn't show up in the browser.

d) Tracking the application step by step (logically, not with a debugger because the app was not able to start the debugger, the application didn't start at all!) I could detect that some text files were having weird content merged with the actual content (attached you will find one of the files snapshot). I really cannot say about other files content (like Flash or graphic files) since I'm not able to read their contents as one can do with a text file. But those text files, definitely had a different content than its corresponding in my local environment.

e) trying to upload those files once and again (using auto, ASCII or binary) did not show any change: always the same weird content merged with the actual content (black diamonds with a question mark inside).

I talked to my Server's support staff (InMotion) and they could not explain me what could this be due to. And I can't remember where these guys or IXWebHosting support guys (my former Server) that suggested this could be due to a FileZilla misfunction. I refused to accept their suggestion but, just in case, I downloaded another free FTP Client (Core FTP Lite) and the same files and directories were uploaded once again with successful results: no file was missing, no size was different and all files content (texts, graphics, flash, databases, etc) were exactly the same than in my local environment.

I have been searching in previous reports of similar issues and couldn't find any similar to mine; then, I cannot understand what weird configuration should I have that may be causing this deformation.

Since I love FileZilla, I feel very confident with it and very familiar with all its features after using it for so many years, I feel very extrange using any other FTP Client and would like to return to use FileZilla as I used to in the past.

I would appreciate any suggestion/s you could give me and if you need further explanation, questions or whatever, please, do not hesitate to let me know.

Best regards, Lautaro.

#6512 FileZilla (Moving Files on Aix fails) normal outdated 13 years Windows

When I open up a connection to an AIX server and I wish to move files from one directory to another using the explorer window, I get a mv dir1/file1 dir2/file1 : fail No reason as to the failure. I use the same username and password that I used for the conenction to do an ssh on the same server that I did in Filezilla and issue the command from the command line. No problems and the files move from one location to another with no errors.

#6515 "open"/"edit" commands on local file does not launch the right application high outdated 13 years Windows

When I double-click (or choose "open") on a ".doc" file in Windows explorer, it opens in MS Word.

In Filezilla, if I choose "open" or "edit" on the same (local) file it opens Wordpad. Wordpad it the second application in my "open with..." menu.

The same happens with other extentions: source code which opens with notepad, etc.

FileZilla should use the default/first application associated with the "open" action.

#6517 Certificate expired! (v3.3.5.1) low rejected 13 years Windows

Doing an FTPES connection to (with any random username and password) gives a "Unknown certificate" message which says that the certificate expired in 01/01/1970 !!!

Is the certificate faulty, or FileZilla ?

By the way, this is the same certificate mentioned in bug #5693 so it's possible that those code changes caused the problem.

Screenshot attached as a B&W GIF to make the filesize tiny.


#6518 modified uploaded files critical outdated 13 years Windows


I've been using FileZilla for years now but lately I had to move to another FTP Client due to some issues I'm having.

FileZilla version: Processor: AMD Phenom 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.10 GHz RAM: 2GB System:Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits.

When I upload individual or a group (queue) of files to my Server (auto, ascii or bin) no error message is shown but is very common they fail when I test the result of the uploading.

They shouldn't fail beacause those files belong to applications I've got them running in my local environment AND in another remote Server of my own. Investigating the reasons of these failures I found out that most of the uploaded files have different size in my Server than the size they've got in my local installation. Using another FTP Client (Core FTP LE) the same files were uploaded properly, no different in their sizes and no failure when testing my Server's installation.

Attached you will find the print screen of both upload operations (FileZilla's and CoreFTP's). This shows up only one case; it happens with almost all applications I've got (more than 100).

I've got another ticket opened 15 days ago (Ticket #6505) where I report another issue with FileZilla and I believe both issues may have some connection.

Both issues (this one and the one reported in ticket 6505) started to show up after I installed Windows 7 in my PC.

I love FileZilla and after so many years using it I'm more than used to its features but, unfortunately, now I had to move to another FTP Client because I need to continue working and those misbehaviours add delays to my work.... but I'd love to go back to FileZilla.

I will appreciate any help.

Best regards, Lautaro.

#6520 Toolbar not displaying when connecting to FTP normal rejected 13 years Windows

The toolbar does not display when connecting to FTP. Only when moving the mouse over the toolbar area do the icons partly appear and that's a crap shoot as well.

Yes, I'm fully aware that you've rejected this problem umpteen different times now from umpteen different users, claiming that the fault is with Intel's graphics card - I AGREE AND WISH IT WERE OTHERWISE. Obviously, Intel isn't going to "fix" something on their end just to accommodate your program anymore than MS would "fix" their OS for your program either. How about doing all of us who are having this problem and would like to continue using FileZilla a favor and swallow your pride, take the highroad, actually demonstrate that you know more about programing than the idiots at Intel and at least look into a fix on your end? Pretty please!

I've been using FileZilla for many many years and would really like to continue using it, but that's impossible to do if I can't read what's not there - the menu bars. Please give us loyal users a break just this once. I don't want to look for another FTP client. Yours is the best and the I promise the next time I buy a laptop, I won't buy one with crappy Intel graphics.


FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2010-11-21 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11 GnuTLS: 2.10.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7600) Version: 6.1 Platform: 32 bit system

Windows 7 Professional Desktop resolution: 1280x800 (Aero enabled) Intel HD Graphics (Core i7) (driver

#6521 yahoo ftp - file sizes do not match normal outdated 13 years Windows


I am trying to upload files to a "premium" yahoo ftp account with a low ping time. Quite often for reasonable file sizes (500k,1mb) the file uploaded ends up being only 90-95% of the actual source file size. This happens quite often. I see it upload more than the actual file size as well. The majority uploads immediately then the last bit takes much longer. When this happens, he file transfer does not indicate it failed ... usually.

FileZilla client

#6523 can't copy or delete files on my server anymore high fixed 13 years Windows

When connecting Filezilla with my FTPServer I can download all files, but I can't upload new ones or delete them. by pressing the delete botton it asks me if I want to delete but after clicking "yes" and refreshing the files are still there. When selecting a file to upload and clicking the "upload" botton nothing happens. I use FileZilla client version and no antivirus or firewall is running.

#6525 JPEG file association Issue normal outdated 13 years Windows

I downloaded client version today and when I tried to view/edit a JPEG image on the site, I get a message stating "No program has been associated to edit files with the extension jpg." I have tried changing the extension of the file on the site to .jpeg and still get the same message. I checked the file assciations in the Filezilla client and the box "Inherit system filetype associations is checked. I tried rolling Filezilla client back to a previous version and continue to get the message even though the previous version used to open file types without issue.

#6526 Not working with vmWare normal duplicate 13 years Windows

I have latest filezilla running on 3 machines, 1 Win XP, 1 Win 7 and both working fine, when I try running in a Win XP VM ware session connecting to my site which is running zftp server it failes to connect at the Status: Initializing TLS... line.

The settings are the same - any idea what VMware might be blocking and how I can unblock it?

#6527 menus do not display critical duplicate 13 years Windows

The menus do not display when connecting to FTP. They only begin to show when the cursor is moved over the menu bars.

#6531 Invalid filename display with client normal outdated 13 years Windows

We have several AIX servers running as FTP servers and using WU-FTPD, the same version of AIX and WU-FTP for all. We have clients connecting to our servers with Filezilla but the display for the filenames is off. The columns for the filename included the filename plus the filesize and the modified time so when they go to download they get message that the file doesn't exist. In some cases there are invalid characters in the name.

When using DOS command line there are no issues, everything shows correctly so I know it is an issue with the display of host type or character set or something. I have seen similar issues on the forum but have not found a solution. I have tried changing the host type and forcing the UTF-8 character display but nothing has worked.

Is there a fix for this or a parser that can be run to display the columns properly?

#7147 Asthetic defect in Win7 normal rejected 13 years Windows

When connecting to an FTP site part of the lower toolbar disappears. Pressing the 'ALT' restores it as does passing the mouse over the buttons.

It is merely an appearance thing and one I have seen in other programs which were fine in XP but developed this minor trait in WIN7 but which have been corrected by their writers

#7148 default.vb and default.aspx files get mixed normal outdated 13 years Windows

When uploading default.vb and default.aspx files, sometimes the 2 pages get mixed up.

Browsing to will show the text of default.vb file with all it's source code. Seems like during upload, the contents of the .vb file ends up in the .aspx file.

#7149 problem with some kind of password normal fixed 13 years Windows

i'm trying to connect to ftp servers using password like this: 354c85c80e but filezilla seems problematic with this password , I got critical error and no auth. The pwd is correct because it's working with other ftp clients.

#7153 Timed out connection error normal worksforme 13 years Windows

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

I have had this issue for the past 2 days, prior to that everything worked fine. I have updated my Filezilla and still have the same issue.

{tried to post on the forum instead but I couldn't}

#7154 ls command failing to retreive directory listing normal outdated 13 years Windows

The ls command is failing to retrieve the directory listing for directories that have a large number of files in them.

Command: cd "Communique-PROD" Response: New directory is: "/Communique-PROD" Command: ls Status: Listing directory /Communique-PROD Error: No valid incoming packet found Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

We tested by moving files out of the directory and then the ls command worked again. Placing the files back in the directory causes the ls to stop working. Due to this problem we are unable to retreive or put items in the FTP folder or go to any sub-folder.

We are running a GlobalScape Secure FTP server and connecting on port 22.

GlobalScape Cute FTP Pro and WSFTP Pro (newer versions) work with large directory listings.

The directory we were testing with had 323 items. (Our test removed and replaced 200 of those items)

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2010-11-21 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11 GnuTLS: 2.10.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7600) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

#7162 FileZilla Error: Could not connect to server normal outdated 13 years Windows

I just downloaded the update to this version last night to my Desktop Computer (Windows 7 64-bit) and to my laptop (Windows XP Build 2600, Service Pack 3) computers. On BOTH computers, I am now getting a message that says "Error: Could not connect to server" message, no matter what I try to do. I called my Site Host (GoDaddy) and they tried guiding me through, noting that it connected just fine on their side. We tried shutting off my firewalls and various other efforts on their side, to see if they could help me make it work. They finally discovered that it was a problem with the FileZilla program, but that they did not have the updated version in their system to try and see if this problem could be resolved anymore from their side. They then directed for me to contact your company in order to see if this problem could be fixed. Please help me with this right away, as I need to upload dire updates to my company website and cannot do so using the new FileZilla, which was uploaded. This is an EXTREMELY URGENT situation. Thank you very much... Jim

#7163 Transferring PNG files results in losing 1 bit of data low outdated 13 years Windows

When transferring a PNG file to a linux webserver, the PNG files lose 1 bit of data, making them corrupt. When transferring other image files, no corruption takes place.

#7164 FileZilla doesn't recognize c:\windows\system32\MetaPad.exe as viewer normal rejected 13 years Windows

FileZilla doesn't recognize c:\windows\system32\MetaPad.exe as viewer

#7165 connection error normal invalid 13 years Windows

i cannot connect to filezilla I keep getting a ECONNREFUSED message at first it was user and password problems but now i think i have got that problem solved but i cannot connect and the bottom line is i may need someone to walk me through the setup its my first time at this website building also another issue may be that i am tethering because we do not have internet service where i live yet any help you can give would be greatly appreciated also i am not sure about the passwords and the host are they the passwords that i registered on filezilla with or are they the justhost passwords dazed and confused

#7167 Failed to retrieve directory listing error: could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer critical invalid 13 years Windows

I am using the FileZilla Server for this and the server is online.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready Command: USER Jennifer Ng Response: 331 Give any password. Command: PASS Response: 230 logged on. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 500 invalid command, goodbye! Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server

I already made a home directory for it.

May I know how to make the correct directory?

I need to use this for my online shop so I put my priority of the report as critical.

Thanks a million and sorry for the inconvience caused.

#7168 Failed to retrieve directory listing error: could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer high wontfix 13 years Windows

I am using the FileZilla Server for this and the server is online.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready Command: USER Jennifer Ng Response: 331 Give any password. Command: PASS Response: 230 logged on. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 500 invalid command, goodbye! Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server

I already made a home directory for it.

May I know how to make the correct directory?

I need to use this for my online shop so I put my priority of the report as high.

Thanks a million and sorry for the inconvience caused. <:# )~

#7169 Failed to retrieve directory listing error: could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer normal duplicate 13 years Windows

I am using the FileZilla Server for this and the server is online.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready Command: USER Jennifer Ng Response: 331 Give any password. Command: PASS Response: 230 logged on. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 500 invalid command, goodbye! Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server

I already made a home directory for it.

May I know how to make the correct directory?

I need to use this for my online shop so I put my priority of the report as high.

Thanks a million and sorry for the inconvience caused. <:3 )~

#7170 Failed to retrieve directory listing error: could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer high outdated 13 years Windows

I am using the FileZilla Server for this and the server is online.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready Command: USER Jennifer Ng Response: 331 Give any password. Command: PASS Response: 230 logged on. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 500 invalid command, goodbye! Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server

I already made a home directory for it.

May I know how to make the correct directory?

I need to use this for my online shop so I put my priority of the report as high.

Thanks a million and sorry for the inconvience caused. <:3 )~

#7171 Directory Listing Stalls normal outdated 13 years Windows


The following file name caused a directory listing to hang and I think it's because it has 2 periods in it:

Final Cover4.9 - Copy.jpg

I hope this helps.

Many blessings,


#7177 Bugs in File-Zilla Client Software low rejected 13 years Windows

Dear File-Zilla Development Team member,

Hi ! I am using File-Zilla for the first time & saw that it's a very nice tool. But, have 4 issues, which are as follows: -

  1. Due to any reason, if system get restarted or shut down, it don't keep the track that which of the files are in download/upload process, how much %age is completed & how much is remaining, how many files are their to be downloaded.
  1. Suppose a RAR/ZIP file is getting downloaded or uploaded & say it's size is 315 MB. If, in between Internet gets disconnected or by any reason Connection between Server-Client interrupted. Then after resume, File-Zilla continues the Download/Upload process even after 100% process graph & when we see the size of file at the download location then it's size is greater than original size & the file is of NO use.
  1. Verfication & Synchronization after download - both of these options are missing.
  1. If we set - "Action after Queue completion" to "Close File-Zilla" then it closes the File-Zilla software WITHOUT DISCONNECTING THE CONNECTION FROM SERVER. I personally saw this issue that after completion File-Zilla closes itself & when I check at the Server then in FTP current connection the connection is active. In this process, I suggest that after completion, File-Zilla first gets disconnected from Server & then closes itself. This process should be following in two more actions - Restart system & ShutDown system.

Waiting for positive reply.

Thanks & Regards, Bharat Sethi

#7186 lots of weird error warnings (cannot write XML) normal outdated 13 years Windows

Sorry for the unprecise description. I run Windows 7 home premium and I can still work with filezilla, but a bunch of error warnings pop up, which I have attached in the picture. They appear every second one after the other from top to bottom. I have reinstalled filezilla with the latest version, but the problem does not disappear. Now I have Filezilla, windows NT 6.1 32-bit

#7187 Could not connect to server normal outdated 13 years Windows


I am using windows server 2008(64-bit), i have installed filezilla ftp tool 3.5, but i can not connect to my web-server via the tool,

my ftp-login detail are as follow:

host : Uname : ----- pass : ---- server type : FTPES

when i try to connect to the site, following process running on the process-box:

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server

  • I can use same tool for other sites.
  • The ftp server allow one connection at a time.
  • I can connect to the same site via the same tool on win-xp(32-bit) on other PC.
  • I have already try to connect the site with firewall(off) and antivirus(inactive) mode.

Thanks, Rupendra

#7189 Successfully uploaded file is larger on remote server than original source file normal outdated 13 years Windows

Running Filezilla on Windows XP 64-bit ("Windows Server 2003 build 3790, Service Pack 2");

Connecting to a vsftp over FTPES;

The majority of the time, file transfers work fine - but what I've found is that periodically when uploading files over poor connections, Filezilla will report that a transfer completed successfully, but it turns out that the "successfully" uploaded file is LARGER (on the remote server) than the original source (local) file!

If, for instance, I upload a directory of 50 images, eventually FileZilla will report 50 successful transfers. However, if I then do a directory comparison of the source and destination, it'll turn out that i.e. 45 of them match in filesize, but 50 of the remote files are LARGER than the source files which were supposedly uploaded.

#7193 Ftp client not able to connect at all critical worksforme 13 years Windows

Hi there, I have been using filezilla for years and after the recent upgrade, I keep getting this message

Status: Selected port usually in use by a different protocol. Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Delaying connection for 1 second due to previously failed connection attempt... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

I have checked the server and no problem. I have AVG firewall which I turned off and still the same response. I dont have windows firewall on and I disabled application gateway layer service - still same result. Could you please help? Its very important that I can get access to my ftp. Many thanks

#7195 Regular freezes in normal outdated 13 years Windows

The latest version of FileZilla constantly freezes during use. It will become unresponsive for a minute or so, not responding to any input, including attempting to close it. It is responsive enough to close down immediately if told to by Task Manager. After 30 seconds or a minute it comes back to life again. I cannot find any particular pattern to when it freezes, but it is very regular and very frustrating. This has not occurred before I upgraded to the latest version.

#7202 System Halt low rejected 13 years Windows

After upgrade to

Added fiels to queue - after first upload system halt Second time - no queue - after first file uploaded system halt (NOT BLUE SCREEN BUT HALT)

event id 1000 - log entry

Faulting application name: filezilla.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4c68656b Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7600.16559, time stamp: 0x4ba9b29c Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00033c2c Faulting process id: 0x1e60 Faulting application start time: 0x01cbc88e8a840483 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll Report Id: d6e37232-3481-11e0-95e0-001bfc03df6a

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2010-11-21 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11 GnuTLS: 2.10.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7600) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

#7204 Downloading impossible normal invalid 13 years Windows


I have been recommended your 5.5 version, and it would please me to have it, but unfortunately I have not been able to download it.

When I push Download some competitor of yours sneaks in and tries to offer his product instead.

I had noticed that the 3. version no longer keeps the webhouse and user data in memory, but the latest version probable does it.

Kind regards



#7206 A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. high outdated 13 years Windows

Response: 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing TLS mode Status: Initializing TLS... Error: GnuTLS error -9: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry...

#7209 Problems with retrieving files that starts with ,, '' (spacebar) at the begining. high duplicate 13 years Windows

Today i have encountered a critical error while trying to fetch file that was starting with spacebar. It totally forbids me from downloading the files as server response 550 - file not exists.

#7210 crash after close welcome window normal outdated 13 years Windows

filezilla client crashed directly after closing welcome window under Windows 7 filezilla client Version:

after some checks: -it works under windows xp (same pc) -version 3.4.0-beta1 seems to work under windows 7 -after installation of version 3.4.0-beta1 version from zip also works -because I now the auto check for updates after closing welcome window I start it manually over the menu and it crashed again (version on the initialization step of TLS

Windows Event Log Applicaton Error ID 1000

#7214 I have a problème with FTP connection normal outdated 13 years Windows

Hi, This is my log: Statut : Résolution de l'adresse de Statut : Connexion à Statut : Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil... Réponse : 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3c Server (ProFTPD) [] Commande : USER cana-com Réponse : 331 Password required for cana-com Commande : PASS Réponse : 230 User cana-com logged in Commande : OPTS UTF8 ON Réponse : 200 UTF8 set to on Statut : Connecté Statut : Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande : PWD Réponse : 257 "/" is the current directory Commande : TYPE I Réponse : 200 Type set to I Commande : PASV Réponse : 227 Entering Passive Mode (74,208,113,48,155,102). Commande : MLSD Erreur : Délai d'attente expiré Erreur : Échec lors de la récupération du contenu du dossier and thank you in advance.

#7233 Log showing through to top panel area when synchronized browsing high duplicate 13 years Windows

Version: 64bit Windows 7 64bit with Intel Core i5 processor

If you turn on synchronized browsing with the above setup, the message log shows through the upper area of FileZilla (ie, the menu, search box, etc).

#7238 Icons Under File: Edit: View Disappear high outdated 13 years Windows

Good Day All:

I am finding that these icons (Open Site Manager, etc.) keep disappearing when moving in and out of the Filezilla windows. They only reappear when I mouse over where they used to be. Is there any way to make them stay visible continuously? Thanks!

#7243 Clipboard failure normal invalid 13 years Windows

I have tried to "Copy URL(s) to clipboard" for files in the ftp listing window, via the Context menu and I get an error message that says " Failed to put data in Clipboard (error -2147221040: openClipboard Failed) " Is this something I am doing wrong?

#7245 problems in the brazilian translation of Filezilla Ricardo ibn Ghazi normal outdated 13 years Windows

the brazilian portuguese is pure portuguese from portugal, 'A transferir' we don´t use it here, it is 'Transferind' and much more

I can contribute if you accept me, just let me know what file I need to replace with the correct brazilian entries

since it is occurring with the client, the server will have the same problem, I can help too

I wait for a feedback at ricardombroczkoski@…

#7251 Drop Shipping Companies - How To Work Doing Dropshipping Alexandra Woods critical invalid 13 years Windows

If you want to work,one of the things that you can do is to work in drop shipping companies so that you would be able to earn the right amount of money that you want. All you have to do is to check the Internet for other types of Drop Shipping Companies so that you can compare. Aside from those things, you have to know how is work done when it comes to drop shipping companies so that you would be able to do the job right.

In order for you to know how to work doing dropshipping, you have to enter into a drop ship companies so that you would be able to know how to do that. Or you can check the Internet for details on the Drop Ship Companies where you want to do the drop shipping. On the other hand, you have to take note of the products that they sell so that you will be able to know how to advertise.

#7253 Hang if disconnected normal outdated 13 years Windows

While using SFTP, filezilla is aware of that the connection is lost between the server and client (timeout i think), but it still tries to send command (when you try to refresh, it sends ls and hangs i.e.)

It should first connect and then send the command.

#7265 GUI overwrite of top menu and toolbar area normal duplicate 13 years Windows

The top menu, toolbar area of icons and quick connect is being overwritten by scrolling text in the connect and actions information text area. (I don't know it's official name) This happens consistently every time the program is used. When you pass the cursor over the menu or some toolbar icons, they sometimes come back. (the icon hover toggle) This has happened for some time and is still occurring with the latest release.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.4.0

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2011-03-27 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.10.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

#7266 files not transferring in ascii mode normal outdated 13 years Windows

i set up .lis and .txt files as ascii extension.

however, when i view or transfer a .lis or .log comes up in binary.

therefore, the file is unreadable.

i have the transfer set to automatic as normally i am transferring a mixture of ascii and binary files.

how do i fix this?

#7268 Upgrade to 3.4 - Can no longer connect to server normal fixed 13 years Windows

Today I upgraded to version 3.4 and I can no longer connect to my server at Bluehost:

Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

I followed the Bluehost instructions for setting up a Filezilla FTP client which can be found here:

All FTP information provided by Bluehost is unchanged.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.4.0

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2011-03-27 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.10.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7600) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

Appreciate any help you can provide.

Brenda Gottsabend

#7270 SFTP private key (ppk) not loaded when file name has special characters high worksforme 13 years Windows

In some cases a private key file (ppk) cannot be loaded from the file system to be used for SFTP authentification.

This happens when the ppk file name or the path to the ppk file have special characters like German Umlauts.

Whether the ppk file name is provided by the FileZilla or PuTTY settings is irrelevant.

Only exception: If 'iso-8859-1' is set as the charset of a connection in the Site Manager, the ppk file name is interpreted correctly.

Corresponding log output:

Trace:	CControlSocket::DoClose(64)
Trace:	CControlSocket::DoClose(64)
Status:	Connecting to myserver...
Trace:	Going to execute "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\fzsftp.exe"
Response:	fzSftp started
Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ConnectParseResponse(fzSftp started)
Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ConnectSend()
Command:	open "myuser@myserver" 22
Trace:	Looking up host "myserver"
Trace:	Connecting to 1xx.1xx.1x.x port 22
Trace:	Server version: SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.1.3
Trace:	Using SSH protocol version 2
Trace:	We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Local:_Mar_27_2011_22:10:31
Trace:	Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
Trace:	Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash SHA-1
Trace:	Host key fingerprint is:
Trace:	ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Trace:	Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
Trace:	Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
Trace:	Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
Trace:	Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
Trace:	Reading private key file "C:\Temp\schlüssel.ppk"
Trace:	Unable to use this key file (unable to open file)
Trace:	Keyboard-interactive authentication refused
Command:	Pass: 
Trace:	Sent password
Trace:	Access denied
Error:	Authentication failed.
Trace:	CControlSocket::DoClose(1030)
Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1094)
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1094)
Error:	Critical error
Error:	Could not connect to server
Trace:	CFileZillaEnginePrivate::ResetOperation(1094)
#7272 Connection to server defined by command line options always uses more than one connection low invalid 13 years Windows

When the client is started automatically from another program, using command line options to specify the server, the client will not limit the number of connections to 1. When connected to a server that supports only 1 ftp connection at a time, no file transfers are possible.

This worked in client V2.2.32 (but this older version had other issues). When i use the ServerManager as a test, i can limit the number of connections to 1, then everything works, but this is not a solution, i cannot use the ServerManager for all possible automatically connections.

#7277 Firewall Conflict (Binaries have changed) high rejected 13 years Windows

I have been using FileZilla and PCTools internet security concurrently without problems for 5 months now. The new version of Filezilla appears to modify it's own binaries after EVERY command line sent/received. This means I have to "allow" it 5 times just to make a connection, let alone navigate or upload/download.

Filezilla Version 3.4.0 PC Tools Version 2011

If the new FileZilla does modify its own binaries, wouldn't there be problems with most firewalls/security software? It seems that data should be stored externally in some sort of database.

#7279 Settings > Interface > Behaviour > Do not save passwords: not saving setting normal worksforme 13 years Windows

The Behaviour option: Do not save passwords is not persistent between sessions of FileZilla.

Settings > Interface > Behaviour > Do not save passwords

When checking the box, the setting is not saved at the next run time.

This bug was found on two Windows machines running both XP and 7.

#7284 'failed to write xml file' normal duplicate 13 years Windows

Hi there, I have an ASUS Eee PC, Netbook (1G RAM). I only recently installed filezilla and did so under the instruction of my web hosts -- who say they are quite familiar with the program. I have successfully made several connections to their server and uploaded files onto it. This is the primary reason I installed the program. The last three times I have started filezilla, a series of error messages have been popping up (see attached images). I have to click 'OK' on the boxes, of which there might be anything up to seven or eight. Two or three appear as the program opens and three always appear at the end of the session. This doesn't seem to be affecting my ability to connect to the remote server; I have performed a test connection and uploaded a file to check. I'm just wondering is this an omen of worse problems to come. Thanks, Kath T Today I also downloaded the newest version of filezilla, hoping the problem would stop, but it didn't. I just started up and shut down filezilla and have taken screenshots of every error alert I have to click through; errors 01.gif and 02.gif appeared at the beginning and the rest at the end. I have checked to see the destination folders in the error messages and the files mentioned are there, but I don't know much about what the messages mean.

#7285 the picture will explain normal duplicate 13 years Windows

always when i use the software the bar become like this

#7286 Space before of name of folder normal duplicate 13 years Windows

If I create a folder with a name that contains a blank space on begining of name, is nor crecognized and is impossible acces to it or download

Thank you for this awesome program,


#7294 Incorrect FileSize Display normal outdated 13 years Windows

Hi. When viewing remote files over 4GB (4,294,967,296), the high-order 32-bits of the 64-bit size is truncated. Hence, a file with a size of 4,973,821,282 appears as 678,853,986. This is in the Remote Site window.

#7297 Cannot connect to server normal rejected 13 years Windows

Starting just yesterday, I have not been able to connect to the server. I continue to get the following message when logging on: Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

This started after I had made several downloads to my webpage, and then I lost connection.

#7298 421 Too many connections (1) from this IP high invalid 13 years Windows

Everytime I try to upload a video to the server, I get this message. It is for my domain name

#7302 Drag & Drop no longer works. normal outdated 13 years Windows

1- Connect to FTP Site 2- Browse FTP site to folder you wish to move 3- Drag folder to some where locally on the remote server 4- You get error Drag&drop between difference servers has not been implemented yet.

Prior to FZ 3.4.0 I was able to drag a folder to a new location, within the same server, now it thinks it's between two different servers.

#7307 Unable to Connect to Server normal outdated 13 years Windows

I have tried to connect to a website to which I have been connecting for over a year. When I do, I repeatedly get error

Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

I have tried clearing the history and starting from scratch. I have also re-insrtalled Filezilla from I still get a problem. I have temporarily tried different FTP software, and that was successful. However, I would prefer to remain with Filezilla.

#7312 How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back In Your Arms Michelle Ferrer normal invalid 13 years Windows

You want to get back the guy you love. You must find the best solutions on | how to get your ex boyfriend back. Through the solutions that you have in your mind you can start or begin to get your ex boyfriend back. You need to consider the best ways to get him back so that you make sure that you can get him back and you will be on his life.

There are best things that you need to do on | how to get your ex boyfriend back how to get your ex boyfriend back]. If you will do these things you can be surely achieve the positive result and you can get ack your ex boyfriend. Then, you can start again with new memories and this time you and your exboyfriend are now careful in handling your relationship.With this you know already that you can handle the other problems that both of you might encounter in your relationship.

#7313 How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back In Your Arms Michelle Ferrer normal invalid 13 years Windows

You want to get back the guy you love. You must find the best solutions on how to get your ex boyfriend back. Through the solutions that you have in your mind you can start or begin to get your ex boyfriend back. You need to consider the best ways to get him back so that you make sure that you can get him back and you will be on his life.

There are best things that you need to do on how to get your ex boyfriend back. If you will do these things you can be surely achieve the positive result and you can get ack your ex boyfriend. Then, you can start again with new memories and this time you and your exboyfriend are now careful in handling your relationship.With this you know already that you can handle the other problems that both of you might encounter in your relationship.

#7318 .htaccess not showing normal outdated 13 years Windows


I have read the previous posts regarding the .htaccess issue. I have enabled the raw logs and my .htaccess file is showing up. I am using FileZilla 3.0.4

Listing: type=file;size=17;modify=20110428014334;UNIX.mode=0604;UNIX.uid=7645816;UNIX.gid=100450;unique=1ag2d27955; .htacess

I also have enabled my server to "Force showing hidden files". I have this working on other machines but I have not been able to get it working since I reinstalled Win XP Pro. This isn't the end of the world because you can manually transfer a file but its kind of annoying when it used to work.



#7325 error message - 530 Login Incorrect normal duplicate 13 years Windows

I've been connecting to the server up until yesterday and have been using the same host, username and password.

#7335 Large files change size when copying to a linux ftp server. normal outdated 13 years Windows

I created a ghost of my system which resulted in 3 files, 2 were 2147474666 bytes and the last was 654114517 bytes. If I copy these 3 files from windows xp to windows xp using native windows networking the destination files are created with the correct sizes. But if I use filezilla 3.4.0 to copy these files from windows to a linux server running an unpatched centos 5.4 distro, the file sizes at the destination are not the same as the source, different by several kb. If I run ghost, and verify the copied-to-linux image files (over a samba connection), ghost claims that the image is corrupted.

#7340 FileZilla Client (Windows) uses IPv6 in preference to IPv4 - Fallback to IPv4 does not work in all cases normal rejected 13 years Windows

Ticket #4204 is still an issue:

In preparation of the World IPv6 Day at 8 June 2011 we added AAAA Records in the DNS to the host names of our servers.

We can successful connect to all the services at the server via IPv6 - with the exception of the FileZilla Server, that does not offer IPv6 support.

This should not be an issue, because the Clients like web browsers or mail clients typically first try IPv6 and then fallback to IPv4, if no IPv6 connection can be established.

But the FileZilla Client does no fallback to the IPv4 address (what is also sent by the DNS server), FTP doesn't work any longer.

This could get an big issue and could cast a damning light on the FileZilla Client after IPv6 will be enabled by more and more ISP - not only at the World IPv6 Day!

#7347 Won't reconnect after timeout (input_pushback not null!) normal duplicate 13 years Windows

When connected to a server via SFTP, and it times out and disconnects, FileZilla doesn't automatically reconnect when selecting a remote folder in the folder tree. Instead, it gives an 'input_pushback not null!' error, followed by another error: 'Failed to retrieve directory listing.'

Clicking on yet another folder will force a reconnect. It's just selecting the first folder that gives this error. It used to work fine, but has been broken for 6 months or so.

#7349 FileZilla 3.50 RC1/RC2 build bug found normal fixed 13 years Windows

I found build bug - in installer edition FileZilla 3.50 RC1/RC2 file filezilla.exe have size at 99 Mb, but in Zip edition еры file have size ~ 30 Kb and don't work. Please check this files and correct buil script's.

Best regards, Victor

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