{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (10423 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (9601 - 9700 of 10423)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5232 Queued Files -- FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5234 Wrong mouse pointer on drag&drop with serverside folders (move vs. copy) FileZilla Client closed wontfix Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5230 Umlaute, Sonderzeichen in File-Names FileZilla Client closed rejected Feature request low 15 years ago
#5215 Filezilla (3.3.2) lists large file sizes as 2gb FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5220 Cannot access Folder with French access on Mac FileZilla version FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5217 SFTP get from OpenSUSE Server causes Vista 64 blue screen crash FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5216 Don't save failed credentials in quickconnect FileZilla Client closed rejected Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5218 Site specific bookmarks not updating with multiple tabs open FileZilla Client closed duplicate Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5196 Deleted files go to recycle bin even if disabled FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5204 Please help me with 503 Failure of data connection. FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report low 15 years ago
#5197 error reporting when uploadin file FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5202 Error Open Files FileZilla Client closed worksforme Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5203 can't connect to server that requires only 1 connection FileZilla Client closed invalid Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5201 Filezilla crashes Windows 7 FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#4780 530 more info : hosting.aruba.it/password FileZilla Server closed invalid Other normal Carlo Galli 15 years ago
#5194 Settings changes not applied to UI in 3.3.2-rc2 until restart FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5189 Speedlimit patch FileZilla Client closed duplicate Patch normal 15 years ago
#5100 Portuguese Translation - suggested correction FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5035 Critical error while logon to several servers FileZilla Client closed invalid Bug report low 15 years ago
#5186 Option to specify where to store sites and settings FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5185 Error when dragging folder to Desktop (Windows 7 Professional) FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5182 Return to parent directory FileZilla Client closed duplicate Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5179 Upload resume fails with incorrect message FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5172 MAC SnowLeopard & FZ 3.3.1 Resume error FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5175 Not all icons are shown in the toolbar FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5158 Leading blank (again) FileZilla Client closed duplicate Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5168 gcc compiler switches -O2 and -O3 generates bad code. use -O FileZilla Client closed worksforme Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5163 incorrect cyrillic display FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5159 Directory listening via FTPES doesn't work with special character in foldername FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5152 3.3.1 unable to make connections to addresses FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5150 Quickconnect Loses Port Number FileZilla Client closed worksforme Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5151 BUG FileZilla Client closed invalid Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5147 Host Name will be cut after 16 characters with socks 5 generic proxy FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report high 15 years ago
#5144 trying to upgrade from to 3.3.1 leads to "Time creation failed" error message FileZilla Client closed outdated Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5130 Filezilla 3.3.1 cannot connect to any ftp using Windows Server 2003 X64 !!! FileZilla Client closed invalid Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5133 Transfer setting in Active Mode but passive command is being sent to server FileZilla Client closed invalid Bug report high 15 years ago
#5124 Cannot do anything with folder – not even open it to see it's contents FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5126 Unable to login to the site FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5129 Filezilla forgets my default "File Exists Action" FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5118 Ctrl+Tab(key) only cycles between tabs when the local/remote path fields have focus FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report low 15 years ago
#4713 Cut & Paste Files FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5083 Right Click to Add Bookmark or to Advanced Tab in Site Manager FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5107 Select All shortcut does not work in host field FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5101 CHMOD Cannot Change Permssions FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report high 15 years ago
#5108 working directory FileZilla Client closed worksforme Bug report low 15 years ago
#3978 Allow setting download/upload speed limits for a connection FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5120 change connection settings in statusbar FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5117 File dissapears from queue window if external HDD disconnected and reconnected FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal ? 15 years ago
#5119 Upload to FTP Server On Unix FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5114 windows 'blue' error when i send 2 files at the same time FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5110 wildcard SSL certificates *.domainname.com not properly supported FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5109 Temp file FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal Donald A. Perry 15 years ago
#5103 [Suggestion] Queue improvement FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request high 15 years ago
#5099 Help FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report high 15 years ago
#5089 alphabetization problem FileZilla Client closed duplicate Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5090 Background of Quick connect bar and menu is overlapped FileZilla Client closed duplicate Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5077 Cannot download the file with foreign characters FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5087 Open multiple files in one editor session failed FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5086 Auto open same folder FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5076 to connect to my host with client from a system whose internet connection is connected from a server protected by password FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report low ganesh 15 years ago
#5005 Automatic Upload on any changes in the edit/view function FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5084 Comcast issue FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5073 Filezilla server config issue FileZilla Server closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5038 Minor clean-ups in CServerThread::AddNewSocket() FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
#4765 Won't "Always" resume, v3.2.7 FileZilla Client closed outdated Bug report normal Angel 15 years ago
#4974 Links in welcome dialog don't work FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5018 Unicode could not be display correctly! FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5020 Windows: FileZilla update uninstalls previous version FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5037 [Win7 x64] Client hang on getting list (not on Win XP) FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report high 15 years ago
#5050 Filezilla abandones files with zero length after trying to upload FileZilla Client closed invalid Other low 15 years ago
#5068 Cannot delete folders where files *.*~ are stored FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5070 cannot download files with foreign characters FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5058 File exist action FileZilla Client closed outdated Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5060 Connection ONLY SSL and type of SSL FileZilla Client closed rejected Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5055 filezilla.xml file Unknown closed worksforme Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5053 Large files not displayed FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5052 Filter out hidden files and folders when uploading FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5051 ASPX and ASPX.VB Pages Transferred as Binary (Transfer Type: Auto) FileZilla Client closed wontfix Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5049 .txt file not recognized as ASCII for transfer FileZilla Client closed invalid Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5010 Error in Remote File Serach FileZilla Client closed fixed Bug report high 15 years ago
#5044 clicking twice even if after delay on file/folder name, shows text box to rename it. FileZilla Client closed duplicate Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5043 I am unable to upgrade to the latest version FileZilla Client closed outdated Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5042 Remember the configuration in the site manager when use "quick connect" FileZilla Client closed rejected Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5036 Making Filezilla more intelligent than the user. FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#4060 Running Multiple Server Instances On single Computer FileZilla Server closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#3916 Thousands separator for bytes sent/received FileZilla Server closed fixed Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5016 Copy to clipboard as "http://www.domainname/filename" FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#4506 Incorrect russians fonts in the browser FileZilla Client closed outdated Bug report normal 15 years ago
#3871 console font should be fixed width FileZilla Client closed duplicate Feature request normal 15 years ago
#4579 Filezilla on Terminalserver - hide settings? FileZilla Client closed rejected Feature request normal 15 years ago
#4929 implicit port silently reset to 990 after every restart (v 0.9.33beta) FileZilla Server closed fixed Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5030 Minor settings dialog fixes FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
#5032 passwords saved automaticly FileZilla Client closed worksforme Feature request normal 15 years ago
#5026 Simplify code a little bit FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
#5025 Also fix Debug / Memcheck targets for server project FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
#5028 Startup time FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5023 Fix issues reported by code analyzer FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
#5024 Trailing spaces in directory name does not work with 'vsftpd' as server FileZilla Client closed rejected Bug report normal 15 years ago
#5022 Fix a compiler warning in UsersListCtrl.cpp FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
#5021 Remove small parts of useless code FileZilla Server closed fixed Patch normal 15 years ago
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.