Custom Query (1177 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1177 of 1177)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Created
#13079 iMac Sonora didn't give Filezilla permission to write to the home directory - can't write .xml files error new normal FileZilla Client 4 months
#13081 with the latest update to V 3.66.5, I lost all my sites from the Site Mgr new critical FileZilla Client 4 months
#13083 Big 7z archives are sporadically uploaded corrupt. new blocker FileZilla Client 4 months
#13084 Linux Mint: Same keyboard shortcut for both "Apply to current queue only" and "Cancel" new normal FileZilla Client 4 months
#13085 File Exists Action Ignored - Just Overwrites new high FileZilla Client 4 months
#13089 Local site symbolic link folders change the path to symlink target when entered and turn off the synchronized browsing since Since v. 3.67.0 new normal FileZilla Client 3 months
#13091 FZ 3.67.0 unable to open/use NTFS junction reparse points on Windows client new high FileZilla Client 3 months
#13092 Dropbox team folders aren't showing up anymore new critical FileZilla Client 3 months
#13093 Linux (Zorin) Dark Mode Can't Read File Names On Active Window new high FileZilla Client 3 months
#13094 Server should accept connections again automatically after "no space left" new normal FileZilla Server 3 months
#13095 Missing translation in French new normal FileZilla Client 2 months
#13096 The app is bricked with latest update new normal FileZilla Client 2 months
#13097 When edit a file, it should be saved several times before to get the pop-up to transfer it to the server new high FileZilla Client 2 months
#13098 Can't connect to network new normal FileZilla Client 2 months
#13099 3.67.0 fails to build on Windows new normal FileZilla Client 8 weeks
#13100 Prefer EPSV mode over PASV new normal FileZilla Client 7 weeks
#13107 Extremely Fast Upload But File Is Small new normal FileZilla Client 11 days
#13108 Filezilla Instalation Bugs Detected as Malicious new critical FileZilla Client 11 days
#13109 Filezille Pro RemoteDrive: "items may be out of date" new normal Other 11 days
#13115 local file explorer rename does not update file name new low FileZilla Client 8 days
#13116 REGRESSION: right-click contet menu doesn't work with hold-and-release new normal FileZilla Client 2 days
#13117 Cannot contact site to upload file new normal FileZilla Client 2 days
#13120 "Synchronization cannot handle duplicated file or directory names." new normal FileZilla Client 22 hours
#13121 File name changes new normal FileZilla Client 4 hours
#614 Extremely bad performance with drive mappings reopened normal FileZilla Client 20 years
#4122 mainframe file directory omits tape (EBCDIC) files from display reopened low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4235 "Treat files without extension as ASCII file" should be unchecked by default reopened high FileZilla Client 15 years
#4451 Synchronized Browsing does not update local listing after upload is complete. reopened normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#4490 cannot list symbolic links reopened normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#4694 Preference option to bypass confirmation for remote edit upload trigger reopened normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#4698 Filenames including a : get stored as alternate data streams reopened normal FileZilla Server 15 years
#4834 filezilla does not work with UNIX systems where the user accounts shell is set to "rssh" reopened normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#5105 "Use the server's external IP address instead" option doesn't work reopened high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5116 Slow local list view in directory with many files reopened normal FileZilla Client 15 years
#5200 Can't list files from a server with Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.60 using TYPE I reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5211 Issue with Site Specific Bookmarks in 3.3.2 reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5288 Image files with a "." (dot) prefix are transferred as ASCII reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5333 File Is not well formed Alert reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5365 Cannot convert from the charset 'Unknown encoding (-1)' reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5461 Directory Comparison Not Reporting Properly For File Size reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5536 File goes to 100% then times out - too many times reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5604 FileZilla client is not high-DPI aware on Windows reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#5689 Impossible to read address bar drop down reopened high FileZilla Client 14 years
#6193 Allow long path names reopened normal FileZilla Server 14 years
#7157 Connecting to a B&R PLCs FTP results in an error after successfully requesting the current directory reopened normal FileZilla Client 14 years
#7175 Can't move Filezilla for Mac window. The top of Filezilla is stuck under the Mac menu bar. reopened high FileZilla Client 14 years
#8036 somehow show invalid UTF-8 encoded filenames reopened normal FileZilla Client 12 years
#8076 Uploading files in two tabs at once does not refresh second tab's file list upon completion reopened normal FileZilla Client 12 years
#8232 Manage SSH keys - Site Manager reopened high FileZilla Client 12 years
#8263 Can't delete a file when the first character is a space character reopened normal FileZilla Client 12 years
#8347 Automatic Update from to 3.7.3 fails reopened normal FileZilla Client 12 years
#8491 Use the server's external IP address instead not working reopened normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#8590 Directory listing with proftpd mod_sftp reopened normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#8889 Closing tab cross doesn't work reopened normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#9018 NSIS Error when trying to run new installation of 3.7.3 win 32 reopened normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#9114 Suddenly switched to "kiosk mode" reopened normal FileZilla Client 11 years
#9968 no error message when file path is too long reopened normal FileZilla Client 10 years
#10695 in Site Manager, can't search for site beginning with repeated letter reopened normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#10723 *nix: Ctrl+i interpreted as (Ctrl+)Tab in file lists reopened Tim Kosse normal FileZilla Client 9 years
#10737 “” is damaged and can’t be opened. reopened normal FileZilla Client 8 years
#11234 Duplicating directories locally on Mac 3.25.1 reopened normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#11329 [gtk3] -/+ buttons overlapping labels reopened normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#11378 MacOS Copy Paste feature reopened normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#11482 Directory tree is clumsy to browse reopened normal FileZilla Client 7 years
#11676 Can not pull up files. Error: Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specifications reopened Glynn Myers normal FileZilla Client 6 years
#11729 MAC OS X SIte Manager Sroll overlap entries reopened high FileZilla Client 6 years
#11770 Cannot open subdirectories in directory tree after updating reopened high FileZilla Client 6 years
#12133 High CPU usage, can't connect, program won't quit reopened normal FileZilla Client 4 years
#12134 Host / Port information reopened low FileZilla Client 4 years
#12155 Edited file randomly deleted reopened normal FileZilla Client 4 years
#12163 "Local site" gives "(some path) does not exist or cannot be accessed." error for some folders on mounted CIFS shares reopened high FileZilla Client 4 years
#12235 Upgraded FileZilla, transfers zero byte file with TLS error reopened normal FileZilla Client 4 years
#12247 Priority and sorting not respected. reopened normal FileZilla Client 4 years
#12524 Colon in filenames on server incorrectly translated to underscore resulting in "No such file or directory" error - Windows Devices reopened high FileZilla Client 3 years
#12711 Let's Encrypt certificate not accepted reopened normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12994 Won't start after first successful launch reopened normal FileZilla Client 10 months
#12998 sqlite3 reopened normal FileZilla Client 9 months
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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