Opened 10 months ago

Last modified 10 months ago

#13089 new Bug report

Local site symbolic link folders change the path to symlink target when entered and turn off the synchronized browsing since Since v. 3.67.0

Reported by: jpachta Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: symlink symbolic link Cc: jpachta
Component version: FileZilla 3.67.0 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit


When it started
Since upgrade to version 3.67.0 I am facing to new behavior/issue I consider to be a bug. My previous version was 3.66.5 win64

The issue
In Local site when entering to a directory that is a symbolic link then the path is changed to the target folder of the symbolic link.
When browsing in "Remote site" directory tree with enabled Synchronized browsing the FileZilla works as expected and enters the expected directory in both Remote site and Local site where it stays in the symlinked directory, ie. without changing the path to the target directory in Local site.

Reproduce the issue
On Windows 10 64bit

To reproduce the behavior we will need to create two directory trees, first as source (C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject) and second that is symlinked using symbolic links from source folder (C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject), following commands are for Win Command prompt:

  1. Create source folder structure in C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject (you can create source folder elsewhere but then do not forget to amend the path in MKLINK command in next step):
    MKDIR C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\admin\app\src
    MKDIR C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\data\app\src
    MKDIR C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\tests\app\src
  1. Create project folder in the webroot (C:\xampp\htdocs)
    MKDIR C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject
  1. Create symlinks from folder in the webroot to the source folders (Note the /D param is to create symbolic link to a directory):
    MKLINK /D C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\admin C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\admin\app\src
    MKLINK /D C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\data C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\data\app\src
    MKLINK /D C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\tests C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\tests\app\src
  1. Now open FileZilla Client, connect to any remote server and copy MyProject directory tree including subfolders to the remote site.
  1. Navigate FileZilla Client to following paths:

Local site: C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject
Remote site: ../MyProject

  1. Turn on the Synchronized browsing.
  1. Enter any of the folder in Remote site, for example admin.

This should open the admin folder in both panels as expected when using Synchronized browsing, ie. Local site path is C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\admin, Remote path is ../MyProject/admin

  1. Enter any of the folder in Local site, for example data.

Now the confirmation dialog opens:

        Synchronized browsing
        The local directory 'C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\data\app\src' is not below the synchronization
        root (C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\).
        Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?
        [Yes] [No]

When confirmed [Yes] the path in Local site is unexpectedly changed to the source directory tree, ie. C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject\data\app\src.

Expected behavior is to stay in symlinked directory tree with symbolic links, ie. in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\data

  1. Following commands are to remove testing directory trees structures:
    RMDIR /S C:\Data_Exclusion\MyProject
    RMDIR /S C:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\

If needed more details/testing just let me know.

Note: meanwhile I opened a thread on forum, but I consider it as a bug therefore I created this ticket as well.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by jpachta, 10 months ago

Summary: Local site symbolic link folders change the path to symlink target when entered and turn off the synchronized browsingLocal site symbolic link folders change the path to symlink target when entered and turn off the synchronized browsing since Since v. 3.67.0
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