Opened 7 months ago

#13098 new Bug report

Can't connect to network

Reported by: Steve Dickes Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: wifi Cc: Steve Dickes
Component version: 3.67.0 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Win11


About every third day when I start up FileZilla and try to connect to my network drive it says "Connection established, waiting for welcome message", then "Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity", and finally "Could not connect to server". The only way to connect is to switch to a different wifi network, either from my 2G to 5G or the other way around. Then it 100% will connect, until 3 days later when I have to switch back to the other wifi network for the same reason. All other internet usage is normal before I try starting FileZilla so the wifi is working for everything else.

Attachments (1)

FileZilla.jpg (48.7 KB ) - added by Steve Dickes 7 months ago.
Screen Shot

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Change History (1)

by Steve Dickes, 7 months ago

Attachment: FileZilla.jpg added

Screen Shot

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