Custom Query (1267 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1267)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#9723 Remove folder instantly with SSH low rejected 10 years 10 years
#2061 Remote treeview right-click menu Alexander Schuch normal 20 years 17 years
#10749 Remote system is Toshiba 4690 OS. Have problems deleting files. Slash related? normal fixed 8 years 8 years
#8256 Remote search by modified date and time normal fixed 12 years 8 years
#1622 Remote listing after directory transfer Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#5462 Remote file search: add dates Tim Kosse normal fixed 14 years 14 years
#2899 Remote file editing: Eliminate "File has changed" dialog normal 16 years 16 years
#3001 Remote file URL to Clipboard Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years
#2676 Remote encoding list of remote site on "Site Manager" dialog normal 17 years 17 years
#2993 Remote directory not wipped on disconnect normal fixed 16 years 16 years
#3764 Remote decompression normal rejected 16 years 11 years
#4923 Remote Server to Remote Server high duplicate 15 years 15 years
#1871 Remote Refresh (Manual) normal 21 years 17 years
#2341 Remote File Edit normal 19 years 18 years
#2397 Remembering previously accessed Remote Sites normal 19 years 18 years
#5395 Remembering overwrite action for current tab critical duplicate 14 years 14 years
#4127 Remember the selection of local files in other folders low rejected 16 years 16 years
#8877 Remember the open sessions at startup normal duplicate 11 years 8 years
#5042 Remember the configuration in the site manager when use "quick connect" normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#2734 Remember site layout in site manager normal 17 years 17 years
#2125 Remember remote site paths per site normal worksforme 20 years 11 years
#2013 Remember remote site directories normal 20 years 17 years
#2624 Remember queue between sessions normal 17 years 17 years
#2934 Remember my "Target file already exists" settings normal 16 years 16 years
#4692 Remember file exists action low fixed 15 years 15 years
#2688 Remember Window size on Site Manager normal 17 years 17 years
#2312 Remember WIndows Size normal 19 years 19 years
#2767 Remember Directories normal 17 years 16 years
#4746 Remember Comparison and Synchronised settings on reconnect. normal duplicate 15 years 11 years
#2616 Rembering last entry in servermanager normal 17 years 17 years
#9833 Register with OS as ftp, sftp, ftpes handler normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#10613 Register app path in windows Tim Kosse normal fixed 9 years 9 years
#2066 Refresh will highlight file changes normal 20 years 16 years
#3708 Refresh file list normal duplicate 16 years 16 years
#2718 Refresh display after transfers complete Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years
#2842 Refresh button missing normal 17 years 17 years
#12580 Ref #12560 - GnuTLS error -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received. blocker invalid 3 years 3 years
#2439 Reduce flickering while downloading normal 18 years 17 years
#2560 Recursive permission changes normal 18 years 11 years
#4424 Recursive file/directory comparison normal fixed 15 years 4 years
#2082 Recursive file attribute change Alexander Schuch normal 20 years 17 years
#1742 Recursive File Sizes Total normal fixed 22 years 8 years
#2875 Record Macros normal 16 years 16 years
#1618 Reconnect on refresh (F5) normal outdated 22 years 16 years
#2888 Recently Accessed Sites normal 16 years 16 years
#4510 Recent paths normal duplicate 15 years 15 years
#9406 Rearrange/Organise Tabs normal duplicate 10 years 8 years
#5080 Rearrange tabs by drag & drop normal fixed 15 years 8 years
#2287 Raw Command Line normal 19 years 17 years
#1762 Ratio support normal rejected 21 years 8 years
#2355 RFE for SFTP Public/Private Key Setup Documentation normal outdated 19 years 10 years
#9214 Quickfilter (quickly change file-filter settings) normal duplicate 10 years 6 years
#11040 Quickconnect Connection Type normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#9815 Quickconnect brisbane@… normal duplicate 10 years 10 years
#2851 QuickConnect also for listed servers normal 17 years 16 years
#5041 Quick filters for file lists normal fixed 15 years 6 years
#2759 Quick connect and time-out normal 17 years 17 years
#9652 Quick Connect suggestion normal outdated 10 years 10 years
#8336 Quick Connect issue normal rejected 12 years 11 years
#5232 Queued Files -- normal duplicate 14 years 14 years
#2004 Queue: drag and drop & others to change order normal worksforme 20 years 11 years
#2083 Queue sorting normal duplicate 20 years 12 years
#2074 Queue refresh Alexander Schuch normal 20 years 17 years
#2468 Queue list sorting Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#11344 Queue completion action: Make close a one-time action low fixed 7 years 7 years
#2379 Queue and SFV normal 19 years 17 years
#2700 Queue Tabs normal 17 years 17 years
#2957 Queue Priority sorted by Highest to Lowest normal duplicate 16 years 15 years
#2725 Qued Download List normal 17 years 11 years
#5702 QUOTE SITE command to use translation tables for ASCII-EBCDIC trans to IBM-Mainframes normal worksforme 14 years 14 years
#3016 QUIT disconnect checkbox option normal 16 years 16 years
#2591 Put download link (FTP, HTTP) for file to clipboard normal fixed 18 years 7 months
#9893 Publisher info on your Setup Files Lupe Mejia normal outdated 10 years 8 years
#2483 Proxy type USER fireID@RemoteID@RemoteHost Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 11 years
#4236 Provide options to hide button toolbar and quick connect toolbar normal duplicate 15 years 15 years
#4668 Provide a means for automatically changing source filenames to accommodate different destination file systems normal duplicate 15 years 15 years
#1935 Provide Print Function for Remote File List normal duplicate 21 years 16 years
#5606 Protectes password critical duplicate 14 years 12 years
#1748 Prompt for Username Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 17 years
#9801 Promote 'quick connect' history item to 'site' normal worksforme 10 years 10 years
#2429 Progress bar in tray icon normal 18 years 18 years
#3862 Program loading speed normal outdated 16 years 12 years
#7359 Profile FileZilla more as a SFTP client than an FTP normal rejected 13 years 6 years
#2819 Private key support for scp normal 17 years 17 years
#5454 Priority status of queue low duplicate 14 years 14 years
#2334 Preventing local file list from refreshing normal fixed 19 years 12 years
#2771 Preset commands to tackle codepage problem normal 17 years 10 years
#2347 Preserve date/time of uploaded files normal 19 years 19 years
#2754 Preserve date/time of downloaded files normal 17 years 11 years
#11593 Preferencias independientes en pestañas Juan Varela normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#2325 Preference to make site "read-only" Tim Kosse normal 19 years 17 years
#7295 Pre-Calculate "Queued Files" Count to prevent Changing Count low rejected 13 years 8 years
#4699 Power Management normal fixed 15 years 11 years
#2607 Port to Linux normal 17 years 17 years
#10663 Please upgrade UI normal rejected 9 years 8 years
#2685 Please do not show hidden file on SFTP Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 11 years
#9041 Please add discrete up/down and back/forward navigation buttons normal duplicate 11 years 10 years
#8946 Please add a "Create & enter Directory" context menu command normal fixed 11 years 8 years
#4146 Please add Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) support macrostb normal invalid 16 years 16 years
#4147 Please add Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) support normal rejected 16 years 10 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.