Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 4044)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#4011 Won't complete connection to client ftp site low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4013 Remote Site Not Refreshing normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4015 Error lading xml file ? low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4024 Mapped Network Drives not shown 3.1.4+ normal rejected 16 years 10 years
#4034 Version (and 3.2.0) won't list directory but 2.2.10 does. normal rejected 16 years 11 years
#4036 FZ fails to parse trailing / in PWD dir names and strips traling / on CWD normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4038 Error loading xml file normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4049 Fail to list drive normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4056 Error listing a directory when using FTPES normal rejected 16 years 14 years
#4057 Unable to see networked drives since upgrading to 3.1.6 low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4058 Dowload stops at end of file low rejected 16 years 11 years
#4062 same problem of this ticket #3775 normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4064 Remote file list does not show more than 1998 files at a time normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4073 Symantec downloads of virusdef files usually continues past 100% normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4074 Version 3.16 not resolving decimal IP high rejected 16 years 16 years
#4075 Wrong charset encoding in message log normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4076 Servertype DOS not functioning correctly. normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4080 filezilla 3.16 dns not working normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4084 onnecton wizard test failure normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4088 Unable to connect with FTPES - FTP over explicit TLS/SSL normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4091 current version sucks normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4094 Product does not save settings normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4096 Filezilla Client Produces ECONNABORTED with TLS/SSL low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4102 z/OS Libraries List as Empty in v3.1.6 normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4111 Repeatedly connects to server and disconnects because of ""Bad packet length 3605174332" normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4115 download speed doesn't show speed really are normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4116 Last modified cuts off seconds normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4117 File/directory date included in name normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4119 FTP Downloaded file is too large >100.0% normal rejected 16 years 11 years
#4125 Directory does not refresh and display the new items uploaded normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4128 Edit filters... string not in dictionary normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4130 'Connection closed by server' message partway through FTP, but session continues normal rejected 16 years 14 years
#4138 Mouse movement intolerance when double clicking normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4144 Can't FTP to normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4145 Failure to retrieve directory listing at start of session (Active connect FTPES) normal rejected 16 years 11 years
#4149 Incomplete deletion of old sites normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4153 difficulty transferring files normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4154 User error: Invalid or inacessible sitemanager.xml low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4156 incorrect instantaneous speed normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4158 Warning Notices when I start File Zilla client, When I close, When I click getting Help, When I click Report a Bug. Also can I change default browser? normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4159 removing directories doesn't work in DOS-Mode normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4160 Improper TLS Shutdown normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4161 unhandled response 530 low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4162 The LIST command is failing for FTPES connections for v3.2.0 normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4169 "Failed Transfer" bug normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4171 Time change on local machine not recognised by client normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4172 Fail to transfer files with unicode characters from IIS6 (W2K3) normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4173 uploading and overwriting existing file: date/time not uptdated normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4175 USS directories on Z/OS displayed as files normal rejected 16 years 15 years
#4176 Abnormal display in the 'Remote site:' bar. normal rejected 16 years 16 years
#4183 Client 3.2.0 does not support åäö in path low rejected 16 years 16 years
#4186 cannot connect to server low rejected 16 years 10 years
#4198 Transfer fails when source folder contains special chars like à è etc. normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4199 Maximum number of connections normal rejected 15 years 10 years
#4201 Can't browse Cyrillic folders on the remote server low rejected 15 years 15 years
#4202 No way to set the Idle time low rejected 15 years 15 years
#4204 FileZilla Client (Windows) uses IPv6 in preference to IPv4 high rejected 15 years 15 years
#4205 When using sFTP, remote folder with large number of files generates error. low rejected 15 years 11 days
#4207 Bug Report Ntwk Conf Wzrd: normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4211 filenames with two consecutive periods won't transfer normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4212 A problem while opening a PDF file from FileZilla normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#4214 error on startup normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4220 chmod low rejected 15 years 15 years
#4221 F5 freeze on Windows XP Pro SP 3 normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4222 File download ends and restart again increasing infinitely file destination size normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4226 Cannot create directory called "form" normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4227 Pasword problem normal rejected 15 years 12 years
#4231 Connection timed out normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#4234 Transfert abort after 5 440 octets with delay expired normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4237 Some files are not shown normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4244 Directory listing fails over FTPS normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#4253 Open Folder with a lot of files normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4256 Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted normal rejected 15 years 10 years
#4260 * at end of name after rename normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4261 Character encoding bug normal rejected 15 years 11 years
#4267 Errors on Files with names beginning with numbers normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4273 if use socks5 proxy, filezilla ignore "use the server's external IP address instead" setting normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4279 Cannot Delete Remote Directory normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4281 Cannot connect to SFTP-SSH server on port 22 high rejected 15 years 15 years
#4286 remote dir list bug. high rejected 15 years 15 years
#4295 Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted low rejected 15 years 15 years
#4296 Crash on the second start after update from 3.2.0 to on Vista Home Basic SP1 normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4299 Editor Configuration using old editor even after editor change normal rejected 15 years 13 years
#4305 Can't transfer files from a folder named with French characters normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4307 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload + critical error + contact admin in forum low rejected 15 years 11 years
#4312 A way to disable the "Theme" which slowly scans all files in the folder normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4320 I can't access my account with FileZilla low rejected 15 years 15 years
#4324 Queue file sizes incorrect (skips 1GiB) normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4325 m4v files are unconditionally labelled "Video (protected)" normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4331 Directory listing includes date as part of filename when connected to xbfilezilla normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4335 FileZilla doesn't work with non-english filenames normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4349 Failed to retrieve directory listing normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4368 Disconnect Button normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4370 Error when trying to transfer a file with swedish characters in the file nam normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4373 New version locks up... normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4377 FTPES-No reply when directory listing normal rejected 15 years 10 years
#4382 Randomly file skipping normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4383 Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4394 When using SFTP mode with a passkey, FileZilla always asks for a password on every upload normal rejected 15 years 15 years
#4399 Open menu item does not work properly low rejected 15 years 10 years
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