Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#4056 closed Bug report (rejected)

Error listing a directory when using FTPES

Reported by: tomtom Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: XP


When connecting to host-europe over ftp + explicit ssl, filezilla cannot list directories after version 3.1.4 or so. IIRC there once was a discussion about a similar problem somewhere but ... Anyway, here is the transcript (in German sorry):

12:27:33 Status: Verbindung zum Server getrennt
12:27:33 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
12:27:33 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
12:27:33 Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für
12:27:35 Status: Verbinde mit ###IP###:21...
12:27:35 Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht...
12:27:35 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:35 Antwort: 220 ###IP### FTP server ready
12:27:35 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:35 Befehl: AUTH TLS
12:27:35 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:35 Antwort: 234 AUTH TLS successful
12:27:35 Status: Initialisiere TLS...
12:27:35 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:35 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnSend()
12:27:35 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:35 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:36 Trace: Handshake successful
12:27:36 Trace: Cipher: AES-128-CBC, MAC: SHA1
12:27:36 Status: Überprüfe Zertifikat...
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:36 Befehl: USER ###ACCOUNT###
12:27:36 Status: TLS/SSL-Verbindung hergestellt.
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:36 Antwort: 331 Password required for ###ACCOUNT###.
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:36 Befehl: PASS
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:36 Antwort: 230 User ###ACCOUNT### logged in.
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:36 Befehl: PBSZ 0
12:27:36 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:36 Antwort: 200 PBSZ 0 successful
12:27:36 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:36 Befehl: PROT P
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:37 Antwort: 200 Protection set to Private
12:27:37 Status: Verbunden
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
12:27:37 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
12:27:37 Status: Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt...
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend()
12:27:37 Befehl: PWD
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:37 Antwort: 257 "/" is current directory.
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
12:27:37 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0)
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult()
12:27:37 Trace: state = 1
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend()
12:27:37 Trace: state = 1
12:27:37 Befehl: TYPE I
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:37 Antwort: 200 Type set to I
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse()
12:27:37 Trace: code = 2
12:27:37 Trace: state = 1
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend()
12:27:37 Trace: state = 2
12:27:37 Befehl: PASV
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:37 Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (###IP###,197,177).
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse()
12:27:37 Trace: code = 2
12:27:37 Trace: state = 2
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend()
12:27:37 Trace: state = 4
12:27:37 Befehl: LIST
12:27:37 Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnSend()
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnSend()
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:37 Antwort: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse()
12:27:37 Trace: code = 1
12:27:37 Trace: state = 4
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12:27:37 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend()
12:27:37 Trace: state = 5
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:37 Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake()
12:27:37 Trace: Handshake successful
12:27:37 Trace: Session resumed
12:27:37 Trace: Cipher: AES-128-CBC, MAC: SHA1
12:27:37 Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect
12:27:38 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:38 Trace: CTransferSocket::OnReceive(), m_transferMode=0
12:27:38 Trace: GnuTLS error -9: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
12:27:38 Status: Server hat die TLS-Verbindung nicht ordnungsgemäß geschlossen
12:27:38 Fehler: Could not read from transfer socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
12:27:38 Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(3)
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd()
12:27:38 Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead()
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
12:27:38 Antwort: 226 Transfer complete.
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse()
12:27:38 Trace: code = 2
12:27:38 Trace: state = 7
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
12:27:38 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(2)
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult()
12:27:38 Trace: state = 3
12:27:38 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
12:27:38 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
12:27:38 Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 16 years ago

Resolution: rejected
Status: newclosed

Broken server. Your host has to upgrade to a server that complies to the TLS specifications.

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