Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 7 months ago

#4205 closed Bug report (rejected)

When using sFTP, remote folder with large number of files generates error.

Reported by: Bryan Owned by:
Priority: low Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows XP/Server 2003

Description (last modified by Tim Kosse)

When attempting to open a folder on a remote sftp system, if the folder has a large number of files within, an error is generated and you do not get to review or navigate to that folder.

Below is the command list that is displayed.

Response: Current directory is: "/"
Command: ls
Status: Listing directory /
Status: Calculating timezone offset of server...
Command: mtime "AutomationTest"
Response: 1233849901
Status: Timezone offsets: Server: -18001 seconds. Local: -18000 seconds. Difference: 1 seconds.
Status: Directory listing successful
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: cd "AutomationTest"
Response: New directory is: "/AutomationTest"
Command: ls
Status: Listing directory /AutomationTest
Error: No valid incoming packet found
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

The folder in question can have upwards of some 5000 files at times.

No testing other than emptying the folder in question has been done to learn what that high limit might be.

Perhaps solution in this unusual case would be to only present partial list? or perhaps change to directory, but do not attempt to display entire contents?

If nothing else, being able to navigate to the folder at a minimum is important.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by Bryan, 16 years ago

release 3.2.1-rc1

comment:2 by Tim Kosse, 16 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo

What SFTP server software are you using? (Product and version)

comment:3 by Tony Massa, 16 years ago

Operating system version: Server 2003Windows XP SP3
Status: moreinfonew

I have the same error when viewing a directory with 384 files in it.

Filezilla for Win32
Version 3.2.0

comment:4 by Tony Massa, 16 years ago

Operating system version: Windows XP SP3Windows XP/Server 2003

Error Persists on v.3.2.1 for Windows using SFTP. Server type is GlobalScape EFT

Command: open "vahqtm1@…" 22
Command: Pass: *
Status: Connected to
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: cd "/New_Jersey"
Response: New directory is: "/New_Jersey"
Command: ls
Status: Listing directory /New_Jersey
Error: No valid incoming packet found
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

There are less than 400 files in this directory. I have a directory with 126 files in it, and it appears to be fine.

comment:5 by Tim Kosse, 16 years ago

Resolution: rejected
Status: newclosed

GlobalScape servers are known to have several implementation bugs.

Unfortunately I cannot analyze this issue any further since that server is proprietary software. I cannot even legally install it without wasting lots of money.

Please upgrade to a free open source server.

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by Bryan, 16 years ago

Replying to codesquid:

GlobalScape servers are known to have several implementation bugs.

Unfortunately I cannot analyze this issue any further since that server is proprietary software. I cannot even legally install it without wasting lots of money.

Please upgrade to a free open source server.

Understand cost factor completely. However, unable to upgrade someone elses server.

Ipswitch client ws_FTP Pro does not show this issue.
winSCP client -does- show this issue.

Perhaps future enhancements will resolve.

comment:7 by John, 15 years ago

Priority: normalcritical
Resolution: rejected
Status: closedreopened

This ticket needs to be re-opened.

We use GlobalScape EFT Server v5.2 and we can connect to it just fine using the latest Core-FTP and Cute-FTP Pro 6.0. However, if we use a putty-based SSH client such as FileZilla or WinSCP we get the following errors:

"Error: No valid incoming packet found"
"Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing"

We had 338 folders under another folder and when we deleted 1 of the 338, it started working again with FileZilla. We are using the latest FileZilla v3.3.1.

We will be upgrading our server to 6.X shortly, but I don't see how it's a bug with GlobalScape when Core-FTP and Cute-FTP work just fine.

comment:8 by Tim Kosse, 15 years ago

Priority: criticallow
Resolution: rejected
Status: reopenedclosed

Please do not change the priority of a ticket without knowing what the priority meens. Critical is reserved for security vulnerabilities.

SFTP is a complex protocol. As it's the case with almost every protocol, there are also multiple ways to do things in this case. A fully standards compliant server must be able to handle all possibilities, it's only the clients that can stick to a particular way.

I spent a lot of time analyzing this issue, and it is indeed the server which clearly sends incorrect data.

Please upgrade to a free open source server.

Understand cost factor completely

There are no costs, the best SFTP servers cost nada. (OpenSSH)

comment:9 by John, 15 years ago

It's only the clients that can stick to a particular way.

I disagree, you can just as easily compensate for standards variances just as easily as a server can. GlobalScape is a pretty big player in the file transfer industry....

I spent a lot of time analyzing this issue, and it is indeed the server which clearly sends incorrect data.

Can you share that data, please?

comment:10 by Tim Kosse, 15 years ago

It's these two topics that analyze the problem more deeply:

Consensus on these topics is that it's a bug in the server.

I think you want to update to EFT Server 6 at the very least.

comment:12 by Tim Kosse, 7 months ago

Description: modified (diff)
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