Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (3201 - 3300 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1881 Remote List View by Filetype Feature request normal Unknown
#95 Remote List Refresh Prob. Part 2 Bug report normal Unknown
#3907 Remote Folder List no longer accepts Drag & Drop from Windows Emplorer Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#100 Remote Files not showing under XP Bug report normal Other
#1667 Remote File Type Feature request normal Other
#1872 Remote File Timestamp Feature request normal Other
#189 Remote File List does not show all files Bug report normal Other
#5135 Remote File Edit Association error with Dreamweaver CS4 Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2341 Remote File Edit Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#10758 Remote Drag-Move shows (+) "copy" icon above cursor Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#1366 Remote Directory Listing Does Not Refresh After Name Change Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#108 Remote Directory List failing on WinXP Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#2062 Remote & Local Path Feature request normal Unknown
#2397 Remembering previously accessed Remote Sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#5395 Remembering overwrite action for current tab Feature request critical FileZilla Client duplicate
#3517 Remembered preference Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#1663 Remember window size, position Feature request normal Unknown
#4127 Remember the selection of local files in other folders Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#8877 Remember the open sessions at startup Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5042 Remember the configuration in the site manager when use "quick connect" Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#2734 Remember site layout in site manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2125 Remember remote site paths per site Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#2013 Remember remote site directories Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2624 Remember queue between sessions Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1659 Remember past paths in the local view Feature request normal Other
#3218 Remember password is checked Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#2934 Remember my "Target file already exists" settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#3246 Remember frame positions Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#4692 Remember file exists action Feature request low FileZilla Client fixed
#2688 Remember Window size on Site Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2312 Remember WIndows Size Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#273 Remember Settings Bug report normal Other
#1542 Remember Last Window State Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#2008 Remember GUI settings Feature request normal Unknown
#457 Remember Directory after upload Bug report normal Other
#2767 Remember Directories Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#4746 Remember Comparison and Synchronised settings on reconnect. Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2616 Rembering last entry in servermanager Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1159 Release Notes - MD5 not necessary for installer Bug report normal Other
#602 Relative path for Default Remote Directory Bug report normal Other
#3547 Reinstall of FileZilla client 3.0.11 uninstalls Bug report normal Other
#7195 Regular freezes in Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#11811 Regular Expressions with Quick Search Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#9833 Register with OS as ftp, sftp, ftpes handler Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#10613 Register app path in windows Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#3922 Regardless of the /S switch, the NSIS installer displays an error dialog box in case of error. Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#12540 Regarding the error while connecting to sftp Bug report critical FileZilla Client duplicate
#7901 Refresh/repaint problem in GUI Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#2066 Refresh will highlight file changes Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#3450 Refresh stopped working Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other
#11499 Refresh should use Ctrl+R Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#3957 Refresh problem after changing home directory and reconnecting Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#8165 Refresh not working rajesh kumar Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#382 Refresh not functioning as expected. Bug report normal Unknown
#10305 Refresh issue Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#3708 Refresh file list Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2718 Refresh display after transfers complete Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#3437 Refresh causes freeze on WinXP x64 Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#2842 Refresh button missing Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#12650 Refresh button changes directory Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#117 Refresh after deletion of folder Bug report normal Other
#9859 Refresh Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#12580 Ref #12560 - GnuTLS error -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received. Feature request blocker FileZilla Client invalid
#10856 Ref #10853 me Bug report normal FileZilla Client invalid
#683 Redundant password dialog when putty agent active Bug report normal Other
#2439 Reduce flickering while downloading Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#711 Redraw bug with transfer progress bars when resizing column Bug report normal Other
#2560 Recursive permission changes Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#4424 Recursive file/directory comparison Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2082 Recursive file attribute change Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#407 Recursive delete doesn't delete hidden files... Bug report normal Other
#1848 Recursive Listing Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#1742 Recursive File Sizes Total Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1957 Recursive CHMOD Feature request normal Other
#10010 Recurring File Open errors (local files) in FileZilla client 3.10 Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#3706 Recurrent error message and disconnection from Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#2875 Record Macros Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#3179 Reconnection Delay UI Error Bug report normal Other
#1618 Reconnect on refresh (F5) Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated
#3804 Reconnect is not enabled. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#482 Reconnect does not preserve timezone [2.2.1a] Bug report high Other
#5561 Reconnect button not working Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4828 Reconnect and QuickConnect are not working Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#24 Reconect function remembers password Tim Kosse Bug report low Other
#529 Recommend to add: overwrite if files different Bug report normal Other
#2888 Recently Accessed Sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#4507 Recent servers list save's passwords unencrypted Bug report critical FileZilla Client rejected
#4510 Recent paths Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#11046 Receiving 550 error code when transferring certain files but not all files. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4403 Receiving "Response: 550 Failed to open file." on certain file names Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#10481 Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#1314 Reboot required but installation continues Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#9406 Rearrange/Organise Tabs Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#5080 Rearrange tabs by drag & drop Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#10145 Really slow File listing local VPN folder Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#8334 Real slow Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#8030 Reach at any button click in Site Manager Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Bug report high FileZilla Client worksforme
#12558 Re: Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it Empty Directory Listing Bug report high FileZilla Server invalid
#2287 Raw Command Line Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1762 Ratio support Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.