Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 4044)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#11401 Filzilla log does not show me files that don't transfer low invalid 7 years 7 years
#11402 SFTP file copy to and from Raspbian Stretch when running on Mac-OS normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11405 FTP Issue normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11406 Copy URL(s) to clipboard option is including "anonymous@" in the URL normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11409 Close FileZille Once not working normal fixed 7 years 7 years
#11411 Version 3.28.0 Prevents FTP Uploads normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11413 FileZilla v3.28.0 for Ubuntu Linux will not start: Error loading shared library. normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11414 Vs. 3.28.0 does´n connect in SFTP to Google Claud platform normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11415 old putty license doesn't work with the new fz pro license normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11416 port number gets lost clicking OK or connect normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11417 3.28.0 Upload Errors high rejected 7 years 6 years
#11424 space at the beginning of a directory name causes problems normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11428 FileZilla Pro: S3 connect , not to a amazon host normal fixed 7 years 6 years
#11431 Filezilla 3.28 does NOT work on Debian 9 Mate. normal invalid 7 years 7 years
#11432 File uploading error normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11433 Freezes the whole OS when resizing the top panel normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11434 cannot connect to server normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11436 ../src/gtk/toplevel.cpp(988): assert "m_widget" failed in Show(): invalid frame normal fixed 7 years 7 years
#11441 FileZilla 3.28.0 does not build on Mac OS X <= 10.11 (El Capitan) normal fixed 7 years 7 years
#11442 FileZilla is doen't works - Big Bug low invalid 7 years 7 years
#11445 filezilla doesnt work no opened high rejected 7 years 7 years
#11446 Error when starting FileZilla normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11450 Filezilla update flagged as randsomeware normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11453 FileZilla does not open high worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11455 Not password prompt for first time setup using Interactive low invalid 7 years 7 years
#11459 Cannot connect to server after installing 3.29.0 low rejected 7 years 7 years
#11460 Sort Order for Transfer Queue normal duplicate 7 years 7 years
#11461 Filezilla crashes when (dis)connecting external monitors normal fixed 7 years 7 years
#11462 Changelog shows up even though nobody cares normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11467 Auto Connect normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11468 Lost first Record normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11471 Overwrite verification jams the whole queue high fixed 7 years 7 years
#11473 fails to install normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11475 Cached password can't be corrected (see also #1240 and #4491) normal duplicate 7 years 7 years
#11476 select all normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11480 only 9998 files on server high rejected 7 years 7 years
#11481 SiteManager freezes some mouse functionality in Opera normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11483 Highlight Selections With Cursor Broken normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11486 FileZilla could not download the new version normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11487 38,000 files directory lisiting fails normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11488 Mouse Jumps on Rectangular Selection low rejected 7 years 6 years
#11489 Mouse drag in file browser slides the whole view sideways normal duplicate 7 years 7 years
#11490 ssh_init: Network error: Windows error code 10107 low worksforme 7 years 6 years
#11491 Dossier Vide ruTorrent via FileZilla high invalid 7 years 7 years
#11493 The remote file listview freezes if a file-rename gets ended by a mouse click rather than enter key normal fixed 7 years 7 years
#11495 APPCRASH when uploading images normal outdated 7 years 6 years
#11496 Error after compiling & building from source on Ubuntu high rejected 7 years 7 years
#11498 Segmentation fault (core dumped) on Ubuntu (3.30.0) high outdated 7 years 6 years
#11499 Refresh should use Ctrl+R normal rejected 7 years 6 years
#11500 Remote folder file selection on second screen buggy normal duplicate 7 years 7 years
#11502 Download fails on all files except very small ones normal worksforme 7 years 6 years
#11503 Sélection à la souris des fichiers completés dans zone Transferts Réussis, incorrecte normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11504 550 No such file or directory / Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11505 Impossible to change directory if it contains trailing space(s) normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11508 Filezilla cannot connect to the server high invalid 6 years 6 years
#11510 Incorrect cursor behavior when selecting files normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11514 Errore traduzione in Aggiunta ricorsiva file alla coda normal fixed 6 years 6 years
#11521 Scroll in Local Site normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11522 Symantec Endpoint Protection sees Filezilla installer as threat normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11524 Erro crítico: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor low rejected 6 years 6 years
#11525 Connection worked until nineteenth this month stopped working normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#11528 GnuTLS error -9 normal outdated 6 years 6 years
#11529 421 Proxy is closed high rejected 6 years 6 years
#11530 Trojan detected in setup bundle normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11535 wxWidgets static library... no normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11536 Possible Malware critical rejected 6 years 6 years
#11537 Found a bug high invalid 6 years 6 years
#11538 Feed Back normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11542 Does not accept 'I:\__PHPStorm__\DIG.MX\' name as a local folder normal wontfix 6 years 6 years
#11547 Filter specific checkbox enabled in filter settings when no filter selected normal fixed 6 years 6 years
#11549 Conexao IPV6 normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#11552 Search remote files (F3) without results when using wildcards normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11553 I bought the Pro version when it came out but now it won't update normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11554 Adding a new sige. normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11557 Segmentation fault on FileZilla 3.22.0 high outdated 6 years 6 years
#11558 Selecting files and directories by mouse external site high duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11560 FZ is pulling servers SSL instead of the sites SSL normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11561 Segmentation fault on start up. running on wayland. high rejected 6 years 6 years
#11563 .htaccess file low worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11564 cannot get directory listing high rejected 6 years 6 years
#11570 Selection of Multiple Files in FileZilla normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11574 [AVAST] FileZilla 3.32.0 macosx-x86_setup_bundled (MacOS:InstallCore-EY [PUP) critical rejected 6 years 6 years
#11575 Filezilla Pro Doesn't recognize any local folders or drives, Mac OS normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11576 FileZilla Pro, has transfer problems to WebDav normal outdated 6 years 6 years
#11579 Firefox won't change site normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11581 Fail to list a folder with an ending '|' in it normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11583 Windows 10 1803 - Drag and drop problem normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11585 Critical file error normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11586 Changing location of key file keeps old location in memory normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11588 Changing location of key file keeps old location in memory normal fixed 6 years 6 years
#11589 saving port numbers for port 22 normal fixed 6 years 6 years
#11591 Problem with version 3.32.0 normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11592 After updating Win 10 Pro to build 1803 on 1 May Cannot Drag&Drop snapshots normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11595 cannot install new version normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#11599 Can't stay connected via SFTP normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11600 Erro crítico: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor normal invalid 6 years 6 years
#11601 UI: Strange mouse cursor behavior when selecting multiple items on file listview using mouse. normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11602 SFTP showing multiple folders and files normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11603 Could not connect to server issue normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11606 Cannot Drag & Drop from a remote site to my computer normal duplicate 6 years 6 years
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