Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (1801 - 1900 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#4085 Failed to retrieve directory listing Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4086 Error uploading large file Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4087 Drag & Drop from FileZilla to Client Folders causes error Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4088 Unable to connect with FTPES - FTP over explicit TLS/SSL Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4089 win32 crash with speed limit enabled Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4090 A Little Sound Would be Nice.... Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4091 current version sucks Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4092 Email Notification Feature request low FileZilla Client invalid
#4094 Product does not save settings Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4095 Large file upload reports successful, but destination has 0 bytes Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4096 Filezilla Client Produces ECONNABORTED with TLS/SSL Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4097 Use of setenv() is not portable Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4098 const wxChar array shouldn't be a structure member Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4099 Can't link filezilla client binary in HP-UX 11.X after version 3.0.4 Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4100 ntohs() defintion issues with HP-UX 11.X Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4101 Compiler warnings from HP-UX's C++ Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4102 z/OS Libraries List as Empty in v3.1.6 Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4105 FileZilla crashes when connection to remote FZ server is broken Tim Kosse Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4106 Cannot drag and drop remote files to Windows Desktop Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4109 sending a number of files - files with wrong content Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4110 FileZilla CrashReport Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4111 Repeatedly connects to server and disconnects because of ""Bad packet length 3605174332" Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4112 Problems with uploads containing many files Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4113 Filezilla crashes with uploading Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4114 Error connecting to several servers Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4115 download speed doesn't show speed really are Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4116 Last modified cuts off seconds Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4117 File/directory date included in name Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4118 Directorylist jumps back to first entry after download/add queue Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4119 FTP Downloaded file is too large >100.0% Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4121 Fails to check for newer version Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4124 Network mapped drivers do not show volume label Feature request low FileZilla Client outdated
#4125 Directory does not refresh and display the new items uploaded Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4127 Remember the selection of local files in other folders Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#4128 Edit filters... string not in dictionary Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4129 Typo in error message "reveive" Bug report low FileZilla Client fixed
#4130 'Connection closed by server' message partway through FTP, but session continues Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4131 filezilla client shows proxy password in connection window Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4132 SKIP overwrite action tweak? Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4133 Can't Login to File Zilla Other normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4134 Server time zone offset is incorrect Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4135 Logging to file Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4137 Double click on any file on the remote site downloads the file to local. Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4138 Mouse movement intolerance when double clicking Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4139 FTP session timeout Bug report normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4140 Drag and drop in server window causes move instead of copy Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4141 Problem with crashing when downloading folder/files very repeatable Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4142 Incomplete upload Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4143 SSH Keys Authentification ( without password ) stopped working Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4144 Can't FTP to Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4145 Failure to retrieve directory listing at start of session (Active connect FTPES) Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4146 Please add Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) support macrostb Feature request normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4147 Please add Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) support Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4148 Contentscrambling on .jpg-Upload Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4149 Incomplete deletion of old sites Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4150 Ability to turn off "Operating system problem detected" message Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#4151 root dir sync local Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4152 When uploading duplicate file, can't rename file. Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4153 difficulty transferring files Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4154 User error: Invalid or inacessible sitemanager.xml Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4156 incorrect instantaneous speed Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4157 Cannot open some directories Bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4158 Warning Notices when I start File Zilla client, When I close, When I click getting Help, When I click Report a Bug. Also can I change default browser? Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4159 removing directories doesn't work in DOS-Mode Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4160 Improper TLS Shutdown Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4161 unhandled response 530 Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4162 The LIST command is failing for FTPES connections for v3.2.0 Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4163 Transfer queue refresh Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4164 No View of Remote or Local Files Bug report low FileZilla Client worksforme
#4165 Extend FileZilla with HTTP/HTTPS file-exchange capabilities Feature request high FileZilla Client rejected
#4167 552 Quota error handling Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4168 Cannot enter space when modifying name of file Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4169 "Failed Transfer" bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4170 Stop current operation Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4171 Time change on local machine not recognised by client Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4172 Fail to transfer files with unicode characters from IIS6 (W2K3) Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4173 uploading and overwriting existing file: date/time not uptdated Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4174 Site Manager dropdown won't scroll on monitor with lower resolution than main monitor Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4175 USS directories on Z/OS displayed as files Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4176 Abnormal display in the 'Remote site:' bar. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4177 Store files on remote server encrypted Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4178 columns guide line Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4180 Copy URL in remote context menu Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4181 Cannot purge a folder that contains 2014 files anybody Other normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4182 Default Remote Directory not working in v3.2.0 for MVS server type Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4183 Client 3.2.0 does not support åäö in path Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4185 non-standard characters in home path prevent client from functioning normally Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4186 cannot connect to server Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4187 No TortoiseSVN in the right click Context. Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#4188 Error loading XML File - fzdefaults.xml Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4189 Error connecting to IBM z/VSE host using FTPS - FTP over implicit TLS/SSL Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4190 Aqua Buttons Flicker on OSX Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4193 Active connection via UPNP Internet gateway device Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4194 Dragging not very accessible in site manager Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4195 Select multiple directories does not work (<shift-click>) Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4197 Resume File Upload Ver. 3.2.0 Not Working Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4198 Transfer fails when source folder contains special chars like à è etc. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4199 Maximum number of connections Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4200 A BUG using Filezilla Client - uploading to host in ASCII mode Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4201 Can't browse Cyrillic folders on the remote server Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
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