Custom Query (920 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 920)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Created
#2191 Directory drag & drop option reopened Tim Kosse critical FileZilla Client 20 years
#12414 Error: Could not connect to server new critical FileZilla Client 4 years
#12549 new critical FileZilla Server 3 years
#12679 Automated conversion of \ to / as setting in options? reopened critical FileZilla Client 3 years
#13009 In interactive logon mode, repetitive password prompt new critical FileZilla Client 17 months
#13090 A Plea for Harmony in Design: Addressing Filezilla's Logo Dimensions on macOS Dock new critical FileZilla Client 11 months
#13220 A Humble (and Somewhat Ironic) Request to Rein in FileZilla’s MacOS Dock Icon new critical FileZilla Client 7 weeks
#1588 Info Tip on systray icons new high FileZilla Client 23 years
#1920 Default file attributes new high FileZilla Client 21 years
#2086 Overall Progress new high FileZilla Client 21 years
#2265 (Server) Wildcards in Permissions new high FileZilla Server 20 years
#2433 Allow only one instance (option). new high FileZilla Client 19 years
#2555 individual proxy settings for site manager items new high FileZilla Client 19 years
#2647 Thumbnail View in Local Site & Online data new high FileZilla Client 18 years
#2833 File Properties / Native popup Menu new high FileZilla Client 17 years
#4120 Shortcut keys new high FileZilla Client 16 years
#4391 Editbox with autosuggest for site manager right before the "host" field. new high FileZilla Client 16 years
#4461 Suggestion - Latest opened files. new high FileZilla Client 16 years
#4571 "Transfer as" and "queue as" function new high FileZilla Client 16 years
#4641 Extended passive mode should be prefered over old passive mode new high FileZilla Client 16 years
#5062 Increase Max Simultaneous Transfers from 10 to 200. reopened high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5260 fast switch option for maximum simultaneous transfers new high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5407 retain permission settings new high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5459 Priority File Transfer List new high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5464 Possibility to edit temporary file location/structure new high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5523 Keep the focus on last file selected while changing tab new high FileZilla Client 15 years
#5612 Insufficient Logging in Server new high FileZilla Server 15 years
#6488 Copy full filename in local queue pane to clipboard new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7198 refreshing changed files new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7228 Windows Taskbar Integrated Progress Bar new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7249 Realtime search box accepted behzad high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7283 Allow deletion of source files/folders after transferring new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7288 Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7308 Skip the file to download/upload if the Filename and FileSize is the same otherwise overwrite new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7364 Keyboard shortcuts for Mac!!!! new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7739 cannot connect to sftp server - "Too many authentication failures for user" reopened high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7759 User Experience Problem - move right click's Reset & Requeue up one new high FileZilla Client 14 years
#7880 Save Download Queue new high FileZilla Client 13 years
#8230 Auto Clear History on exit from Filezilla client. new high FileZilla Client 13 years
#8269 Rename Filter new high FileZilla Server 12 years
#8533 list views don't read propperly with NVDA screen Reader new high FileZilla Client 12 years
#8855 Better IP filtering accepted mallory loflin high FileZilla Server 12 years
#9404 download speed limited by directory traversal speed new high FileZilla Client 11 years
#9881 Exporting failed transfers to csv new high FileZilla Client 10 years
#9960 When renaming/moving remotely, ask for confirmation if target already exists new high FileZilla Client 10 years
#10875 Feature Request new high FileZilla Client 9 years
#11078 Delete Specific Items from Quickconnect Bar new high FileZilla Client 8 years
#11246 "Locate file in Finder" or "Locate file in Explorer" new high FileZilla Client 8 years
#11466 Auto sync data with Filezilla new high FileZilla Client 7 years
#11815 Regarding web based integration with domain FTP like WeTransfer new high Other 6 years
#11839 Bank file download new high FileZilla Client 6 years
#11968 Publish/Quicktransfer button(s) required new high FileZilla Client 6 years
#12193 Comprei e não recebi a chave new high FileZilla Client 5 years
#12227 OpenSSL library obsolete (currently 1.0.2k) new high FileZilla Server 5 years
#12298 Configuration of Cipher Suites using TLS 1.2 new high FileZilla Server 4 years
#12487 Setting Up New Account new high FileZilla Client 4 years
#12576 Confirmation prompt before dragging and dropping new high FileZilla Client 3 years
#12681 FEATURE REQUEST: Authenticate Private SSH keys with passphrase new high FileZilla Client 3 years
#13034 Dock image issue in mac new high FileZilla Client 15 months
#13068 Dark theme new high FileZilla Client 13 months
#13073 Option to Confirm drag'n'drop Directory on remote server new high FileZilla Client 13 months
#434 Transfer of locked files reopened normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#852 "Sort folders first in Sitemanager" reopened normal FileZilla Client 20 years
#975 Add server type AS400 / Iseries new normal FileZilla Client 19 years
#1549 Clipboard entry parsing new normal FileZilla Client 24 years
#1557 show percentage of transfers in system tray new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1591 Automatic Folder Subtree Synchronization new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1597 Queue, drag&drop new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1605 optionally show passwords in Site Manager and in Quickconnect reopened Alexander Schuch normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1606 WS_FTP Import new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1608 cut, copy, and paste new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1611 Option to Queue Actions for Later new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1614 dialog box "File Exist" when minimized new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1635 file exists option: skip on same file, size (and time) new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1647 Rearrange toolbar buttons new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1676 Quota info in ftp log new normal FileZilla Client 23 years
#1705 show filename separately in transfer queues new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1728 Can Make a small pause? new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1738 URL Fetcher new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1749 convert filename to upper or lower case before transfer new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1766 Division of log reports new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1801 Explode tree only on process queue new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1803 list of RFEs new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1804 Add gssapi support for SFTP new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1815 Change number of simultaneous transfers on the fly new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1820 browse for local folder new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1825 windows proxy settings new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1831 Multiple connections FOR DE SAME SERVER new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1841 Mention "Overwrite if newer" in console on skipping new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1861 Decrease Queue Bytes Remaining as File is Downloaded new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1862 Client: Show Connection # in Log new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1863 Show % in title! new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1864 Move File (upload/download and delete) new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1867 Last X Connected Sites new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1868 File Tree Drop-down new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1869 Message Log new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1870 Navigation Buttons new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1873 Site List Import new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1876 Sound feedback (and other ways of notification) new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
#1878 add directory navigation "back", "forward", "up" new normal FileZilla Client 22 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.