Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#7249 accepted Feature request (None)

Realtime search box

Reported by: behzad Owned by: behzad
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: search firefox realtime search Cc: jon.ream@…
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Could you place a box in each local/remote panes to search in displayed files and folders?
Like Firefox search box that searches in folder tree (that are displayed) and highlights matched files in tree

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Jon Ream, 14 years ago

Cc: jon.ream@… added

+1 for this request. A search/filter box in the local/remote panes would be a real time saver and a good product differentiator. (I've only found this feature in CyberDuck thus far.)

I'd recommend either highlighting as suggested above, or shrinking what's shown in the file list. Imagine browsing a large FTP site with hundreds of files in a directory. You see a file list like:

...and typing in a filter box "123" and having the list immediately filter to just those files that contain 123.

The current method of filtering is hidden too deep in the menu structure and requires too many "clicks" when you just need a quick filter on the current session.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by behzad, 14 years ago

Owner: set to behzad
Status: newaccepted

Replying to jream0520:

+1 for this request. A search/filter box in the local/remote panes would be a real time saver and a good product differentiator. (I've only found this feature in CyberDuck thus far.)

I'd recommend either highlighting as suggested above, or shrinking what's shown in the file list. Imagine browsing a large FTP site with hundreds of files in a directory. You see a file list like:

...and typing in a filter box "123" and having the list immediately filter to just those files that contain 123.

The current method of filtering is hidden too deep in the menu structure and requires too many "clicks" when you just need a quick filter on the current session.

comment:4 by Sworddragon, 14 years ago

Component: FileZilla ServerFileZilla Client
Keywords: search firefox realtime search added; MUDKIPZ removed
Operating system type: BSD
Operating system version: MUDKIPZ
Priority: lowhigh
Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened
Summary: MUDKIPZRealtime search box

comment:5 by Alexander Schuch, 12 years ago

Keywords: search,firefox , realtime search → search firefox realtime search

comment:6 by Alexander Schuch, 12 years ago

"Because of a list of folders that is immense, on the Local site, when I click on a "j", to move to the first folder that start with a j, the tool's position stays. On most Windows application, when one punches a key the explorer moves to the first folder/file that starts with that letter, if it is found. It would be great to add this function to the local site." -- #8364

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