Custom Query (2024 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 2024)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Created
#11190 TRANSFER FILE ELAPSE ISSUE moreinfo PABLO Other low 7 years
#11191 Fix double clicking on filename (to agree with convention) new Feature request normal 7 years
#11196 crash on completion of queue moreinfo Bug report high 7 years
#11203 'toString' was not declared in this scope while compiling filezilla moreinfo Bug report normal 7 years
#11213 Unable to connect to old servers after upgrade v3.25.1 moreinfo Bug report high 7 years
#11214 Should warn if file permissions are not writable new Bug report normal 7 years
#11217 Filter conditions: whitelisting moreinfo Feature request normal 7 years
#11225 synced browsing and rt-click-upload, sometimesuploads tree to wrong place new Bug report normal 7 years
#11226 View/Edit reuses filenames between instances, confuses texteditors new Bug report normal 7 years
#11229 Add longPathAware support new Feature request normal 7 years
#11231 Scrolling on Mac Client slow to respond in Site Manager new Bug report low 7 years
#11234 Duplicating directories locally on Mac 3.25.1 reopened Bug report normal 7 years
#11235 Filezilla blocks when renaming remote file by not pressing enter key accepted Tim Kosse Bug report normal 7 years
#11236 dialog window position on dual monitor issue new Bug report high 7 years
#11238 Remote Search doesn't return results new Bug report high 7 years
#11242 New layout of file and directory panes moreinfo Feature request normal 7 years
#11244 The application “FileZilla-Installer” can’t be opened. new Bug report normal 7 years
#11246 "Locate file in Finder" or "Locate file in Explorer" new Feature request high 7 years
#11251 Window height new Bug report normal 7 years
#11256 Queue error new Bug report normal 7 years
#11260 Unable to load anything new Singh Bug report high 7 years
#11261 default screen selection after use on Dual screen system new Other low 7 years
#11264 Downloading into a directory synced with Dropbox causes queuing to fail and Filezilla to hang new Bug report normal 7 years
#11265 Mac OS Sierra bug with top moreinfo Bug report high 7 years
#11266 Cannot Log into a Specific Site new dnl Bug report high 7 years
#11268 OS sleep and wake up causes loss of sync / errors in client. new Bug report normal 7 years
#11271 Add Ability to Set Default Local and Remote Directories from Current Working Paths new Feature request normal 7 years
#11272 Permissions change to during SFTP transfers new Bug report normal 7 years
#11274 The Alt-H keyboard shortcut has two targets: Host and Help new Bug report normal 7 years
#11275 FileZilla doesn't use my system date format (MacOS Sierra) new Bug report normal 7 years
#11282 Save Password Authentication Failed with Master Password moreinfo Bug report normal 7 years
#11284 Dangerous shortcut on OS X new Bug report low 7 years
#11286 Second monitor window isn't focused back to first monitor if disconnected new Bug report low 7 years
#11288 Error updating to version 3.26.1 moreinfo Bug report normal 7 years
#11306 Flag edited items / Option to clear the Flag new Feature request normal 7 years
#11308 Ask For Password Once, But Only On One Of My 3 Servers new Bug report normal 7 years
#11314 Refresh does not work properly in the new release moreinfo Bug report high 7 years
#11323 Search feature in FTP Server new Feature request normal 7 years
#11325 Critical file transfer error reopened Other normal 7 years
#11329 [gtk3] -/+ buttons overlapping labels reopened Bug report normal 7 years
#11334 GUI changes requests for strings untranslated new Bug report normal 7 years
#11338 Error: Connection timed out after 90 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server new Bug report normal 7 years
#11342 unable to log in new Carol Moore Bug report high 7 years
#11347 deleting symlink deletes files in linked folder new Bug report normal 7 years
#11350 No program associated with filetype new Bug report normal 7 years
#11351 Upload of edited file error. new Bug report normal 7 years
#11354 Tooltips in file transfer queue panel shows outdated information new Bug report low 7 years
#11356 incorrect login info on new upload threads new Bug report high 7 years
#11359 Network "Default local directory" not influencing directory listing in "Local site" pane. new Bug report normal 7 years
#11361 Edit QuickConnect entries new Bug report normal 7 years
#11371 UI only: empy directory listing new Bug report normal 7 years
#11376 Same hotkey 'O' for both "Overwrite" and "OK" in "Target already exists" dialog new Bug report normal 7 years
#11378 MacOS Copy Paste feature reopened Bug report normal 7 years
#11387 Feature Request: indicate files may not be in sync new Feature request normal 7 years
#11392 no protocol works with my hosting provider, they say all is ok there (proftpd) new Bug report normal 7 years
#11393 Some files are missing when I transfer file over a server. new Other normal 7 years
#11395 Directory Tree Column Sort Order Arrow doesn't toggle properly on Mac new Bug report normal 7 years
#11396 Too big icon in Dock (Mac OS) new Other normal 7 years
#11397 Renaming file cause freeze of app moreinfo Bug report normal 7 years
#11404 "overwrite file if size differs" rule will delete local copy while remote files showing in list but actually not existing new Feature request normal 7 years
#11407 Overwrite Settings should be in Settings (Preferences) new Bug report normal 7 years
#11420 No visible tooltip new Bug report normal 7 years
#11421 This is a feature request for remembering files that were being edited in the prior session new Feature request normal 7 years
#11425 windows 10 - extra long filenames new Bug report normal 7 years
#11426 FileZilla 3.28.0 can't import FileZilla.xml settings new Bug report high 7 years
#11439 Version 3.xx.x does not see size, owner, permissions or group for files owned by ldap users new Bug report normal 7 years
#11440 Failed to retrieve directory listing moreinfo Bug report normal 7 years
#11443 Synchronized Browsing "sync" folder Issue moreinfo Bug report normal 7 years
#11444 Featura request -- Add quick search in the Site manager new Feature request normal 7 years
#11448 Local site won't refresh new Bug report normal 7 years
#11449 Deletion does not resume after server disconnects new Bug report normal 7 years
#11451 the directory sort gets messed up when you rename a file to the same name as an existing file new Bug report normal 7 years
#11452 Update Filezilla when exiting app new Feature request normal 7 years
#11454 Keep items in local and remote directory lists refreshed new Feature request normal 7 years
#11458 ETIMEDOUT - Tentative de connexion expirée / issue - not able to update my website new Bug report normal 7 years
#11463 FileZilla Client 3.x Silent Uninstall fails new Bug report normal 7 years
#11464 Requeue Failed Transfers via Shortcut Keys new Other normal 7 years
#11466 Auto sync data with Filezilla new Feature request high 7 years
#11470 Virus infection with Filezilla 3.29.0 downloads new Other high 7 years
#11474 Old password used when sending files new Bug report normal 7 years
#11477 Can no longer resume paused transfers new Bug report normal 7 years
#11482 Directory tree is clumsy to browse reopened Bug report normal 7 years
#11492 Update process seems to work, but fails moreinfo Bug report low 7 years
#11497 Moving more than 5 files at once into another directory triggers a Cmd-A like action new Bug report normal 7 years
#11509 Certificate dialog is not scrollable and too big on small screens new Bug report normal 6 years
#11515 New field in statusline new Feature request normal 6 years
#11517 Windows size saving not consistent across DPI new Bug report normal 6 years
#11518 slow download speed, probably after last update. Only slow with Filezilla moreinfo Bug report high 6 years
#11526 wxGTK3 Linux: small fonts in directory trees new Bug report high 6 years
#11527 "Size thousands separator" setting not working new Bug report normal 6 years
#11531 WxGTK3: Strange gradient new Bug report normal 6 years
#11534 Copy vs Move Cursor Icon during drag 'n drop new Bug report normal 6 years
#11539 Delete capacity moreinfo Bug report normal 6 years
#11540 "Unknown Certificate" Dialog Too Big When Using Increased Font Size (Accessibility) new Bug report normal 6 years
#11543 duplicate search/ricerca duplicati new Feature request normal 6 years
#11544 Cannot connect SFTP with DEBIAN 9 Openssh moreinfo Bug report normal 6 years
#11545 Add a checkbox to allow Import to replace all existing sites new Feature request normal 6 years
#11546 Focused item is not scrolled to view on navigation into browsing components new Bug report low 6 years
#11551 No option to choose whether or not to download updates new Bug report normal 6 years
#11555 UTF-8 Characters in file/directory name new Bug report normal 6 years
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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