Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 6 months ago

#11229 new Feature request

Add longPathAware support

Reported by: Igor Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: long path, MAX_PATH, UNC path, longPathAware Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 10


Windows 10 now supports paths longer than MAX_PATH for compatible applications: (without using "unsafe" UNC paths, like discussed here

It would be nice to add this "longPathAware" feature to FileZilla.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 8 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo

Does Windows Explorer have this flag set yet? It's a necessary prerequisite, otherwise FileZilla will create files users cannot work with outside of FileZilla.

comment:2 by Igor, 8 years ago

Status: moreinfonew

Unfortunately - no. At least for 15063.0.170317-1834. (But there's a lot of 3rd party apps that do allow to browsing such files. Just like there's a bunch of web browsers which do support some things, not supported by windows built-in web browsers.).

OK, hope they would add long paths support to windows file explorer soon.

comment:3 by Igor, 5 years ago

By now, on Windows 10 version 1909 build 18363.720, the Windows Explorer file browser is able to show the contents of

C:\temp\long_path_struct\Test 00040-level file structure\abcdefghkL01\abcdefghkL02\abcdefghkL03\abcdefghkL04\abcdefghkL05\abcdefghkL06\abcdefghkL07\abcdefghkL08\abcdefghkL09\abcdefghkL10\abcdefghkL11\abcdefghkL12\abcdefghkL13\abcdefghkL14\abcdefghkL15\abcdefghkL16\abcdefghkL17\abcdefghkL18\abcdefghkL19\abcdefghkL20\abcdefghkL21\abcdefghkL22\abcdefghkL23\abcdefghkL24\abcdefghkL25\abcdefghkL26\abcdefghkL27\abcdefghkL28\abcdefghkL29\abcdefghkL30\abcdefghkL31\abcdefghkL32\abcdefghkL33\abcdefghkL34\abcdefghkL35\abcdefghkL36\abcdefghkL37\abcdefghkL38\abcdefghkL39\abcdefghkL40\

folder (>500 chars long) and perform basic copy/delete operations. Some stuff is still broken for such a long paths (e.g. built-in zip unpacking tool), but, imho, this does not matter much.
This works even without explicitly enabling long paths support via regedit or gpedit.

So... maybe now it's a good time to implement the "longPathAware" feature?

comment:4 by Igor, 5 years ago

Component: FileZilla ServerFileZilla Client

comment:5 by Andre, 6 months ago

It seems that LongPath support isn't functioning properly on Windows 11.
One workaround is to use the
?\C:\<ftp folder path> format in the user configuration.
However, this method doesn't appear to be compatible with the latest version of FileZilla Server.
I was able to get it working with version

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