Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (1901 - 2000 of 2171)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#8533 list views don't read propperly with NVDA screen Reader new Feature request high FileZilla Client

When I download a file and then tab to the list view and down arrow to the time left, time remaining and other information list item, the NVDA screen reader just says list item, it will not read that information. Please fix this so NVDA reads all file transfer status information for downloads and uploads.

#8603 MAC OC 10.8.3 - KEYBOARD DELETE KEY NOT FUNCTIONAL new Bug report high FileZilla Client




MAC OS X 10.8.3

CAN NOT DELETE a file -- either remote or local USING DELETE KEY

Pressing the DELETE key simply JUMPS UP A LEVEL in the directory structure. Does NOT delete file.


Highlighting a file to delete and RIGHT clicking brings up a menu which has a DELETE selection. THAT WORKS and DELETES the file OK


Discovered as I migrate from Windows to Mac (that sorry Win8, no way Jose)

JOHN STONE JDSTONE@… 702.396.6545

#8802 Public Key in a folder with non-ANSI characters. new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I've got a public key file (ppk)in a folder which has my name on it, namely: C:\Users\André\PPKs\AmazonEC2.ppk

This doesn't work. The same directory and file works for putty.

I copied the very file to C:\, meaning: C:\AmazonEC2.ppk

It worked fine.

It seems like Filezilla doesn't like non-ANSI characters in folder paths for public keys. At least on Windows.

#8855 Better IP filtering accepted mallory loflin Feature request high FileZilla Server

Currently with the IP filter there is no way to tell what IP is for what purpose/person, it is just a big ugly list. This makes it near impossible to manage unless you maintain a separate list of the IP's and who they belong to. So giving an IP temp access or trying to remove access later is a royal PITA.

It would be more useful if each IP could have a label with it to identify what it is for. So have it in a MULTIPLE SELECT list rather than a text area so IP's can easily be selected and removed e.g. - temp access for support - Head office - Dave - Contractor

It would also be very handy if IP filters could have rules.

e.g. Allow Indefinitely Allow for x days then disable Allow for x days then remove

#9097 File name comparison error for Arabic files new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Well, I'm not sure if it's a FileZilla error or a server error; but as you can see in the attached image, the same file (Arabic name) was uploaded TWICE to the same path!

#9203 Keyboard shortcuts new Patch high FileZilla Client

Context Menu => E, Enter

When viewing local files, this is the shortcut for Edit, confirming the "reopen file" dialog.

When viewing remote files, this is the shortcut for DELETE, confirming the "are you sure" dialog.

Fix it, please, before I accidentally delete more files, kthx!

#9310 Issue with (some) Symbolic Links - unable to change to the directory new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I noticed that there were already several tickets opened with respect to symbolic links, and many of these have been closed, or dismissed but I am having an issue accessing 'symbolic links' within FileZila, specifically I cannot change to the symbolic directory.

The remote server is linux, and in my setup I have created several links to other directories. For example: public_html/bla/bla/bla/images -> /public_html/images. The problem is, if I click on public_html/bla/bla/bla/images it gives me directory error. However, I can access public_html/images with out an issue and via an SSH I can use the CD command to access public_html/bla/bla/bla/images also without an issue.

Now, not every symbolic link is giving me an issue. If the symbolic link, points to another path within the same directory such as, (public_html/logfiles -> public_html/logs/system) filezilla has no problem. However if the symbolic link points to a different path, it generates an error. I have tried this on two different sites I have with the same results.

Here is the (sterilized) output from filezilla:

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /public_html/bla/bla/bla Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/bla/bla/bla Command: CWD download Response: 550 Can't change directory to download: No such file or directory Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Starting download of /public_html/bla/bla/bla/download Command: PORT 192,168,0,2,217,228 Response: 200 PORT command successful Command: RETR download Response: 550 Can't open download: No such file or directory Error: Critical file transfer error Status: Disconnected from server

The directory download is a symbolic link to public_html\pubdownloads.

This seems to be a new problem. I don't recall this issue with an older version of FileZilla.

#9314 NSIS temp folder error new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Unable to install latest version due to NSIS Error writing temporary file. Make sure your temp folder is valid.

#9404 download speed limited by directory traversal speed new Feature request high FileZilla Client

When backing up my websites (Joomla), I notice that I have a lot more speed available to download but it takes the content of directories to slowly. Meaning if you have many directories with only 2 to 3 files but have 7 simulta. transfers going way to long to create the Queue for files to download. I am using V3.8 on Godaddy hosting. The queue is most of the time empty. It should fill the queue for downloading much faster.

#9661 Localization issue in "Already connected" popup new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I configured FileZilla to Russian language(my system lang) and when "Already connected" popup shows - it's not localized to Russian, but in previous releases it was working fine with Russian language.

#9775 Log file download failure new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Beginning with version - and having changed NONE of my webmaster permissions - I have been experiencing an increasing number of errors when attempting to view or download log files on my website. Whether I right click view/edit, double-click to download, or attempt to drag and drop a log file from the webhost server to my local drive, I get this message:

Status: Starting download of /log/access_log.2014-08-18 Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (206,188,192,89,185,179) Command: RETR access_log.2014-08-18 Response: 550 Failed to open file. Error: Critical file transfer error

I marked this ticket "high" because there error has now become persistent. I am unable to download/view ANY log files.

There is no problem uploading files (drag and drop), renaming files on the host server, or moving files between folders on the host.

#9849 Timeout during File transfer. new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, I am having consistent issues which I can replicate time after time.

I am using FTP with Require Explicit FTP over TLS to connect to my FTP servers.

I have enabled "Send FTP Keep alive commands" and connect succesfully and start the transfer.

after 60 minutes the log will consistently do the following

The keep alives will stop and the error below is listed. Error: Connection closed by server

Then exactly 60 minutes in to the transfer the following are logged

Error: GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function. Error: Connection closed by server Error: File transfer failed after transferring 333,856,752 bytes in 3600 seconds

I cannot find any specifics on the GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function on the web so was wondering if you can shed any light?

Regards, NJ

#9881 Exporting failed transfers to csv new Feature request high FileZilla Client

It would be helpful if there was a way to export failed transfers to a csv file.

Then at a future time those files could be resent. Either via filezilla or by another method, such as cpanel's file upload system.

This is because for various reasons permissions can be denied, and it would be useful to have a list of files which must be uploaded via another method.



#9884 Folders which are created by another user are not downloaded new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • User A logs into an online server (
  • User B logs into an online server (
  • On the Server there's a folder "test"
  • User A and User B see this folder on root level
  • User A and User B step into the "test" folder
  • User B leaves the "test" folder back to root
  • User A creates a subfolder "test/newFolder"
  • User B downloads the "test" folder

Expected result:

  • User B gets the "test" folder and its subfolder "newFolder"

Real result (falsy behavior)

  • User B only gets the "test" folder without its subfolder "newFolder"


  • If the "test" folder is downloaded once and afterwards deleted from the local drive and downloaded again, the "test" folder doesn't show up automatically. Only after reloading.


  • If the "test" folder is downloaded once and afterwards deleted from the local drive and downloaded again, Filezilla doesn't seem do step into the online folder(s). Instead it feels like Filezilla is placing (not downloading) a "cached" version of the "test" folder. This could explain why everything is messed up: A cache!
#9960 When renaming/moving remotely, ask for confirmation if target already exists new Feature request high FileZilla Client

When moving a file up a level by drag and dropping it over the '...' (at the top of the folder) the file will be copied to the parent folder. If a file already exists then it will be overwritten without confirmation. This has made me loose progress on my index.php accidentally several times and I know it will happen again. It is easy to accidentally drag and drop a file (you will be surprised!) so it should ask 'file xyz already exists, would you like to overwrite?' This is critical because this behavior should NOT happen and WILL cause others hours of (re-)work like it did for me.

#9977 OS X: Keyboard mnemonics on buttons override default edit control actions (e.g. Cmd+V) assigned Tim Kosse Bug report high FileZilla Client


Rename or Copy/Paste don't work in FileZilla Site Manager.

No way to save rename, the textbox stay opened. And copy, paste create favorite !

Filezilla version on OS X 10.9.5.

#10086 OSX autoupdate fails new Bug report high FileZilla Client


On OSX 10.9.5 Maverciks, Filezilla 3.9 and 3.10 fails to auto upgrade itself.

1- It downloads a package in ~/ 2- then extract it as ~/ 3- It fails to replace (maybe because Filezilla is still opened) /Applications/

I have several other problems with this mecanism : 1- The downloaded path should be : ~/Downloads/ instead of ~/ Or maybe provide a settings to choose the download path

2- After I tried to manually extract ~/ When I doubleclick on ~/ OSX error said package is broken.

But I can rightclick and then choose explore package in order to find the file.

For now I still upgrade Filezilla manually...

I think the autoupgrade method could be slightly enahanced...


#10744 filezilla not working after update(FileZilla_3.15.0.1) moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 150 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 16:46. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

#10775 FileZilla Upload Speed Issue moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi, I have 20 MBPS Leased line conncetion, even then the upload speed in filezilla i am getting is 20 KB, why is this? in order to upload files to our servers it's now taking hours

For More info, file zilla details, is below: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.16.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2016-02-29 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.4.9 SQLite: 3.10.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq Settings dir: C:\Users\srikanth.LOCAL\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#10794 FileZilla does not combine unicode characters new Bug report high FileZilla Client

On my Mac I noticed that when uploading files with german umlauts in their names to Linux or Windows servers, those filenames are not recognized the same as already existing ones with that same name. I end up having them duplicated, two files with seemlingsly the same name and a lot of encoding problems and troubles.

Cause of this seems to be that Mac filesystems save all unicode characters in decomposed state, while Windows and Linux use composed ones. FileZilla for Mac should abstract this by normalizing all unicode filenames to composed version on upload. The mac filesystem on the other hand does automatically decompose characters, so that shouldn't be a problem.

#10834 Unable to resize FileZilla window on Mac new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I can't resize the window. I have tried everything. I can click on the view button on the top of the screen and enter full screen, but I can't resize the window on the desktop. I just downloaded this program yesterday, so it is the latest version.

Here is a screen shot of the bug:

Virtually all Mac programs have a Window menu option at the top of the screen that lets you choose 'Zoom', but FileZilla only has 'View', and 'View doesn't have the 'Zoom' feature that would fix this problem.

If the Window menu was added, this would fix the problem because we could manually zoom the window if the zoom button is hidden, like it is on my machine.

Thank you.

#10855 Error Massage 12797 and more. moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

German / Deutsch Fehlermeldung 12797 bei Starten des Programmes. Auch können keine Mehreren URLS in die Zwischenspeicher gelegt werden. Es wird anstelle einer vielzahl an Auswahlen immer nur die zuletzt ausgewählte Kopiert. Ich besonders Schlecht wenn man eine Vielzahl an URLS von Daten benötigt. Ich bitte das zu Korrigieren.

English / Englisch Error message 12797 when starting the program. Also no Multiple URLs can be placed in the cache. It is instead a variety of selections are only the most recently selected Copies. I particularly bad if you need a large number of URLs of data. I ask the to correct.

#10875 Feature Request new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hi All,

we need some changes to this client, it has been sometime now without any major features:

1- To be able to autoupdate the files. 2- Site manager search, the domains i have is more than 100, it would a good feature to be able to search the site manager for a specific domain or user 3- Security, i need to protect the site manager somehow, maybe a login and password? 4- Shortcuts, example when i have a site that can work via ssh, i can add the shortcut on the menu and it will execute the desired ex: terminal ssh root@*.com -u {user} -p {password}

This last request can replace all, to be able to add script to run on filezilla, just like mac scripts, we will handle the rest, simply a plugin feature.

Thanks in advance

#10952 Remote window shows blank, no files listed or odd white space above remote file list, but remote files re-appear when app is re-sized moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Symptoms: Log onto remote site : occasionally remote folders and file listings do not show - (remote panel completely blank). However, if the app window is re-sized, folders & file list suddenly shows correctly. Seemingly random, often initial login is ok - folders & files all listed. But click on a remote folder and the remote pane shows blank or is 'half filled' with listing.

Causes/triggers: Can't see a pattern / can't identify any particular folder attributes that trigger it.

Workaround: But always re-sizing of the Filezilla app will magically fix it (for that view only), folders & files will appear as normal. But go into another folder and the problem is back.

Very frustrating - v. difficult to work with this issue.

Tested across two machines, two different users: exactly the same problem - both users have same OS and Filezilla Versions.

#10998 Downloads Stops or freezes after a few minutes new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The logs say its still downloading from the Seedbox server and in the Download Quence, the Downloads are still their but they stop and have the "?" next to the speed or next to the amount the file should be downloading at, Plus the traffic lights at the bottom right hand side of the application, turns off. The Only way to unfreeze or turn the lights back on or resume the downloads, is by unchecking the "Process Quence" and clicking on it again. Please help.

#11078 Delete Specific Items from Quickconnect Bar new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Add a feature to delete specific entries into the quick-connect bar. This *should* (probably not) be a simple patch to increase usability.

#11112 filename comparison and file transfer logic don't match when filename has diacritics new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I have a filename that has diacritics separated in the HFS+ manner (e.g. ä becomes a¨) I am able to upload complete folders of files to a remote system (Linux www 4.4.0-36-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 18:01:55 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) via sftp so that in the process the files end up as diacritics combined to the remote system filesystem (/dev/vda1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)).

Now, if I wish to enter into that folder, and having updated locally some files, I want to just attempt an upload on all files and select "overwrite if newer than target", It just happens that FileZilla correctly compares the filenames when determining whether it should ask me about what to do with the files with (virtually) identical filenames (a¨ on local HFS+ == ä on remote ext4). But, after that, it copies the files with diacritics uncombined this time, leaving duplicates with virtually identical filenames.

I digged a little further: if I then try to copy the file with combined diacritical marks (copying filenames to textwrangler document verified which one was which) from the remote side to local, filezilla shows two files on local directory like on remote side, but when you remove either of them, both get deleted (meaning maybe that there was only one file after all or then deleting local files function behaves inconsistently?). I really need this one fixed, please.

#11184 folders or files selection impossible during work new Bug report high FileZilla Client


I notice a very annoying problem when im working on my websites i always go to folders and files but for no reason after a time i cannot select anything i need to refresh many time go outside folders or disconnect ftp to be able to select folders or files i don't understand why this happen in past i don't have this problem i run on mac and Filezilla version is 3.24.1

Thanks for your help

#11196 crash on completion of queue moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Since upgrading to 3.24.1

Every time I complete a transfer filezilla crashes!!!!

unusable. Wish I had an old version to roll back too!

#11213 Unable to connect to old servers after upgrade v3.25.1 moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Even after updating to 3.25.1 unable to connect to old servers

#11236 dialog window position on dual monitor issue new Bug report high FileZilla Client

If i move my main client screen from the main monitor desktop to the secondary any dialog generated is not visible until I drag the client window. At this point it can be seen located on the main monitor desktop, partially transparent and locked to the movement of the client window.

If I drag the client window far enough in the opposite direction from the main monitor desktop I can grab the dialog and place it on secondary. Whilst the dialog is sitting on the secondary it remains locked to the movement of the client. If i then drag the dialog to the main monitor's desktop, the lock is broken and remains that way subsequently when moved back to the secondary.

After closing the dialog or client having adjusted the position of the dialog to be visible, the state is not retained.

I have not experienced this bug in any recent previous version of the client and it applies as far as I can ascertain to all dialogs, about, settings, connection manager, file overwrite etc.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.25.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-apple-darwin16.4.0 Compiled on: x86_64-apple-darwin16.4.0 Build date: 2017-03-20 Compiled with: Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.38) Compiler flags: -Werror=partial-availability -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 SQLite: 3.16.2 GnuTLS: 3.4.16

Operating system:

Name: Mac OS X (Darwin 16.5.0 x86_64) Version: 10.12

#11238 Remote Search doesn't return results new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Earlier this week, searching in our FTP folders using the remote search option has stopped returning results when the criteria is file name "contains"

This is happening for our users on Windows as well as for the two of us that use Macs. We've confirmed we have the most recent version 3.25.1 installed

An example search for contains "990_A" is shown here and I moved the search box to prove that there is a file with that information. I also tried this search with "starts with" and didn't get results, as soon as I changed to "does not contain" then results for files without that are returned...but I really need to find files with specific values in their name

#11246 "Locate file in Finder" or "Locate file in Explorer" new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hi FileZilla Team,

Had searched the feature request tickets and didn't find any results...

Just wanted to ask if there could be an option (in the local file list) that when you right-click on a file or folder, there's an option for "Locate file in Finder" (MAC) or "Locate file in Explorer" (Windows)? This feature would serve very handy when wanting to reorganize the local folder or open an image in Photoshop, or extract a zipped folder to verify the contents, etc.

Thanks in advance if this can be implemented soon!

Best Regards, Jaime

#11260 Unable to load anything new Singh Bug report high FileZilla Client


I've been having problems with Filezilla. Every time I try and to connect it's coming up with errors. But now, I can't even connect at all - it doesn't load.

Is anyone able to help with this please?

Thank you.

#11265 Mac OS Sierra bug with top moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client


I fully reinstalled my Mac OS, and after that - on clear OS X I have a bug:

#11266 Cannot Log into a Specific Site new dnl Bug report high FileZilla Client

I am not able to log into a specific site using the latest version of FileZilla.

I have not yet been able to successfully log in to this particular site ( However, I have been able to do so using other FTP clients such as FTP Voyager using the same configurations (site IP address, port #, password, remote directory, transfer mode, etc.).

The following is typical of what is logged by FZ:

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/FC35"... Command: CWD /FC35 Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/FC35" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,55,183,227,190,31). Command: MLSD Error: The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out Error: Connection timed out after 61 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/FC35"... Command: CWD /FC35 Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,55,183,227,157,158). Command: MLSD Error: The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out Error: Connection timed out after 61 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#11314 Refresh does not work properly in the new release moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Refresh does not work properly in the new release

#11342 unable to log in new Carol Moore Bug report high FileZilla Client

I just downloaded FileZilla. I get to the log in screen. The cursor blinks in the cell where I should enter my ftp information, but it does not allow me to enter anything.

I am using a Mac.

#11356 incorrect login info on new upload threads new Bug report high FileZilla Client

using SFTP over port 22 to upload files I changed my login information on my linux server and then I changed my login information in the Site Manager, after clicked 'Connect' and successfully connected to my server, I tired to upload some file onto my server and find out that new upload threads reports login incorrect and caused me banned for 10 minutes due to fail2ban installed on my server. And after I restarted Filezila, the problem is gone.

#11426 FileZilla 3.28.0 can't import FileZilla.xml settings new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I found that FileZilla 3.28.0 can't import settings from other PC's FileZilla.xml, both on Windows 10 Pro (version 10.0.15063).

How to reproduce it?

1) make some changes in Settings window, adjust Limit local ports to 1025 and 60000 for example.

2) select Files > Export... > Export Settings and export settings to FileZilla.xml

3) copy FileZilla.xml to another PC, select Files > Import... and select FileZilla.xml then check Settins to import settings.

4) restart FileZilla and you will see everything as default value.

#11466 Auto sync data with Filezilla new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hello Admin,

Is it able to sync the data from remote FTP site with Filezilla in a scheduled date. Filezilla is a great tool. But we need to download the data everyday, The FTP server is in other country, due to the time difference, we can't download the data in time. If FileZilla can auto sync the data from remote site. it would be much helpful.

#11470 Virus infection with Filezilla 3.29.0 downloads new Other high FileZilla Client

Kindly view the image and please check it

#11518 slow download speed, probably after last update. Only slow with Filezilla moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

It takes 130 hours to download 4Gb with a 10Mb/s download speed. If I use google drive or Teamviewer to download the same file it takes me 20 minutes or 2 hours for the same file. Try it on this moment also, it will take 8 hours (still to go)

The provider checked the internet connection already, changed the cable and modem. Speedtest result is 11Mb/s almost every test.

What can I do?

#11526 wxGTK3 Linux: small fonts in directory trees new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Archlinux, Filezilla compiled with wxGTK v. The better decription of the problem is the pictures I attached. I think all fonts of all controls should have the same size like it was with GTK2 build.

#11573 Files deleted while "confirm replacement" is given new Bug report high FileZilla Client


This comes with new (very last news version).

When you uses this : 1- upload a new version of a file with a different name. 2- after upload : rename the file and give the name of the file which is to be replaced

Before, with previous version, you get : 1- A panel to confirm (existing file with same name : replace) 2- Replacement 3- (in previous-previous) the position into the list was not changing

Now, new ( 3.32.0) you get : 1- A panel to confirm (existing file with same name : replace) 2- Both files are deleted, this most of time (there are conditions which produce the normal - old - behavior, but I could not find exactly the conditions. Note :

  • that when this occurs we have two refreshes (since-prev-prev : I have not the version id) of screen while before we were getting this refresh just once.
  • with the "just before version" the refresh was not clean because we had, as told, two displays and at the end the user was reaching the top of the list and had to go back manually to the position of the file changed to verify.
  • now when it functions normally the file is replaced and focus stays on the file (generally for the two files : I name the new updated with a name so that it will be displayed just before the file to replace into the list). I think that the second display corresponds to the "delete all" invalid phase.

Best regards


#11596 User is logged out and cannot login again when initiating any file transfers new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Since 3.26, we've had a few users report that once they log in and begin to try and transfer files, they are suddenly logged out, and then asked for their password again. Putting in their password again is not accepted (says its incorrect), so now the user cannot do anything else. Closing Filezilla down and opening it back up has no effect.

To make matters worse, in our environment, we use Red Hat's IDM LDAP server (based off of the Free IPA project). When this happens to these users, their account in IDM is locked due to too many failed logins and an administrator has to go into the IDM server and unlock the account.

#11598 ACTION IF FILE EXIST looks not working with "origin size and date" new Mariano STEMPLER Bug report high FileZilla Client

It keeps transfering the files every time I send FTP no matter if file has changed or not

#11625 network error : software caused connection abort moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client


Tried to uploading the data into remote server, Every 19 secs coming up with error. Error : Network Error : software caused connection abort file transfer failed

Is anyone able to help with this please?

Thank you.

#11630 Always have to reupload large files moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

I always have to reupload audio files when the program says they were successful. Never fails that I have to upload again.

#11635 Images not showing up on live site when uploaded to specific folder new Bug report high FileZilla Client


Currently when I upload an image to a specific sub folder, the image is uploaded successfully, but then will not show up on the live site, even after waiting multiple days, and clearing my cache.

The images will work properly when uploaded to the Incoming folder, but not each subfolder within the Incoming folder.

Would you be able to help me figure out why uploading to these folders is not working, even after we get a successful message.

Thank you, Melissa

#11649 Error parsing end element tag at offset 8160 new Bug report high FileZilla Client

On starting, FileZilla pops up this error box:

Error loading xml file

The file 'C:\Users\jcarnuccio\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\filezilla.xml' could not be loaded. Error parsing end element tag at offset 8160.

For this session the default settings will be used. Any changes to the settings will not be saved.


and it looks like all previous settings are lost.

#11651 Editing Files through filezilla new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hey, I having an issue with filezilla on uploading files and editing them from the server. the problem accure on any server and not on specific one. I have tested with diffrent file editors and computers but the problem still stays. this issue very interupt me while working while editing files on live site and the files doesn't uploaded at their full weight.

I have logged the issue while I did try to edit a file and it uploaded only part of the full file (it's not even 0.5mb file..) here is the log:

2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\leon\AppData\Local\Temp\fz3temp-2\index.php 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Command: CWD /public_html/itcare 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/itcare 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/public_html/itcare"... 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Command: TYPE I 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Command: PASV 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (5,100,252,97,162,223) 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Command: MLSD 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Response: 150 Accepted data connection 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Response: 226-Options: -a -l 2018-06-26 10:57:43 21792 3 Response: 226 4 matches total 2018-06-26 10:58:12 21792 3 Command: TYPE A 2018-06-26 10:58:12 21792 3 Response: 200 TYPE is now ASCII 2018-06-26 10:58:12 21792 3 Command: PASV 2018-06-26 10:58:12 21792 3 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (5,100,252,97,168,133) 2018-06-26 10:58:12 21792 3 Command: STOR index.php 2018-06-26 10:58:12 21792 3 Response: 150 Accepted data connection 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 226-File successfully transferred 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 226 0.315 seconds (measured here), 264.48 Kbytes per second 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Status: File transfer successful, transferred 87,358 bytes in 1 second 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/public_html/itcare"... 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Command: TYPE I 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Command: PASV 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (5,100,252,97,157,193) 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Command: MLSD 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 150 Accepted data connection 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 226-Options: -a -l 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Response: 226 4 matches total 2018-06-26 10:58:13 21792 3 Status: Directory listing of "/public_html/itcare" successful

If you need any more information please inform me. filezila version 3.33.0

#11654 Pop up new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I keep gettying a notice that my SSL cert. is expired. I just applied all new certs. in May and they are posed on the servier and works on other items.

How can I stop this. The check box is grayed out and can not click it.

#11681 I lost everything during the last update. moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi, Today I opened my FileZilla, as in every day for several years. In the opening, I had an update to be made dating July 23rd, 2018 for the version 3.35.1. I clicked to Update. After a few seconds, an error message appears to me, "an error arrived at the update". I had only the choice of the button "Cancel". I clicked to cancel. Afterward I had no more icon of FileZilla on my desktop, on my fast bar, nothing. I verified those folders of FileZilla.

There were only 3 folders. The first one is: C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\ with a single entitled file "Uninstall".

The second one is : C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\ with 1 SQLITE3 file and 6 XML Documents.

The last one is: C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\FileZilla\ with around 320 PNG files.

I had no execute file, or file to updated. I could not use the software. I restarted the PC and nothing changed. I am not certainly the only one to have had this problem. I would have liked registering you the code of error and the exact text, but I clicked on the button too fast. Sorry.

For now I downloaded the complete version on your site. That works. I had a waste of considerable time for my company.


#11703 Stuck on 'Transferring' new Bug report high FileZilla Client


I added 315943 files to the queue. Filezilla just cycles through 'elapsed time' and 'Transferring' on two files but not actually transferring them.

I've had this queue trying to transfer for over a week and a half. I've stopped the queue and reinitiated several times.

Initially the transfer was interrupted by the computer being restarted and I haven't been able to resume this transfer. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to fix this issue. Thank you

#11729 MAC OS X SIte Manager Sroll overlap entries reopened Bug report high FileZilla Client

MAC OS X SIte Manager Sroll overlap entries

I have to attach screenshot to ticket.

#11756 Issues using Filezilla on macOS Mojave new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Filezilla on macOS Mojave has a few issues which include the following:

1) Dragging files from a folder to the server causes the client to crash. You can still highlight and click upload by right clicking through the context menu 2) UI issues with the dark theme (it's difficult to see) 3) UI issues with the client size (it starts huge and needs to be resized smaller)

These issues make the client very difficult to use on macOS.

#11757 Limit for Concurrent Downloads setting over-rides all Global and User settings, regardless new Bug report high FileZilla Client
  1. The Limit for Concurrent Downloads setting over-rides ALL Global and Individual site settings for Transfers!
  1. The Queue Priority setting also over-rides the User setting for Maximum Multiple Connections of Individual for sites.

Flexible User settings are no good if the program takes no notice, like the Concurrent Download Limit setting controls everything to do with transfers. As does the Priority.

Eg. For a Session

  • Maximum Simultaneous Transfers = 10
  • Limit for Concurrent Downloads = 5
  • Limit for Concurrent uploads = 0
  • Site 1: 10 Queued transfers, Priority Normal, Maximum Multiple Connections = 3
  • Site 2: 10 Queued transfers, Priority High, Maximum Multiple Connections = 3

Process the Queue and five Transfers will all start at once from Site 2; instead of two Transfers from Site 1 and three Transfers from Site 2; This blows-out Site 2 because it has a max number of connections/session of 3. Also, despite the Maximum Simultaneous Transfers being higher, whatever the Limit for Concurrent Downloads is set to, that is the number of transfers that will try to start, not 10. Also, setting the Priority up or down has a similar effect.

My thoughts:

  1. Globally: The “Maximum Simultaneous Transfers” should be the only setting to determining the Maximum number of Transfers that FileZilla starts at any one Session. (ps: 10 also seems a bit small in these days of High-speed Broadband).
  1. Globally: Limit for Concurrent Downloads should perhaps be Limit for Concurrent Downloads per Site; and determine the maximum number of Transfers to start on any Site at one time, UNLESS the Maximum Multiple Connections is set.
  1. Locally: Limit for Concurrent Downloads per Site should not override the Maximum Multiple Connections setting.
  1. Locally: Queue Priority should not override the Maximum Multiple Connections setting.

Hope this helps Tranowme

#11770 Cannot open subdirectories in directory tree after updating reopened Bug report high FileZilla Client

I had been using version 3.37.2 with no problems. Yesterday, FileZilla said there was an update, so I downloaded it and installed it. Version 3.37.3. I then opened it and tried to open a subdirectory on the server so I could download some files to my computer. I tried to open public_html. It didn't open to show the contents. Instead it started downloading the entire subdirectory. I tried opening a few others and the same thing--cannot open them.

When I went to file a bug, I was shown a message that the software was out of date. How can the application not have downloaded the current update? The app gave me 3.37.3 and said I was up-to-date.

I downloaded the adware-free version for 3.37.4 from the Other Options download page ( and tried to use it. The same thing happens. After both updates, no subdirectories will open. Clicking twice on a folder downloads the entire subdirectory automatically. I tried right click on a folder and I was shown a list but it has Download selected and there is no Open selection so I can't get to the contents from the list.

#11771 Implement dark mode in macOS Mojave new Bug report high FileZilla Client

If user has dark mode enabled in macOS Mojave the UI does not adhere.

#11800 Erro quando sobe arquivos via FTP moreinfo_reopened Bug report high FileZilla Client

Erro que acontece quando eu faço um upload de uma pasta inteira com várias subpastas e vários arquivos. O aplicado aponta como upload finalizado, mas os arquivos são criados com 0 bytes. Isso foi observado em várias ocasiões ao fazer upload de arquivos. Quando sobe arquivo único, não há problemas, o problema está relacionado quando sobe pastas com subpastas e vários arquivos. Foi observado tanto com arquivos .html, .php, .jpg, .png, .js, .css e outros formatos ainda.

#11815 Regarding web based integration with domain FTP like WeTransfer new Feature request high Other

Dear FileZilla Team,

Hope you're doing good!

Kindly let me know, if FileZilla has web based open but secure mechanism like WeTransfer that can be connected to space of private domain space i.e. domain FTP space with backend authentication. And, if it's not there, then will it be possible for you to develop.

Waiting for your kind consideration and revert. Thanks!


#11833 I got a new computer and now Filezilla does not work new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Every time I try to login I see this

Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection closed by server Error: Could not connect to server

I've looked up other tickets but none of them have had an answer to this problem. I have used filezilla for three years to manage a work website and have never had a problem. I really need to find a solution this week.



#11839 Bank file download new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Good afternoon All,

I hope you're well

Could you please enable the function which generates a next day statement on a Tuesday each week going forward?

Many thanks, Alexandra Degan Senior Payroll Administrator

#11840 Files not uploaded when dragged to server new Bug report high FileZilla Client

New or changed files are randomly not being uploaded when inside folders and dragged over server.

#11854 IP banned new Bug report high FileZilla Client

hello sir my ip has been banned without any reason. tried to login information was right but filezilla was crashing so i tried again and again so my ip is banned now so i request to solve it my ip address 2405:204:902e:13e2:186b:ca9a:4fd8:d190 and ipv4

#11872 Latest FileZilla - 3.41.1 does not login to our ftp and shows a certificate inscure algorithm (Also 3.40.0) new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FileZilla_3.39.0_win64-setup.exe works with explicit ftp over TLS if available on our FTP called - but with the latest two versions we are getting an error - 14:06:11 - Error:A certificate in the chain was signed using an insecure algorithm. 14:06:11 - Error: Received certificate chain could not be verified. Verification status is 2. 14:06:11 - Error:Could not connect to server. I have downgraded again so it can work but it is a problem.

#11874 SFTP servers denying access because of so many keys being sent new Bug report high FileZilla Client

For an entire day I was talking to tech support of a hosting company and trying to figure out what's wrong with my connection. Turns out I have so many keys attempting to be used that the server was denying access with this error response:

Error: Server sent disconnect message Error: type 2 (protocol error): Error: "Too many authentication failures" Error: Could not connect to server

If I removed my keys down to just 4 then I was able to connect. This is a huge pain and bug IMO since I should be able to specify on a per-site basis what key to use if needed like my IDE allows which doesn't run into a similar issue.

Possible solution options?

1) In the SFTP key page in settings allow me to click an "Edit Key" button or something that allows me to checkmark off what sites I want it used on.

2) On my site setting page on "Advanced" tab allow me to say "Specify key file" or allow me to specify key file on that screen for use on that site or select a dropdown from available files to use.

Crazy annoying that there isn't an option for this already in FZ.

#11880 password reset new Other high FileZilla Client

Hi Team,

This is with regard my XI account.

I'm unable login to XI account as my password not working.User id pcardusr

Could you please help me to get my password reset

#11887 Incorrect Password new Other high FileZilla Client

I'm using the same password as always and it's not letting me into FileZilla to transfer to my website since my latest update. I need to resolve asap. Here's what I'm getting when I try logging in: Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER thebarnpub Response: 331 Please specify the password. Command: PASS Response: 530 Login incorrect. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

#11894 Refresh Button / F5 - Not refreshing file and folder lists new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The first time Refresh/F5 is used in a session the Status window shows that the refresh was sent to the server, but then nothing happens. Any subsequent Refresh/F5 does nothing at all. The files and folders are only refreshed on a new connection or reconnection.

I've attached a copy of the Status log up to the point where I started this report. Note line 310 where I clicked the Refresh icon on the Toolbar. When that didn't do anything, I pressed the F5 key, then used the menu to choose View/Refresh. As you can see, Filezilla didn't even acknowledge these additional attempts to refresh.

Before starting this Bug ticked, I searched the Bug reports where I found multiple unresolved tickets starting from 9 years ago about this problem. Is this not important enough to resolve ? I've used numerous FTP clients in the past and every one of them had no problem refreshing during a session.

#11900 FTP not Work error is Connection Timed Out new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Filezilla not work same FTP setting is work on core FTP but not work on filezilla

Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.41.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0 Compiled on: x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0 Build date: 2019-03-18 Compiled with: Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5) Compiler flags: -Werror=partial-availability -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.26.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.6

Operating system:

Name: Mac OS X (Darwin 18.5.0 x86_64) Version: 10.14 CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: /Users/deepaksaini/.config/filezilla/

#11907 Most recent update new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I am no longer able to move multiple files at a time, it will only allow me to move 1 at a time

#11911 Forgotten Pass Word new Other high FileZilla Client

I inadvertantly deleted the Quickconnect information in Filezilla Client and am now unable to reconnect, I get "ECONNREFUSED" My Server is OMC@…. How can i reset my Password please?

#11921 Unable to get directory listing new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I upgraded to 3.42.1 and can no longer get directory listings on TLS connection. This was not happening with previous version of Filezilla.

The error I receive is: Certificate of connection does not match expected certificate.

I cleared the certificate by removing trustedcerts.xml and retrieved a new certificate, but that did not fix the problem. I also cleared cache (from debug tab) and that also did not fix the problem. Evertyhing was working fine until I installed new release (no changes to connections). And it still works with older version of FileZilla.

Log (verbose) snippet follows:

10:22:12	Command:	LIST
10:22:12	Trace:	CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake()
10:22:12	Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
10:22:12	Response:	125 List started OK
10:22:12	Trace:	CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 4
10:22:12	Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
10:22:12	Trace:	CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 5
10:22:14	Trace:	CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake()
10:22:14	Trace:	CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake()
10:22:14	Trace:	CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake()
10:22:14	Trace:	TLS Handshake successful
10:22:14	Trace:	Protocol: TLS1.0, Key exchange: RSA, Cipher: AES-256-CBC, MAC: SHA1
10:22:14	Error:	Certificate of connection does not match expected certificate.
10:22:14	Error:	The data connection could not be established: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
10:22:14	Trace:	CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(3)
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd()
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
10:22:14	Response:	250 List completed successfully.
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 7
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
10:22:14	Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpRawTransferOpData::Reset(2) in state 7
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(2) in state 3
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
10:22:14	Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
10:22:14	Trace:	CFtpListOpData::Reset(2) in state 3
10:22:14	Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing
#11948 Files can not transfer. new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I have multiple server connections and different servers. Any one I connect to, since I updated filezilla, I get an error - All transfers complete, files could not transfer. So I can't upload anywhere. I need help. Thanks.

#11968 Publish/Quicktransfer button(s) required new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Many times a specific file or specific files, whose names do not change over time, need to be uploaded for publishing.

Like in the Seamonkey Suite, which has a pusblish button for uploading the whole page that one is editing in one go, it would be fine if there is one or more publish/Quicktransfer buttons for uploading one's favourite file(s).

Now, one has to manoevre each time through all directories to locate the files. Synchronized browsing and bookmarking helps, but then still scrolling and locating is necessary.

This/these Publish/Quicktransfer button/buttons could be located for instance to the right of the the Quickconnect Bar.

(A) corresponding shortcut key(s) could be assigned to the button(s).

If such a button/these buttons work for one favourite file, such a button could be extended to work for a list of files, for which each time extensive browsing is required.

It would then look like the Publish Button of the Seamonkey Suite, which unfortunately only handles ftp, not sftp or ftps, so if FileZilla is going to do this it would be great!

See also ticket #4333 and #8182.

#11981 Drag and drop reports "Drag & drop operation failed." new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I've connected to the remove computer correctly. Same as I have on many times. I updated to the latest version yesterday and now this problem. Is there another way to transfer a file?

#12002 Refresh in new FTP client causes all folders to close assigned Tim Kosse Bug report high FileZilla Client

In the newest FTP client version (3.45.0), when selecting the Refresh button, all folders in the local site view close, and the view jumps to the top of the directory tree. This never used to occur. This is highly irritating as I have to navigate back to the folder in which I was working and dig back into any subfolders I had open after every single refresh.

#12004 I am blind, I use screen reading software. I tried to sign up for the Forum, but you provide only a visual challenge, no audio challenge. Therefore, it is not acdcessible. ADA perhaps? new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The Forum registration is not accessible to a blind person using screen reading software.

#12018 Upload Edited Files - Long Response Time new Bug report high FileZilla Client

this is since the new mac osx update catalina. after edit of a download file it takes a long time until filezilla is uploading the file automatically!

Workflow: download a file - open in editor - save -> upload take a long response time

#12033 FileZilla Pro (3.45.2) does not connect to S3 bucket via HTTP proxy with username/pwd new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I've tried to get access to our S3 bucket through an http proxy which has username and password restrictions. The debug shows that the connection to the proxy host is being established, but after the 407 response that an authentication is required, the attept failes with "ECONNRESET" - and I don't have a clue why. The user name and password are correct so I assume that this is a kind of misunderstanding between FileZilla Pro and the squid proxy server.

#12066 Private key / Key passphrase bug in 3.46.1 new Bug report high FileZilla Client

We have a specific site that has successfully used a private key with a passphrase for over 2 years. With 3.46.1, when I try to connect to the site, it no longer asks for the keyphrase, which has always been required, and subsequently the connection fails authentication.

During investigation, I also received errors when look at the site config. The errors related to the private key file. Unfortunately I did not do a screen capture of the error as I needed to access the site asap.

I reverted back to 3.46.0 and immediately everything went back to normal. When connecting to the site the key passphrase was prompted for and once entered I was able to connect to the site with no issue.

As we use this site weekly, I will not be able to update until this bug is fixed.

#12079 Please help! latest update included a bug! new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I opened FileZilla today 12/30/19 and an update popped up, so updated to the latest version. Then I connected and tried to upload a 1gb file like I do weekly. It says "Transferring" for 20 seconds a then times out. I have tried several times and it is the same. Everything was fine before I updated to the latest version today.

#12086 Why am I banned from new Other high Other


I am a small home-based business owner. My home PC is working from the IP:

Please can you set out the reasons why I appear to be banned from your forum? My registered email address with your site is pbbythesea@…. I have never received any communications in regard to problems with my login. In fact I can still access the site from my phone but not my office PC, so it must to tied to my IP and not my username.

Please can you clearly set out why this has happened and what I can do to lift the ban?



#12101 FileZilla > Settings > Interface > Minimize to tray weird behavior new Bug report high FileZilla Client

After check the option FileZilla > Settings > Interface > Minimize to tray the program shows strange behavior, after minimize the tray icon is created but when you click in the tray icon the screen blink and the program turn unable to open again and there is no popup menu option when perform a left click on the filezilla tray icon. This situation force the user to kill the filezilla process.

Expected action: Able to minimize the program to tray icon running fedora 31 Cinnamon.

(All others programs like telegram, skype, steam go to tray without problems.)

FileZilla: 3.45.1 OS: Fedora 31 Thirty One (x86-64) DE Cinnamon, version: 4.4.8 Kernel: 5.4.13-201.fc31.x86_64 CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz × 4 Memory: 7.5 GiB Video Card: NVIDIA Corporation GK104 [GeForce GTX 680] Driver version: 440.44

#12113 Unable to View/Edit new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I have tried specifying the ASCII editor (EditPlus), putting in the verified location, and selecting Use system's default editor for text files. In both cases, when I select a text file from either the local or remote file list, I get an error (attached). The actual location of the editor is "c:\program files\editplus 3\editplus.exe", but FileZilla is adding a whole bunch of extra characters (see attached). Help!!!

#12120 Failed to retrieve directory listing new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I am trying to connect to our server to upload files and this is what pops up when it is trying to connect and then fails. It is happening on every computer we try:

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,143,160,133,195,136). Command: MLSD Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#12121 Creating a new folder forces directory to go up a level new Bug report high FileZilla Client

On MacOSX, when creating a new local folder in the left-most pane, the bug forces you to go up a level.

Example: if I'm on /Users/James/Desktop/ and create a folder called "Test", it will automatically take me to /Users/James/

#12145 Dialogue boxes extremely slow on Mac, new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When displaying any dialogue box (e.g. Settings, Site Manager), there is a lag of 3-5 seconds after making any selection within them, including Ok and Cancel.

This is not occurring in the main window.

This is not new; it has been occurring for a long time in FileZilla (> 1 year). I'm on macOS 10.14.6. (No other app behaves this way.)

#12149 Can't Connect to SFTP server with newest version new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I used to be able to connect to my sftp server and now I can't with a strange error message:

Error:	The first host key type supported by the server is ssh-rsa, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection.

I tried switching the server to use a ecdsa host key and I got the error message:

Error:	The first host key type supported by the server is ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection.

Thanks, Alex

#12163 "Local site" gives "(some path) does not exist or cannot be accessed." error for some folders on mounted CIFS shares reopened Bug report high FileZilla Client

This issue happens intermittently, this happens:

  • only for some folders on mounted CIFS shares
  • only sometimes: same folders can be accessed one moment but become unreachable a minute later
  • only in "Local site" view: at the same time client successfully continues downloads in the same folder and can Import/Export configurations from/to the same folders

I haven't been able to find reflection of error in any of the logs: /var/log/messages, kern.log, syslog, built-in Filezilla Logging from the Settings does not have any traces.

#12168 Problema scan new Bug report high FileZilla Server
Description Buenos dias, soy nuevo con este programa y he usado ya varios métodos para arreglar el problema que me presenta al momento de usar el scaner por medio de filezilla, ya que me da ese error adjunto en la imagen espero puedan brindarme una solucion

#12183 Wont give me password prompt new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Dear Support

I am trying to assist one of the directors of our company onto your platform to upload some work for a client. The client has sent us a pdf manual which guides us how to connect via site manager. Upon following the instructions, the password prompt does not come thus allowing us not being able to connect. I would appreciate a swift response as this is a matter of urgency. Look forward hearing back from you soon.

Thanks Hassan TPBennett TechSupport Team

#12184 Custom filetype associations list is emptied after Filezilla update new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When you update Filezilla via the window that appears whilst using it, the content inside the "Custom filetype associations" textbox is sometimes lost. This has happened to me twice within the last month. When it first happened, I slowly repopulated it there and then but the most recent update has erased them again. I have not changed any settings recently that will affect this.

I wish I can provide steps to replicate this, however this doesn't happen on every update.

#12187 Fileziila worked fine until the latest update new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I uploaded modified files from Local to Remote Site/Website as before but this time the changes do not appear in my Website on the Internet.

#12193 Comprei e não recebi a chave new Feature request high FileZilla Client



#12203 Not connecting to server/directory new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I have tried to connect to my server on two different computers and this is the message I receive on both. I have spoken with my webmasters, and the server information is correct. How do I fix this with FileZilla? Below are the error messages I receive. Thank you.

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (67,225,147,34,236,134). Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing...

#12219 Filezilla Pro Amazon S3 Secret Access Key is not saved anymore new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, the S3 Secret Access Key is not saved anymore between sessions. Connecting works, but there is no access possible. This is occurring since we upgraded our installation yesterday. This is very annyoing. Thank you very much! Wolfgang

#12227 OpenSSL library obsolete (currently 1.0.2k) new Feature request high FileZilla Server

Please update the OpenSSL library inside FileZilla Server, the current version contains known vulnerabilities, and I don't know a way of updating the version in production.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.