Custom Query (415 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 415)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#13104 FileZilla Server Settings window is excessively large on Windows 11 with an ultrawide display and cannot be resized smaller normal fixed 3 weeks 10 days
#13064 filezilla-server.exe service stop automatic. normal fixed 5 months 5 months
#13045 bug:the virtual path is not valid Fabio Alemagna normal fixed 7 months 6 months
#13028 Data peer IP error which aborts the data connection - reproducible with AWS EC2 normal fixed 8 months 8 months
#13027 Max 1000 items in a folder normal worksforme 8 months 8 months
#13012 Linux : User's "mount point" location problem normal wontfix 8 months 8 months
#12976 SFTP Server support with new 1.8.0-rc1 ? normal fixed 11 months 11 months
#12959 "User is enabled" unticked - and the XML file proves - but user can still login normal invalid 12 months 12 months
#12945 ssh-2.0-Filezilla_3.65.0 normal worksforme 13 months 13 months
#12934 Issue in Windows-Installer V1.7.2 normal fixed 14 months 14 months
#12891 Wrong answer on 'SIZE' command normal outdated 16 months 16 months
#12873 FileZilla won't upload files high rejected 18 months 18 months
#12870 Autoban does not reset counter after successful login Fabio Alemagna high fixed 18 months 17 months
#12846 Wrong data returned (possibly after an ABOR command) high fixed 19 months 19 months
#12832 FileZilla server cannot be compiled with libfilezilla 0.39.2 normal fixed 20 months 20 months
#12814 FZ Server 1.5.1 Directory Listing fails normal worksforme 20 months 20 months
#12809 Filezlilla server crashes Faulting module name: ntdll.dll normal outdated 21 months 18 months
#12801 The wildcard "*" with ls command does not working blocker rejected 21 months 21 months
#12786 command ls -l not working since version 1.5.1 low rejected 22 months 22 months
#12769 not connecting normal fixed 23 months 23 months
#12757 Use the following host normal worksforme 2 years 2 years
#12689 FileZilla Server 1.3.0 no features reported after FEAT command normal rejected 2 years 2 years
#12687 Different behavior with wrong path input normal invalid 2 years 2 years
#12685 Could Not Connect To Server normal outdated 2 years 2 years
#12682 1.3.0 server crashes normal fixed 2 years 2 years
#12676 Compile Error normal fixed 2 years 2 years
#12664 Can't get current version normal rejected 2 years 2 years
#12661 LIST * -> 450 Couldn't open the file or directory high invalid 2 years 2 years
#12656 localhost normal invalid 2 years 2 years
#12640 Error connecting to server critical rejected 3 years 3 years
#12637 Entry "has empty native path and no mount nodes: this should never happen... normal worksforme 3 years 3 years
#12631 images will not upload critical outdated 3 years 18 months
#12621 Not able to access folder shared via Filezilla Tim Kosse normal fixed 3 years 2 years
#12617 Server version 1.1.0 - 550 Couldn't open the file or directory Fabio Alemagna normal fixed 3 years 3 years
#12611 Not able to access folder shared via Filezilla normal duplicate 3 years 3 years
#12598 Critical error: Could not connect to server normal outdated 3 years 18 months
#12593 pb caractère générique * et ? avec la commande mget avec la version 1.1.0 normal wontfix 3 years 2 years
#12591 Filezilla returns with "504 UTF8 mode cannot be disabled" when sending an "OPTS MLST type;size;modify;perm" Fabio Alemagna normal fixed 3 years 3 years
#12570 changed behavior RETR on nonexisting file normal fixed 3 years 3 years
#12558 Re: Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it Empty Directory Listing high invalid 3 years 3 years
#12548 Cannot connect to my product account via 43 port using the "Quick Connect" normal worksforme 3 years 3 years
#12544 hard crash - Faulting module name: libstdc++-6.dll normal fixed 3 years 2 years
#12542 Critical error: Could not connect to server normal fixed 3 years 3 years
#12532 The TLS connection was non-properly terminated normal worksforme 3 years 3 years
#12503 550 delete error when trying to delete config file normal worksforme 3 years 3 years
#12486 1.0.0-rc2 Log Files normal fixed 3 years 3 years
#12402 Critical Error normal rejected 3 years 3 years
#12309 Unable to connect to FileZilla critical worksforme 4 years 4 years
#12286 Clamd Files? high rejected 4 years 4 years
#12261 ftp user created by API is disabled by default high rejected 4 years 4 years
#12045 Data connection TLS warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac normal outdated 5 years 3 years
#11985 can anyone help me with this error normal outdated 5 years 3 years
#11909 Alias Not Working for Shared OneDrive Folder critical fixed 5 years 5 years
#11862 akrlsmu01lep05 access issue critical invalid 5 years 5 years
#11702 Filezilla Server service becomes unresponsive critical rejected 6 years 6 years
#11646 List of websites to connect with, panel (left) menu, is gone. critical duplicate 6 years 6 years
#11631 Logging only creates 3 files and deletes the rest normal worksforme 6 years 6 years
#11578 Hacked critical invalid 6 years 6 years
#11565 FZ Server delete files from the server during drag-and-drop operation in Windows Explorer w/Clover addon normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11519 Files > 500GB have lock and then won't resume high rejected 6 years 6 years
#11512 Compatibility between FileZilla server and TotalCommander as client normal rejected 6 years 6 years
#11506 filezilla server can't stop services Tim Kosse normal fixed 6 years 6 years
#11494 "550 Can't create directory: Disk quota exceeded" after update my Filezilla low rejected 7 years 7 years
#11479 550/ Dropbox error: No such file or directory normal rejected 7 years 7 years
#11335 Cannot connect to server. Also did the update and still cannot connect to server. high worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11257 一直这样 high rejected 7 years 7 years
#11252 Problème connexion Alainfini2 high rejected 7 years 7 years
#11239 Server Connection critical invalid 7 years 7 years
#11160 Autoban failed attempts counter not using 1-hour sliding window as expected normal wontfix 7 years 7 years
#11151 FILE ZILLA SERVER INSTALLATION ERROR Saroj Kumar Behera normal worksforme 7 years 7 years
#11131 Just upgraded to newest version 3.24.0 and got GnuTLS error -48 blocker rejected 8 years 8 years
#11117 Cannot Delete files on windows server low rejected 8 years 8 years
#11091 My ftp wont allow me in. normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10995 empty files are not copied normal worksforme 8 years 8 years
#10993 connecting problem low invalid 8 years 8 years
#10987 Delete Rights high worksforme 8 years 8 years
#10983 Protocol error: Invalid data normal duplicate 8 years 8 years
#10965 Protocol error after update normal fixed 8 years 8 years
#10942 File Server Interface Error after update today. high invalid 8 years 7 years
#10941 I updated my FileZilla program this morning and now my login credentials are not recognized high invalid 8 years 7 years
#10940 FileZilla keeps shutting down within moments critical worksforme 8 years 6 years
#10910 Server Logging and simultaneous transfers normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10906 File is not copied to the correct location high invalid 8 years 8 years
#10844 hdspace.txt high rejected 8 years 8 years
#10816 FileZilla Server doesn't save settings when installed to path with international characters normal fixed 8 years 8 years
#10793 FTP server is vulnerable to an FTP server bounce attack normal rejected 8 years 8 years
#10747 Problem Upload because of filename high worksforme 8 years 8 years
#10745 Normal Windows filenames are treated as invalid high rejected 8 years 8 years
#10718 ABOR command repeated 5000 times normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#10702 ip check not working correctly normal outdated 9 years 6 years
#10700 Python Client failing to upload file to filezilla 0.9.53 normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#10677 Incorrect Time Stamp - 4 hour difference File Zilla Server normal invalid 9 years 6 years
#10617 Unable to delete the bin directory normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#10608 Filezilla server doesnt retain settings after reboot normal outdated 9 years 9 years
#10528 Last Modified Date and Time Column high rejected 9 years 9 years
#10431 IP Filter Doesn't Allow CIDR Block All Notation normal fixed 9 years 9 years
#10287 Wrong return code for CDUP command normal rejected 9 years 9 years
#10221 Your Certificate is not Verified low duplicate 9 years 9 years
#10220 Your Certificate is not Verified low duplicate 9 years 9 years
#10187 FZS can't read the FileZilla Server.xml normal worksforme 9 years 9 years
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