Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#12870 closed Bug report (fixed)

Autoban does not reset counter after successful login

Reported by: Noren Owned by: Fabio Alemagna
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Server
Keywords: auth Cc: Noren
Component version: FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server 1.6.5 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows Server 2016 Standard (10.0.14393 Build 14393)


The issue is in the SFTP Authentication.
If someone wants to authenticate with a public key or a password, the Server logs at first a failed authentication and then a succesfull one.
This example is with password authentication:

<Date> Info [Type] Message
<14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=4, user=*, service=ssh-connection]
<14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=4, user=*, service=ssh-connection]
<14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Error] User authentication attempt failed [user=*] [next_types=0x1] [error=4]
<14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=1, user=*, service=ssh-connection]
<14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=1, user=*, service=ssh-connection]
<14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * * [Status] User authenticated successfully [user=*]

If one uses a public key, it would be the same except the type is 3.
This authentication attempt will count as one failed login attempt, even tho the auth ended beeing successful.

Assuming that one configured AutoBan with 2 failed login attempts, its very likely that on the next Login Attempt (like uploading/downloading a File) will trigger AutoBan since the authentication will be the exact same.

Therefore either an authentication attempt like this should either count as successfull or after a successfully login attempt it should reset the AutoBan Counter

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Fabio Alemagna, 2 years ago

Owner: set to Fabio Alemagna
Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by Fabio Alemagna, 2 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

The issue should be fixed in 1.6.7.

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