Custom Query (10423 matches)


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Results (8001 - 8100 of 10423)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#10757 OSX Filename Filters toggle key not working new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On the Filename Filters menu, it says "Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultaneously," and this does not seem to be true.

I've tried shift, control, alt, option. command, and combinations of those together, and cannot get a simultaneous toggle to work.

#10758 Remote Drag-Move shows (+) "copy" icon above cursor closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On OSX, when I click and drag a file between folders on the same remote server, the green plus sign icon appears above the cursor.

In the OSX vernacular, this suggests that the file will be copied, i.e. a copy of the file will remain in the source location. For example, in Finder, when moving files between local folders, clicking and dragging moves a file, whereas pressing the option key while clicking and dragging causes the green plus sign icon to appear and a copy of the file will be moved to the new location, leaving the original file in the original location.

Instead of copying the file as the green plus sign suggests, clicking and dragging causes FileZilla to move the file and not retain it in the original location.

This could lead users to believe that they have copied a file when in fact they have moved it.

Therefore, this copy icon should not appear.

#10760 Windows installer in other languages new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the FileZilla client windows installer in other languages. So i would like for it to be translateable so i can translate it.

#10761 Nightly Windows installer don't say its nightly new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I downloaded the nightly FileZilla client called FileZilla_3_setup.exe. But it seems both the filename and windows installer does not give any information that this is a nightly build.

Only after installation does it say. So people might install it thinking its a stable version.

So maybe add "nightly" both to the filename and in the windows installer so people can know.

#10762 Mac OS X crash when use filezilla in Macbook closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi. With de last versions, when i use Filezilla (after 1-2 minutes), MAC OS Crash and rebooted. If i configure Filezilla with Spanish Language, the icon of the toolbar are "artefacts". If i configure in English, all is right, but the crash continue...

I attached the Mac Report after crash and image from toolbar. Thanks u

#10763 Translateable Windows start menu items closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In Windows start menu you might have "Uninstall FileZilla". I would like this to be translateable to other languages then english.

#10764 Pasting an IP for Host field creates a new favorite closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When editing or creating a new site in the site manager, pasting the IP address in the Host field creates a new favorite.

I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but I have to use right click > paste to do it. It's really annoying. Been this way for at least 1 year.

#10766 password distorted when XML transfer between different OS moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I create xml output on windows pc and transfer my another work pc (ubuntu 14.04), and start problem right here :)

if my password just numeric or string or alpaNumeric, is fine, not problem

but if my password contain any chracter, (* ~ % & etc) , then password not working after transfer.

I've tested many times. same result

#10767 Help Software closed Other normal Other

Hello I am trying to connect to the software and it keeps dropping me why? Tells me this: Connection closed by server

#10768 New update will not FTP images/create new file. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (64,71,35,56,164,131). Command: STOR CPI composite.png Response: 553 Could not create file. Error: Critical file transfer error Status: Disconnected from server

Used FZ for years. Newest update, windows 10, HO laptop one year old. FTP everyday-rarely an issue. Problem started right after your new update. REgular update file FTP fine but creating new image file (about 5 per day) no longer works. Have rebooted, done computer scan for malware, etc. No problems with servers that I can see.

#10769 OPTIONAL - Delete Temp files on Exit closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I first started using FileZilla, it would not always delete it's temp on exit, or disconnect. I am specifically referring fz3temp folder. Somewhere along the line, that "bug" was fixed. I would like to see that made optional.

I do work as a web-designer, and it is not uncommon for me to have several files open from a website as I work to make changes to code, or CSS files. On more then one occasion, I have had situations where FileZilla has closed, and when reopened, it clears the temp folder, and then NotePad++ informs me that the files no longer exist and would I like to close.

Perhaps, I'm crazy but for me and the way I work, it would make it easier if FileZilla let me worry about cleaning up the temp folders. All I am requesting, is to make "delete temp files on exit" a user-controlled option.


#10770 Suggest changing "da_DK" to "da" closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I suggest changing the danish translation from "da_DK" to just "da".

#10771 Queue stalls while asking for confirmation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Behaviour: I am transferring multiple files to the server. I have set up Filezilla to ask me if a file in the queue has the same name as a file already on the server (overwrite, overwrite if newer, etc.). Filezilla suspends the whole queue until I answer. For example, say I want to upload 100 files and there is a query about the 11th file in the queue. Until I answer, files 12 – 100 are not uploaded.

Wanted behaviour: Filezilla should continue to transfer the rest of the files in the background while waiting for my answer. Upload of files 12 – 100 shouldn't depend on the answer about file 11. If Filezilla encounters a second question later in the queue, it can simply ask a new instance of the question.

#10772 FileZilla closes when selecting files to edit new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Action after queue completion also works for when editing files. That means FileZilla closes when selecting files in FTP to edit.

How to reproduce the bug?

  1. Open FileZilla client and login to a FTP server.
  2. Download some files.
  3. Selection the option 'Close FileZilla' under After queue completion option.
  4. When all the files are downloaded the FileZilla will close automatically.
  1. Now open the FileZilla client again.
  2. This time select some php or txt files to edit.
  3. Now the FileZilla client will close automatically, because the already selected Close FileZilla still in effect.

Bug! The auto close FileZilla option should only work for uploads and downloads, not when editing files.

#10773 bring back XP support. changes to installer only needed? closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Vista installers typically require a call to RequestExecutionLevel Administrator (NSIS) there are plenty of XP boxes out there, including approx. 70% of the machines in this house.

please add XP sup-port back - I hope it's still supported by the compiler. with Visual Studio, you would need to backdate the compiler to 2005, or maybe 2012 or 2010.

gcc it's a version backdate.

I use filezilla to maintain web sites typically. sometimes for downloads of ISOs (binary).

#10774 Cannot upload files with Google Verification Codes closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Suddenly I can't upload any files with Google Verification Codes in them. I can upload anything else. Very bizarre. I just upgraded to this FileZilla version. I get a bubble at the bottom of the screen saying such and such number of files could not be transferred but it doesn't say why. This happens if I use the head-tag code in my index page or if I upload the html that google gives me.

#10776 Exclude Local Site from Speed Limits new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would LIKE to set a max download speed because if I set it to unlimited then Filezilla will use all my download speed which means I can't browse the internet quickly, watch YouTube videos, etc.

I would LIKE to set the max download speed to 5.6 MB/s but I can't because I also use FTP to download videos from my satellite receiver and that would only download at 5.6 MB/s instead of 50 MB/s.

Could you please add the ability to exclude local connections from the speed limits? Or add a separate speed limit for local connections. Thanks

#10778 530 Login authentication failed closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Greetings , I have this annoying problem which came recently that it says:

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 47 of 500 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 12:35. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity. Command: USER a9944696 Response: 331 User a9944696 OK. Password required Command: PASS * Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

Im 100% sure that the username and password are correct. I tried from 3 different accounts and still nothing. My windows firewall is off , my antivirus aswell. I would really appriciate if you help me resolve this problem since i really need to do that !

#10781 Problems with the display of icons closed Alexey7 Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Incorrectly displayed icons.

#10782 Ability To Search Sites in Site Manager closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I do web development and have 100's of sites that I connect to. I have everything organized in folders using the site manager, but it can still be tricky sometimes finding the site I want to connect to. It would be really nice to have some type of keyword filter search for the Site Manager. Maybe right next to where it says "Select Entry", if there could be a text box that filters the results based on keyword.

#10783 Message during app start: assert "!empty()" failed in Last(): wxString: index out of bounds closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

./include/wx/string.h(1536): assert "!empty()" failed in Last(): wxString: index out of bounds

This popup is displayed several times during the application start. I believe this is happening for a long time.

3.14.1 on FreeBSD.

#10786 Case sensitive files = Failed transfer new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client 3.16.0 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Downloading from proftpd server 1.3.5a

If in one remote folder there are two files named: test.jpg test.JPG One of the files will fail to download locally. Because Windows cannot work with case sensitive file names, maybe give an option for automatic rename/overwrite?

#10787 Separate Windows & Customizable Shortcuts new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I like the tabs feature for being connected to multiple servers, but I'd also like to be able to have separate windows for when I am connected to multiple servers (or even multiple locations on one server, staging vs. prod).

Similarly, it would be great to be able to break out the Transfer Queue & Message Log sections onto their own windows.

Also, I'd like to be able to add & customize my own shortcuts. A few examples are switching between bookmarks, quickly toggling the Synchronized Browser & Director Comparison options, and being able to upload/download files via a quick key (either a quick cast kind of thing, or an option could be that it brings up the dialog window).

These requested features would be awesome, and I'm sure it would speed up workflow for those who prefer key commands over the mouse.

Thanks for reading this!

#10788 Inserting FTP Url new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, I love Filezilla but there is one "bug" which annoys me and is a real usability problem to me.

Sometimes I get FTP Urls like ftp://username:password@address:port/long/path/with/lots/of/slashes

I can paste them into the quick connect address bar and FileZilla connects fine. But when I want to save the new FTP credential I open the FTP Server Connect Manager and paste my URL there - this time FileZilla doesn't put the different parts of the URL in its corresponding input fields especially the username and the password are not take over.

This is very annoying as I have to select the username and password twice per mouse and copy and paste it in its fields.

It would be great to have FileZilla adding the username and password from URLs to the corresponding fields in the Server Manager.

Thank you for this great software, best Simon

#10790 Extremely Slow Connection and Queuing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am currently using the most updated version of Filezilla, 3.16.1 downloaded from Filezilla. I've been using this FTP for years. When I first started using it, when I clicked on Connect it would connect almost instantly. Same as when I wanted to add 2 or 3 .torrents to the queue it would be done almost instantly.

Now a days the connecting is happening so slow, I've set my timer for 5 minutes to try and connect and to try 3 times and sometimes I still can't connect. Adding another .torrent to the queue takes so long that I go and do something else and then come back and try to add another. Is there a way to fix this?

#10791 Underscores on Mac OS X not recognized when typed to jump to another file or folder new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Example: I have a connection open and I have a listing of the files on the server, being shown via FTP via FileZilla.

If I click into that pane of the window that shows the file list, then start typing the name of a file or folder that contains an underscore it is not understood anymore.

FileZilla used to do that fine, now something has changed and I can't quickly jump down to a file/folder such as "this_file".

It will go to "this" but I can't get past the "_" (underscore).

FileZilla no longer recognizes an underscore in list view when using it to quickly change to a different file or folder.

Just to clarify: FileZilla does indeed correctly allow a user to edit a file/folder name and insert an underscore, but that's not what I'm talking about here.

#10792 Fails to default to plain ftp when server does not support encrytion closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have been using FileZilla with <<Use explicit FTP over TLS if available>> with a server that does NOT support TLS/SSL encryption for many years. With the new version 3.16.1 last week apparently defaulting to plain FTP fails. If I change to <<Use only plain ftp (insecure)>> I get properly connected.

The server operator states: "Our FTP server does not (and never has) support TLS/SSL encryption. Also, our FTP server software has not been updated since Jan 2008, so I can confirm nothing on our end has changed."

Log files attached.

#10793 FTP server is vulnerable to an FTP server bounce attack closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

The FTP server accepts the PORT command and produces the following output "200 Port command successful" although the server does not execute the command. Command output should not be produced in that case.

This is a Nessus finding.

Nessus description: Port: ftp (21/tcp) Issue name: FTP Privileged Port Bounce Scan

Synopsis: The remote FTP server is vulnerable to a FTP server bounce attack.

Description: It is possible to force the remote FTP server to connect to third parties using the PORT command. The problem allows intruders to use your network resources to scan other hosts, making them think the attack comes from your network.

Solution: See the CERT advisory in the references for solutions and workarounds.

Plugin Output: The following command, telling the server to connect to on port 10794: PORT 169,254,176,115,42,42 produced the following output: 200 Port command successful

Nessus Plugin ID: 10081 VulnDB ID: 215

#10795 Error loading xml file closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello, When I tried to run file zilla I am getting some kind error message

Error loading xml file c:\users\Indomain\Appdata\Roaming\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml could not be loaded. No document element found at offset 5154. The site manager cannot be used unless the file gets repaired.

So please suggest me what should I do?

Please find the attached screenshot

#10798 Description within installer executable and FileZilla executable new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to get a change made to the text within the fields of the executables? The change I'd recommend is to modify the FileZilla installer's Product Description to "Filezilla FTP Client Installer", instead of leaving it as "FileZilla FTP Client".

The reason that I am requesting this change is that I work for a company that makes a product that allows you to elevate applications, installers, scripts, msc consoles etc. based upon the criteria of the application being opened, rather than giving the users themselves administrator rights.

The scenario I have here is that both the FileZilla installer and the Filezilla FTP Client executable have identical information - this means that we cannot use this information to allow the installer to elevate, but keep the actual FTP client running as a standard user (in order to maintain the principal of least privilege on customer endpoints).

The only workaround I have at the moment is to allow elevation whenever the following fields are spotted in an executable: Publisher: Open Source Developer, Tim Kosse Product Description: FileZilla FTP Client Product Name: FileZilla This would elevate any app meeting this criteria, and is not ideal as the FileZilla client doesn't require admin rights - only the installer does.

#10799 Suggest removing " once" from strings with reboot, shutdown and suspend closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I don't understand the strings ending with " once" in the translation. msgid "R&eboot system once" msgid "S&hutdown system once" msgid "S&uspend system once"

They are use when you right click in the transfer queue (in Windows, not Linux).

Why " once"? Would it not be better to remove " once" from the strings?

Also there is a seperator in the context menu above those strings which is fine in Windows where the strings are visible, but in Linux the seperator is there but the strings are not, so i suggest to remove the seperator when there are not strings below the seperator.

#10800 Suggest changing "dotfiles" to "hidden files" closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Instead of writing "dotfiles" would it not be better to write "hidden files"?

msgid "&Treat dotfiles as ASCII files"

msgid "&Treat hidden files as ASCII files"

msgid "Dotfiles are filenames starting with a dot, e.g. .htaccess"

msgid "Hidden files are filenames starting with a dot, e.g. .htaccess"

#10801 After action queue completion feature request/return closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use the disconnect from server option seen in this screenshot, , when downloading files. That way I can start the download and walk away. Then when it's finished it will disconnect but not close the application. Then later I can check and make sure I have no failed transfers. If so I can restart them easily from that tab.

The latest version of filezilla has removed this option and stays connected after your queue has completed unless you choose to close the app when done. Then you lose your failed transfer tab data.

Can you please put this option back into that menu? I use this on both windows and Linux.

#10802 Make view details on with an option closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client


In the server log, since a few versions ago, the view details option is disabled. This is very usefull information that should not be omited. Is it possible to create an option, to set the default of this option?

Thanks in advanced, Jorge Bastos

#10803 Repeats the "all files transferred succesfully" notification over and over again new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When Filezilla is finished succesfully uploading a bunch of files, on Ubuntu it will show a notification on the top-right of the screen that says "All files transferred succesfully".

SOMETIMES, instead of showing it only once, it shows it many consecutive times, resulting in the notification staying there for several minutes (rapidly fading out and in every few seconds), which is extremely annoying. It seems proportional to the number of files transferred.

This does NOT ALWAYS, happen, but it does SYSTEMATICALLY happen with some given folders. I'm guessing there's something in the kind of files being transferred that triggers the issue.

This is a critical usability issue as (1) having a malfunctioning notification for succesful transfer is like having none, and makes the detection of transfer error completely unreliable in practice, and (2) this affects the usability of the whole OS outside FileZilla.

#10804 On Mac, "return" key should trigger colored button on windows new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Whenever a window has a colored button, such as the "connect" button in the site manager or the "ok" button in the signature verification window, the return key should trigger that button. Except of course when you're in a multi-line text view.

Less consequentially, standard behavior also dictates that one of the buttons probably has a border around it (highlighted) and the space bar will trigger that button. This highlighted state can be moved between the next and previous buttons in the window by using tab and shift+tab respectively.

#10805 Never Check for Updates not working (solution) closed Other normal FileZilla Client

Same as #9660, I already turn update off months ago. But every week I open filezilla it popup a dialog and let me click update, every time I did update to newest version, today I finally get angry. This is the solution for disable the filezilla update check: add "" to host file, then problem solved.

I really hope your guys can slow down, don't update it every week let user see the popup dialog when they need harry their uploading job. I choose disable update today but I may check it manually when the day off monthly, not when I doing the job.

#10807 Virus or false positive ? closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I've got an alert : Perhaps it's the same problem than with DVDstyler ? Its author solved it with a new version of InnoSetup :

#10808 Notification alerts no longer respect the "Show notification bubbles" flag in settings closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In Win10, when upgrading to 3.16.1, the program now refuses to respect the "Show notification bubbles" flag. Every transfer results in the notification bubble and audio alert.

Closing and restarting application don't resolve. Editing filezilla.xml doesn't resolve (moved the setting around the file).

This setting worked correctly in the previous version, but does not work in 3.16.1.

#10810 FileZilla System Tray Notification Doesn't Disappear, Even If The Program Is Closed new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The new version of the FileZilla client (3.16.1) has a lingering system tray notification which hangs around even after the program is closed. When the files have successfully transferred I see the notification message, but the icon never disappears. Unlike #10803 though, I only see the message once.

I'm on Windows 7 64-bit.


#10812 Remote listing not showing all files closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Some files are just not shown

cPanel file view:

FileZilla view:

#10813 Updating to latest version trashed FZ installation closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Win 7 Pro. A few minutes ago, I clicked the "New version available" button from within FZ and followed the prompts. Things progressed in an orderly way until the prompt that told me a FileZilla exe was still running and that all running FZ apps should be exited before updating. There was no *visible* FZ exe running at that point, and I'm sorry to say (as I had had no trouble with preceding updates initiated AT START-UP of FZ and hence wasn't paying much attention to the update process) I don't recall what the choices were, but whatever I chose has resulted in my entire FZ installation being deleted except for the exe file (dated 2/29/16).

So this method of updating (from the BUTTON) appears to not kill the running FZ.

No back-up, my fault.

#10815 Filetype associations dialog box closes unexpectedly closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce (on Mac):

  1. press cmd+, (to open settings dialog)
  2. go to Filetype accociations
  3. mark some text in the text area (optional)
  4. press cmd+c (to copy) and the dialog closes

FZ client version 3.16.1

#10816 FileZilla Server doesn't save settings when installed to path with international characters closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I have FileZilla Server installed to

D:\Programy pozostałe\FileZilla Server\

After changing settings with Interface, they aren't saved in

D:\Programy pozostałe\FileZilla Server\FileZilla Server.xml

but insted they are saved in file

D:\Programy pozosta

But they still aren't loaded at startup

#10817 Priority - View per tab instead of one clumsy list new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Just one thing i always pop up when i use priority management. All files, with different priorities, keep in the same list. If you have a queue of hundreds/thousends of files it is a middle nightmare to re-assign some priorities of files.

And here is my pretty simple solution to make this all a whole lot better.

#10818 Alternative Midnight Format Causes 24:00 To Be Prefixed To the File Name & Unable To Retrieve closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client

We connect to a client which uses Alternative Midnight Format (24:00) timestamps when retrieving directory listings using sFTP.

This system has logs, several of which roll at midnight, making the occurrence of these timestamps somewhat common.

When a directory listing is performed against the server, the data returned is:

(file name = testdate, 
 file size = 3 bytes, 
 file timestamp = 4/5/2016 00:00 == 4/4/2016 24:00)
1459828800 -rw-------    1 99999999 0               3 Apr  4 24:00 testdate

The client window shows the file name as "24:00 testdate" and properly shows the date/timestamp as 2016-04-05 00:00 when using ISO 8601 format.

When retrieving the file, the command sent is:

get "24:00 testdate" "c:\temp1\24_00 testdate"

and fails because the file indicated in the command does not exist. Other commands against the file also fail for the same reason.

It is my understanding that ISO 8601 indicates midnight as 00:00 or 24:00 of the day prior, both being valid formats.

#10819 Filezilla update server uses untrusted certificate closed Other normal FileZilla Client

According to ESET, the Filezilla client attempts to connect to an update server which sends a self-signed certificate. This seems to be a security problem which should be remedied.

#10821 Client: Directory structure freezes on remote site closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The remote site directory freezes at certain times. It takes a disconnect and reconnect to function normally again.

Oddly enough, you can drag and drop files from the local site to the remote site and they transfer, but no update occurs on the server site directory listing.

#10823 FTP Status Window over writing Menu Bar closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Running on:

  • Fully patched windows 7
  • Browser: Chrome Version 50.0.2661.75 m (64-bit)
  • FileZilla:3.17.0

On long FTP's with large number of files, the top window where the status of the FTP is provided will scroll over the Windows Menu bar. This happens if the window is left open for a long time and no other windows are brought over the FileZilla window.

To correct, minimize then maximize the FileZilla window and the menu bar is re-displayed with the FTP File status scrolling only to the size of the area it should.

To be clear:

  • The Bar that shows the Host, Username, Passcode, Quickconnect prompts gets overwritten
  • The Bar with the Action Icons above the previous bar gets overwritten
  • The File, Edit, ... text bar does not get over written
#10824 Misspellings in NEWS file in source closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Recursivly => Recursively

SHA256 => SHA-256

forgeground => foreground

bookmakrs => bookmarks

responsivenes => responsiveness

bug im wxWidgets => bug in wxWidgets

#10825 Error: The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When upgrading to current version ; received this error on one of my sites; did not prompt to update like old version did on my backup workstation

Error: The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection. Error: Could not connect to server

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.17.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2016-04-22 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.4.10 SQLite: 3.11.1

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq Settings dir: C:\Users\fjgracer\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#10826 Connecting to server after installing latest update this morning closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am unable to connect and now receiving these errors immediately after installing the latest update (I was able to connect just fine right before I did).

Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=5 Command: open "cpm@…" 22 Error: The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection. Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=5 Command: open "cpm@…" 22 Error: The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection. Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server

#10827 can't click "quick connect" and choose the options closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I stick the Filezilla window to the edge of the screen, I can't click "quick connect" and choose the options. See the screenshot.

#10829 [new feature] Option to copy URL with password closed Patch normal FileZilla Client

Hi, This patch is a modification proposal to add the option to include the password when copying an URL (mainly for FTP protocol).

The option has to be enabled by user, and before activation a security warning is of course shown.

I know this option can be seen as unsafe but, I really need it: I am dealing with 4-5 different FTPs all the day and I have to add password back manually each time I want to send a FTP link to one of my customer.

Modification are made on top of revision 7470. Main modification is the method FormatServer of CServer.

Warning: I am sorry but I did this patch without compiling and testing it, so next steps would be try to compile with it and to debug it.

If feature is approved, it should not be hard to debug it anyway, I am not bad in C/C++ but there will be obviously some bugs/typo as just added some piece of code with notepad in few files.


#10830 The date format specifier closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


My Windows 10 PC is set to British, yet the files on my PC are showing MM/DD/YY. Why?


#10833 Quick Connect closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I store my access information in the Quick Connect tab for each website I have. The problem is File Zilla keeps deleting everything in my Quick Connect tab. I have to go back and re-enter Host, Username and Password each time. Please fix.

#10836 Error message - The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is no longer secure. Aborting connection. closed Other normal Other

Dear Filezilla

I have recently upgraded to Filezilla version and now cannot connect to our FTP file server.

According to your site this error message means that the ftp/ sftp server needs to be upgraded to support a more secure key exchange algorithm.

The server is a Windows 2003 server. Would upgrading to either 2008 or 2012 rectify the problem? Or is there a Windows patch you are aware of?

We have an SSH Tectia server installed for SFTP; will this need to be upgraded also?

Many thanks for your help.

Kwame Mensah

#10837 Wrong context menu for file on recursive delete progress closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I realized that when it is clicked with the right mouse button on the files, on the server side list, when are removing folders in recursive mode on the server, is active the message "get into the folder" in context menu. But this option should not be possible since right clicking a file is not possible to enter the folder, since it is a file. The option that I believe is possible is to disable all the options from the right-click menu on this case (right click on file when recursive removing is in progress).

#10838 FileZilla client checks for updates, even with "Check for FileZilla updates automatically: Never" closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

v3.16.1 gives an update for, even with the "check for update"-setting disabled. I am often abroad on a mobile pay-per-byte connection, and both dialog and mobile data costs pretty annoying.

I am aware of the general rule to install the latest version and try again before reporting the bug, which would ofcourse ' ' ' solve ' ' ' the problem as in not showing that there's a newer version.

My config (relevant sections):

<Setting name="Update Check">0</Setting> <Setting name="Update Check Interval">7</Setting> <Setting name="Last automatic update check">2016-05-16 23:01:59</Setting> <Setting name="Update Check New Version">nightly 2016-05-09 7088584 sha512 4c0b208c0d37cf4c0e24bea9dde489c0a6485692b2bf13b770769b4d7c7213d05af9110319d6f9ab73cdbd105bb95d3eb3fe60e69bd01307077d8c7bb98d23f4

release 6513888 sha512 4d5e5d426af9dd689cb8c070d528c849719dc18544de194475bf3a0f5e35f8c9d449749fb2074a68292579b267ee2b23d1e2b31bae20d7185aa44061cca6981c (2016-05-09) ... I removed 'whatsnew' items for bug report brevity ... </Setting>

<Setting name="Update Check Check Beta">0</Setting>

#10840 Round Robin DNS support for SFTP closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is currently a discrepancy in behaviour between using FTP and SFTP with servers using a Round Robin DNS configuration where a single domain lists multiple IP addresses in its type A or AAAA records.

With FTP, the Filezilla client will attempt to connect each listed IP address until finding a working one for the host, whereas with SFTP, Filezilla will only randomly try a single one and then fail immediately if that one fails.

The vanilla BSD sftp client on the command line will correctly try each IP address until finding a working one. This would be a desireable behaviour for the Filezilla client as well.

See screenshots below displaying different behaviours for FTP and SFTP on a host with round robin DNS configured. FTP tries all 3 hosts, while SFTP only tries to connect to one.

#10841 Enhancement Request - Always prepend sftp:// to host when port == 22 closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I notice when port is set to 22 + QuickConnect hit a few times, FileZilla prepends sftp:// to host name.

This seems to happen after 2nd or 3rd time + only if QuickConnect fields aren't changed in any other way.

Enhancement Request: Always prepend sftp:// to host if port 22 specified.

I normally use ssh + scp + sftp so never notice this.

Many clients I host sites for use FileZilla + this situation comes up a good bit.

#10842 trust certificate closed Patch normal FileZilla Client
  1. for save trust certificate, depend on the current chosen certificate in chain, if not the first one, use certificate's CN as Host, and set Port to 0
  2. when we need to check the certificate is trusted or not, check all certificates in the chain, not just the first one, if someone is trusted, then trust this certificate.
#10843 No Such File or Directory moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi,I'm encountering a problem that is after I upload a folder to my ftp server (by using filezilla) I found out that I couldn't access the folder after my first access to it (In and out and then can't get in again), it will say "no such file or directory" what is even strange,is that after I add a additional charter after the original file name and then upload again for example original file name is "abcde12(Z.1_123)" I changed it into "abcde12(Z.1_123)-1" I can access the folder normally , others using the same ftp server didn't counter this question.

hopefully someone can help me with this , I will be very thankful!!

#10845 Copy URL not working as intended closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When i select multiple files to copy the URL from, only the first one is copied to the clipboard.

#10846 Site List URL Setting Suggestion new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use FileZilla from multiple computers. I used to learn how to store my file list on Dropbox. However I am sure that others would want to do the same thing so it would be nice if there was just a setting where you could change your file list folder to wherever you want such as Dropbox.

#10847 Some buttons not shown properly in settings from Filezilla new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Some of the functions of filezilla are not working properly:

Edit -> Settings -> Transfers -> Maximum simultaneous text is messed up See screen captures:


#10850 Copy URL(s) to clipboard only copies one address. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I updated to 3.18.0 this morning, because of the auto-update feature. The first thing I did was upload 4 files to my company FTP. 1- I highlighted the new files 2- right-click on them, I think the last one. 3- select Copy URL(s) to clipboard 4- I then went to my email and right-click to paste the URLs. 5- Only 1 of the 4 URLs pasted into my email.

Repeating the process with Ctrl-V instead of right click in email with the same result. Pasting into other applications like Notepad++ had the same result.

I have done this hundreds, if not thousands of times in the past.

Email is Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010: Version 14.07166.5000 (32-bit)

(Unrelated) I would like to take this opportunity to say that I really enjoy your product and have used it for years. Thank You.

#10851 OS X: Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab to navigate betwen tabs closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Buen día, en versiones anteriores podía navegar entre las distintas pestañas abiertas dentro de Filezilla usando la combinación Ctrl + Tab y desafortunadamente esa función ya no está disponible, muchas gracias por su atención, saludos!

#10852 Inverse of timezone offset not applied when setting remote file timestamps closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I want to transfers files up to my server that are actually newer than the version that is on the server. So I set the Preserve timestamp of transferred files and adjusted the server timezone offset to 3 hours, and enabled the directory comparison feature to use the compare modification time option.

To test this I created a new file on my computer in the root of the local directory that is synced with the server's site root directory and then refreshed the local window to show the new file.

The new file did not show with the yellow highlight.

I uploaded the new file and after it was copied to the server the version on the server had the same time as the local file plus three hours, but the file on the server was green highlighted indicating that it was newer than the version on my computer, which was just updated and except for the timezone difference was actually the same time.

I thought that the server timezone offset was supposed to take care of this kind of issue.

So two things: 1) Before the local file existed on the server, why wasn't it yellow highlighted in the local window?

2) After the local file was created/copied onto the server, why was it green highlighted in the server windows?

Thank you, Howard Brown

P.S. Some programs allow you to highlight and copy the version and other information contained in the About pop-up window, which helps when filling out trouble reports. You have a 'send to clipboard' function which is nice, but being able to copy the individual fields is also very helpful.

#10853 latest upgrade closed Me Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Each morning I get a notice to upgrade to ver 3.18.0 and I do and it works fine. Next morning when I open FileZilla to use I get the same notice to upgrade to 3.18.0

#10856 Ref #10853 closed me Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Delete all ver of fillezilla and installed ver 3.18 and got same result of saying new ver 3.18 available. The fillezilla.exe file is ver in the 3.18 download install package...please advise

#10862 Show Overall Transfer Stats closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently only the "queue" size is reported, please add the following more useful stats to the same status line. [1] Total Transfer Time Elapsed [2] Rolling Average of Overall Transfer Rate ( r_old = r_old * 0.9 + r_new * 0.1 ) [3] Estimated Transfer Duration Remaining based on [2]

#10863 Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using OSX 10.9.5 and have a BT-Business-Hub with no firewall. Here's the error, can you advise please

Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/public_html" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PORT 86,182,219,48,207,254 Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/public_html" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PORT 86,182,219,48,208,0 Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#10864 ? B/s: error closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, when I uploading video files sometimes I get this error when speed is showing like: ? B/s. After this file is uploading not correct or stop uploading at all.

Example: I tried to upload 3 files on server, then I get this error and now on server I have 12 pieces of this files. It happened not only on this server, so it's probably not server problem, but I'm uploading only videos and I don't know if with other file types this error exist. Log for my example:

Also very important thing, after this error, when files uploaded, my computer is start work crazy, every program is crashing and I can't open anything, but after restart everything is ok like nothing happened.

In past I uploaded files by drag and drop, I thought it's because of this but now I uploading from local directory tree by right click -> upload and problem still exist.

p.s photo of this error

hope you can help me

Version: 3.18.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2016-05-27 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.4.10 SQLite: 3.11.1

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx pclmulqdq Settings dir: C:\Users\Yasha\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#10865 Open directory in new tab new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I often open multiple connections to the same server to modify/view files which effect each other and are located in different folders. To make things more convenient it would be ideal to have an option "Open Folder in New Connection" in a folder's right-click context menu. This would establish a new connection in a new tab with that folder as the active directory.

This would avoid the need to start a new connection, specify "establish new connection" and navigate to the desired folder which in some cases requires a drill down through 7+ folders.

#10866 "All files transferred succesfully" notice repeated a ridiculous number of times moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • upload a folder or a few folders containing a few hundred files
  • Give focus to some other application other than FileZilla

Expected result:

  • When the upload is complete, you get a notification telling you that all the files have been succesfully transferred (or not). On Ubuntu it's a rectangle on the top-right of the screen just below the notification area, which pops up and disappears after a few seconds.

Observed result: This happens systematically with some given folders but not others, but I haven't found the pattern. The folders that reproduce the issue do so systematically, the ones that don't never do. Ths issue is:

  • when the transfer is finished, the notification pops up dozens of times, consecutively. You can see the popup vanish and reappear immediately every few seconds. In total, it can stay several minutes.

I guess that the popup is showed a number of times equal to the number of files transferred, or more probably, the number of files that satisfy certain conditions.

Please don't underestimate and the severity of this bug and lower the priority: besides being extremely annoying, if you do a few transfers of several files each, the notifications will pile up indefinitely, and if eventually you have some transfer error, it may take literally HOURS until you finally see the notification with the error.

Actually, the whole way transfer errors are managed is poorly designed, but that's another story and it will take me a while to file a complete report (or a bunch of reports) about that.

This one issue is pretty specific though.

#10867 libfilezilla fails to lstat some files on 32 bit systems closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal libfilezilla

Sometimes lslat() from local_filesys.cpp

int result = lstat(path.c_str(), &buf);

fails with "Value too large for defined data type" on 32 bit Linux systems. So FileZilla doesn't show filesize and modification date for such files and cannot upload them.

It can be fixed by forcing

#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

in libfilezilla.hpp.

But perhaps it's better to use stat64/lstat64 instead of stat/lstat?

#10868 German characters lead to file not found closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Since Release 3.18.0 (actual release) in german there is a "no such file or Directory" answer if i try to get files with a german character (äöü) in the path or the name. If i rename the path without These characters, everything works fine.

#10869 File upload freezes closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I've seen similarly-titled threads, but none describe what I am experiencing.

It basically just transfers a bit, then freezes in the middle of the transfer, and continues eventually.

I am transferring a .mp4 file to a flash drive that is plugged into my Netgear router via Readyshare FTP.

So why is this happening? When I look at task manager, it says FileZilla is using 0% of my disk speed when it freezes, but changes when it continues.

Is this a hard drive or ram problem?

#10872 Windows 10 Display incorrect closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On Windows 10 (screen 1920x1080) the transmission progress bar is hidden by FileZilla status bar (files waiting, transfers failed, transfers successful)

#10873 Failed to parse returned path/retrieve directory listing closed Other normal FileZilla Client

Hi guys. Thank you for taking the time to help me I'm painfully new at this. I was just able to get Filezilla to connect with my website (hosted via hostgator) and I received the following errors:

Error: Failed to parse returned path. Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Then while I was googling for some time this came up: Response: 421 Timeout - try typing a little faster next time Error: GnuTLS error -110 in gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Error: Disconnected from server'

I think the problem is that it failed to 'parse returned path' and 'retrieve directory listing'. Can anyone help me fix this?

#10874 I can't download some files from sftp serveur closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi there, I hope it's not an already treated topic but here's my issue :

I got 2 files on my sftp server I can't download : indexeng.html & indexesp.html.

there's a red message saying : Erreur :/indexen.html: open for read: no such file or directory Erreur :Échec du transfert du fichier

Both files can be upped but not downloaded back.

Is an "e" as 6th type just after "index" chain could be a problem ? Note that I got other files named indexit.html, indexheb.html etc... showing no problem.

Is there a solution someone may give me ?

Thanx anyway for your help


#10876 Connections Button Drop-Down Menu closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use FileZilla on Windows as well and I really like the connections drop-down menu from the toolbar button. I love that FileZilla works on Mac, however, it would be nice to have that drop-down menu on the toolbar for connections to quickly connect to various servers.

#10887 -v on command line does not display version information new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Entering "filezilla -v" or "filezilla --version" on the command line does not do anything. According to the screen shown on "filezilla -h", this command should show version information.

#10888 Command line help screen not localized new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The help screen that appears when you enter "filezilla -h" on the command line is not localized. I understand why this may not be the case, but I wonder why the strings of the help dialog are included in the translation files (appears to all be strings in the /src/interface/cmdline.cpp file). There's quite a few of them, and if they are not necessary, they should be filtered out of the PO files.

#10889 Local file pane resets to Site Manager initial when reconnecting a disconnected server closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When performing a 'Server... reconnect' after an established connection has been disconnected, the local file pane is now reset to the initial default value if configured in Site Manager. Previous versions (<3.19.0) left both local and remote panes set to where they had been navigated to before the disconnect.

The remote pane remains unchanged regardless, and the local pane does not change if the initial value is blank in the Site Manager configuration.

The current (3.19.0) situation is inconsistent, and the previous behaviour seems preferable when working on a server with aggressive timeout settings.

#10891 recovered OS now cannot access ftp client account closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

All my info of my account is listed here this is a very old account. Would like to freshen up and start a updated account.

Thank you for verifying. The login information is as follows: ftp2096674 Username: fredsi chged ftp Password: V7L9c#z9

address for explorer transfer

Thank you for verifying. The login information is as follows: host: Username: fredsi Password: address for explorer transfer

new transfer code connection address

Your new IP address is newest IP addresss 2600:8806:4802:900:44c7:755b:e514:54

#10892 Command line switch to check for, automatically download, and install new update closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As of FileZilla 3.19.0, you can click on the Help menu and then click the Check for Updates command.

I have Windows 7 SP1 x64. I keep all my software installs around and I do not always update the setups for my commonly-used programs, since I know those programs have updaters such as the one available from the Help menu of FileZilla. I keep all the various installs, and when I have to format and reinstall my computer, then I just run lots of batch files. So, I have, say, v3.10.0 of FileZilla as the Setup exe from SourceForge currently. I know that I can run the installer silently, which is a real time saver, that makes it possible to "chain" the install with several others via a batch file (*.bat) script.

It would be nice to get the latest update version via the batch script, too; say, maybe on the next line of the script....first line installs FileZilla silently, and then the next line automatically checks for, downloads, and installs FileZilla to the latest update in the next command line.

My thought is to make it possible to say

filezilla.exe -update

and then the program will start, check for updates. If an update is found, do not prompt to click OK, but just passively and automatically download and install the update.

Or, we could do a


command-line parameter to invoke Check for Updates exactly as is from the Help menu, dialog that prompts for OK button click and all, but then add a -silentupdate option (specified by itself) so that the Check for Updates command is run, but if an update is found, the OK button does not have to be clicked, but instead, the update's installer is downloaded and then a silent install is done on it. And the EXE should be waitable when this happens; i.e., I should be able to invoke

filezilla.exe -silentupdate

and be able to "wait" on the process until the whole process is completed, so that I can script this.

#10893 FileZilla can not handle leading blank spaces in directory names closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

At least on Unix file systems (I didn't try Windows) FileZilla has problems, when the first character of a directory name is a blank. You can rename "/xy/testdir" to "/xy/ testdir" with FileZila and "/xy/ testdir" is shown correctly. But after refreshing, it is shown as:"/xy/testdir" and can not be accessed with FileZilla any more or in any way. You get: Error: Directory /testdir: no such file or directory Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

This is correct, but does not help :)

It is not an issue of the Unix filesystem, because with other FTP-clients (e.g. WS_FTP Professional) everything works fine.

You may ask, why the hell is someone using one or more leading blanks in folder names. OK, I have to do it, but can't do it with FileZilla, so I had to change to another FTP client. Please fix this, Thanks!

Content of FileZilla Info:

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.19.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2016-06-27 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.4.10 SQLite: 3.11.1

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq rdrnd Settings dir: C:\Users\Gintz\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#10894 Hierarchical site entries new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As a user I'd like to have the opportunity to have in my site manager cascading entries. In a lot of situations I have many entries related to the same server with the same account and maybe the only thing that change is the starting folder path. In such situations, I'd like to have the ability to configure the server once and then to create N descendant customized childs. This, for example, would prevent me to update N entries every time the main password change, allowing me to achieve the same result with only one password update.

#10895 Segmentation fault moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After few uses. segmentation fault occurs. even not able to open the filezilla.

#10896 Leading spaces erroneously stripped from directory listing closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Leading spaces are erroneously stripped from directory listing.

The attached log demonstrates the issue.

  1. Connect to SFTP service
  2. Create file " test"
  3. Delete file " test"
  4. Create file " test"
  5. Refresh directory listing
  6. File " test" isn't shown, but a file non-existent "test" is shown. This is the bug.
  7. Delete file "test". As expected this file isn't found.

I can reproduce issue on Windows, Linux and OS X. I don't have same issue with openssh client nor WinSCP.

Previously reported by another user as 5210 and 8326.

#10897 wrong remote directory shows on first pass closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When first opening FZ client, or after disconnecting from a server, when opening a site with a bookmark, the root directory ("\") shows in the remote site window instead of the correct directory. If you use same bookmark again, it goes to the correct directory ("\exampledirectory"). Subsequent bookmark clicks to different directories on the site then work fine. If you close re-open FZ, or disconnect from site, it will first open the root directory again. This is for all directories. Only started on upgrade to 3.19.0. It worked fine till 3.18.0. No other changes.

#10898 Default file exists action session to session. closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please make feature that allows remembering the "Default file exists action" from session to session instead of OR in addition to the way it clears the default action.

#10899 Problem updating FTP password closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


From the site manager, I sometimes have to update the ftp password and it works fine until I'm not quiting Filezilla. When I restart Fillezilla, the new ftp password is lost. To get around the problem, I have to duplicate the site with the new password. I did not have this problem with previous versions. Could you help please? Thanks a lot for supprt Rémi ;))

#10902 Directory Comparison turns off when copying a folder from server to PC closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using v3.19.0. When copying a folder from my server to my PC Directory Comparison turns off. It happens even if I copy a folder plus files. It does not happen when copying just files from the server or when copying folders and/or files to the server.

#10904 error while login closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.23 beta Response: 220 UIIC - PMSBY File Upload Server Command: USER dccb Response: 331 Password required for dccb Command: PASS * Response: 530 Login or password incorrect! Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

#10907 Can't install on macOS Sierra 10.12: Installer doesn't open closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The installer force closes on macOS Sierra 10.12 Beta. Is there any workaround to install it?

#10908 Error loading xml file closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The file 'C:\Users\jmilton\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\FileZilla.xml' could not be loaded. No document element found at offset 8987

For this session the default settings will be used. Any changes to the settings will not be saved.

This error first appeared when I upgrade to the previous version and still appears with the latest version as well.

Running win10 on 32 bit platform.

#10909 ldap authentication new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

hi, I'm unable to find ldap authentication with some basic schema as microsoft , lotus domino , ...

why filezilla only have local static user table ?

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.