Custom Query (10426 matches)


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Results (3201 - 3300 of 10426)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#2040 Option to automatically ignore certain files closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would think that it would be good if FileZilla could (optionally!) automatically ignore certain filenames when uploading. These files would for example be:

  • CVS directories
  • thumbs.db (thumbnail file automatically created by


#2041 [filezilla server]ability to add user's to more then 1 group closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I currently use serv-u because you can setup groups for different area's of your ftp and just add the gorup to the user's you want to access the restricted area's. Currently its impossible in filezilla to add a user to more then 1 restricted section.

#2042 Allow multiple mirrors per file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I recently downloaded RedHat Linux from one of the mirrors. Due to the number of current users it had to reconnect hundreds of times wasting a lot of time. Since I was already halfway through the download I didn't want to try to find the files on another mirror which could potentially have the same problem.

What would be really nice is to assign several mirrors to certain files. Most mirrors will have an identical file structure once you get down to a specific level. It would be nice to have FileZilla check each mirror in sequence until it found one available and then download the file from there rather than trying the same mirror over and over again every few seconds.

For example I could highlight a large amount of files in the Queue and assing the following mirrors for RedHat Linux: ...

Thanks, Matt Penner

#2043 Force remote file names to lower case closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Very useful feature for web developers doing work on Windows, but uploading to Unix servers - the necessity to force remote file names to lower case during transfer.

A simple check box in the File Transfer option would be great - I always use the force to lower case, saves a lot of heartache and time, going through the remote file system and doing it manually.


#2044 quota per folder and user closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

quota for users or folders would be great. So i could say for example user alex can have at max. 50MB in all directories. Or quote per directorey including subdirectories when more users have access to the same dir. This is very important when you are a webhoster or wanna give people imited disk space. Because windows support for quota sucks :D

#2045 traffic in logs closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

up and download traffic in the logfiles per user would be very so. In w3c or some other common format. Then it would be possible to make stats with wevalizer, awstats and other common tools.

#2046 Local Treeview Improvement new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, the local treeview doesn't display the folder of My Network Place. So user can access the local intranet by local treeview.

#2047 SSH (SFTP / SCP) for the Server closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

The client supports ssh2 and it would be nice if the server also supported SSH2, SSL, and so forth.

#2048 Synchronization between local and remote directories closed Feature request normal Other

I miss a synchronization feature between local and remote directories. The one that FTP Voyager has is quite nice.

#2049 Overwrite options -> Where file size is larger closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

One thing I've seen in other FTP clients is the option to overwrite where the filesize is smaller or larger. This is useful in conjunction with the option to download based on "last updated" date. Sometimes file transfers will break and the client's error detection will fail. Having the option to overwrite based on filesize is also good when files on the client have been changed, but you still want to overwrite them with files on the host side. Sometime, files on the host will have a newer "last updated" date than on the client, without having actually been changed (they were only touched), and therefore overwriting based on date causes a lot of unnecessary transferring and overwriting.

#2050 drag and drop closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've read through the last 100 or so feature requests, and this hasn't popped up, (though I imagine it has been requested before). This would be a great feature for us windows users, as it allows us to forget about the local tree view and use explorer (from run) to find the directory listings were interested in. Although the most recent versions have enabled drag and drop into filezilla, this is only really half way effective, (as again, it does not remove the necesity of the local tree view).

I love the program, and use it, but this is the sticking point for many other users in my communities.

I've told them that one of my favorite filezilla features is the involvement of the developers, and the community. Thanks, I hope I can see this implemented in FZ3!. I'm dying to see it released.



#2052 Support additional languages in the FileZilla Server Interface closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Wäre super, wenn es hier eine deutschsprachige Version geben würde.

#2053 download from URL using Quick Connect Bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Start a download or connect to site/directory entering an URL like


connect + cd

#2054 Last server/account in toolbar closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  • Compile the "Address toolbar" with server/account

even if select from the "Site Manager"

  • Keep these information in address toolbar after

exiting and restarting the program.

#2055 Save maximize setting closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When maximizing the windows FileZilla Client should save this setting for the future.

#2056 Pop up notice of Completing Jobs closed Feature request normal Unknown

It will be very nice if FileZilla can pop up a little notice box that indicates user one of it's queued jobs has been done.

#2057 windows networking support closed Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if the client side file browser of FileZilla Client had support for MS Windows Networking like WS_FTP PRO.



#2058 Timestamp in message log window closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A timestamp in the message log window so I can see exactly when I connected, disconnected, etc. Basically, I want to know when every single occurrence happened.

Example: [20:30:04] Status: Connecting to ... [20:30:10] Error: Unable to connect! [20:30:11] Status: Waiting to retry... (999 retries left)

Which shows me that at 8:30pm, I tried to connect to localhost and failed.

#2059 Automatic Disconnection closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I want to be able to automatically disconnect (and not reconnect) when my queue is complete.

#2060 SSL alert icon closed Feature request normal Unknown

It would be great to have an icon demonstrate that a SSL connection has been made - much like the padlock icon that appears in HTTP browsers.

#2061 Remote treeview right-click menu closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There should be a right-click/context menu in the remote treeview as there are in the local treeview and both file lists.

#2062 Remote & Local Path closed Feature request normal Unknown

I'd like to see this feature implemented in FileZilla. It should go with the site manager. When adding a new site, the user would have the option to specify a default local and remote path for that site only. For example:

SomeJobSite ( -> Default local path: C:\Coding -> Default remote path: /home/someuser/httpdocs

SomePrivateSite ( -> Default local path: C:\ebooks -> Default remote path: C:\FTP\SomeUser\Uploads\ebooks

I think that it's the only missing thing in FileZilla...

#2064 Adding IDN support closed Feature request normal Other

I am the technical director here at Verisign responsible for the development of a plug-in to IE, Outlook and Outlook Express to provide support for IDNs ("International Domain Names") As part of our development effort we have packaged an open source C library that can be integrated into application such as FileZilla. This completely free library provides all the necessary encoding/decoding required when taking a domain name in non-ASCII characters and converting it so that DNS can understand it.

Companies such as SmartFTP ( and CoreFTP ( have taken this library and have integrated it into their products with others currently under development.

With Netscape, Mozilla, Firebird and Camino now also support IDNs natively based on the suggestion of a collegue I am posting this request. IDNs are now being offered by most of the major gTLDs as well as ccTLDs.

IDNs being supported in dotCom and dotNet they are now also supported by the following ccTLDs: dotNo, dotSe, dotDk, dotDe, dotCh, dotCn, dotHk, dotJp, dotKr, dotTw, dotVn, dotCc and dotTv. Shortly dotLt, dotInfo and dotAt will also be making IDNs available in their respective markets.

Attached to this message is our SDK which can be reviewed for suitability of purpose. Unfortunately the attached ZIP file includes both our Java as well as C implementations so you'll need to sort through to pick out the pieces of the C lib.

Finally, we have set up an external FTP Server to faciliate testing and I would be pleased to provide suitable information should it be of value.

Thank you for your consideration.

#2065 Opening second remote folder should work and cancel first closed Feature request normal Other

If FileZilla is opening a remote folder, but I want to open another instead, it should automatically cancel opening the first and open the second. At this time, it just beeps at me and finishes loading the first.

#2066 Refresh will highlight file changes closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

With this feature, whenever a user click Refresh, Filezilla would highlight all the files that have been changed since the last refresh. This includes new files that are uploaded to remote site. An example of this implemetation can be seen in SmartFTP.

Thank you very much.

#2068 "open" or "open with" in local filelist closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like that right click feature what are example in smartftp. Right click -> open with -> wanted program

#2069 Dutch language support closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Altough most Dutch speek Englisch; is it possible to get FileZilla in Dutch ?. I am looking for a good FTP program for my father.

If someone provides me with a list of "FileZilla words" I'll translate them.


#2070 [FilleZilla Server] File disallow closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

There should be a way in FilleZilla Server to specify (in both per-group and per-user) what kind of files to disallow (like the administrator can disallow *.mp3;*.mp4 for example).

#2071 Custom actions for various events (file upload etc.) closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

There should be an option (global perhaps, or per-user and per-group) where you can have the server execute a program of choice when a file that matches a filter is uploaded.

For example: The administrator should be able to tell the server that when *.exe;*.com;*.scr;*.zip files are uploaded, the server should run, say, c:/apps/av/av.exe "%1" (%1 being the path to the file that was just uploaded) and the server waits for a response code from the program and if it is not 0x00 then it shoud either send the file to a quire or simply delete it.


#2072 PASV min and max port range closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

It would be great if, in next versions of FileZilla, we could define a minimum and a maximum port range for ftp client connections using PASV mode. This could avoid problems with firewalled clients trying to connect to firewalled servers whith a limited range to accept PASV connections


#2073 "Always Use" when file exists behavior closed Feature request normal Other

If I copy files from a local dir to an ftp dir, that already exists , I get the prompt "File Already Exists" and get several options.

If I choose the option "Always Use Action when a file already exists", this has the effect that my choice not only applies to all the other files i choose to copy in the current operation, but also all subsequent copy-operations I initiate during the same connection.

Personally, I would like the "Always" to only apply to the current operation and it's files. But if it is to be remembered for future copy-operations should it not also be remembered across connections?

Perhaps two checkboxes: [] Use this action for all files in this operation [] Always use this action

Or a radio-group (*) Use this action for this file only ( ) Use this action for all files in this operation ( ) Always use this action

#2074 Queue refresh closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I have a large queue of upload files, sometimes I want to delete one file from the queue. But, when I scroll down the list, when a new upload occurs, the list scrolls up to the top, so I can't select the desired file to delete

#2075 Client Traffic Logs new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

One of the features that I need in an ftp client is logging of uploads and downloads. On more than one occasion I have had to produce evidence that a file was in fact uploaded along with the location and time. This would be a very useful feature to add and I think very simple. Options on what to include in the logs would be handy, but not necessary as long as the standard information is there.

Thanks, Craig

#2076 Set default pass used for anonymous connections closed Eirik Feature request normal Other

Some anonymous sites force you to use a valid format for the anonymus pass. For instance, nobody@…. I have been denied anonymous access on two FTP sites based on this. My solution, for now, is to enter anonymous as the user name, and then enter a properly formed email address when the password box comes up (rather than checking the anonymous box). While this works, it would be nice if I could globally set this so that I don't have to worry about it.


#2077 Shared Files And Network Drives Support closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

It would be great if the server could list Shared Files And Network Drives in order to have only one server and acces resources on different computers on the network

#2078 Can't change to folder with no list rights closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I am using 2.2.5a and want to upload a file to an ftp site that only allows blind uploads (i.e. I cannot see what someone else has uploaded)

I log onto the site anonymously and try to change to the uploads folder.

I get this in the log

Command: CWD Uploads Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/Uploads" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,2,2,7,55 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 550 .: Access is denied. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Command: PWD Response: 257 "/Uploads" is current directory.

It looks like it changes to the Uploads folder successfully but when it gets the error retrieving the directory listing it puts me back to the parent folder. If I try to copy a file to the Uploads folder I get errors

I think it should stay in the uploads folder even though it could not retrieve the directory listing. I have tried this with some other ftp clients and they do work as I expect them to. It would be great if Filezilla could do this too.

You can try this yourself by trying to upload a file to

Thank you

Richard Speiss rspeiss@…

#2079 Map FTP as network drive closed Feature request normal Other

I would like to see the ability to map an FTP site as a network drive.

There is only one product that I am aware of that does this. ml


Keep up the great work!


#2080 Toolbar Button for Default Site new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be helpful if the user could connect to their default site by doing one of three things, instead of having to go to the file menu and choosing "connect to default Site".

  1. The behaviour of the button to open Site Manager

should be changed so that if you click on it, it will open the default site. To access Site Manager it should be moved to the first option after the user has clicked on the small down arrow.

  1. If no site details are entered into the QuickConnect

toolbar then Filezilla should connect to the default site.

  1. Simply add a new button on the main toolbar to

connect to default site.

Yes, I am lazy and I don't like having to click on the fiddly little down arrow to get to my default site. I would like a nice big fat button for my big fat fingers to aim for and click on!

Darren aka Darkbee darkbee@…

#2081 Add FW support for kerberised ftp new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To allow kerberised ftp through a stateful firewall the (E) PORT and (E)PASV command must be send in cleartext. Can you add an option to allow the transfer of these commands only as cleartext. There is an example client/server implementation at group_id=70951&package_id=70374&release_id=194711.

I know it lowers the security somewhat but is better then opening all high ports on the firewall.

To support further Network Adress Translation on the firewall channel binding as to be removed. Could you add another option on the client/server to set the channel binding to GSS_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGs. The above implementation has this implemented.

Thank you Markus

#2082 Recursive file attribute change closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A way to change file attributes recursively in subdirectories

#2083 Queue sorting closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A way to sort the queue, at least by size (to upload or download smaller files first, useful in web sites uploads)

#2084 Find remote files recursively closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A way to locate a file(s) on the remote ftp server... (better with name/size/age options)

#2085 ASCII/Binary toolbar button & sound indication of transfer closed Feature request normal Other

Hi, a couple of very handy options that I miss from SmartFTP:

1) a toolbar button allowing me to specify ASCII or binary transfer

2) ability to have a sound play when transfer of files to their destination is done, thereby enabling me to immediately do a refresh in my browser to see if the web page I've transferred looks as it should. The sound is a great cue because I don't have to be in FileZilla to watch and see when the file has transferred, instead I can be in my browser and hear when it's transferred.

Thank you for your wonderful program.

#2087 control channel only tls closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client


would be glad to see options to use tls only for control channel (i.e. login and commands), not bulk (it's done in flashfxp). even better if this could be negotiated automatically (that's done in ftptls).

why? because that's all that most people need, and all that many servers are willing to provide (performance-wise).

good luck with the rewrite.

#2088 Support for IDNA closed Feature request normal Other

Support for IDNA (International Domain Names in Applications) according to RFC 3490 would be nice, so that domains with umlauts and other special characters are correctly resolved.

There should already exists ready to use libraries for this, so it shouldn't be that hard, despite that strange Punycode encoding... :-)

#2089 Put sites from Site Manager in Quickconnect dropdown closed Feature request normal Unknown

When I first started up FileZilla, it popped up with the Site Manager, and I filled in the site I wanted and went my merry way. The second time I used it, I clicked on the Quickconnect dropdown to connect to my previously entered site. You can imagine my chagrin to find that the Quickconnect dropdown was only a multi-choice button to connect to the address given in the text boxes. Quickconnect should have a list of my sites (optionally with a checkbox in the Site Manager to put them in the Quickconnect dropdown) from the Site Manager.


#2090 deactivating the timeout closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Deactivating of the timeout would be a good solution for the following problem. For example inserting a 0 for the timout or a check button to activate / deactivate.

Our network is behind a proxy server. Requests of files from an FTP-Server will be downdloaded by this proxy server. After a virus check the proxy sends the files to FileZilla. The download of huge files (40 MB and more) will be abortet after the maximum timeout of 999 seconds (~16 minutes) because FileZilla have to wait until the proxy has finished his job.

#2091 Feature Request: virtual file system closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server


I really would like to see the possibility to use a virtual file system in Filezilla. I have user WarFTP for long which supports a VFS - great. You can "compose" a directory structure for the user without any worries that he could find out about your real file structure....

This is my biggest feature request


#2092 show Desktop folder (on Windows) closed Feature request normal Other


Beside Drag 'n' Drop there should be in the local file browser a Desktop-Level. that is very important for windows-user!!

If anyone speaks German here, there is a very good comparision of the several ftp-clients in the actual c't ( FZ is one of the bests (esp. because of Open-Sour ce) but there is a nice list of features that could be added!!

best regards,


#2093 Need to change commands to lower case. closed Feature request normal Other

I would like to know if you can change how the commands are sent. The are being sent as capital letters and what I am taking to needs lower case.

#2094 [FileZilla Server] CHMOD Support closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

It would be great if Filezilla server could support the chmod! Thanks!

#2095 Pane Layout closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I wanna position remote pane upper to local position like the FTPVoyager.

#2096 Combining WinSCP + Filezilla closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla doesn't support SCP, WinSCP doesn't support FTP.

The WinSCP-Developer stated under that FPT will be included in WinSCP if anyone develops it. As FileZilla is a great existing FTP-Client, why don't exchange the sources among other. FileZilla can be improved with SCP-Suport and WinSCP can be improved with FTP-Support.

Would you please contact the WinSCP-Developer:



#2097 PASV on/off button closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

need a simple quick one click or keystroke to turn on and off PASV mode

#2098 improve the way symbolic links are displayed closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently symbolic links are shown with the same icons as folders. It is confusing, and it would be much better if they would be displayed more like regular files. Ideally also with the data about where they are linked to.

#2099 improve the way symbolic links are displayed closed Feature request normal Unknown

Currently symbolic links are shown with the same icons as folders. It is confusing, and it would be much better if they would be displayed more like regular files. Ideally also with the data about where they are linked to.

#2100 improve the way symbolic links are displayed closed Feature request normal Unknown

Currently symbolic links are shown with the same icons as folders. It is confusing, and it would be much better if they would be displayed more like regular files. Ideally also with the data about where they are linked to.

#2101 Delete confirmation in Site Manager closed Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would very, very much like to have delete confirmation in Site Manager, because in 2.2.5 it is very easy to delete a directory full of sites.

(I moved this request of mine here from

#2102 Support for New Extension Commands (MLSD,MDTM...) closed Feature request normal Unknown

FTP servers are slowly supporting new FTP Commands:

this is output of FEAT command on Titan FTP Server:

211-Extensions Supported


211 End

for example:

with MLSD support, you can make easy File Synchronisation, because it returns FULL file DATES even for older files.. original LIST command sucks...

with MDTM support, you can have feature to Keep file timestamp on uploaded file..

/Happy User

#2103 Support for SSL with Clear Command Channel closed Feature request normal Other

The latest version of WS_FTP Server includes support for Clear Command Channel with AUTH SSL connections. This is a very useful feature when crossing multiple NAT devices. There is currently no freeware FTP client with support for Clear Command Channel.

#2104 change to view/edit on remote server closed Feature request normal Unknown

the current feature when you choose open/edit on a remote file is great, but we could take this to the next natural step...

1) being able to automatically save the file back to remote server. this could be done by splitting the existing "View/Edit" right-click option into 2 separate choices:

view - which would behave the same way as the current feature


edit - which would transfer the file to the local system, open the designated editor, and wait for the editor to exit, and monitor the file for modification. when the file is modified, FZ should ask whether to update the file on the remote server and push it back across. it should continue to monitor the file for updates as long as the editor remains open.

2) extend the remote editing feature a bit... you would right-click in the remote server pane, and you'd see a new option for "Edit New File" (or whatever you want to call it) which would basically prompt for a file name, create a new empty file and initiate the "edit" feature as described above.

Thanks for listening, and I love the program!!

(Also, sorry about two requests in the same message, but since the second request is dependent and closely- related to the first, I thought it easier than cross- referencing between the two)

email fzspam<at>vaidman<dot>com

#2105 [Client] SSH Public/Private Key Authentication closed Feature request normal Other

I use public/private key authentication on the servers I maintain, and the ones not maintained by me uses this scheme too, also mostly FTP is closed. So SFTP with public/private key authentication would be great!

#2106 layout in servermanager (password and dont store) closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

move up the "don't store password" checkbox in servermanager, so that one not enters a password and then checks the option and the pasword field is then disabled. This needs to be the other way around. Maybe this can be put into the logon-type group above user-name.

#2107 Number of connections limitation by site closed Feature request normal Other

In the setup, we can indicate how many files can be downloaded/uploaded simultaneously.

But, I have not found where we can say, for instance in the Site Manager, that a specific site only allows a specific number of simultaneous connections.

For instance, I may have said that I allow 5 downloads at the same time but, for a specific site, maybe only two connections are allowed. So, if the file list is displayed, only one file can be downloaded (because only one remaining connection is available).

Is this functionnality available, or is it an enhancement?

Thanks for the work already done.

Jean-Dominique, Annecy, France, Europe,

World, Sun System... somewhere.

#2108 Synchronize folders closed Feature request normal Other

For backing up websites it would be really nice to have a synchronize folder feature.

I could synchronize a remote folder to a local folder and FZ would automatically update files on both sides using the Transfer Overwrite settings.

Great work!

#2109 AceFTP vs FileZilla (interface) closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Previously I used AceFTP. It had a transfer files arrow buttons (like -> and <-) between local files view pane and remote files view pane. I think, FileZilla is missing that good feature.

Also the tree view of local and remote is integrated into one list itself in AceFTP, which in FileZilla takes two panes and bit buggy.

The disconnect connection option could have added in toolbar as in AceFTP for faster access.

Also, multiple connection option is lacking in FileZilla.

#2110 Adding a file filter closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A file filter addition to the filezilla would be appreciated. right now if there are too many files in the directory there is no way to filter out the file except trying to find out visually.

e.g if I just want to see the file type with the sql extension there is no place to specify this as of now.

#2111 Edit Speed Limit rules closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Currently, if you wish to change a small detail in an already existing Speed Limit rule, you need to create a compleatly new rule, define it, and then remove the old one. Another button could be added to edit an existing rule making this process a lot eaisier.

#2112 IP blocking needed closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Filezilla server needs the abillity to block IPs so that certain IPs or groups of IPs are automatically rejected. that way systems known to be unfriendly/unwanted could be blocked by the server specifically, while still potentially allowing access to, say, a web server or mail server, as opposed to outright blocking that IP/IP range from connecting to your system. necros_mancier@…

#2115 Download the same file simultaneously from mirrors closed Feature request normal Other

Often files are stored on mirrors. So it should be interesting to download them from different mirror sites at the same time to increase throughput.

#2116 Desktop in tree view closed Feature request normal Unknown

The tree view of the client machine does not include a Desktop key (the root key, when you browse your windows machine using windows explorer), hence, every try to get or put files from or to the desktop requires looking for it under c:\documents and settings\user name\desktop.

if you could only add that root key, it would be great.


#2117 Allow local filesystem to be another ftp server closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to see if the "Local filesystem" on the left hand side could be another ftp server. This way I would be able to transer files from one ftp server to another ftp server without having to down load and then re upload the files.

I believe that this can be accomplished in non-passive sessions.

Filezilla would connect to server a, and server b.

Issue the transfer command to server a but specify server b IP, then issue server b to port command to accept server a's request.

I do not know if this is too complicated and if it is only available to ftp. At minimum it would be nice to connect to two ftp servers and have filezilla maintain "tempory" files while the transfer is happening.

#2118 Allow to switch off or hide local view closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be a nice improvement if one could switch off local view so that only remote view remains visible.

This is quite useful when using drag and drop with Windows Explorer to upload and download files or when just organizing files on the server.

Then, the local view is unnecessary and it would be nice if it would be possible to switch it off (including local tree view, of course).

#2119 Upload on save file in View/Edit closed Feature request normal Other

When using View/Edit I would like that the file could be uploaded on save file, instead of having to close the editor.

Then I could use it associated with my PHP editor :D Is this possible?

Many thanks -Jr

#2120 Flash taskbar button on connection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When server is full FileFlash automatically retries to connect to FTP server. Sometimes it can take quite a while before the connection is established and users usually do other things when waiting. During this time the FileZilla window is begind other windows. So when FileZilla connects to server it would be nice if its taksbar button flasshed so that users can see that something happened in the FZ window.

#2121 Server Security closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Would like directory size limits and ip (individual and IP ranges) blocking added. Would be great with a little additional security. bmezian@…

#2122 Differant directory views new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently when viewing either the local or remot directories it is in the "list" view. I would like to see over views added like "licons". (basicly making it move like windows where you can have your folder views many diffeant ways)

#2123 [FileZilla Server] Delayed Connect of the Interface closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server


at first: great Tool! :)

The Problem:

I'm starting the serverinterface with 'autorun' on windows-start. Often, the interface starts earlier than the service is available. Today, I open the interface and do a "Connect to server.." manually.

A feature like "Delayed server connect" will be a solution.


#2124 Support for NTLM proxy auth new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla will not work through Microsoft ISA Server with NTLM authentication required.

Mozilla, including Mozilla FireFox does support NTLM auth for the HTTP proxy, so the code could be taken from there.

There is also a Python program APS that will work. It belongs here:

It references a description of the protocol here:

#2125 Remember remote site paths per site closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It would be very useful for FileZilla to remember the "remote site" drop down per site, between sessions. This is so if you regularly navigate to a number of remote directories all the time, FileZilla will remember these for each site you connect to.

Perhaps FileZilla could remember the last 10 or 20 remote paths, say, per site, and also allow the ability to "pin" some remote sites in the list so they act like favourites.

Thanks, Andrew Weiser

#2126 Database support closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Would very much like to see support for storage of Settings and User info in a database such as MSSQL, MySQL, or other ODBC compliant databases etc versus the local XML storage mechanism now in place.

This would make deployment and provisioning of new users a snap and give a way to hook the server into existing company's (and ISPs) provisioning systems. It would allow FileZilla to compete with the high-end commercial products.

#2127 Upload Wizard closed Feature request normal Other

How about an UPLOAD wizard like WS_FTP Pro. Nice function allows you to right click on either a file or directory and choose... "FileZilla Upload Wizard..." Where it would allow me to browse to a conntection/folder or choose a previous upload folder from pull-down, and a simple GO button that would upload the selected files/folders.

  • c4[at]audiline[dot]com
#2128 Stopping server connect before LIST should disconnect closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the FileZilla client, when a user attempts to connect to a server, if the user aborts the connection before or during the LIST command, FileZilla should disconnect from the server. The user most likely wants to cancel connecting to the server entirely. Also, without the remote file/folder list, there is little the user can do (without manually refreshing the remote list, which requires such intuition) except upload to the default remote folder or enter raw FTP commands.

#2129 Retry Time Countdown closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


One feature (apart from timestamps :-)) that FileZilla is lacking is a countdown showing how long it will be until the next reconnect.

eg. I may have the settings set at retry 999 times every 90 seconds, but at 72 seconds I may want to connect by hand. This isn't possible with the current build of FileZilla.

Speaking of retries, I tried to set my retries to unlimited by entering 0 but it didn't work so I assume this isn't implemented either? An unlimited retries option would be nice :-)

Thanks for a great FTP client!

#2130 number of simultaneous file transfers -> per-site setting closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

hello, Normally I have the "number of simulataneous file transfers" configured to something higher than "1" - E.g. when I'm connected to an SFTP server. By setting it up to something like "5" or "10", I usually get shorter transfer times and very important: I can continue browsing directories while still downloading.

But then it happens to me that I connect to a normal FTP server which has a limited number of simultaneous connections (often only "1"). Therefore with every file which newly starts downloading from the queue, filezilla attempts to open another connection and causes the FTP server to produce an errormessage like "530 You are already logged in maximum times." Then I temporarily have to change the "number of simultaneous file transfers" in the general settings manually, which I often forget to change back to higher values for the next SFTP transfer. Furthermore some FTP servers tend to kick or ban users when they attempt to open more than 1 simultaneous connection.

My suggestion would be:

Create in the site manager for each site a new field which stores a "manually setted number of simultaneous file transfers" for each site. if left empty, it will be setted to the default number in the general settings dialogue.

thanks again for this excellent software! bye, stephan loh

#2131 Public Key Authentication closed Feature request normal Other

It would be very useful to add public key authentication for SSH. Since Putty has this feature, it may be easy to use the putty code for this. It would be even better if Putty's Pageant can be invoked as a key agent, with the proposed public key authentication.

Cordially, ChuC

#2132 auto transfer charset filenames and textfile by iconv new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use some language environment of computer. Often Filezilla un useful on server that use UTF-8 charset to filenames. Because, I want to function of filenames transfer server charset to client charset.

please feature !

#2133 cr-lf translation between win and linux closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I am moving this to this area (was incorrectly posted on the support request area, sorry).

The line ending bytes are different for text files on windows and for those on linux type os [cr vs cr,lf]. A nice feature some popular ssh and ftp clients have (, FTPExplorer) is to translate appropriately these text files when ASCII file transfer (either Auto based on extensions or Forced) is in effect. This makes it possible for almost all text browsers on both win and *x side show the file correctly on the respective os.

Please add this feature to FZ file transfer. If such an automatic translation is not desireable for some users, then may I suggest adding another preference setting to do this translation. Thank you!

#2134 cr-lf translation between win and linux closed Feature request normal Other

I am moving this to this area (was incorrectly posted on the support request area, sorry).

The line ending bytes are different for text files on windows and for those on linux type os [cr vs cr,lf]. A nice feature some popular ssh and ftp clients have (, FTPExplorer) is to translate appropriately these text files when ASCII file transfer (either Auto based on extensions or Forced) is in effect. This makes it possible for almost all text browsers on both win and *x side show the file correctly on the respective os.

Please add this feature to FZ file transfer. If such an automatic translation is not desireable for some users, then may I suggest adding another preference setting to do this translation. Thank you!

#2135 View/Edit to keep temp files until prog exit closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I use FZ for loads of things, but one task I do more than others is to read lots of log files. The view/edit facility throws this into my favourite editor - ultraedit.

Ultraedit itself can open files by ftp but the file browser is clunky. But when a file is passed to UE by FZ, FZ then appears to delete the file. UE notices this and pops up a warning message - file has gone, close it?

Contrast this when doing the same 'view' operation using WS_FTP. Nasty interface, but the temp file stays there until WS_FTP is closed, and then it cleans up. You don't get any warning messages pop up while loading logs & reading.

It would make life easier for some text viewers if the cleanup was able to be switched between per-file and per-session.

Thanks for the great program anyway.…

#2136 AceFTP vs FileZilla closed Feature request normal Unknown

Previously I used AceFTP. It had a transfer files arrow buttons (like -> and <-) between local files view pane and remote files view pane. I think, FileZilla is missing that good feature.

Also the tree view of local and remote is integrated into one list itself in AceFTP, which in FileZilla takes two panes and bit buggy.

The disconnect connection option could have added in toolbar as in AceFTP for faster access.

Shell (like edit with.... , open, properties) could have integrated into the local view pane.

Also, multiple connection option is lacking in FileZilla.

#2137 Please add Mode Z compression support closed Feature request normal Other

Please consider adding Mode Z compression support, for both server and client, if possible. More information can be found here:

#2138 Allow for REGEX definitions of ASCII files closed Feature request normal Other

It would be helpfull to allow AUTO transfers to use regular expression rather than just the extension for definition of which files should have ASCII cr-lf/nl translations perfomed. A case in point: the file HECinstall300.30 is ACSII and the file hec3EVer300.F.30 is binary. An ASCII translation could be defined for HECinstall* using a REGEX definintion. This would allow auto mode to properly convert HECinstall300.30 and leave hec3EVer300.F.30 alone. When Version 400 or version 300.31 are available that definition would still work. Watcha think?


#2139 Ability to save transfer paramiters new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To be able to save the transfer paramiters including wildcards in a way that you could dave a full or partial directory structure download to ba repated at a later time to make it so that you can do "one click backups".

#2140 comand line run and shutdown... closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To be able to, from the command line, run a saved download, it goes to a time/datestamped folder, and then it shuts down. This would make for scheduled site backups.

#2141 ask login detail closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I use Filezilla at work I must connect to the same ftp server with different login. So I must create in connection manager different site configuration (one per user) with only user name different. It's usefull to have a login question when you press a connection definition, so you can declare ftp server with a predefinited user and when use this definition the client prompt you for user (with default) and password.

Thanks and bye.

#2142 Server release - option of user login notifications closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Concerns: FileZilla Server

A means to be notified (discretely) when a user connects. Suggestions: play a sound / flash an icon in the systray.

On servers that aren't accessed continuously it is useful to be notified of a login, in case the admin wants to move files around in the user dirs.

#2143 FZ Server: view log file in console closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I would really like to see the server's log file inside the console a link on the menu to the log folder will be nice too :-)

#2144 improving Overwrite if more recent closed Feature request normal Other

Would it be possible to add a parameter to "overwrite if more recent" for people like me who are at GMT+2 while their server is set at GMT ?

#2145 Lighter download closed Feature request normal Other

A FileZilla.pdb (6500 Ko) file is now part of the downloads and it makes filezilla download really heavier especially with 56k modems. I did not find if this file was useful. If not could you remove it?

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