Opened 21 years ago

Last modified 21 years ago

#2102 closed Feature request

Support for New Extension Commands (MLSD,MDTM...)

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Unknown
Keywords: Cc: Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


FTP servers are slowly supporting new FTP Commands:

this is output of FEAT command on Titan FTP Server:

211-Extensions Supported


211 End

for example:

with MLSD support, you can make easy File
Synchronisation, because it returns FULL file DATES even
for older files.. original LIST command sucks...

with MDTM support, you can have feature to Keep file
timestamp on uploaded file..

/Happy User

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 21 years ago

"with MLSD support, you can make easy File
Synchronisation, because it returns FULL file DATES even
for older files.. original LIST command sucks..."
Unneeded, files with shortened date are old and have not
changed, thus don't need to by synchronized. (Well, unless
you synchronize less than once every 6 month, but that's not
my problem)

"with MDTM support, you can have feature to Keep file
timestamp on uploaded file.."

That won't work, if MDTM can both retrieve and set the
remote file date, some exotic filenames will cause problems.
(Like filenames starting with timestamps)

The problem with most of the commands is, that they are not
standardized, thus using them would create more problems
than not using them.

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