Opened 21 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2103 closed Feature request

Support for SSL with Clear Command Channel

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Other
Keywords: Cc: xanthra47, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


The latest version of WS_FTP Server includes support
for Clear Command Channel with AUTH SSL connections.
This is a very useful feature when crossing multiple
NAT devices. There is currently no freeware FTP client
with support for Clear Command Channel.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by xanthra47, 21 years ago

I'd like to second this feature request. We're trying to
building file transfer systems for colleges and trade schools to
allow them to streamline the process of getting student loans
and we'd previosuly identified Filezilla as a viable F.O.S.S.
alternative to the WS_FTP Pro 8.x Client, but we've
uncovered some firewall issues that the CCC command seems
to fix for us. If this feature was added to Filezilla it'd help a
lot of kids get their student loans faster because financial aid
offices have next to no budget for this kind of thing...

comment:2 by Tim Kosse, 18 years ago

Duplicate of at least one other feature request.

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