Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (3001 - 3100 of 4044)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Operating system type
#12415 keyboard-interactive duplicates & signs and adds > sign normal fixed 3 years Windows

When an SSH server issues a keyboard-interactive authentication to the client and the "instruction" field contains an & (and) sign (e.g. in an URL) the and sign is duplicated. Furthermore, it adds a > sign after a certain length.


| Please visit the following link to authenticate: | > =janoszen&&response_type=code&&state=73aaa57b018e4119a381da7b5a0fc06e 
| Please enter the code received:


Welcome to ContainerSSH!
Please visit the following link to authenticate:

Please enter the code received:

Please remove extra formatting from the challenge so links can be properly utilized.

Context: I'm the author of ContainerSSH and we are implementing OAuth2 authentication for SSH. The binaries for this feature are not released yet, but I'm happy to provide a testing server if needed.

#12419 Chinese characters added to code normal worksforme 3 years Windows

I have used Filezilla for many years and never really had a problem until recently. I had noticed that one of my webpages had Chinese Charters added to the html code. This appeared to happen as I was downloading the from using Filezilla vs using Hostmonster.

#12421 Passive mode not honoring first connection IP when using proxy normal worksforme 3 years Windows


I'd like to understand if this is a bug - it does very much look like one to me.

Scenario: FTP server behind NAT

Behavior without proxy: When using FTP passive mode, and the server replies with its real IP address, Filezilla ignores it, uses the original IP instead, and uses the port for data connection. This is absolutely correct.

Behavior with proxy: When using FTP passive mode, and the server replies with its real IP address, Filezilla send a new request to the proxy but uses the server reply. The proxy tries to contact the server's real IP, and (in most scenarios) fails.

I found this issue with FTPS, not plain FTP, but the implementation might be the same. It doesn't help that the traffic is encrypted, otherwise I could have found some workaround. But with encrypted traffic I have no chance to do so.

BR, Miguel

#12431 Meldung INSECURE FTP DATA CONNECTION normal worksforme 3 years Windows

when connecting to my FritzBox 6490 FW7.25 with current FZ 3.53.1 Iam now getting the message: INSECURE FTP DATA CONNECTION. THIS SERVER DOES NOT SUPPORT TLS SESSION RESUMPTION ON THE DATA CONNECTION

With previous filezilla versions I do not get this messgage.

#12442 FileZilla Client crashes 3.53.1 normal duplicate 3 years Windows

FileZilla Client crashes when trying to change file access rights when entering a digital code (example: 644) (checkboxes work), but entering numbers does not. Video:

FileZilla Client 3.53.1

#12446 dual screen switch causes filezilla to be off screen normal worksforme 3 years Windows

Hi, If you put Filezilla on the right of two screens, and make the right screen the default screen, and also open filezilla on the left screen... Then close filezilla and in Windows, change the screens so the left screen is dominant. Open filezilla, and it is not visible, it is on an imaginary screen to the left of the default screen. This does not happen on any other app I have tried. Tx Mark.

#12447 Filezilla 3.54.0-rc1 incorrect sftp keyauth key no matter what entered normal fixed 3 years Windows

Updated to the RC of 3.54 today and when I connect to a server using sftp with key auth enabled, no matter what I put in as the key it doesn't let me login, I verified that capslock/etc was not on, and the same keyphrase works in putty. Regressing back to 3.53.1 allows me to connect again.

Turning on detailed logs doesn't show anything useful, unfortunately.

I've tried to look at logs on the server side, and, unless I'm looking at the wrong logs, there's also nothing really worthy of note there as well.

#12448 Unable to load latest version normal rejected 3 years Windows

I have tried to load the latest version 3.52.2 but it has caused more problems. I now have to restart my PC if I close FileZilla and try to open it again, It then tells me to load the latest version again. Quite often now I am unable to View .cs and .json files. This is only happening with my IcedHost Server the other Server works correctly every time. I have FileZilla on both my PC and Laptop and both have the same problem. Prior to trying to update all was fine.

#12453 Site Manager - Password Field Does Not Show normal fixed 3 years Windows

When I open Site Manager, there is nowhere to enter the password for the site I am trying to connect to. I've checked settings and 'Save Passwords' is enabled. I've also tried FTP connection options as well as SFTP and the password field is nowhere to be found. It only asks me for hostname and user. What am I missing? I always had a password field before, in prior versions of Filezilla. Thank you.

#12458 下载数据出错 high invalid 3 years Windows


#12475 File Permissions text box cause crash when changed normal outdated 3 years Windows

The File Permissions text box cause crash when changed

#12488 Malware in installer critical rejected 3 years Windows

The download of FileZilla for Windows in the front page is infected with malware:

Windows Defender has removed the file on download.

Virustotal shows a number of detections, from adware to trojan:

#12498 infected ? high rejected 3 years Windows

I have newest FZ I use FTP to manage Websites If I try connect to a Website FTP at I get a Trojan Message what is out-going see screenshot:

My PC is virus and trojan free (Malwarebytes prem buisness) So from where come a Trojan or is it a Bug again by FZ ? Need urgend a reply because I work here and cant work if these is not cleared or solved.

Thanks in advance Cheers

#12505 Erro Filezilla Crashando ao arrastar arquivo normal invalid 3 years Windows

Bom dia, tudo bem? Estou falando do hospital Graacc sobre um erro acontecendo em uma máquina especifica com a última versão do FileZilla 3.55.1.

Acontece que quando o usuário vai mover o arquivo usando a ferramenta de puxar e arrastar o FileZilla fecha sem nenhuma mensagem de erro, simplesmente crasha. Temos em algumas máquinas a versão anterior e não apresenta erro e nessa em especifico na atualização está fechando. Tentei voltar agora a versão anterior e mesmo assim continua fechando.

Se puderem me alertar sobre algo ficarei muito grato, infelizmente não consigo capturar o erro porque ele não apresenta um, simplesmente fecha.

#12519 Natural sorting for version numbers normal worksforme 3 years Windows

I have some directories where files are stored by version. It would be very nice if it would sort naturally: right now lists before for instance...

#12522 speed probem high worksforme 3 years Windows

the downloading of the server not working properly. I checked everything in my computer but the speed is still not good. and because of which i am having so much problem. please resolve my issue as early as possible.

#12529 "impossible d'obtenir une réponse de fzputtygen" error message and .ppk empty file generated normal fixed 3 years Windows


1/ I have generated on Linux a key pair with ssh-keygen and a path-phrase. 2/ on windows 10 , I copied my private key 'id_rsa' and try to use it with FileZilla : he wants to convert it to .ppk (by the way why ???) , I say yes and ask my secret : I have only the path phrase : I type it and I get the error message on my french PC :

"impossible d'obtenir une réponse de fzputtygen"

(the program fzputtygen.exe is right under the Filezilla installed dir) and a id_rsa.ppk file at 0kB ! and impossible to transfert my files with that Filezilla ! regards

#12539 Insecure server permission disappears normal fixed 3 years Windows

My micro-server (Fritz!Box) lacks some security features such as TLS session resumption. Each time I connect I have to allow this connection again. The bug is that the option checkbox "Always allow…" works only during the current session. The next time I start FileZilla, the pop-up windows appears again with unchecked option.

#12560 New version FileZilla_3.56.0_win64 causes GnuTLS error normal rejected 3 years Windows

Connection to host works fine with FileZilla_3.52.2_win64. On installation of 3.56.0 connection fails with "GnuTLS error -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received."

Reinstalling 3.52.2 restores ability to connect.

#12569 Neen help as FTP not working critical worksforme 3 years Windows

hello team, i am a filezilla user, recently i update the software to FileZilla_3.56.2 , after doing this FTP not working.

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER giveuc2t Response: 331 User giveuc2t OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

for every FTP account same happening, please help me to connect FTP.

One more thing left local path folders & file not showing.

#12572 When update to v.3.56.2 cannot view local folder on the left side. normal rejected 3 years Windows

Workaround: Drop files from Windows Explorer into remote server folder on the right.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.56.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2021-10-27 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.35.5 GnuTLS: 3.7.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq rdrnd lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Valeri\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12579 version 3.56 minimum TLS version setting stuck at "2" normal invalid 3 years Windows
  1. 3.56.2 pulls 'Gnu TLS error -8: unsupported version" when connecting to a site whose highest active TLS version is 1.2. filezilla.xml has this:
3.56.0-rc1 (2021-09-29)

+ Right-clicking a queue tab header now opens the same context menu as right-clicking the correponding queue contents
+ By default, the minimum allowed TLS version is now TLS 1.2
+ Optionally, the systen trust store can be used for certificate verification
- FTP: Fixed an issue with key file conversion
- Fixed an issue loading servers not supporting session resumption from storage
		<Setting name="Window position and size">0 306 14 1402 924 </Setting>
		<Setting name="Minimum TLS Version">2</Setting>
		<Setting name="Trust system trust store">0</Setting>
		<Setting name="Greeting version">3.56.2</Setting>

The line for Minimum TLS Version is clearly in error -- surely this should be "1.2" not "2". Worse, when I make that change and run FileZilla, the number reverts to "2".

#12583 repeating copy of file from PC to Server normal worksforme 3 years Windows

I get a message saying that it the file I wanted to drag to the server already exist. When I click cancel - I get a message saying the file transfer was successfully completed - which it is. So, it might be that the algorithm is trying to copy the same file twice?

#12584 Wrong creation date time of overwritten files normal fixed 3 years Windows

Download an already existing file, when asked whether to overwrite or not answer with "Yes": the date and time of creation of the overwritten file will be of the previous file.

#12588 Unable to upload and view folder high worksforme 2 years Windows


I have updated the Filezilla recently and after update, the local folders are not visible. Unable to upload folders having files. It is uploading the empty folder only. I have to enter the folder and then upload the files individually in each folder.

Here is the details of client: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.56.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2021-10-27 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.35.5 GnuTLS: 3.7.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7600), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Vijay\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

Please let me know how to revert this update. Because previous version was working perfectly.

#12595 Cant connect to my FTP Server trough Filezilla low fixed 2 years Windows

Hello, my Client got an Problem where she couldnt log in in our FTP Server it worked before but now she only gets the error Failed to connect to the server, on other PCs it worked but for her not. Is it maybe because she is using a vpn to connect to our Server and using wlan that it is too slow.

best regards Adrian Reider

#12603 file date from remote not recognized normal rejected 2 years Windows

in the list of files or directories retrieved from the remote server, the date is sometimes not displayed correctly : a file changed 2021-12-01 is displayed 2021-01-12.

this creates download mistakes when I choose replace when newer

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.57.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2021-12-10 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.35.5 GnuTLS: 3.7.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 19043), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq rdrnd lm Settings dir: C:\Users\jean-paul\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12606 new release version 3.57.0 failed to load local site directory critical rejected 2 years Windows

installed the new release version 3.57.0, the local site failed to load any directory or files.

#12607 3.57.0 Pro will no longer connect to OneDrive. Response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized normal fixed 2 years Windows

2021-12-16 17:16:11 19888 1 Status: Resolving address of 2021-12-16 17:16:11 19888 1 Status: Connecting to 2021-12-16 17:16:11 19888 1 Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Status: TLS connection established, sending HTTP request 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: POST /common/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: Accept: */* 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: Connection: keep-alive 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: Content-Length: 995 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: Host: 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: Keep-Alive: 300 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Command: User-Agent: FileZilla/3.57.0 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Pragma: no-cache 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Expires: -1 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: P3P: CP="DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN" 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: x-ms-request-id: 1200d32a-a908-4fd4-96ef-42b6d59f2000 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: x-ms-ests-server: 2.1.12261.14 - EUS ProdSlices 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Set-Cookie: fpc=Apa8c7DhgvlJrSHoQKLaJ_qZ8cOmAQAAAKuxTdkOAAAA; expires=Sat, 15-Jan-2022 22:16:12 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=estsfd; path=/; secure; samesite=none; httponly 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=estsfd; path=/; secure; samesite=none; httponly 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 22:16:12 GMT 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Response: Content-Length: 471 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Error: Could not connect to server 2021-12-16 17:16:12 19888 1 Status: Waiting to retry... 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Status: Resolving address of 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Status: Connecting to 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Status: TLS connection established, sending HTTP request 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: POST /common/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: Accept: */* 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: Connection: keep-alive 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: Content-Length: 995 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: Host: 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: Keep-Alive: 300 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Command: User-Agent: FileZilla/3.57.0 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Pragma: no-cache 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Expires: -1 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: P3P: CP="DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN" 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: x-ms-request-id: b750ca18-3973-4672-b8df-bba3fe652200 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: x-ms-ests-server: 2.1.12261.14 - SCUS ProdSlices 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Set-Cookie: fpc=ArTxQSDEUWhBr0SZaS-dg82Z8cOmAQAAALmxTdkOAAAA; expires=Sat, 15-Jan-2022 22:16:26 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=estsfd; path=/; secure; samesite=none; httponly 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=estsfd; path=/; secure; samesite=none; httponly 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 22:16:26 GMT 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Response: Content-Length: 471 2021-12-16 17:16:26 19888 1 Error: Could not connect to server

#12610 Erreur critique lors du transfert du fichier normal invalid 2 years Windows

Erreur : Erreur critique lors du transfert du fichier Erreur : Erreur GnuTLS -110 dans gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. Statut : Le serveur n'a pas correctement fermé la connexion TLS Erreur : Impossible de lire depuis le socket : ECONNABORTED - Connexion annulée Erreur : Déconnecté du serveur

#12628 ERROR : Connection timed out after 40 seconds of inactivity normal worksforme 2 years Windows

So facing this error from couple of days,

initailly in the logs on the client - 234 Using authentication type TLS Status: Initializing TLS... and then I get the error of Error: Connection timed out after 40 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

I have tried all the possible fixes available online but nothing works, please assist asap

#12629 [ERROR] Drag&Drop file from FileZilla Pro to XYplorer(Third Party Application) high worksforme 2 years Windows

I used xyplorer(third party application) instead of windows explorer Not too long ago, when drag & drop any file from filezill to xyplorer, it's success with no error. But! now, isn't working.

[Alert Error Dialog Message] Cloud not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the file into an Explorer window.

And, a directory is generated on the xyplorer window which name is 'fz3-16414476052330'

I hope to solve this problem, Please help me.

#12632 File uploaded to less full long path directory low rejected 2 years Windows

In windows 11, I have enabled Windows's Long Path and having a LONG PATH enabled ftp server, when using FileZilla Client, somehow the file is not uploaded into intended long path dir, the maximum length of the dir that i can upload a file into is around below 1.024 characters.

So for example I am uploading a file into a dir in the ftp server which having length of 1.822 characters, filezilla client will cut off the directory and will uploaded it into below 1.024 characters length directory, instead of in the 1.822 character length directory.

How to overcome the 1.024 character length directory into 32.767 character length (, 32.767 is the new maximum total characters path length .

#12634 Probleme de transfert d'un fichier normal rejected 2 years Windows

Bonjour, Votre logiciel refuse d’envoyer un fichier depuis chez moi sur mon site internet as moi. Comment corriger ça ? Sont message d’erreur : Commande : STOR WinVer.exe Réponse : 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for WinVer.exe Réponse : 550 Virus Detected and Removed: Win.Trojan.Gdsda-6878765-0 Comment transféré ce logiciel créer par moi sans aucun virus ! Eric Gontier

#12638 FileZilla client creates directory with non-valid names normal outdated 2 years Windows

using filezilla to download directories from a openVMS system. The OpenVMS system has a directory named "CON". filezilla creates a directory in windows called "CON" when I ftp the directory but it causes issue since this is an invalid directory name. Explorer wouldn't do anything when I tried to delete the 'CON' directory, cmd.exe gave an 'access is denied' when I would try to remove the directory. Checking security and trying to do anything on the folder that was created would just result in various errors about access denied, unexpected error, undetermined error etc. Researching I found that there certain keywords that are not allowed to be used as directory names and "CON" is one of those. I was able to eventually remove the directory but I had to search around to find a specific rd command to do this as the other options (rd, rmdir, explorer) wouldn't remove the directory.

#12651 Getting timeout error high worksforme 2 years Windows

I am unable to log in my ftp account using filezilla. Getting error "Connection attempt failed with "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out"."

I tried to log in by site manager option by selecting plain ftp(insecure) option but unable to log in.

I Installed a new version of filezilla still getting same error.

Please help out!

#12653 FileZilla portable starting as "uncleaned" start and need close and reopen normal rejected 2 years Windows

I am using PortableApps version and each start warning me about "unclean" shutdown and need re-open and start again

#12654 synchronized browsing has stopped working normal worksforme 2 years Windows

I have been using filezilla for years. I have always used the synchronized browsing. It has stopped working for me.

Windows 10 Filezilla version 3.57.0

#12657 Freeze normal rejected 2 years Windows

i just go to my game panel, open any 3 pages and filezilla freezes. windows 11. 32gb 3600mhz samsung 980pro ssd intel i5 12600K gtx 1070

#12660 Filezilla does not connect to server high worksforme 2 years Windows

I just installed the latest version of Filezilla, 3.57.0. Now when I try to upload files to my website, I get these error messages: "331 Password required" and "Critical error: Could not connect to server."

I have never experienced this before, in all the years I have been using Filezilla.

#12662 Error: Failed to convert command to 8 bit charset normal rejected 2 years Windows

10:03:40 Status: Connecting to 10:03:40 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 10:03:40 Status: Initializing TLS... 10:03:41 Status: TLS connection established. 10:03:41 Status: Logged in 10:03:41 Status: Retrieving directory listing... 10:03:41 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful 10:03:51 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/2-整机_成套"... 10:03:52 Status: Directory listing of "/2-整机_成套" successful 10:03:58 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等"... 10:03:58 Status: Directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等" successful 10:06:05 Status: Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted 10:06:58 Status: Connecting to 10:06:58 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 10:06:58 Status: Initializing TLS... 10:06:58 Status: TLS connection established. 10:06:58 Status: Logged in 10:06:58 Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Frek\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_50xnz06z38ud22\FileStorage\File\2022-02\1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx 10:06:58 Command: CWD /2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等 10:06:58 Response: 250 CWD command successful. 10:06:58 Command: TYPE I 10:06:58 Response: 200 Type set to I. 10:06:58 Command: PASV 10:06:58 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,102,129,195,54). 10:06:58 Command: STOR 1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx 10:06:58 Error: Failed to convert command to 8 bit charset 10:06:58 Error: File transfer failed 10:06:58 Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Frek\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_50xnz06z38ud22\FileStorage\File\2022-02\1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx 10:06:58 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等"... 10:06:58 Command: PASV 10:06:58 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,102,129,195,55). 10:06:58 Command: LIST 10:06:58 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection. 10:06:59 Response: 226-Directory has 131,607,658,496 bytes of disk space available. 10:06:59 Response: 226 Transfer complete. 10:06:59 Command: PASV 10:06:59 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,102,129,195,56). 10:06:59 Command: STOR 1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx 10:06:59 Error: Failed to convert command to 8 bit charset 10:06:59 Error: File transfer failed

10:06:59 Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Frek\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_50xnz06z38ud22\FileStorage\File\2022-02\1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx

10:06:59 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等"... 10:06:59 Command: PASV 10:06:59 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,102,129,195,57). 10:06:59 Command: LIST 10:06:59 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection. 10:06:59 Response: 226-Directory has 131,607,658,496 bytes of disk space available. 10:06:59 Response: 226 Transfer complete. 10:06:59 Command: PASV 10:06:59 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,102,129,195,58).

10:06:59 Command: STOR 1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx

10:06:59 Error: Failed to convert command to 8 bit charset

10:06:59 Error: File transfer failed

10:06:59 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等"... 10:06:59 Status: Directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等" successful

10:07:42 Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Frek\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_50xnz06z38ud22\FileStorage\File\2022-02\1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114-A1.xlsx

10:07:42 Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection

10:07:42 Status: File transfer successful, transferred 67,081 bytes in 1 second

10:07:42 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等"... 10:07:43 Status: Calculating timezone offset of server... 10:07:43 Status: Timezone offset of server is 28800 seconds. 10:07:43 Status: Directory listing of "/2-整机_成套/6-整机_成套产品测试报告、说明书等" successful

1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114 A1.xlsx 1105029903010002-储能变流器模块-INPPCS-1000.4-W-114-A1.xlsx 这两个文件一样,就文件名不一样。上面一个可上传,下面一个上传不了。

#12669 Mouse moves jerky / erratic during downloads normal fixed 2 years Windows

Using Windows 10 Version 21H2 (OS build 19044.1556)

Filezilla version 3.58.0

When downloading files, the mouse becomes jerky and stutters as I try to move it. When the download completes, it goes back to normal.

The computer in question is a laptop, so I'm using an external wireless mouse (logitech m325) - and while this problem is happening, mouse functions are smooth using the laptop's track pad. I am using microsoft provided mouse drivers.

#12670 Left panel not show dirs & files normal rejected 2 years Windows

Greets 2 All! I do new install filezilla on clear system, 3.57.0/3.58.0 (local site) Left panel not shows any dirs & files but if I install older version, on the same system, for example, 3.53.1 or 3.16.0 - It shows normally all files & directories. "Where is the hidden dog"?

#12673 Win7 / Win10 connection high rejected 2 years Windows

I'm using FileZilLa client 3.58 on a Win10 Pro workstation to connect to a Sony Deck Recorder through FTP Protocol. The connection is successful but when I tried to download or Upload a file it's says "421 1 users (the maximum) are already logged in" and follow "could not connect to the server"

When I'm doing the same thing while using or old Win 7 workstation with FileZilla 2.2.27 all went well.

All the firewall are off on both workstation. Is there any services you're aware of which could block the connection ?

#12674 FileZilla Time Stamp is Incomplete normal worksforme 2 years Windows

FileZilla is a very efficient file mover. However, there is a problem of time stamp marking where the moved file has the "modified" date as the current date instead of the original "modified" date of the file being moved. This problem occurs with the FileZilla menu selection "Preserve timestamps of transferred files" activated.

For reference, the Windows 10 copy and robocopy utilities preserve both the "modified" and "created" dates.

This FileZilla operation causes my backup operations using robocopy to needlessly copy files that are already up-to-date.

I've attached three file properties screen shots - 1) the original file; 2) the FileZilla upload; and 3) the robocopy upload. Notice the time stamps of the original and robocopy file are identical while the FileZilla file has a different "Created" date

#12684 Local file list blank normal worksforme 2 years Windows

Upgrading from Filezilla 3.40 to 3.58 (64 bit on Win 7), version 3.58 always shows file list for local machine as blank or no files. Cannot find solution in forum or other tickets.

Also could not find on download options to fetch older versions - was unable to use FTP for days until found a copy of 3.40.

Keep up the good work, Filezilla is the best FTP client available, but when it fails, we fall into the blackhole. :)

#12686 Error: Connecting to the server high worksforme 2 years Windows

I keep trying to log in on the website and every time I try to connect it just says Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of activity and could not connect to server. I'm unsure how to fix this.

#12695 Edited files not saving back to server normal fixed 2 years Windows

When I click View/Edit a file on the server it opens in Notepad++ for me. When I edit the file and save, it does not save back to the server. However, when I close Filezilla it asks me if I really want to quit. Whatever I answer it pops up the File has changed window and will save the file to the server. I just updated to 3.59.0 this morning and this started happening.

#12696 File Zilla Login failed high fixed 2 years Windows

Right after I logged in to File Zilla using the previous version, 10 minutes later I decided to get the new version and my login failed. I get this message: Status: Connecting to Error: fzsftp could not be started Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Error: fzsftp could not be started Error: Could not connect to server

Is this error from FileZilla or my website host?

#12703 queue.sqlite3 error after attempting update normal rejected 2 years Windows

Win 7 32bit, Lenovo T410s , Filezilla Portable on a removable HDD

Your version: 3.46.3 Current version: 3.59.0

during an attempt at installing update from a clean load it reported that a file was "already open". I aborted. Now every time I load Filezilla I get an a dialog showing "an error occurred saving the transfer queue to" then next line - queue.sqlite3 which curiously is located in my system drive.

I have replaced the whole folder with a backup. The error now is permanent on load & unload.

Do I vainly keep on trying to update & replace from backup? or is there a solution? A clean install requires data. It would take a long time.

#12704 Set focus not working low rejected 2 years Windows

When in a directory on the server side, highlighting a file and choosing "Delete" from the dropdown menu, the confirmation dialog box does not place focus on the default button "Yes".

#12705 WebDav error :-( normal rejected 2 years Windows

I have reported it several times, but success remains out. Not only unfortunate but also disappointing. I have to use WinSCP (PC) and SolidExplorer (Android, tablet) to log in to my provider (Ziggo, Netherlands) with the Webdav protocol. FilezillaPro always generates the error message "too many redirections". This is due to FilezillaPro, because I use the same data and settings as with WinSCP and Solidexplorer. Logging in with these apps goes without a hitch. I tried everything with Filezilla Pro, but nothing helps. I thought I'd make another attempt here, before I throw off Filezilla Pro

#12706 Edited file didnt upload and deleted the existing file normal duplicate 2 years Windows

I edited a file on my Server, saved it and tried to upload it again. It took way to long, so i closed FileZilla. Before its closed it ask me to transfer the file which i edieted before to the server. Dont mind if you press yes or no. The file is completly empty on the Server if you run FileZilla again and look for the file.

#12717 Error message: 20 simultaneous connections limit high rejected 2 years Windows


I updated to version 3.59.0 in Windows 11, but at various times an error occurs that says that more than 20 simultaneous connections are not allowed and it is disconnected. Even changing the value in the settings. In previous versions this problem does not happen. I went back to the previous version 3.57.0 and it works normally.


#12719 FileZilla wlan connect issue FilaZilla will freeze and wont connect uploads or server again normal fixed 2 years Windows

Hello im using hp laptop and my phone as wlan internet provider. SOmetimes my hp will lose WLAN connection and retries it. In this behaviour Filezilla:

Komento: cd "/home/dh_g2amwh/" Virhe: Tiedostonsiirto epäonnistui "File transfer failed" Tila: Yhdistetään kohteeseen "Try again" Virhe: Yhteyden aikakatkaistu, koska yhteys oli toimimattomana 20 sekuntia "Connection waited 20s" Virhe: Tiedostonsiirto epäonnistui "File transfer failed"

So FileZilla will sometimes freeze on this. Now filezilla wont progress anything, wont connect new connection to new tab onlything that helps is to restart Filezilla and start upload of 15k files again.

FileZilla wont keep connection alive somehow and results frozen behaviour. Unstead of try connect you could use somekind of is internet alive loop that waits connection to internet then tries continue. But the connector will break filezilla as it is for now. And very fustruation as I have 15k files for my app and if it breaks somewhere in 5k to go I have to try send 15k again just to filezilla check if to overjump files wich will take a lot of time again.

And since FileZilla dont have filetransfer saving or current session saver script it wont remember filetransfer on restart which is a bit annoying.

#12723 Un-routable server address bypasses the setting in passive mode to use control socket address normal rejected 2 years Windows

The client is connecting to a server behind an NAT router, whose IP address facing us is also a private address, as illustrated below.

+-----------+   +-------------|------+   +--------------+
| my client |   |    NAT router      |   | their server |
| 172.x.x.x +---+ 192.168.x.x | 10.x +---+   10.x.x.x   |
+-----------+   +-------------|------+   +--------------+

I left the setting for "Connection / FTP / Passive mode" by default, to "Use the server's external IP address instead". However, it did not work for me.

The attached log file 20220601-1751.log shows at lines 82 and 161 that the server replied with its private address, and a netstat command on the client at the moment showed it was actually trying to connect to exactly the server's private address.

I noticed a trace message in the log file, i.e.

Destination IP of data connection does not match peer IP of control connection. Not binding source address of data connection.

Having searched this message in the source code, I arrived at function CTransferSocket :: SetupPassiveTransfer, and found that its host argument seemed to be assigned in the function CFtpRawTransferOpData :: ParsePasvResponse.

Inside ParsePasvResponse, the condition for assigning the peerIP from the control socket to the host_ of the passive data connection is an un-routable data peer address as well as a routable control peer address. Unfortunately, with all un-routable, internal addresses for both data and control, my scenario effectively bypasses this mechanism.

At the end of the ParsePasvResponse function, I noticed that I can instruct the client to always use server address by setting the option OPTION_PASVREPLYFALLBACKMODE to 2, which is set by an option named Pasv reply fallback mode, stored in %appdata%\FileZilla\filezilla.xml. I wonder the intention on omitting this option in the settings UI, although it indeed provides a workaround for my situation in the current version.

#12731 FileZilla trims trailing spaces from directory names when creating directories, but not when downloading files normal wontfix 2 years Windows

I find this issue when connecting via SFTP to MacOS's built-in ssh server, though I expect the issue occurs with all SFTP servers.

To reproduce

  • On the server create a directory ending in a space (ex: "Test ")
  • Add some files to the directory (ex: "1.txt", "2.txt", etc.)
  • Connect to the server via SFTP using FileZilla on Windows
  • Attempt to download the directory


  • FileZilla will create the directory "Test" (notice no space)
  • FileZilla will attempt to download "1.txt" to "Test \1.txt"
  • FileZilla will encounter an error because the folder "Test " does not exist


  • Manually create "Test " NOTE: most Windows utilities will trim spaces from a folder name. I was able to create the directory using WSL 1.0
  • Re-try downloading the folder
  • FileZilla will create the folder "Test", but will download files to the "Test " folder you manually created.
  • You can manually delete the empty folder "Test"

Proposed solution

FileZilla should either

  • Correctly create directories with spaces OR
  • Always trim spaces from folder names

Version information

FileZilla Pro

Version:          3.59.0

Build information:
  Compiled for:   x86_64-w64-mingw32
  Compiled on:    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Build date:     2022-04-11
  Compiled with:  x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110
  Compiler flags:  -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:
  wxWidgets:      3.0.6
  SQLite:         3.35.5
  GnuTLS:         3.7.2

Operating system:
  Name:           Windows 10 (build 19044), 64-bit edition
  Version:        10.0
  Platform:       64-bit system
  CPU features:   sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm
  Settings dir:   C:\Users\jpenn\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\
#12747 filezilla client hangs on windows normal fixed 23 months Windows

The latest filezilla 3.59 hangs after detecting a timeout. It shows "Error: Connection timed out after N seconds of inactivity" and then stops responding to commands like "cancel current operation", "stop and remove all (from queue)" or never tries to redo the current operation. If I close the program it still stays in the task manager and I have to kill it with the taskkill command on windows to get rid of it. It makes working over poor connections very difficult and frustrating.

#12766 x64 setup use wow6432node in registry normal rejected 21 months Windows

The x64 setup writes registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node.

There are two keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FileZilla Client

If the software is x64 it should not use the WOW6432Node key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FileZilla 3 will be created after the install for 'fzshellext'

#12768 Unable to install via Windows Package Manager (Winget) UserAgent blocked normal rejected 21 months Windows


I am no longer able to install FileZilla Client via windows package manager (Winget).

I believe this is a user agent check being performed on the server from some basic testing I have done.

I am not sure which UA Winget presents.

I have created an issue on Github for the repository which also shows some basic testing I have performed:

If this is not able to be fixed, I can raise a PR to get FileZilla removed from the Winget repository.



#12778 Maximum License count / remove old computer normal fixed 20 months Windows

Good afternoon,

I am trying to install FileZilla Pro on a newer computer. I received a message that the license count has already been maxed out; however, I realized that I did not "deactivate" the license on one of my old computers. Are you able to assist in deactivating it from a former computer of mine? The computer has since been wiped and assigned to someone else; so there isn't an ability for me to access anything FileZilla related.

The order # is: <removed>

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you, Mark

#12780 attempting to enter folder called "Alcohol 120%" causes program to lockup normal worksforme 20 months Windows

Hello, i am sumbitting this ticket i discovered a few years ago while browsing files on my server. i think the issue is the 20% specifically. but i havent done any specific testing. just thought i would let you know about this issue, that i am quite surprised hasnt been reported yet.

i have verfified if i remove the "%" from the folder name i have no problem entering the folder. its been a while since i was messing with is, but if i recall properly i created a folder with just "%" and that opened just fine but again probably should verify that.

#12783 the client does not show files from the desktop normal worksforme 20 months Windows

Hello on windows 7 32 bit the client does not show files from the desktop how to solve this problem this problem exists on versions like 3.60.0 and 3.61.0

#12788 FileZilla can't locate notepad normal worksforme 20 months Windows

When I edit my settings and click save, I get an error about the program not being able to locate Notepad on Windows 11. I can see the options menus until I click save and then it just gives me the error.

#12798 FTP problem blocker worksforme 19 months Windows

My acces to my website is denied with the following notifications:

Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met [2001:678:76c:3760::66]:21... Status: Verbinding gemaakt, welkomstbericht afwachten... Status: TLS initialiseren... Fout: GnuTLS-fout -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received. Status: Verbindingspoging mislukt met "ECONNABORTED - Verbinding verbroken". Fout: Kan niet verbinden met server Status: Wachten om opnieuw te proberen.... Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met [2001:678:76c:3760::66]:21... Status: Verbinding gemaakt, welkomstbericht afwachten... Antwoord: 220 ProFTPD Server ready. Opdracht: AUTH TLS Antwoord: 234 Proceed with negotiation Status: TLS initialiseren... Fout: GnuTLS-fout -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received. Status: Verbindingspoging mislukt met "ECONNABORTED - Verbinding verbroken". Fout: Kan niet verbinden met server

#12800 GUI: If Serverlist ist too long, last entries are cut off high wontfix 19 months Windows

Dear fileziller developers, thanks for your work.

I have a long list of Servers in my servermanager. Next to the button servermanager there ist a little arrow to pull down the list oft servers. This list dows not fit on my screen height, so it should scroll. Acually I have to open the servermanager dialogue box to get Serverconnections after "R"... It would be great, if the pull down menu would get a scrollfunktion.

Thanks and regards Martin

#12821 Error loading queue message normal worksforme 18 months Windows

At the start and close of FileZilla I receive a dialogue box (attactehd) that displays an error loading queue.

I always keep the most up to date version of FileZilla running, and this pop-up is a real pain in the ass.

Nothing serious, but would be great if you caould have a look.

#12824 1.6.0-rc1 error message at admin interface startup normal fixed 18 months Windows

<Date> Info [Type] Message <30-11-2022 16:00:42> Admin UI [Error] The server appears to be behind a NAT router. Please configure the passive mode settings and forward a range of ports in your router.

The message above should not be [Error], it should be [Info] or [Notice].

#12827 FileZilla Portable remains as Windows background process normal rejected 18 months Windows

Each time I close FileZilla, the app is not completely closed. Each time one more process remains in Windows Task Manager. Sometimes there are 10 or even more similar processes running in the background.

The prevents me from installing any FileZilla update. I always need to abort a number of processes before being able to update.

The first time I run FileZilla after having updated FileZilla or having rebooted the computer, an error message occurs something like «Last time FileZilla did not exit properly and needs to be cleaned up. Please try again.»

This is annoying. I hope this can be fixed. Thank you.

#12831 Sends MLSD command even if server doesn't support it normal rejected 17 months Windows

I have a local (inside LAN) FTP server run by Bitvise SSH client. Trying to open it, FZ seems to always request MLSD even though the server doesn't support it. What's weird, FZ doesn't request neither SYST nor FEAT command so it couldn't even know what the server can.

14:28:40	Status:	Resolving address of host.domain.local
14:28:40	Status:	Connecting to 172.***:21...
14:28:40	Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
14:28:42	Response:	220 FtpBridge ready
14:28:42	Command:	AUTH TLS
14:28:42	Response:	530 Not logged in
14:28:42	Command:	AUTH SSL
14:28:42	Response:	530 Not logged in
14:28:42	Status:	Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
14:28:42	Command:	USER anonymous
14:28:42	Response:	331 User name OK, need password
14:28:42	Command:	PASS *********************
14:28:42	Response:	230 User logged in
14:28:42	Status:	Logged in
14:28:42	Status:	Retrieving directory listing of "/"...
14:28:42	Command:	CWD /
14:28:43	Response:	250 "/" is current directory
14:28:43	Command:	PWD
14:28:43	Response:	257 "/" is current directory
14:28:43	Command:	TYPE I
14:28:43	Response:	200 Representation type set to Image
14:28:43	Command:	PASV
14:28:43	Response:	227 Entering Passive Mode (***)
14:28:43	Command:	MLSD
14:28:43	Response:	502 Command not implemented
14:28:43	Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing
#12834 Could not connect to FTP server normal worksforme 17 months Windows

响应: 220 Microsoft FTP Service 命令: AUTH TLS 错误: 无法连接到服务器

The Internet is okay. User/pwd is okay.

#12842 Could Not Connect to Server / Connection Timed Out After 20 seconds of inactivity high invalid 17 months Windows

I have returned to work after the Christmas break and tried to connect to my pre-saved credentials in FileZilla only to be consistently met with the errors of "Connection Timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity" and "Could not connect to the server". The port number being used is 22, and the credentials used are correct in terms of Protocol, Host, Username and Password. I have also updated to the latest version of the FileZilla software.

#12845 Mime type mapping for HTML file for SFTP upload to an Azure Storage Account doesn't upload the file as text/html normal rejected 17 months Windows

I've purchased FileZilla Pro 3.62.0 which claims to have mime type mapping The target is an SFTP location hosted by an Azure Storage Account = StorageV2 (general purpose v2) with SFTP functionality enabled

I can see that mime type for HTML file is already configured in screenshot attached, however after uploading an HTML file to destination, its file type is being set to "application/octet-stream"

As per the mime-type mapping it should have been set to "text/html"

#12858 The Update button from FileZila Client does not work correctly normal worksforme 16 months Windows


I'am the user of FileZila client. And the version installed on my computer is 3.62.2.

I click on Update my FileZila client button to be sure have the last version and on the 2023-01-29 14h56 the FileZila Client say I have the last version.

It's false since two new versions has been made availables

It seem the FileZila Client client button about verification update does not work correctly.

3.63.1 (2023-01-26) Bugfixes and minor changes:

MSW: Fixed icon sizing issue on high DPI scale factors

3.63.0 (2023-01-24) Bugfixes and minor changes:

All official FileZilla binares now link against wxWidgets 3.2.1 Fixed a potential crash when closing FileZilla macOS: Fixed tree control scroll position not following the foucsed item macOS: Fixed an issue preventing translations into some languages to be loaded

#12871 DLL Hijacking Bilal Qureshi critical invalid 15 months Windows

DLL Hijacking vulnerability is discovered in latest version of FileZilla Client which is 3.63.1 which allows an attacker to gain access, execute arbitrary code via crafted DLL.

#12881 Close tab X icon is huge normal fixed 15 months Windows

The X icon (close tab) in any given tab is HUGE. It used to be tiny, but now it's nearly as tall as the tab itself.

It seems to have happened within the last few stable versions, though I don't know exactly which one. I first noticed it in January 2023 and thought it would be fixed in a later update, but it hasn't changed.

In Settings, I have tried adjusting the theme and theme scaling, but that didn't affect this icon. I've also tried different interface layouts and gone through every setting I can find, but no dice.

Steps to reproduce: Open multiple connection tabs, look at X icon on tabs.

#12882 Right clicking "directory listing filters" icon changes location in "Local site" pane normal fixed 15 months Windows

After connecting to a site from a bookmark let's say my local site pane has:

(bug seems to occurr with at least two nestings) d:\sites\foobar\

And remote site pane has:


It happens 100% of the times to me that if I right click the "directory listing filters" icon in the toolbar to enable the filters, the local site pane changes to something different, such as:


#12896 FileZilla fails to save settings on Windows 11 if Notepad is uninstalled normal wontfix 14 months Windows


If Notepad is uninstalled, FileZilla fails to save settings as formats may become messed up and displays this error.


Associated program not found: C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

If you remove the first few lines, it will display errors as for some reason, format is incorrect in many of those filetypes (never touched this window)

Solving is easy as you just remove misspelled settings and add quotes, but it's weird that FileZilla even created such associations in the first place.

1137 "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %f conf "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %f htaccess "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %f log "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %f php "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %f txt "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %f

#12900 Error saving/loading queue normal worksforme 13 months Windows

I just updated my FileZilla client for the first time in a while (via the prompt on startup), and after that it started giving me an error message every time it started or closed the program. The error on starting was:

An error occurred loading the transfer queue from
Some queue items might not have been restored.

The error on closing was almost identical:

An error occurred saving the transfer queue to
Some queue items might not have been saved.

Additional information:

  • The program is installed to a different drive than the folder it is trying to write to. It is located at "E:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client" and the folder it is trying to write to is on the C drive (listed above). Not sure if this is relevant or not, but you said to be verbose.
  • The file did exist in the location the program was looking, and the previous version of the client could read and write to it just fine.
  • The error messages stopped showing up when I deleted queue.sqlite3 and let the program regenerate the file, although I have kept the old queue.sqlite3 just in case. This means that the issue is solved for me, but I figured you might still want to know that this file isn't always compatible if you forget to update for a while and then go up by a couple versions at once.
#12905 Filezilla Error On Illegal Windows Characters normal worksforme 13 months Windows

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-03-03 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.0

Operating system:

Name: Windows 11 (build 22621), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\TR\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

Issue-This version of Filezilla is not handling illegal characters correctly. Previous versions have not had this specific trouble to replace illegal characters from the server while transferring to a Windows system.

The attached screenshot shows 3 files that failed transfer from server to Windows directory due to the illegal Windows character colon (:) present in the 3 files. The first transfer initiated using the filezilla preference of Automatic for FTP File Types resulted in the 3 files failing.

When I changed the Filezilla preference to Binary for FTP File Types and retried the folder download, the same 3 files failed.

This is not correct behavior and is also strange because in the Filezilla queue area the illegal character colon has been replaced with underscore. You can confirm that the illegal character exists on the server by reviewing the 2 highlighted files on the server side of Filezilla remote window.

Local Directory

"T:\pathfinder\199800 Fantastic Four 1_2 (Wizard).cbr" "T:\pathfinder\199800 Generation X 1_2 02 of 02 covers.cbz" "T:\pathfinder\199800 Spider-Man 1_2 (Wizard) 02 of 02 covers.cbz"

Remote Directory

"\199800 Fantastic Four 1:2 (Wizard).cbr" "\199800 Generation X 1:2 02 of 02 covers.cbz" "\199800 Spider-Man 1:2 (Wizard) 02 of 02 covers.cbz"

Note: When I initially tried to download multiple directories that contained illegal characters, filezilla basically crashed (no further input or output from filezilla window). Filezilla needed to be closed completely and restarted in order to resume normal operations.

By trial and error I was able to figure out that the illegal characters in the directories was what Filezilla took issue with. I decided to download the files individually from the server to see if it could complete successfully and they did. (See the 3 files outside of the directories in the screenshot). So, Filezilla can transfer files with illegal characters correctly individually, but from within a directory queue Filezilla is failing to transfer correctly.

I also confirmed that the files could be downloaded successfully with the illegal characters replaced by installing WinSCP and queuing the 5 directories I tried with Filezilla. All directories were successfully downloaded using the Automatic File Type preference and the illegal colon (:) characters were replaced with %3A.

#12907 Cannot connect to Filezilla server normal rejected 13 months Windows

Since last week, one of my customer cannot connect to FileZilla server. Keep in mind that it was working before. One of her colleague is able to connect to the server on the same network and I can connect with her account on another network. In the window, it says:

AUTH TLS 502 - Auth command is not supported. 502 - Please contact your network administrtator to enable FTPS service

What cause this issue?

#12909 Server Trust Certificate normal worksforme 13 months Windows

My problem is exactly as described in Bug Report 12199, but I could not find an answer to it. When connecting to the server the certificate shows that it is not trusted and the buttons to override that and force trust are greyed out. If I use OK and move on it does connect. I have had my ISP check that the certificate is correct, and it is. Sadly it cost me a lot of money to do that. See attachments. I am using the latest Filezilla (it automatically updates, so that is always the case). This happens on both my machines which are Windows 10 Pro 22H2 and Windows 10 Home 21H2.

#12914 unable to connect with filezilla server high worksforme 13 months Windows

filezilla client connected, but the not listing the directory. Error " Could not retrieve directory listing Error listing directory '/'."

Kindly help me resolve this issue

#12915 FileZilla Pro no longer working/updated normal rejected 13 months Windows

02 May - please see attached file. FileZilla is not working on my machine & IT and cybersecurity have exhausted all options.

I downloaded FileZilla Pro earlier this week and had NO issues with it until yesterday. I kept getting the "421 Proxy is closed" error. I upgraded to the newest version of FileZilla yesterday, checked all my network connections, etc. and roped in IT--they couldn't find any issues and were already allowing the app. I've run every diagnostic and nothing is working. Like I mentioned before, I don't have an IT background & have tried just about everything. Any suggestions? Below is the message log...

Status: Connecting to <server name>... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11 Command: open "<server name>" 22 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of <server name> Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 421 Proxy is closed Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of <server name> Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 421 Proxy is closed Error: Could not connect to server Top

#12932 Drag & Drop operation failed on FZ client 3.64.0 high fixed 11 months Windows

When start drag from my PC and the cursor fall over (not drop) the tree of remote server the software give the error "Drag & drop failed"

#12939 Active Filetransfer terminated after TCP Window Size 0 reply normal rejected 11 months Windows

Steps to reproduce

  1. Upload a large file (I tried a 1 TiB file) to a proftpd server with "slow" disks using default settings in active mode.
  2. Once all disk caches on the server are filled (which happened always somewhere around 12 GiB) and the server has to sync the data to disk, it'll set the TCP Window Size to 0 while the data is written and synced.
  3. After that, it'll increase the window size again to continue the transfer.

Expected behavior

FileZilla should consider this an active connection (as long as the tcp window size probes are still ACked ofc), report a 0 byte/s current transfer speed, and continue normally once the window size has been increased again.

Current behavior

FileZilla terminates the file transfer with the reason "connection timed out", probably because of oversight within the timeout logic. It probably only checks for 0 bytes/s transferred instead of also checking if the TCP connection is still alive and only set to a window size of 0. Funnily FileZilla tries to restart the connection but then fails because the temporary ".in.*" file still exists (A 2nd bug, or do we hit some kind of edge case here?) Also noteworthy, the retry setting was set to 5, but FileZilla did only one automatic retry and then failed the transfer. Also, the 10-second delay between retries was not honored here, as the retry happened instantly after the reset was sent to the server. And also noteworthy is that FileZilla will delete the partial upload from the server once it failed the transfer...


Go into the options and set the timeout to 0.

But this has still undesirable side effects like no timeouts are detected anymore and the transfer will therefore get stuck completely once an actual timeout happens.

(Admittedly, another workaround is to set the delay kinda high to 5 minutes or so, but even though it would work for this connection, it'll unnecessarily slow down other transfers to different servers and also not correctly detect the connection state. It'd only work if the server manages to sync and accept data again within 5 minutes.)

Proposed fix

1st Add a TCP connection state check into the timeout detection logic (not a timeout if still packages are exchanged, see screenshot for example connection) 2nd And (maybe) add an additional option within the connection timeout section for backward compatibility like "☑️ treat a Zero TCP Window Size as timed out" with a default value of being unchecked (Enabling this option will result in the current behavior again). 3rd (purely visual), fix the connection speed that is shown in the UI, currently it never shows 0, not even if "Display momentary transfer speed instead of average speed" is enabled. 4th If the reconnect logic triggers a reset of an active file transfer, it should expect the temporary ".in.*" file already be present and automatically resume it instead of failing the transfer because it already exists. (My default file exists action is set to "Ask for action" btw, but it also didn't ask, it just failed the (unnecessarily triggered) retry) 5th honor the reconnect settings also for automatic reconnects (amount and delay in-between).

#12962 'Check for FileZilla updates Automatically' option is not being respected by program. low rejected 9 months Windows

Hi team,

I have my version to not to check for updates, and yet everytime I start up FileZilla it tells me there is an update available.

I'm running FileZilla 3.62.2

We run it on computers that need admin access to update and so it's just an extra step each day to remove the pop up prompt.

Cheers, Steve

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.62.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2022-11-22 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.7.8

Operating system:

Name: Windows Server 2016 (build 17763), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12973 local tree low worksforme 9 months Windows

Dear good morning, for some time it is impossible for me to see the download of files from the server to the local folder tree. Im use Windows 7

#12984 Directory listing problem with using minio ftp normal rejected 8 months Windows


We are using minio cluster and activated ftp feature. Then we tried to connect with filezilla on a windows machine. It is connecting successfully, and listing buckets fine. But when we tried to get in a bucket, we can't see folders.

PS: When we use MacoS everything is fine. On windows , when we try winscp, it is listing successfully. Only filezilla can't.

#12990 FileZilla installer FileZilla_3.65.0_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe has viruses normal rejected 8 months Windows

FileZilla installer FileZilla_3.65.0_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe has viruses:

CrowdStrike Falcon Win/grayware_confidence_60% (D)

ESET-NOD32 A Variant Of Win32/PlayaNext.B Potentially Unwanted

Rising PUA.PlayaNext!8.188A6 (CLOUD)

#12992 Unable to Connect to The Server normal rejected 8 months Windows

I am trying to launch the FileZilla Client and keep receiving the error message below. It has been updated to the latest version and we are still unable to connect.

Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server". Error: Could not connect to server

#12999 Check for updates is set at "NEVER" yet it asks me to update every day? v3.64.0 normal worksforme 7 months Windows

Filezilla client v3.64.0 under Windows asks me to update almost every time I launch it, because there's a new version available, but: 1) Check for FileZilla updates automatically is set at "NEVER". 2) It doesn't even know what the new version is and only shows "Unfortunately information about the new update could not be retrieved." If an user chooses to not automatically check for updates, why is Filezilla spamming them with a new update dialog that doesn't even contain any useful information to begin with?

#13002 Icon in system tray stay after program closed low wontfix 6 months Windows

Steps to reproduce:

  • Run FileZilla
  • Connect to an FTP server
  • Upload anything (now systray icon appears)
  • Exit FileZilla

Ooops... icon in systray stil exists and disappears only after hovering mouse over it. Taskmon shows that FileZilla already unloaded and not running.

It starts after upgrading to 3.65.0 (from 3.64.x I suppose) and still exists on 3.66.1.

#13008 SFTP Timeout after update 3.66.1 blocker rejected 6 months Windows

I updated FZ to 3.66.1 and when I try connect (sftp ssh protocol) I receive the same error message:

Status: Connecting to (IP)... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11 Command: open "(IP)" port Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to (IP)... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11 Command: open "(IP)" (port) Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

I have tried from another PC and have the same problem after update. I did not have this problem with the previous version of the client.

#13021 FileZilla Application Flagged as Malware by Windows Defender critical rejected 6 months Windows

Dear Support Team,

I wanted to bring to your attention that the FileZilla Application is currently being flagged as malware by Windows Defender. Additionally, upon checking the file and URL with VirusTotal, both are identified as suspicious or potentially harmful.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your guidance on resolving this issue.

Best regards,

#13040 File comparison shows green when files are not the same size normal worksforme 5 months Windows

When using the file comparison feature, files are marked lightgreen when they in fact are not the same size and/or have different dates and times. Happens on different webhosters in different transfer modes SFTP, FTP and FTP/TLS. I realized this a few months ago, but thought the failure would be fixed shortly. Seems not.

#13044 Checks for updates is performed even when the option is fully disabled normal outdated 4 months Windows

FileZilla seems to check for updates even if I set the option to "Never" and it pops up "New version available" window at startup which is very annoying when you launch FZ to do something urgently.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.65.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-07-10 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.0

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq lm

#13051 The tab key will not move away from the log high fixed 4 months Windows

When navigating the main window of the client with tab and shift+tab, navigation seems to get stuck in the log. In other words, when keyboard focus is on the log, nothing happens when I press tab or shift+tab. I review the log often and I use a screen reader, so being able to use this kind of navigation is critical, and many screen reader users don't use a mouse at all. I discovered it is still possible to use the F6 key to move away from the log, which is a good workaround but not one that will be obvious to many. I do not know if this occurs on non-Windows operating systems but I did verify it on two Windows 10 machines. Marking high priority because even if it affects a small number of people, not being able to exit the log is arguably a blocker to being able to successfully use the client, and on the development side it seems like a small regression.

#13052 Client 3.66.4 Uninstall fails to clean up after itself normal worksforme 3 months Windows

Original issue was that I had FileZilla displaying on 2nd monitor attached to my notebook. Thereafter, without 2nd monitor attached, FileZilla displayed at the extreme right edge of the screen and I was unable to drag it over.

This is the kind of situation a clean reinstall should resolve, but after uninstall, reboot, and reinstall, the problem persisted. I had to go through Windows registry and delete every FileZilla key I could find to resolve the issue.

Then it displayed correctly upon reinstall, but another problem appeared, as reported in bug #13048 "new Bug report". I was getting "error loading the transfer queue from "C:\User\patri\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\queue.sqlite3".

This required uninstalling again, then deleting the FileZilla folder at C:\Users\userAppData\Roaming\.

After another uninstall, reboot, reinstall, finally everything working well.

#13055 FileZilla 3.66.5 executable contains no version information high fixed 3 months Windows

Hello, I downloaded and installed the latest Windows 64-bit FileZilla v3.66.5 yesterday and have discovered the filezilla.exe executable contains no version information as existed in the previous versions Without this version information it is not possible to detect the correct version has been installed with automated deployment tools (such as SCCM or Intune) FileZilla.exe v3.66.5 properties will be attached as an image once the ticket has been created

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