Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (3701 - 3800 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1959 file type as separate column ( for sort) Feature request normal Other
#1960 Not able to upload files to directory Feature request normal Other
#1962 Multiple Connections Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1963 My Desktop, My Documents etc in the directory list Feature request normal Unknown
#1964 Windows "root" structure (Desktop directory) Feature request normal Other
#1966 Internal editor for "View/Edit" Feature request normal Other
#1968 Many(!?) features requested of SmartFTP... Feature request normal Other outdated
#1970 No LAN Access Feature request high Other
#1971 treeview sort Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1972 auto-open directory on single click (local) Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1973 FileZilla Server -- IP Access Rules Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed
#1974 user- or directory-size limits Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#1975 Play sound (.wav) after transfer Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1977 SFTP support Feature request normal Other
#1978 Edit remote file Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1980 Systray icon changes Feature request normal Unknown fixed
#1981 User profiles Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1982 status bar: add Total Transfer Speed Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1984 interface 'skin' support Feature request normal Unknown
#1985 server, see the current download by users Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#1986 Moving remote files Feature request normal Other
#1987 MD5 checking Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1988 [FileZilla Server] Enhance I18N for better L10N Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#1990 Multi-threading to speed up uploads Feature request normal Other
#1991 support for BACK button Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#1992 openSSH public key authentication Feature request normal Other
#1995 ability to change file protection level Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#1997 IPv6 Support in client Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1998 Automatic (transfer)backup feature Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#1999 Disconnect notice after queue transfer when disconnected Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2002 Minimize Button to Systemtray Feature request normal Other
#2003 Directory Log (Save as Text) Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2004 Queue: drag and drop & others to change order Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#2007 Folder synchronization Feature request normal Other
#2008 Remember GUI settings Feature request normal Unknown
#2009 my wish lists Feature request normal Other
#2010 Filezilla server sync. Feature request normal FileZilla Server invalid
#2012 Case sensitivity... Feature request normal Other
#2013 Remember remote site directories Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2014 Case Sensitivity workaround... Feature request normal Other
#2015 Pause queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2017 Legacy FS Support Feature request low FileZilla Client outdated
#2018 upload/download buttons with arrows Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2020 Allow 4-digit values in Feature request normal Unknown
#2021 Add the ability to filter out files and/or directories Feature request normal Other
#2022 Server: User assigned to mutliple groups Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#2024 Server : "Connect to server" dialog Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#2025 Client : automatic detection of ressources in the Installer Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2026 Daylight Savings Time (DST) offset Feature request normal Other
#2027 quickconnect sftp and password saving Feature request normal Other
#2028 System tray info Feature request normal Other
#2030 secure MD5 login Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2031 fix PASV ip Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2033 show local network (Windows?) in local tree view Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2036 Enhancement: Toolbar buttons for transfer type Feature request normal Other
#2040 Option to automatically ignore certain files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2043 Force remote file names to lower case Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2047 SSH (SFTP / SCP) for the Server Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2048 Synchronization between local and remote directories Feature request normal Other
#2049 Overwrite options -> Where file size is larger Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2050 drag and drop Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2052 Support additional languages in the FileZilla Server Interface Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2056 Pop up notice of Completing Jobs Feature request normal Unknown
#2057 windows networking support Feature request normal Other
#2059 Automatic Disconnection Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2060 SSL alert icon Feature request normal Unknown
#2062 Remote & Local Path Feature request normal Unknown
#2064 Adding IDN support Feature request normal Other
#2065 Opening second remote folder should work and cancel first Feature request normal Other
#2066 Refresh will highlight file changes Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2068 "open" or "open with" in local filelist Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2069 Dutch language support Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2070 [FilleZilla Server] File disallow Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2071 Custom actions for various events (file upload etc.) Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#2072 PASV min and max port range Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2073 "Always Use" when file exists behavior Feature request normal Other
#2077 Shared Files And Network Drives Support Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#2079 Map FTP as network drive Feature request normal Other
#2083 Queue sorting Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2085 ASCII/Binary toolbar button & sound indication of transfer Feature request normal Other
#2087 control channel only tls Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#2088 Support for IDNA Feature request normal Other
#2089 Put sites from Site Manager in Quickconnect dropdown Feature request normal Unknown
#2091 Feature Request: virtual file system Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2092 show Desktop folder (on Windows) Feature request normal Other
#2093 Need to change commands to lower case. Feature request normal Other
#2094 [FileZilla Server] CHMOD Support Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#2095 Pane Layout Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2096 Combining WinSCP + Filezilla Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#2099 improve the way symbolic links are displayed Feature request normal Unknown
#2100 improve the way symbolic links are displayed Feature request normal Unknown
#2102 Support for New Extension Commands (MLSD,MDTM...) Feature request normal Unknown
#2103 Support for SSL with Clear Command Channel Feature request normal Other
#2104 change to view/edit on remote server Feature request normal Unknown
#2105 [Client] SSH Public/Private Key Authentication Feature request normal Other
#2107 Number of connections limitation by site Feature request normal Other
#2108 Synchronize folders Feature request normal Other
#2109 AceFTP vs FileZilla (interface) Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2110 Adding a file filter Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2112 IP blocking needed Feature request normal FileZilla Server
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.