Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (2501 - 2600 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#4224 hang when launchig with URL in command line Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4226 Cannot create directory called "form" Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4227 Pasword problem Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4228 Filetype Associations Error on Transfer Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4231 Connection timed out Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4233 File Last Modified Date is not Right on Newer Files Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4234 Transfert abort after 5 440 octets with delay expired Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4237 Some files are not shown Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4238 Filezilla crashes on startup Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4240 Latest update destroyed zilla this is the worst!!!! Anyone that can help NOW Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4241 DDE association not working Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4242 Unnecessary connection to skip file upload Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4244 Directory listing fails over FTPS Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4245 FZ MacOsX client crashes during opening Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4246 Upload file twice when submit subfolders Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4247 Ohloh mirror offline: 502 Bad Gateway Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4248 file replacing in remote server Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4250 Failure to open associated software Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4251 FileZilla 0.9.30 beta Unhandled Exception Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4252 Mac issues Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4253 Open Folder with a lot of files Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4254 cant go up in file list. Bug report low FileZilla Client invalid
#4255 FileZilla Server.exe crashes during Windows shutdown Bug report normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#4256 Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4258 The application Filezilla quit unexpectedly - after upgrade Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4259 not all ftp folders are vissible Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4260 * at end of name after rename Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4261 Character encoding bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4262 Crash after Apple Security Update 2009-001 Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4263 file size 0 after transfer Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4264 Filezilla fails to start for no apparent reason Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4266 downloaded latest update and cannot open my files Bug report low FileZilla Client fixed
#4267 Errors on Files with names beginning with numbers Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4268 bug:cannot open file for writing Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4269 Filezilla.xml crash when moving from PC to MAC Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4270 cannot verify certificate Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4273 if use socks5 proxy, filezilla ignore "use the server's external IP address instead" setting Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4274 Navigating to drive list through .. filelist item Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4275 Downloading files to wrong directories Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4276 3.2.2 doesn't handle download of directory tree correctly Bug report high FileZilla Client duplicate
#4277 cannot open files...associated program error Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4278 Issues With Shell Transfer Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4279 Cannot Delete Remote Directory Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4281 Cannot connect to SFTP-SSH server on port 22 Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4282 Rename text-area still exists when switching folders Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4286 remote dir list bug. Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4287 multiple versions of same user in quick connect list Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4288 Failed to retrieve directory listing from AS/400 FTP server Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4291 Activity indicator lights not working in Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4295 Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4296 Crash on the second start after update from 3.2.0 to on Vista Home Basic SP1 Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4297 No local directory tree for network file server Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4298 Floppy impassible by arrow keys Jeff Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4299 Editor Configuration using old editor even after editor change Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4301 Cannot download files with "%" char in file names Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4302 Can not download long nemed file Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4303 doesn't remember settings for overwrite files Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4304 Zip files are seen as directories by Filezilla client Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4305 Can't transfer files from a folder named with French characters Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4307 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload + critical error + contact admin in forum Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4309 Upload of large files completes, but shows zero bytes on server Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4311 MVS empty directory not connected to any server Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4312 A way to disable the "Theme" which slowly scans all files in the folder Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4313 Automatically downloaded xxx-setup.exe doesn't start Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4316 Unhandled exception: Access Violation reading location 0x00000004 Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4317 FileZilla & Wacom Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4319 Filezilla crashes when trying to transfer Files with diacritic marks Bug report low FileZilla Client invalid
#4320 I can't access my account with FileZilla Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4321 Popup menu entries are black until the mouse hovers them Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4324 Queue file sizes incorrect (skips 1GiB) Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4325 m4v files are unconditionally labelled "Video (protected)" Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4328 remote file edit problem when editing multiple files with same name but in different folder Bug report high FileZilla Client fixed
#4329 not showing uploads Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4330 Cannot upload mp3 files, but can upload all other text correction Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4331 Directory listing includes date as part of filename when connected to xbfilezilla Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4335 FileZilla doesn't work with non-english filenames Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4336 View/Edit function doesn't work for two files or more Levani Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4337 Problem login to windows by using of filezilla server Bug report low FileZilla Server invalid
#4338 3.2.3-rc1 crashes with synchronized browsing sites Bug report blocker FileZilla Client fixed
#4339 sorting for last modified does not work properly Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4341 Resizing a column in the transfer queue pane causes a crash Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4342 "Econnrefused" Message Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4343 Transfering 1 file it's getting transferred multiple times Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4344 Incorrect sort order - Remote site Bug report high FileZilla Client duplicate
#4345 can't change local folder when in sync mode, only can do in remote pane Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4346 Multi-level directories and files upload problem Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4348 Not sorting remote directory Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4349 Failed to retrieve directory listing Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4350 upgrade not saving settings Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4351 Server Interface cannot auto-connect to the server Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4354 Classic Theme not sticking Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4355 ftp corrupted during upload Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4356 When upgrading from 3.2.1 to 3.2.3 "classic icons" theme not retained through app restart Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4357 CRITICAL **: clearlooks_style_draw_flat_box: assertion `width >= -1' failed Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4358 Editor paths containing single quotes Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4359 Export function in versions and 3.2.3 crashes program Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4360 long file names Bug report low FileZilla Server outdated
#4364 Performance with huge queues (700k files) Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4365 Open Crystal theme unchangeable Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4367 Automatically remove successful transfers doesn't work (Mac OS X) Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
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