Custom Query (10423 matches)


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Results (8701 - 8800 of 10423)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#11775 Problem connecting to SFTP using ssh key and password new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, we are connecting to multiple servers using FileZilla but are unable to connect to a server that is requiring both key+password. The only option in FileZilla for establish the connection, is to use the "interactive" mode which works fine. However, we would like to use FileZilla for all our FTP work so please add this combination also. Now we have to use WinSCP for this work and that program is... well... it has a less look and feel, lets stick with that.

#11779 Filezilla SFTP Client see folders as regular files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using a customized SFTP Server, which works with SFTP version 3. The connection process is working good, also the init process: Filezilla client send SSH_FXP_INIT with version 3 to my_sftp_server( runs on OpenSUSE 42.3 ), and my_sftp_server respond with version 3.

But when listing in root directory( '/' ) is made the directories from root directory are seen as regular files( the folders are 'Hold' and 'Print' ).

If i write on Remote Site panel explicitly the folder name then then i can access the folder.

Here are traces in Verbose mode:

Status: Connecting to gjdev242.spr... Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpDeleteOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: Going to execute C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\fzsftp.exe Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Trace: CSftpDeleteOpData::ParseResponse() in state 0 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpDeleteOpData::Send() in state 3 Command: open "aiurca@…" 22 Trace: Connecting to port 22 Trace: We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.37.4 Trace: Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2 Trace: Using SSH protocol version 2 Trace: Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256 Trace: Server also has ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/ssh-dss/ssh-rsa host keys, but we don't know any of them Trace: Host key fingerprint is: Trace: ssh-ed25519 256 45:2e:1c:66:89:3c:4c:75:63:11:20:6f:a8:9f:aa:83 C2WUhxiha662r7sZPzjr1ns39x9j1JQkkwCbcsDRo+8= Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher) Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher) Trace: Attempting keyboard-interactive authentication Trace: Using keyboard-interactive authentication. inst_len: 0, num_prompts: 1 Command: Pass: Trace: Access granted Trace: Opening session as main channel Trace: Opened main channel Trace: Started a shell/command Status: Connected to gjdev242.spr Trace: CSftpDeleteOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CSftpDeleteOpData::Reset(0) in state 3 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 1 Command: pwd Response: Current directory is: "/" Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::Reset(0) in state 1 Trace: CSftpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 2 Trace: CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 3 Command: ls Status: Listing directory / Trace: CSftpListOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CSftpListOpData::Reset(0) in state 3 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful

#11781 invalid GnuTLS ciphers string for GnuTLS >= 3.6 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


As GnuTLS >= 3.6 drops OpenPGP certificates support, when Filezilla 3.37.4 is compiled with GnuTLS >= 3.6, connection with "FTP over TLS" will fail with "GnuTLS error -50 in gnutls_priority_set_direct: The request is invalid".

Connection error detail :

Status:	Resolving address of
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status:	Initializing TLS...
Error:	GnuTLS error -50 in gnutls_priority_set_direct: The request is invalid.
Error:	Failed to initialize TLS.
Error:	Could not connect to server

Root cause:

After searching the code, it occured in file "/engine/tlssocket_impl.cpp"

char const ciphers[] = "SECURE256:+SECURE128:-ARCFOUR-128:-3DES-CBC:-MD5:+SIGN-ALL:-SIGN-RSA-MD5:+CTYPE-X509:-CTYPE-OPENPGP:-VERS-SSL3.0";

remove "-CTYPE-OPENPGP" will solve the problem.

char const ciphers[] = "SECURE256:+SECURE128:-ARCFOUR-128:-3DES-CBC:-MD5:+SIGN-ALL:-SIGN-RSA-MD5:+CTYPE-X509:-VERS-SSL3.0";

Test method:

Assue GnuTLS >= 3.6 is compiled in /opt/filezilla3, use gnutls-cli to test priority string:

[ ~]$ PATH=/opt/filezilla3/bin:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/filezilla3/lib64:/opt/filezilla3/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/filezilla3/bin/gnutls-cli  -l --priority="SECURE256:+SECURE128:-ARCFOUR-128:-3DES-CBC:-MD5:+SIGN-ALL:-SIGN-RSA-MD5:+CTYPE-X509:-CTYPE-OPENPGP:-VERS-SSL3.0"

The result contains error:

Syntax error at: -CTYPE-OPENPGP:-VERS-SSL3.0

remove "-CTYPE-OPENPGP":

[ ~]$ PATH=/opt/filezilla3/bin:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/filezilla3/lib64:/opt/filezilla3/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/filezilla3/bin/gnutls-cli  -l --priority="SECURE256:+SECURE128:-ARCFOUR-128:-3DES-CBC:-MD5:+SIGN-ALL:-SIGN-RSA-MD5:+CTYPE-X509:-VERS-SSL3.0"


Cipher suites for SECURE256:+SECURE128:-ARCFOUR-128:-3DES-CBC:-MD5:+SIGN-ALL:-SIGN-RSA-MD5:+CTYPE-X509:-VERS-SSL3.0
TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384                            	0x13, 0x02	TLS1.3
TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256                      	0x13, 0x03	TLS1.3
TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256                            	0x13, 0x01	TLS1.3
TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256                            	0x13, 0x04	TLS1.3
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384                	0xc0, 0x2c	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20_POLY1305                 	0xcc, 0xa9	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1                  	0xc0, 0x0a	TLS1.0
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_CCM                       	0xc0, 0xad	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256                	0xc0, 0x2b	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1                  	0xc0, 0x09	TLS1.0
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_CCM                       	0xc0, 0xac	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384                  	0xc0, 0x30	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20_POLY1305                   	0xcc, 0xa8	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1                    	0xc0, 0x14	TLS1.0
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256                  	0xc0, 0x2f	TLS1.2
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1                    	0xc0, 0x13	TLS1.0
TLS_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384                        	0x00, 0x9d	TLS1.2
TLS_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1                          	0x00, 0x35	TLS1.0
TLS_RSA_AES_256_CCM                               	0xc0, 0x9d	TLS1.2
TLS_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256                        	0x00, 0x9c	TLS1.2
TLS_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1                          	0x00, 0x2f	TLS1.0
TLS_RSA_AES_128_CCM                               	0xc0, 0x9c	TLS1.2
TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384                    	0x00, 0x9f	TLS1.2
TLS_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20_POLY1305                     	0xcc, 0xaa	TLS1.2
TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1                      	0x00, 0x39	TLS1.0
TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_256_CCM                           	0xc0, 0x9f	TLS1.2
TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256                    	0x00, 0x9e	TLS1.2
TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1                      	0x00, 0x33	TLS1.0
TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_128_CCM                           	0xc0, 0x9e	TLS1.2

Ciphers: AES-256-GCM, CHACHA20-POLY1305, AES-256-CBC, AES-256-CCM, AES-128-GCM, AES-128-CBC, AES-128-CCM
Key Exchange Algorithms: ECDHE-ECDSA, ECDHE-RSA, RSA, DHE-RSA


#11782 cannot drag file to mail app new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Before I could drag files from the local panel to the mail app icon in my dock, a new mail was created with the file as attachment. Noticed in 3.37.3 that this doesn't work any more.

#11783 Missing key file warning message blocks usage of sitemanager new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, first of all love the software! i've been using it for years now.

There is one thing that is bothering me allot!!! Enough so for lazy me to acctually make a ticket about it.

The situation: I have allot of sites over 50 in the sitemanager.

When i open the sitemanager and i want to go through the list i type in the first letter lets say "M". It jumps to the first item that begins with "M" awesome!

Lets say there are 2 items with "M" and i need the second one.

So i press the down arrow to go from the first item to the second item.

The second item is the actual one which i want to open, but now comes the problem :(

The first item has a SFTP setting and needs a keyfile from an secure/ecrypted usb stick and the settings are fine but the USB stick is not available at the moment.

Now in order to go to the second item i have to fill in fake settings for the first item just so i can use or select the second item and avoid the error message that says "cannot find the keyfile".

So now i have allot of settings in my sitemanager that won't work just so i can use the sitemanager?!

Question: Can this be changed or fixed or be less obstructive in nature?

Idea: Maybe a extra checkbox that says "external keyfile" so you can avoid the errormessage and aslong as the file does not exist it's just not possible to connect this way you can still use the sitemanager.

Why not save localy: We need the USB stick for security reasons and cannot store it localy or point to a always existing location this goes against are security policy.

It was kinda hard to explain but i hope it makes sense i would love to see a change/patch for this.

With kind regards.


#11784 Site Manager Synchronised Browsing setting is not restored with reconnect button new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The Site Manager Synchronised Browsing setting for an account's entry is not restored on reconnecting using the 'Reconnect to the last used server' button.

#11787 FileZilla 3.38.0 (win64) crash when download (sftp) multiple files in queue closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I just run into a problem when downloading (via sftp) multiple files simultaneously. When starting to precess the queue, the filezilla client crash after a few seconds. When downloading a singe file, there is no problem. It's reproducible, I've tried this three times (rebooted the system between, etc.).

After downgrade to 3.37.4 (win64) all is fine again.

#11788 View/Edit remote html file adds superfluous slash to path new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce

  • Open a remote SFTP connection, have an HTML file on the server.
  • Right click the HTML file, select "View/Edit".
  • After transferring, FileZilla attempts to open the HTML file in the OS's default browser.
  • In the browser, the HTML file path has a superfluous slash "/" at the end, after the html extension.


  • If the default browser is Chrome, the HTML file cannot be opened correctly (workaround is to manually remove the slash in the address bar). If the default browser is Safari, the slash is still present at the end of the path, but Safari appears to ignore it and displays the HTML file.
  • Issue also occurs for local site, when selecting "Edit" on a local HTML file. Issue does not occur when selecting "Open" on a local HTML file.
#11789 Insecure FTP Connection closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

This error message began with version 3.37.4 and continues with new version 3.38.1. What does it mean and how do I fix it. Thanks...Peter

#11791 Filezilla ENETUNREACH error closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla ENETUNREACH error during FTP persists, even after adding Kaspersky exclusions to filezilla.exec. Please make previous Filezilla Client releases available even though they're not supported. Everything worked fine before I updated the Filezilla release.

#11792 Plain text file corruption closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Downloading a WP installation from a plesk server using no encryption (insecure) resulted in several of its core and plugin files downloaded with what I assume is some sort of binary/invalid data in them along plain text. Samples of the affected files include .CSS and .PHP files.

Attempting to copy the contents (copy-paste) results in truncated data up to the point of corruption.

There were no errors or warnings displayed on the log area during download.

Damage occurred during download and corrupted data was uploaded 'successfully' in that is seems to match the corrupted data.

A second attempt to download the same WP installation resulted in errors on the same files but damaged data occurred at different locations.

The sample files:

/blog/wp-content/plugins/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/vendor/Aws3/aws-autoloader.php /blog/wp-includes/css/dashicons.css

#11793 Show progress when deleting files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When deleting a lot of files, there is no progress visible (at the moment I'm deleting 18000 files from a server, that takes some time, and I'd really like to see how much has been done yet).

#11794 First site tab not shown closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Often I have many FTP sites open, so I got into the habit of looking at the tab title to see which site I am on.

However, when only one site is open there is no tab, no title, and no clue which site is open.

I know, I should be looking at the program's title bar, but I'm not used to that, looking at the tab seems 'easier' because it is closer to the files I'm working with.

So my feature request is: Can there be a single tab when only one site is open?

Take a look at the tabs in Firefox and Chrome. These programs also show a single tab when only one site is open. It seems the logical thing to do.

#11795 Filezilla tries to upload local files without being told to do so closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If I edit a local file selecting it from "Local site" pane, when I save the local file, Filezilla shows an alert box with the message "A file previously opened has been changed" and tries to upload it to the remote server.

I have tried to close Filezilla and open it again but the problem continues.

I have used phpDesigner 8.2 and Sublime Text 3.1.1 to edit the file and the result is the same.

#11796 Drag and Drop file to local app closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client
  • Open a local app such as Microsoft Paint
  • Drag an image file (*.png or *.jpg) from FileZilla's local folder tree to this app
  • The file can not be opened. An error message is displayed "C:\Windows\system32\XXX was not found

Replace XXX by some asian characters (I am not able to type them)

Similar issue with a different file:

  • Open a local app such as Notepad++
  • Drag an text file (*.txt) from FileZilla's local folder tree to this app
  • The file can not be opened. Nothing happens.
#11797 Add 'apply' button to Settings dialog new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Is there a way to add an Apply to the Settings dialog box? That way you don't have to click Ok and close the dialog box every time?

Kind regards

#11801 openstack swift login claims the identity server did not return a token closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I purchased Filezilla Pro so I could test out connectivity to our Openstack Swift storage ( we host three clusters around the world for our end users). I immediately run into an issue. We use Openstack Swift with the keystone identity service, with v2.0 being our standard identity protocol.

When I entered my project (aka tenent) and username and then hit connect, I got the following output:

00:47:34 Status: Resolving address of 00:47:34 Status: Connecting to 00:47:34 Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... 00:47:34 Status: Verifying certificate... 00:47:34 Status: TLS connection established, sending HTTP request 00:47:35 Status: Resolving address of 00:47:35 Status: Connecting to x.x.x.x:443... 00:47:35 Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... 00:47:35 Status: Verifying certificate... 00:47:35 Status: TLS connection established, sending HTTP request 00:47:35 Command: POST /v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1 00:47:35 Command: Connection: close 00:47:35 Command: Content-Length: 110 00:47:35 Command: Content-Type: application/json 00:47:35 Command: Host: 00:47:35 Command: User-Agent: FileZilla/3.38.1 00:47:35 Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 00:47:35 Response: Server: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu) 00:47:35 Response: Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 08:47:35 GMT 00:47:35 Response: Content-Type: application/json 00:47:35 Response: Content-Length: 1508 00:47:35 Response: Connection: close 00:47:35 Response: Vary: X-Auth-Token 00:47:35 Response: X-Distribution: Ubuntu 00:47:35 Response: x-openstack-request-id: req-f760215c-4537-4ea8-8b17-05aca427fc 00:47:35 Error: Identity service did not return an auth token

If I typo the API KEY ( aka password) , I get 401. With all correct details, I get 200 OK as above, but it claims not to have a token, but it is returned. I've used Wireshark with the SSL decryption to confirm this.

The following JSON response was sent to Filezilla (I have changed the values but none of the keys ):

{"access": {"token": {"issued_at": "2018-11-20T08:28:45.000000Z", "expires": "2018-11-20T09:28:45.000000Z", "id": “blahbljbkgjbaekjrbgklaebgkjebgkjerbgejrkbgjkebgejkbg", "tenant": {"description": null, "enabled": true, "id": "6a4d4ca0536240a1b982391c88f0ec68", "name": “example"}, "audit_ids": [“Yrad3a_yx1e3l34"]}, "serviceCatalog": [{"endpoints": [{"adminURL": "", "region": "LAX", "internalURL": "", "id": "ccb6cd9aba0f452db42b3d4f4a2c049e", "publicURL": ""}], "endpoints_links": [], "type": "object-store", "name": "swift"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL": "", "region": "LAX", "internalURL": "", "id": "4213934b23294a96b2b8c553dcf00551", "publicURL": ""}], "endpoints_links": [], "type": "identity", "name": "keystone"}], "user": {"username": “david", "roles_links": [], "id": "4fae2db21d492881a68e4fe", "roles": [{"name": "_member_"}, {"name": "SwiftOperator"}], "name": “david"}, "metadata": {"is_admin": 0, "roles": ["9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878", "f3cdc7048c9945c56e108372"]}}}

'access' => 'tokens' => 'id' is the path to the valid token that would be accepted by swift for future requests ( as X-Auth-Token).

#11802 Version 3.38 does not allow uploads or downloads closed Bug report normal Other

I updated on the new version then connecting to 1und1 Ionos Server. I can see the liste of my files. Then trying to up or download gives me an error of connection. Status: Verbinde mit Antwort: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Befehl: open "pxxxxx@…" 22 Befehl: Pass: Fehler: Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Kritischer Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen

I imported the xml file and also did changes by hand: same result. deinstall the version and install an older version: No problems again update on new version with FileZilla_3.38.1_win64-setup.exe: again the problem arrives. Getting support from IONOS: No problem visible.

So it seems that there is a problem with filezilla.

Sorry, I'mnot sure of the difference between server and client. So I post it in Other

#11803 Openstack Swift - Large object support new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please can support for objects larger than 5GB be added to Filezilla Pro. I've checked the settings and I can't see a Large File option to enable.

At the moment, if content-lenth is greater than 5GB the Swift front end will respond immediately with a HTTP 413 error message.

Swift has two flavours of large file support, the older (somewhat deprecated) DLO (Dynamic large object) feature and the newer SLO ( Static Large Objects) feature. In a nutshell, to make a SLO object which is larger then 5GB, you upload the file in chunks < 5GB in size and then once all parts are uploaded you upload a JSON manifest which references the chunks. The emphasis is put on the uploading element as the manifest can be referenced as a normal object by an end-user for download, and the Swift proxy streams the chunks into one object as the download occurs.

It is possible for SLO to be disabled on a storage cluster, but I would not recommend DLO be used solely based on that fact, as it does have some limitations and is generally not recommended for new deployments.

FYI. We (Sohonet) contributed the SLO feature support for Cyberduck, which was accepted.

#11805 Cannot Connect to Server or Uopdate Filezilla closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Dear Filezilla,

  1. Since the last but one update version of Filezilla I have been unable to connect to my FTP Host at 1&1; prior to this update all was working fine. I have checked my connection parameters and all are correct. I have also downloaded another FTP Client (CoreFTP LE) this morning and applied the same parameters and that is working fine connecting to my FTP Host without problems. The connection failure is shown below:

Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Command: open "u40428120@…" 22 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Command: open "u40428120@…" 22 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

  1. Also, Filezilla fails on Checking for Updates with the message "Information about the latest version of Filezilla could not be retrieved. Please try again later.". My Internet connection is working fine in both Chrome and Firefox and also in Opera; and works fine with CoreFTP LE.

I urgently need Filezilla to upload changes to my websites. Anything you can suggest would be gratefully received. I have tried uninstalling Filezilla and reinstalling from scratch with a complete reset of parameters to no avail.

Cheers and thanks, Steve J. McWilliam

#11807 Continuous Duplicate File Downloads moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Files that have already been received and deleted/transferred from the FTP are re-downloading and creating duplicates. This is happening on my end and on my manager's end. We have 13 to 14 users on our FTP site and I am the only person she is getting duplicate files from and I am the only one getting duplicate files in my queue as well. This began after downloading the latest version of FileZilla yesterday. I have restarted my computer and the errors continue.

#11808 Allow key file reference to not exist new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Whenever you save a configuration in the site manager, it is possible to select the key file for the logon type.

Unfortunately, the key file always has to exist in order to be able to leave the configuration. I have some key files on external devices and therefore the path is not always available. When I want to connect to another configuration, I can not click on this configuration since the still open configuration gives me an error the key file can not be found.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create site A, choose for logon type 'key file'
  2. Add a key file from an existing location
  3. Create site B, it does not matter what you configure here
  4. Connect to site A
  5. Close filezilla
  6. The last item you connected to was Site A, so this is still selected in the Site manager. Now delete the key file (or move it) like you are disconnecting the storage volume the key file is stored on.
  7. Try connecting to site B. This is not possible due to the key file not existing.

Since it does not matter our key file is not available at this moment, since we are trying to connect to Site B (not A), this error should not be in the way of selecting another configuration.

#11809 timeout and WHM/cPanel closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The user successfully logs in. But then, nothing... the directory listing cannot be retrieved... the timeout is reached.

When this happens, in addition to the messages that are already being displayed in the status log textarea at the top of the application, the end-user should get a pop-up with information.

The pop-up should say something about transfer modes, and it should say that the firewall of the server may be blocking incoming connections.

The well-known CSF firewall that almost everyone uses with WHM/cPanel installs has a TCP_IN that does not include the 30000:50000 range.

FileZilla is such a well-known client that, again and again, our customers kept running into this issue. We've been telling them for years to use WinSCP and to avoid FileZilla. I've personally told many customers to avoid FileZilla because it doesn't work properly. Clearly, WinSCP can do something that FileZilla cannot.

You have to make sure that end-users understand what's going on, and that they can ask their server administrator to open that TCP_IN port range.

Even if - hypothetically - what I'm writing above is nonsense, and I don't understand FTP or passive/active modes at all, there's still a problem. I'm the system administrator of several servers with up to a thousands accounts. Only today I figured out I can "fix" FileZilla for customers by changing CSF settings. If only the first FileZilla end-user who contacted me could've told me.

#11811 Regular Expressions with Quick Search closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Since updating to the latest FileZilla, I am unable to use regular expressions with quick search. In the past, I would search for files using RegEx like so: 18121[7-9]|18122[0-3] This would filter all files with names except 181217 through 181223. Now when I try this, no files are shown. Thanks for any help.

#11812 Configuration files not shown closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Configuration files are not shown anymore. I created a file .text. It is not shown. I tried to create again. I get the message, file already exists.

#11813 Wrong path at "File has changed" alert closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When editing a file by double-clic (using Notepad++), after saving changes and switch to FileZilla, it displays a wrong path and uses that wrong path to upload the file.

e.g. Local path C:\wamp64\www\cloud\i\bibliotecas\181224\plantillas\tienda\.producto(product-detail).php

Correct remote path: /var/www/i/bibliotecas/181224/plantillas/tienda/.producto(product-detail).php

Incorrect remote path /var/www/i/bibliotecas/.producto(product-detail).php

#11814 Slow upload over TLS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When uploading files while using explicit TLS connection the progress bar in queue log will reach 100% (file uploads) and stay at that point until the connection times out (after whatever amount of seconds I set in the settings). At this point the file is actually transferred (I've tried canceling the process queue and refreshing server listing) but filezilla marks the upload as failed and will retry to upload the same file asking me if I want to rewrite the existing file in the process.

It will do that for every file in the upload queue until it reaches the maximum number of retries.

This only happens on my linux machines and over TLS connection, if I boot windows on any of them, upload over TLS works flawlessly, so I suppose that rules out the server (vsFTPd 3.0.3 with virtual users running on Debian 9.6.0)

Correct ports are open on the server firewall and I've also tried disabling firewalls on both sides, didn't help.

Certificate was generated with certbot software package.

#11817 TLS error on running update Filezilla on Ubuntu 18.10 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Started update check on 2019-01-01 18:44:06 Own build type: custom Downloading /update.php?platform=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu&version=3.33.0&cpuid=sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4.1,sse4.2,avx,aes,pclmulqdq,rdrnd&initial=1 Resolving address of Connecting to [2a01:4f8:171:1ce9::4]:443... Connection established, initializing TLS... GnuTLS error -50 in gnutls_priority_set_direct: The request is invalid. Failed to initialize TLS. File transfer failed

#11818 Slash missing in file path in Rename File dialog closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

How to reproduce:

  1. Create a local file, for example 'index.html'
  2. Create a remote file with the same name
  3. Drag the file from the local directory to the remote directory (to copy the file)
  4. FileZilla detects that there's already a file called 'index.html'. It will ask what you want. Choose 'Rename' and click OK.
  5. A Rename File dialog is opened. The remote path should be [RemoteDir]/[Filename], however, the slash is missing.

Happy new year :-)

#11819 Make subdirectory selected after switched to parent directory new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Currently, after navigating to parent directory, the subdirectory the user just left is not selected or focused (at least in macOS). The attached patch makes it selected, focused and visible.

#11820 Datei im FZ-Fenster "Lokal" wird nicht aktualisiert closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Auf dem Rechner geänderte Dateien werden im FZ-Fenster "Lokal" nicht aktualisiert.

#11821 Feature Request: Keyboard shortcut to transfer directory closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would really appreciate a keyboard shortcut added to the application.

I upload transfer whole directories a lot during my working day and it would be great to be able to hit a key to transfer the currently selected directory.

The [ENTER] key currently transfers if the selected item is a file but expands it if it's a directory. Maybe we could have [SHIFT] + [ENTER] to transfer a directory. This would make my life so much easier using this application.


#11822 Filezilla client crashes on exit new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After uploading or downloading one or more files, version 3.39 crashes on exit

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: filezilla.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 00000000 Fault Module Name: libstdc++-6.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000000000001b2f3 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1043 Additional Information 1: 8107 Additional Information 2: 8107ab32977efe7eaaad9d563596cfe1 Additional Information 3: 5cf3 Additional Information 4: 5cf304666a1730f482ececb5fe09aed0

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:


#11823 Export function crashes program in version 3.39 on Windows 7 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Cannot export bookmarks, selecting File>Export causes program crash immediately after the export options dialog window opens.

Does not affect other Filezilla copies that may be open at the same time.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.39.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2018-11-30 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.22.0 GnuTLS: 3.5.19

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\West Fork\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11824 thousands separator not displayed in macOS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Thousands separator not displayed when set "use thousands separator" In filesize format pref pane.

Patch attached. Tested under macOS 10.13.6.

#11825 FileZilla doesn't show up on the MacOS App Switcher closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I use the app switcher (CMD+Tab) to switch between applications on MacOS. However, I've noticed recently that FileZilla no longer shows up on the list of running applications on the app switcher.

This means I have to have it visible, so that I can click in the app, or I have to click on the app in the task bar so that I can find it again.

#11826 Drive and directory selection option for both downloads and settings including updates. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

For most (p2p) programs this is a very easy option to add.

If option can only be set via manually writing to the settings text file, then on-board client options should be added for ease of use.

Reasons: 1. Privacy; account name becomes a part of the footprints for downloads.

  1. Not everybody wants to write to their system drive. Personally since my power mac days tried to keep the system drive just for the system (using partition) and G4 days system drive independent of all work and personal files by directing them to alternate drives. Past 11 years used an mp3,1 upgraded 2 years ago with SSD system drive. I wish to keep writes restricted to system’s demands (run 24/7); other 4 larger drives for work and personal files.

FileZilla 3.39.0 macosx Mac OSX 10.11.6 on mp3,1

#11827 Drive and directory selection option for both downloads and settings including updates. closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

For most (p2p) programs this is a very easy option to add.

If option can only be set via manually writing to the settings text file, then on-board client options should be added for ease of use.

Reasons: 1. Privacy; account name becomes a part of the footprints for downloads.

  1. Not everybody wants to write to their system drive. Personally since my power mac days tried to keep the system drive just for the system (using partition) and G4 days system drive independent of all work and personal files by directing them to alternate drives. Past 11 years used an mp3,1 upgraded 2 years ago with SSD system drive. I wish to keep writes restricted to system’s demands (run 24/7); other 4 larger drives for work and personal files.

FileZilla 3.39.0 macosx Mac OSX 10.11.6 on mp3,1

#11828 In Transfer Queue area, "Direction" arrows don't follow when columns are re-ordered closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the transfer queue, if I rearrange the columns during a transfer, the direction arrows don't follow the source -> destination.

In the attached screenshot, I'm downloading files but, after rearranging the columns to match where I have my Remote and Local views, the arrows in the "Direction" column make it look like I'm uploading.

Love the program! Thank you!

#11829 PROBLEME DE CONNECTION closed Other normal Other

pas moyen de me connecter ... help

#11831 Impossible to edit files with double clic closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Since the last version I can't edit files when I double clic on a file in the "server" columne. Before the last version I had no problem. It seems that the file is download but the associated program is don't launched, I have try to force the association for files with no success.

#11835 Échec de la tentative de connexion moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Bonjour j'ai un problème de connections avec le Serveur FileZilla J'ai entré mon adresse Ip ainsi que mon identifiant Lws avec mon mot de passe et sa plante je n'arrive à me connecter au serveur

Processeur inter (R) core ( TM ) i3-3217U CPU Systeme d'exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64 Edition Windows 8.1

Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Délai d'attente de 1 seconde suite à l'échec de la précédente tentative de connexion... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Réponse : fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Commande : open "LWS-353687@" 22 Erreur : Network error: Connection refused Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Réponse : fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Commande : open "LWS-353687@" 22 Erreur : Network error: Connection refused Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Connexion à Réponse : fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Commande : open "LWS-353687@" 22 Erreur : Connection interrompue après 20 secondes d'inactivité Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Réponse : fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Commande : open "LWS-353687@" 22 Erreur : Network error: Connection refused Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Le port sélectionné est habituellement utilisé par un autre protocole. Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Le port sélectionné est habituellement utilisé par un autre protocole. Statut : Connexion à Erreur : Connection interrompue après 20 secondes d'inactivité Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Erreur : Connection interrompue après 20 secondes d'inactivité Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Déconnecté du serveur Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED - Connexion refusée par le serveur". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur

#11836 directory tree pane is undesirably resized after restart for 1st tabbed connection new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When tabbed connections are available, and you select a tabbed connection other than the first one (before exiting) ... ... then (after restart) the directory tree pane of first tab is resized when you select it again.

Similar uncontrolled resizing happens when just playing with the pane layout selection. The sizes/positions should be memorized per option, so that the same picture is generated in each cycle.

#11838 Quick Connect bar only visible in full screen mode moreinfo Bug report normal Unknown

As per the summary, the quick connect bar only is displayed in full screen mode. In normal screen mode the upper part of the winder is white. The first are that is displayed is Local site:

#11841 Incomplete Remote Directory Listing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Not all files in remote directory are shown.

Missing file(s) have same owner, group and permissions as files thaty are shown. Same file extension and similar name too so it's not a filter issue.

Refresh has no affect. Nor does closing app and restarting.

#11842 Could not connect to server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Cannot connect to server: Host: User: public@…

version: FileZilla_3.40.0_win64-setup_bundled.exe

Getting error:

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

#11844 can't access govcloud s3 buckets new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

s3 connections to normal aws buckets work correctly. i cannot access govcloud s3 buckets. suspect there is a different s3 endpoint to use or another setting.

recommend offer both S3 and S3 Govcloud as separate options for Protocol and make it automatically configure the correct endpoint.

always failing to validate username or password even though IAM user credentials work correctly on the server to access the bucket.

#11845 High CPU usage new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

on my MacBook Pro, macOS Mojave 10.4.2 when I transfer files with TLS my CPU is on 110% using FileZilla long time but earlier never noticed this.

#11846 Quicker file search new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When searching for Path does not contain and matching all for the search conditions. FillZilla stills walks the subdirectories even thought the top most directory already evaluates to false. This create a huge delay since the those directories have numerous sub directories and files.

#11847 Integration with WinMerge (or some other program) to quickly compare files in compare mode new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While in Synchronized browsing and folder comparision is enabled, maybe it would be possible to add "Compare with ..." button that would download remote file and open both in external program (for example WinMerge). That would allow for really quick comparision of what changed in files.

Thank in advance!

#11848 Resume and constitent sending files and directories are buggy new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla was working for about 4 days when I started to notice that the same files were send over and over. Watching is closer I see that a connection error appear, the resume counter was not updated and the file started to upload from a much earlier position. Later I see that this was a kind of loop as the connection error was always generated after a certain amount transferred data which was different for each file. After restart filezilla I noticed that all the transferable files where still in the list but the succes fully and non transferable file list were empty.

#11851 No internet connection for imac on High sierra. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is a connection, Using latest version. Can't figure out what the issue is?

#11852 No internet connection for imac on High sierra. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is a connection, Using latest version. Can't figure out what the issue is?

#11853 Automation FileZilla new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Is it possible to automate FileZilla to call each of my sites created one by one from top to bottom and move the files in each case scenario then generate a log for each one of the transfers?



#11855 Change configuration files location on *N?X systems to .config/filezilla if .config/ exists closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Change default location for configuration files on *N?X systems to .config/filezilla if .config/ exists

I'm contacting all software developers that create software that clutters up our home directories with .<name> folders to have their configuration moved to .config/<name> in accordance with

There's a long history here when it comes to the general case of "dot files", but the $HOME/.config directories that I specifically mention have an origin in the XDG Base Directory Specification and their environment variables:

  • $HOME/.config is where per-user configuration files go if there is no $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
  • $HOME/.cache is where per-user cache files go if there is no $XDG_CACHE_HOME.
  • $HOME/.local/share is where per-user data files go if there is no $XDG_DATA_HOME.

Windows users may recognize this as a parallel of what Microsoft has had in Windows NT since version 4 (albeit that the names changed in version 6.0):

  • %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/ a.k.a. %LOCALAPPDATA% — where per-user data files for this machine go
  • %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Roaming/ a.k.a. %APPDATA% — where per-user data files that a roaming user can access from multiple machines go
  • %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp/ a.k.a. %TEMP% — where per-user temporary files go

The idea is that per-user files can be (amongst quite a lot of other things) application data files (machine-specific or roaming), application configuration files, cached files, and temporary files, and applications place them in subtrees rooted at these particular directories.

This way we can our keep home directories clean!

Thanks for your time!

#11856 Download: Critical File Transfer Error new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla gets into a state where I have a local file and a remote (SCP) file that I am attempting to download. I right-click the remote file and select Download. "Target file already exists" dialog pops up and I do not change options (default to Overwrite). Select OK button.

I get the following error: Status: Starting download of /home/bramankp/ Command: get "" "C:\Users\paulb\Downloads\" Error: local: unable to open C:\Users\paulb\Downloads\ Error: Critical file transfer error

If I simply select the local file and delete it (shift-Delete key, in my case) and attempt the operation again it downloads correctly. Downloading *again* I will get an option to Overwrite and no more error until the next time the client has timed out a connection to the server (I guess?) and I'll get the error again.

#11857 can not log on to FileZilla new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Command: open "SEA7481@" 22 Error: Network error: Software caused connection abort Error: Could not connect to server This is the error message we get. Had It department check firewall they said IP address is not being blocked. We are using version 3.40.0. Regards Norman

#11858 Let's Encrypt support new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Hi there,

Can you guys add something to FileZilla server to generate a Let's Encrypt certificate? Some software that connects to FTP servers using FTPS (like Kodi recently) don't trust self-signed certificates.

Best regards wesley9946

#11860 "Show in Explorer" - right-click menu option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the "Local site:" panes, request is to add a right-click menu item: "Show in Explorer"

The functionality would cause the Windows File Explorer to open in the appropriate directory that's already shown in the "Local site" pane.

#11861 Queue bar not displayed correctly on dark theme new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The queue bar (Queued files, Failed transfers, Successful transfers) is still displayed in a "light-ish" way when using a dark theme. But it is darker then the default light theme, so that the black font is hard to read.

#11863 FileZilla client stays in memory after failed transmission and closing program closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The problem occured after the update from 3.34.0. All later versions have problems with memory management, including most recent 3.40.0. The program keeps running in the background and can only be closed to start a new session after Ctrl-Alt-Del and ending the process manualy.

This behavior is always when an connection can not be made or when the transfer is interupted. After that is is not possible to open a new connection without closing the progrma and manualy ending the process in memory.

An other report mentions the same behavoir. That describes this while updating the version. That happens with me also.

#11864 Update process is too intrusive moreinfo Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Using a modal dialog to prompt the user on startup to update the application is an extremely intrusive method of delivering updates.

You guys are continuously delivering updates, so the user is continuously being prompted to update every time they open the application.

It's an extra click and a chance to accidentally begin updating, when the user may be in a situation where they need to connect to a server as quickly as they possibly can.

There are many other options you could use that would be better...

  • Display an icon somewhere on the application that the user can click on to deliver an update.
  • Prompt on closing the application.
  • Just let the user manually check for updates through the Help->Check for Updates menu option.
#11866 Program crashes on queue transfer completion closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Error Program opens and connects to a remote Linux server successfully using SFTP on custom SSH port. Files dragged to destination and upon successful transfer of the entire queue the program immediately closes. No error messages in log file even in full debug mode. The program then has to be reopened to do more transfers.

#11867 Timeout on directory listing following update to 3.41.0 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I updated the FileZilla client to 3.41.0 this morning and am experiencing an issue during the directory retrieval process on 1 particular server. I regularly connect to about 12 different FTP servers on a daily basis and this is the only one giving me any issue.

Because of the sensitivity of information, I have obfuscated the host name, IP, username, and password in this public post. Happy to PM it to a tech for analysis if needed.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to #.#.#.#:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 Command: AUTH TLS Response: 500 AUTH not understood Command: AUTH SSL Response: 500 AUTH not understood Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER * Response: 331 Password required for * Command: PASS Response: 230 User * logged in Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/ZZZ Mr Master/CDN Files delivered"... Command: CWD /ZZZ Mr Master/CDN Files delivered Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode. (#,#,#,#,68,229) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

I have tried removing the remote directory that I am specifying in the site manager to land into, have tried forcing passive and active mode rather than auto-detect, have tried forcing UTF-8 instead of auto-detect, have tried checking bypass proxy, and have tried ALL available server types rather than auto-detect.

So far nothing has worked.

I can confirm that if I connect to this site from the command prompt ftp in windows 10 I am able to successfully connect and retrieve a directory listing.

I have inquired from the host as to what OS, FTP server, and version they are running to try to get more information. I'll update this ticket as I get more info.

I am certainly not alone as another user entered the IRC channel a little while ago with the identical issue, but he left before I was able to ask any questions.

#11869 Erreur : Connection interrompue après 120 secondes d'inactivité moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

hey, when i plan to connect to my ftp site, filezilla (last version : 3.41.0) the response is : Statut : Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil... Statut : Serveur non sécurisé, celui-ci ne supporte pas FTP sur TLS. Statut : Connecté Statut : Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande : PWD Réponse : 257 "/" is the current directory Commande : TYPE I Réponse : 200 Type set to I Commande : PASV Réponse : 227 Entering Passive Mode (81,88,48,95,116,75) Commande : MLSD Réponse : 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD Erreur : Connection interrompue après 120 secondes d'inactivité Erreur : Impossible de récupérer le contenu du dossier

when i try to connect with Mozilla ... the response is OK and i can see my files ! where is the problem ? thank you Alain

#11873 Filezilla can no longer connect to closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have used Filezilla in the past to ftp to's ftp site.I believe that the change in Mozilla ftp server prevents Filezilla from connecting to it now. I didn't put a wireshark packet trace on it but I can if needed to support this ticket. I'm not sure if the mozilla change makes this a feature request or just a bug.

#11875 Possible virus closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Just downloaded/install 3.41.1 My virus checker found the following attached problem

#11876 Down error new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If there is not enough disk space, the files are downloading from server with size 0 and placed in the group of successful transfers.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.40.0

Build information:

Compiled for: i686-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2019-01-25 Compiled with: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -msse -mfpmath=sse -O2 -g -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.26.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.6

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 32-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 lm Settings dir:

#11877 When deleting a folder named '~', it starts to delete the whole home folder closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I was deleting an empty folder called ~ through FileZilla.

However, I started to notice that it was taking way too long to delete 8KB. When I looked at the logs, I saw that it was deleting all files in /home/<user>/... instead o /home/<user>/<path>/~.

Sadly, the damage had been done. I'm filling this bug report so this may not happen to anyone else.

I almost did this myself in the console, before I realized I had to use ./~ instead of ~. I'm not sure how FTP works overall, but a possible fix may be to always include ./ or the full path... no idea though.

#11878 One of my Websites Doesn't Connect new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am unable to connect to the server with one of my websites. As of about two days ago, I was able to see my files on my domain server as well as upload files. Then I received a message in red saying that the domain info doesn't match the host. I called the hosting company for help and they checked out the domain information to see if anything was incorrect. Then the tech advisor kindly checked the Site Manager via remote and saw that everything was correct. Now I no longer see the error message but just "Not connected to any server". I am able to go to the website from the browser.

The other two domains that I have on FileZilla work just fine.

I can't change the name or user id, I did recently change the password.

Please advise.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.41.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2019-03-18 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.26.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.6

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 17134), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 pclmulqdq lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11879 can't view/edit files with program associated in settings new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11882 SFTP not working. moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello;I have the latest version 3.41.2.I’m trying to connect with an SSH key (to which FileZila converted to .PPK). I still don’t have a connection. My original key is in RSA format, create by the host.

Thank you Claude.

#11883 MacOS: directory view does not follow directory aliases new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

MacOS is capable of creating aliases of files as well as directories (equivalent to links under Linux) by means of Ctrl-clicking on the required object and selecting "Make alias" (and generally renaming the result after moving it so it no longer has "alias" added, but I digress. Filezilla currently does not see these as directory links to follow, but as files and thus tries to open them instead.

As far as I can tell it does appear to follow a file alias, I suspect that's because that gets immediately handed off to the file system.

Interim fix is to visit the actual directory manually, which somewhat negates the whole point of those shortcuts :).

Filezilla: 3.41.2 MacOS: Mojave 10.14.4

Cheers, Peter

#11884 Sometimes the uploading speed is obviously low (1000 Mbps LAN) new Other normal FileZilla Client


Usually, the uploading speed could reach 100 MB per second. However, sometimes it is less than 20 MB per second.

My home LAN. I uploaded files from my Mac to my Ubuntu server. The two are connected by a switch. All devices are 1000 Mbps product, including the switch, the wires.


#11885 "Copy currrent connection to site manager" not working new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I choose "Copy currrent connection to site manager" it uses the previous connection instead of the current one.

Screen shot

WV-Mike ======= Version: 3.41.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2019-03-18 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.26.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.6

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 aes pclmulqdq lm Settings dir: C:\Users\WV Mike\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11886 Using WebDAV with DocuShare, but the virtual directory is stripped off new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I also see no accommodation for https. Here's how it appears ... Port 80 When I click Connect or okay it fails indicating it found the IP address and yet the connection attempt fails and was aborted. The "/docushare" virtual directory gets stripped off. DocuShare typically uses an IIS bridge to Apache Tomcat for WebDAV. I didn't see anything in your documentation indicating it wouldn't work with Tomcat. I'd like to see some accommodation and can give you temporary access to a DocuShare server for testing. "mysite" isn't the actual domain name, so contact me for this.

FileZilla Pro

Version: 3.41.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2019-03-18 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.26.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.6

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Doug\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11888 Missing word in UI text new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

A string sent for translation seems to be missing a word in the original English: "If you continue, your password and files will be sent in clear over the internet." It should be "... in clear text ..."

#11892 key file show all files doesn't show all files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

the new feature to specify key specific login is great

but when importing keys on selecting all files from dropdown it does not shows all files i.e. files without extensions

as most linux systems keeps things simple all of the keys that are auto generated by ssh-keygen are stored without ext by default.

Please if possible add the feature to use ssh keys with extension less files too :)

#11895 Suggestion new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A small improvement:

A LEFT ARROW and a RIGHT ARROW between the 2 panes would allow transfer of data in either direction. The would greatly simplify data transfer. (The older Firefox versions which supported FTA had this feature.)

Thanks for your excellent product. M....

#11897 Please tag 3.41.X releases in the FileZilla client SVN repository closed Other normal Other

I'm writing some scripts in my FileZilla packaging to fetch the latest release Filezilla source code from the Subversion repository but I found that the 3.41.X versions aren't tagged in it[1], which makes the process slightly troublesome.

I would like to request keeping the tags in the SVN repository in sync, thanks!


#11899 ERROR say : " Error guardando la cola" closed CARLOS Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Ha ocurrido un error guardando la cola de transferencia en C:\Users\Crlos\AppData\Roaming\File\queue.sqlie3 Algunos objetos de la cola podrian no haberse guardado.

#11901 Display of ownership incorrect closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The display of the file/directory ownership on the server is incorrect. The FTP authorisation flags (eg. fle or flcdmpe) seems correct. In the appended screen print, all owners appear to be ftp:ftp, but of directory test it is actually root:root.

Not sure the error is in the Client part (or what trade the Server part is).

#11902 Insecure FTP Connection closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Error message my customer is getting is This server does not support FTP over TLS. If you continue, your password and files will be sent in clear over the internet.

Please advise

Thanks Ryan

#11903 Sha-512 for FileZilla_3.41.2_win64-setup.exe does not match file closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

SHA512 from FileZilla- 6304c0d314c5bbe3af89c0abf579f54f9aa429cd00aca9edab0cebe2d61ff5322fe2ca11a2d24e41cabb4fabefdc2dd9861856a52f73360db90ca746cb28b659

SHA512 from Donwloaded File- 009E6F174E0394203ADCECD760592F4C8830225E3ACF0D93B2FA4FD7757212F583C247835D10CCD94AA35758F93F0EADE971452B8F300973CEDA35E817CFF770

Please verify current downloaded file is not corrupt or altered.

#11904 new version keeps not responding new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Have installed the new version of Filezilla dn when ever i try to navigate the local dive I keep getting a "not responding" command

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.41.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2019-03-18 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.26.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.6

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Atlantis\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11905 lt and lv translations new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Could you please rename lt_LT.po to lt.po and lv_LV.po to lv.po? On my Fedora 30 system /usr/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES has 767 files, while /usr/share/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES has only 3, including Similar with Latvian - /usr/share/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES has 570 files, while /usr/share/locale/lv_LV/LC_MESSAGES has only 2.

#11912 Filezilla problems new Feature request normal Other

I am running filezilla on ubuntu 19.04 lts I followed instructions on installing filezilla on 19.04 . It opens ok and I can connect to ftp server ok. But when I try to drag and drop a file in either direction filezilla closes down and i have to reopen connection. Why can't I xfer files back and forth??

#11914 NEW updates have abug closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

i am just update from 3.41.0 to 3.42.0 and have a little bug just know i am using google drive to upload file and when i click to team drive !st ok and when i click a folder is geting error and now i start to install the old version 3.37 please give me the link for 3.41.0 that is for me until abug being repair regards

#11916 After upgrade 3.42.1, TLS connections to proftpd server broke new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After getting reports on connection errors, I tested my setup, which worked fine. (Unfortunately, i'm not sure what version I was running at the time, but it was not more than a couple months old)

I then upgrade FileZilla to latest, and when I connect to my ProFTPd server now, I get the following errors clientside

Response:	150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list
Error:	GnuTLS error -58: An illegal TLS extension was received.
Error:	The data connection could not be established: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
Response:	425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted
Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing

and this is what I see serverside

2019-05-12 09:37:05,083 mod_tls/2.8[18]: TLS/TLS-C requested, starting TLS handshake
2019-05-12 09:37:05,090 mod_tls/2.8[18]: client supports secure renegotiations
2019-05-12 09:37:05,090 mod_tls/2.8[18]: TLSv1.2 connection accepted, using cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256 bits)
2019-05-12 09:37:05,154 mod_tls/2.8[18]: Protection set to Private
2019-05-12 09:37:05,157 mod_tls/2.8[18]: unable to accept TLS connection: system call error: [104] Connection reset by peer
2019-05-12 09:37:05,157 mod_tls/2.8[18]: unable to open data connection: TLS negotiation failed

Server is setup with session reuse, and everything was running fine before updating.

#11917 FileZilla 3.42.1 doesn't work with MacOS 10.13.6. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I upgraded from 3.42.0 to 3.42.1 using FileZilla_3.42.1_macosx-x86_sponsored-setup.dmg and get the error that FileZilla 3.42.1 doesn't work with MacOS 10.13.6, required 10.14 or later. I'm using 10.13.6; 3.42.0 worked fine. The downloads page says "Requires OS X 10.9 or newer", The release notes for 3.42.1 says it fixed a bug about compatibility with 10.13. However, the fix apparently made it impossible to work with 10.13. Does FileZilla no longer work with Mac OS X 10.13.6, or is a bug fix in the offing?

#11918 Auto-focus for PW dialog with sftp accounts new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When working with an ssh account, a passphrase is required. It would be great, if that password input field, once it pops up, could receive auto-focus, so typing is immediately possible.

#11920 Spurious Server unexpectedly closed network connection new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

For years now, over many versions, FileZilla has spuriously reported: "Server unexpectedly closed network connection" Please see attached Log of (successful) Upload. SSH Version on Client: OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017 (Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon, which is current at time-of-writing) SSH Version on Server: OpenSSH-7.5p1 (Strato Webhoster) P.S. to verify the Upload, I downloaded the file with an older version of FileZilla (v3.29.0) on another PC. The Download also gave a... "Server unexpectedly closed network connection" ...message.

#11922 Issues loading directories in Filezilla Pro 3.42.1 mac closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

when trying to open any other directory other than desktop in filezilla pro for mac version 3.42.1.

when trying to load something like the download folder i can't even see anything in my parent folder. i have tried to locate the folder my manually typing in /Users/*NAME*/Download/ or /Users/cadetbester/Music/ both of which do not show the files that should be there.

#11923 Filezilla cannot connect to my server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I used to connect to my server with Filezilla successfully until the latest update version 3.42.1. When I try to connect it first displays connected, waiting for the welcome screen, then the server disconnect. The attached files show the different stages of the tentative connection. I still can connect to my server either with browsers from my same computer or with my iPhone.

#11924 Windows 7 System Tray Bug closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After a transfer has completed, the filezilla icon appears in the Windows 7 System Tray and displays a bubble indicating the transfers have completed. After you exit the application, the icon still remains visible in the system tray. To get rid of it, you need to mouse over it.

#11925 Please include additional ftp file manipulation capabilities in FileZilla Client! new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please include easy file manipulation (edit, cut, paste, remove etc) in FileZilla Client for all platforms like in Flash Fxp. Thank you!

#11926 File exists action: Option to abort transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I'm using Filezilla to transfer webcam images. Since these are being continuously generated, there are always a lot of files that need to be skipped which takes a long time. I notice FIlezilla always transfers the most recent images first (I hope this is intentional and not just a feature of my system) so the optimal action would be to abort and clear the queue when a file already exists.


#11928 macOS 10.13.6, Error: local: unable to open <filename>. File permission issue. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using FileZilla Client 3.42.1 during a file transfer session if the network is interrupted and FileZilla has to attempt to Resume a partially transferred file, one will first receive the first Error message "Error: local: unable to open <filename>" followed by a second Error message "Error: Critical file transfer error".

Mind you that I'm downloading data from a server to my personal MacBook Pro in my personal Downloads folder.

To resolve this issue, one needs to update the macOS permissions before attempting to Rest, Requeue and Resume the failed file(s).

This has only started happening recently with FileZilla's latest updates. I've been a FileZilla client user for many years and never has this happened until recently.

FileZilla is not honoring the folder's file permissions correctly.

#11929 Manual Transfer v3.42.1 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I've noticed this for quite some time. It might or might not be a bug, and if it is not a bug then consider it a feature request.

I have remote folders that have 1000's of files in them, making it really hard to pick one file for downloading. so I like to use the manual transfer option.

When I specify the name of the file I am downloading and then hit the download button it tells me the "local files is a drectory instead of a regular file".

Ofcourse the solution is to copy the file name to be downloaded to the left side after the path indicated the download location.

Personally, I feel that if the download path is set there, and if I don't specify a local file, the remote file should be the default new localfile name.

I don't see a logical everyday reason to change the name of the downloaded file because usually when you are done editing the file and are ready to to upload it, it will be the same name. so why change it. Regardless the reason for the current behavior, I feel it should be changed to automatically create the local filename.

Alternatively a configuration section to allow changing that behavior and if you do that, an option to make the start transfer immediately box automatically set or not, like whatever is there to be remembered for next time.

caveat: after all this time I bothered to look to see if you had a find option and you do, i might start using that now.

#11930 missing --tag=CXX when compiling filezilla closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the generated file src/interface/, there is not "--tag=CXX" argument in the filezilla_LINK variable, which makes linking fail in my environment because libtool complains about the missing tag.

I see that there are tries to add it in the corresponding but it's perhaps in the wrong variable? Anyway, I need the attached patch to compile filezilla.

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