Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 2171)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#11275 FileZilla doesn't use my system date format (MacOS Sierra) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

This is similar to the closed ("worksforme") ticket for Windows 10 ( ), but I'm on MacOS Sierra 10.12.5.

In my System Preferences, I have the default language as "English (Canada)", and I have the default short date format set to YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. ISO 8601. This is also the short date format that comes up by default when selecting English (Canada).

My FileZilla Date/time format settings are set to "Use system defaults for current language", which I presume would be the YYYY-MM-DD that the system defines as the default for my localization.

FileZilla instead uses the DD/MM/YYYY date format that is 'traditional' in Canada. I have no idea where it's getting this from. Maybe its own internal database of date formats?

The fact that the FileZilla setting defaults to "Use system defaults for current language" suggests a technicality that DD/MM/YYYY is a default format for "English (Canada)", which is the localization selected in my system, even though my system's interpretation of the default date format for this localization to be different from FileZilla's.

Workaround: Select ISO 8601 from the FileZilla Date/time format settings.


#11282 Save Password Authentication Failed with Master Password moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using Filezilla when Master Password is implemented, after restarting and opening a connection through the Site Manager, entering the Master Password, Filezilla sends the wrong password to the SFTP server. Re-entering the password into the Site Manager and clicking Connect works, clicking OK does not save the password, restarting Filezilla and connecting results in authentication failed. Clearing the Master Password does not solve the issue, have to re-enter the Site Entries manually in order for it to remember them again.

#11288 Error updating to version 3.26.1 moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After downloading the update to version 3.26.1 I get an error message every time I start and end filezilla. See enclosed image. I also get the information that a new update is available but more often I install it nothing changes. Completely uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled filezilla with noe effect whatsoever. Error message: Help is highly welcome Thanks a lot Regards PG

#11306 Flag edited items / Option to clear the Flag new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Love FileZilla. Great work. This is a usability-improvement request.

When I open a local file for editing, the only way I know it worked is when I upload the file, and test it.

During the upload process, there is an option to "Finish Editing" (which basically means, "clear the edit-in-progress flag"). But at that point, I have no idea whether or not I'm done editing -- so I never clear it.

What I'd like is an option to clear that flag AFTER uploading the file, without uploading it again. It would also be nice if such files were flagged, to identify files that have already been flagged.

#11308 Ask For Password Once, But Only On One Of My 3 Servers new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have 3 ftp servers saved and normally just click on the server as the passwords are saved and they let me transfer files on all 3 ftp servers without issue, but after the last update 2 of my servers are fine, but one keeps asking for the password, but only once, when i put it in i can transfer what i want, but when i close filezilla down and reopen, again, it asks for the password the first time you need to transfer anything and then not again as long as the program is open, but the other 2 servers don't ask for the password, all i did was update filezilla... :-)

#11323 Search feature in FTP Server new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I work with a lot of FTP servers in my company with a lot of files. I think if We had a "Search" field in the remote address it would be easier to find the file that I want to get.

Please, can you add this feature in the FileZilla? Sorry for my English, I'm from Brazil and I'm learning this language yet.

Thank you so much.

#11325 Critical file transfer error reopened Other normal FileZilla Client

I get a transfer error when transferring some files

#11329 [gtk3] -/+ buttons overlapping labels reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The -/+ buttons that appear in various places throughout the interface overlap labels that appear to their right. An example includes the "Adjust server timezone offset" fields in the "Advanced" tab for a site in "Site Manager" ... the -/+ buttons overlap "Hours" and "Minutes" (see screen capture). Screen capture is from Fedora 26, where FileZilla is compiled against GTK3. I will also add a screen capture for reference showing how this looked when it was right in Fedora 21 (when FileZilla was compiled against GTK2).

#11334 GUI changes requests for strings untranslated new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I found some windows that contain text strings untranslated.

Please check the screenshoots.


#11338 Error: Connection timed out after 90 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Error: Connection timed out after 90 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

#11347 deleting symlink deletes files in linked folder new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezille Version Used Protokoll: FTP Server OS: Debian Linux

Dear developer-team,

A unexpected behaviour led to a middle disaster, yesterday. We link to source of a TYPO3-installation via symlink so different installations use one source folder. I cleaned up the server and deleted a test installation with filezilla. Unfortunately fileziller deleted all files in the linked source folder, so all other TYPO3 instalations lost their source.

I just tried: mkdir deletetest fisch:~/public_html$ touch deletetest/eins fisch:~/public_html$ touch deletetest/zwei fisch:~/public_html$ touch deletetest/drei fisch:~/public_html$ ln -s deletetest/ testdelete

Now I deleted testdelete via Filezilla and got: fisch:~/public_html$ ls -l deletetest/ total 0 and still exits: 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 fisch fisch 11 Jul 28 19:39 testdelete -> deletetest/

Filezilla deleted the content of the linked folder, not the symlink itself. This is not, what I was expecting and can lead to big problems. This should be solved eg. behave as expected and deleting the symlink by default, giving an option in the setting dialog with a choice, how to behave or ask on deleting symlinks.

Thnaks for your work Martin

#11350 No program associated with filetype new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla doesn't seem to recognise file types that are handled by Windows apps. The dialog "no program associated with filetype" pops up, even if FileZilla is setup to inherit windows filetype association.

For filetypes like pdf, wich have a 3rd party viewer installed FileZilla opens file without problem.

#11351 Upload of edited file error. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am receiving the following error every time I have finished editing a file with auto-uploading. This occurred immediately after the most recent update. It does not affect the upload but is rather annoying (please see the attached png image).

#11359 Network "Default local directory" not influencing directory listing in "Local site" pane. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a raspberry pi set up as a web server for development. I use Filezilla to FTP tested code to the “live” web server. As such, I have various “sites” configured in the Site Manager. The Raspberry Pi has a static IP address that I use to remotely access its file system.

When I add an address, like the following below, to the “Default local directory” field (in the Site Manager under the “Advanced” tab):


I get a listing of the files in that directory, just fine—BUT, in the pane that shows the directory tree, it still shows a listing from my PC's local hard drive (i.e. 'C:\') and NOT the directory tree from the PI.

This is also true if I use the host name I created for my PI (LITTLEGEEK, in this case), like so:


I can still use Filezilla to upload my Raspberry Pi hosted files to the external server hosting my websites, thus, this is not a show-stopper, but thought you would like to know, in case you care about full functionality ;)

Filezilla “About” info:

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2017-07-19 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.4 SQLite: 3.19.3 GnuTLS: 3.5.13

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 15063), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx Settings dir: C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11361 Edit QuickConnect entries new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to edit QuickConnect entries. I just edited the file recentservers.xml to add LocalDir and RemoteDir parameters, but they seem to be ignored if used via QuickConnect in oposition to what happens with sitemanager.xml. Why limit the possibilities of QuickConnect and allow users to configure the settings as he would in the "normal" way? Thanks.

#11371 UI only: empy directory listing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Using 3.27.1 (but appears on 3.25 too) after browsing into a directory with 79 files but rather long filenames the directory listing remains empty, yet the little status bar immediately below shows that there are files in the directory. (The listing works, confirmed by debug raw listing, and using lftp too.)

After interacting with the listbox (resizing the listbox, or the whole window - so causing the resize of the listbox in any way), results in the file list appearing correctly. (I can scroll, download files, etc.)

Another interesting quirk is that if I browse to a different directory and then click back to this one, things shop up correctly. If I click on to its parent and back, it's empty again.

Playing with it more, it seems that the parent directory is the culprit (happens to be called uploaded, I hope the name has nothing to do with the phenomenon), because after clicking on that (contents show), and clicking on an other directory, then the dir I just clicked appears empty.

And it seems not completely deterministic :(

#11376 Same hotkey 'O' for both "Overwrite" and "OK" in "Target already exists" dialog new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I've noticed that on the: Target already exists dialog the same hotkey 'O' is set for both "Overwrite" and "OK" options.

#11378 MacOS Copy Paste feature reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On Filezilla Mac OSX version, copy pasting anything in text boxes (for instance when editing websites or configuration) does not paste text but instead "creates a new Bookmark" (even when input is focused).

All previously changed configuration in inputs is lost if you were adding a website.

It's especially annoying not to be able to ⌘ + V... ;-)

I have noticed the issue on all MAC computers i use and since a lot of versions.

#11384 Synchronize the local and remote folder as preset new Feature request normal Unknown

Everytime a connection is started the sync folder option must be set again. It would be very good to include a preset for this in the options.

#11385 Folder compare option as preset new Feature request normal Unknown

Everytime a connection is started the folder compare option must be set again. It would be very good to include a preset for this in the options.

#11387 Feature Request: indicate files may not be in sync new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When you "Refresh the files and folder lists" or change folders to the same folder on both the source and destination lists, make the Filesize in BOLD if they are different values, different sizes.

#11392 no protocol works with my hosting provider, they say all is ok there (proftpd) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I cannot get one protocol to work with my hosting provider. they say all is OK on their end. what's going on? I need to upload my files to my web site and all is NO-GO.

#11393 Some files are missing when I transfer file over a server. new Other normal FileZilla Client

Server - I am transferring files from my computer to the server of VU mobile over FTP by use of filezilla, but some zip files are not getting uploaded.

#11394 Send a request to get an external IP from an active IP address new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Please make it so that server tried to get external IP address by sending request from that IP address to which the client connects.

It needed to implement the following scheme with multiple gateways:

            / [gateway 1, wan ip:, lan ip:] \
[ftp client]                                                     [ftp server]
            \ [gateway 2, wan ip:, lan ip:] /

I have a two IP addresses and default gateways on a single ethernet interface (although it may be different interfaces too):

  1. ip:, dg:, metric: 10
  2. ip:, dg:, metric: 20

FileZilla Server listens to both of these addresses, is configured to passive mode and gets an external IP address from

At the moment FileZilla Server always connect to from

#11395 Directory Tree Column Sort Order Arrow doesn't toggle properly on Mac new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'm using FZ 3.27.1 on Mac OS X 10.12.6.

It's hard to say exactly what the problem is, but the key thing is the v / ^ arrow doesn't always correctly reflect the actual ordering being shown. In general, the ordering appears to be working. When I click on a column to sort it, the data gets sorted correctly, however the arrow doesn't always appear on the first click and when it does appear, it doesn't always toggle with every click.

In order to reproduce, try the following: # Log in to FTP site (i'm logging in via FTP to an IBM i Mainframe) # Sort the rows in the remote tree (Last Modified, FIle Size, etc.) This appears to work consistently # Change directory # Try sorting again. this is where it falls down. The arrow doesn't appear on a column on first click and then doesn't toggle after the second click.

#11396 Too big icon in Dock (Mac OS) new Other normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla icon in Dock is more bigger, than other icons.

Please, do smaller icon)


#11397 Renaming file cause freeze of app moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I try to rename file, after it's done, app freeze and I have to shutdown it and start again. Which is bad, when I have open multi files and I have to resave them manually (copy + paste) and save to server again.

#11404 "overwrite file if size differs" rule will delete local copy while remote files showing in list but actually not existing new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Suppose such situation: I set the rule for "Default file exists action" as "overwrite file if size differs", and download files from remote site(for example, download pictures from my smartphone to my PC), then keep FileZilla running as it is. Then I delete some pictures in the phone, but in FileZilla's remote site zone, It still shows the full list as before. If I do the same downloading job again(source and target path just as same as before), while trying to download those files shown in list but actually deleted, FileZilla finds "size difference" between source and target(local file exists and remote file doesn't), and as per the rule, it will firstly remove local file and rebuild a new one with same name but size is 0-byte, then gives an transfer error message. Finally, I will lose my local file(s), although my original purpose is to double check if everything downloaded properly. Can FileZilla's action in above situation as following: if file in remote list doesn't exist, FileZilla will just give an error message firstly, but don't change anything in local? "Local exists and remote doesn't" surely is kind of "size difference" but I think that's just an extreme case and is not our original purpose for the rule.

#11407 Overwrite Settings should be in Settings (Preferences) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When transferring a file, a Target file already exists dialog is displayed. Settings are then chosen, and the transfer takes place.

However, that happens on every FileZilla launch. Boring as bat poop.

The entire Target file already exists dialog should be a Page under the FileZilla/Settings menu (which is usually called Preferences on a Mac).

Cheers Derek

#11418 Log date/time format not handling 00 AM hour correctly. new Bug report normal FileZilla Server


FZS uses system local settings for loggin date/time format, but does not implement something correctly with 00-hour. It produces like "8/30/2017 0:01:10 AM", which is not correct date/time, there is no 00-hour in proper AM/PM time convention. Correct would be "8/30/2017 12:01:10 AM".

So, depending on system locale, changes also datetime format in logs. This fails automatic date/time parsing from them, though non-trivial workarounds possible.

I would suggest using some international 24hour format, like YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, which would ease off a lot of confusions when transferring logs between systems and trying to parse them for statistics, last user activity etc.

#11420 No visible tooltip new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Whatever the active button, no tooltip is visible.

CF screenshot

#11421 This is a feature request for remembering files that were being edited in the prior session new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I am unable to access my account in the forums. I know my password but not my user name, and I have forgotten my password. So because I don't remember my user name, I can't reset my password, which leads me here to submit my feature request.

I'm working on a project and each time I restart the FileZilla client I have to re-edit the same 5 files. When I upload, I don't check the 'I am done editing this file', so these files remain in the editing state. It would be nice if on login, I could be asked if I want to reopen previously open editing files, so I didn't need to navigate to each file and re-edit it.

Thank you, Howard Brown

#11422 I am locked out of my FileZilla forum account - how do I get it unlocked again? new Bug report normal Other

I am unable to access my account in the FileZilla forums. I believe that I my have forgotten my password, and I definitely forgot my user name, but not my user name. Each time I try to use the Forgot Password feature, I am asked for my forgotten user name and my email address, and am told that there was no match for what I tried. Please add a Forgot User Name feature.

Incidentally, I tried registering with a GMail account and was told those are not supported. I don't want to switch to another ISP/EMail service just to use FileZilla. It seems that every other forum trust that sending a password reset email to a user's email address is safe enough.

#11425 windows 10 - extra long filenames new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using FileZilla I can copy the file to a linux server. Using FileZilla I can delete the file. I can not rename it using FileZilla, as the initial filename is too long. But I can if I use the standard explorer.

#11435 Allow log directory location to be customized new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

In Windows, the Program Files folder is supposed to be considered "off-limits" to frequently-written data, like log files. (The %APPDATA% path is the suggested replacement.)

It would be really useful to be able to specify the location of the logfile rather than have to grant permissions to the Program Files directory of a machine if I want to access the logfile remotely.

#11439 Version 3.xx.x does not see size, owner, permissions or group for files owned by ldap users new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When we upload files as ldap authenticated users the files upload fine and with debug enabled I can see the full ls -l in the log but when the files is displayed in the remote directory it shows with 0k size and null permissions and owner/group.

rectory /export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04053 Listing: drwxrwxrwx 2 tausgats dba 281 Oct 30 13:57 . Listing: drwxrwxrwx 28 tausgats dba 676 Oct 30 14:02 .. Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 77836 Oct 30 13:57 uladumk.log Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 ora11 dba 52796 Oct 30 13:57 uladumkl.ctl Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 joshua.burney Target - ARC Access 4270 Oct 30 13:55 pymc10232017_test.mkl_v2.mkl Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 2737 Oct 30 13:57 uladsrep20171030135719.pdf Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 8199 Oct 30 13:57 gmbtdrep20171030135721.pdf Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 3970 Oct 30 13:57 uladurep20171030135715.pdf Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 6015 Oct 30 13:57 gmbtsrep20171030135710.pdf Status: Directory listing of "/export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04053" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04054"... Command: cd "/export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04054" Response: New directory is: "/export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04054" Command: ls Status: Listing directory /export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04054 Listing: drwxrwxrwx 2 tausgats dba 281 Oct 30 14:02 . Listing: drwxrwxrwx 28 tausgats dba 676 Oct 30 14:02 .. Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 6015 Oct 30 14:02 gmbtsrep20171030140213.pdf Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 7918 Oct 30 14:02 gmbtdrep20171030140222.pdf Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 77836 Oct 30 14:02 uladumk.log Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 ora11 dba 52796 Oct 30 14:02 uladumkl.ctl Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 1737 Oct 30 14:02 uladurep20171030140217.pdf Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 joshua.burney Target - ARC Access 4270 Oct 30 14:01 pymc10232017_test.mkl_v3.mkl Listing: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tausgats dba 2737 Oct 30 14:02 uladsrep20171030140220.pdf Status: Directory listing of "/export/home/app/ta/usgats/upload/mkl04054" successful

the last file owned by Joshua.Burney is the example

#11440 Failed to retrieve directory listing moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

As of 2 days ago, I receive the above, after "426 Data connection closed, SSL / TLS negotiation failed". Attached is the complete log and client/server information.

#11443 Synchronized Browsing "sync" folder Issue moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is a bug on the Linux version of Filezilla Client that if there is a directory called "sync" in either the local or remote site, it will mess up the synchronized browsing for all directories/files listed after the "sync" directory".

I can provide more details if necessary (screenshots, etc).

#11444 Featura request -- Add quick search in the Site manager new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi Folks,

I would like to use a quick search option into the site manager, because of the amount of FTP servers that i manage.

#11448 Local site won't refresh new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Can't display my most recent local files in my folder. All present in File Explorer. Tried refresh and restart many times without success.

#11449 Deletion does not resume after server disconnects new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a folder on my ftp server that contains thousands of files and some subfolders. I want to delete this folder and accidentally the server disconnects. Filezilla automatically re-connects, but does not resume the deletion because it finds not empty directories that can not be deleted. It seems it skipped the file deletion and so it is not able to finish the deletion.


Command:	DELE image5642.jpg
Response:	250 DELE command successful.
Command:	DELE image56454.jpg
Response:	250 DELE command successful.
Command:	DELE image9876543.jpg
Error:	Connection closed by server
Status:	Disconnected from server
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status:	Initializing TLS...
Status:	Verifying certificate...
Status:	TLS connection established.
Status:	Logged in
Status:	Deleting 5353 files from "/backups/Projekte/xxx/public_html/images"
Command:	CWD /backups/Projekte/xxx/public_html/images
Response:	250 CWD command successful.
Command:	DELE image15432.jpg
Response:	550 image15432.jpg: No such file or directory.

... hundreds of "No such file or directory"

Command:	DELE image15323432.jpg
Response:	550 image15323432.jpg: No such file or directory.
Command:	DELE image3432.jpg.jpg
Error:	Connection closed by server
Status:	Disconnected from server
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status:	Initializing TLS...
Status:	Verifying certificate...
Status:	TLS connection established.
Status:	Logged in
Command:	CWD /backups/Projekte/xxx/public_html
Response:	250 CWD command successful.
Command:	PWD
Response:	257 "/backups/Projekte/xxx/public_html" is current directory.
Command:	RMD images
Response:	550 images: Directory not empty.
Command:	CWD /backups/Projekte/xxx
Response:	250 CWD command successful.
Command:	PWD
Response:	257 "/backups/Projekte/xxx" is current directory.
Command:	RMD public_html
Response:	550 public_html: Directory not empty.
Command:	CWD /backups/Projekte
Response:	250 CWD command successful.
Command:	PWD
Response:	257 "/backups/Projekte" is current directory.
Command:	RMD xxx
Response:	550 xxx: Directory not empty.
Command:	CWD /backups
Response:	250 CWD command successful.
Command:	PWD
Response:	257 "/backups" is current directory.
Command:	RMD Projekte
Response:	550 Projekte: Directory not empty.
Status:	Retrieving directory listing of "/backups"...
Status:	Directory listing of "/backups" successful
#11451 the directory sort gets messed up when you rename a file to the same name as an existing file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If you are viewing a directory listing, sorted by "last modified" descending.

then you want to replace an existing file in that directory with one you have uploaded (but currently has a different name) so you rename the new file to the same name as the existing file, after the file is renamed the directory's sort order goes out of whack, the directory is no longer sorted by last modified, until you refresh the directory listing

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.29.0

Build information:

Compiled for: i686-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2017-11-06 Compiled with: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -msse -mfpmath=sse -O2 -g -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.4 SQLite: 3.19.3 GnuTLS: 3.5.13

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 15063) Version: 10.0 Platform: 32-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 Settings dir: C:\Users\smith\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11452 Update Filezilla when exiting app new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I execute Fz about once every few weeks and most of the time I feel that the pop-up screen asking to update is a kind of nagware.

There should be a button that gives the choice to the user to update Filezilla after exiting the application. This way, the user could still use Fz as usual and will only update the app after using it.

Check the application, that is what it does.

My two cents!

#11454 Keep items in local and remote directory lists refreshed new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This seems really basic to me. The item lists on local and remote panes don't automatically refresh. Maybe that's the design, but it causes trouble because you are working on something, get everything ready, select all, put the files up and something is missing because it's not in the pane to select all on. Yes, I can refresh, yet Notepad++ recognizes immediately when I pull a new file down that it has open. This is the only product I've used that doesn't do this out of the box. Normally, I hate everything trying to predict what I'm trying to do .. but this isn't prediction, this is showing up a list of items in a folder and it's out of date.

#11458 ETIMEDOUT - Tentative de connexion expirée / issue - not able to update my website new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I often use Filzilla in order to update my website, for the forst time today I got an error message telling me the following - FYI i'm on Mac :

Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ETIMEDOUT - Tentative de connexion expirée". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai... Statut : Résolution de l'adresse de Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ETIMEDOUT - Tentative de connexion expirée". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur

Could you please help me ? Thanks.

#11463 FileZilla Client 3.x Silent Uninstall fails new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I work in an enterprise environment that requires Silent \ Unattended installs and uninstalls to be distributed via command line and SCCM.

Issue 1:

We have confirmed that the filezilla 3.x (32 and 64 bit) Silent Uninstall Command line fails to cleanly remove the application. BUT, it cleanly removes itself if run manually and users attend to the prompts.

They all seem to use the same uninstall Command Line & Registry Key Name :

  • Command Line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\uninstall.exe" /S
  • Registry Key Name: HKLM\Software\..\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FileZilla Client

Steps to confirm ...

  1. "MANUAL\ATTENDED" Uninstall is successful
    1. Install any FileZilla 3.x and restart the machine
    2. Uninstall filezilla via Add Remove programs (Controls Panel\Programs & Features)
  1. "SILENT \ UNATTENDED" Uninstall FAILs
    1. Install any FileZilla 3.x and restart the machine
    2. Uninstall filezilla via the command line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\uninstall.exe" /S

Issue 2:

Also, one of my clients had a previous 64bit version installed but then needed the 32 bit instead. It would appear that the 32 installer is installing as 64 bit - this DOES NOT occur if x64 was NOT previous installed on a system.

Testing Steps to confirm ...

  1. Uninstalled FileZilla_3.27.0.1_win64-setup_bundled.exe via command line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\uninstall.exe" /S
  2. Restarted the machine
  3. Installed FileZilla_3.29.0_win32-setup.exe
  4. This 32 bit installs itself in the "C:\program files (x86)" folder if there was not 64 bit installed before it; but this 32 bit installer is putting itself into the previous 64 bit folder "C:\Program Files" if the 64 bit was installed before.

I hope this was submitted properly; my many thanks in advance!

Best Regards Derrick.

#11464 Requeue Failed Transfers via Shortcut Keys new Other normal FileZilla Client

Is there way to activate the Requeuing process using only keyboard commands? My mouse has frozen and my USB ports don't work, so I only have the keyboard to work with. Via the keyboard, I'm able to activate the "Failed transfers (639623)" tab but unable to select the files within this tab and then, subsequently requeue the set. Is there a method to do this, using the keyboard only, I don't want to re-upload the 1.75 mil docs again? I'm using Macbook Pro, Windows side BootCamp, Mac Keyboard (no pgup/pgdn etc), Win7 64 bit OS.

#11465 Left-hand Navigation too narrow moreinfo Bug report normal Other

The Navigation column on the left side of is too narrow, causing its contents to "spill" into the center column (body).

#11474 Old password used when sending files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I changed the root password on my server while FileZilla was still running and I had used it before to do some transfers over sftp (22).

And then I try to upload 3 files simultaneously by hitting right click and upload, it then tells me that the password is incorrect. I type in the new password and hit connect, and sure enough it connects and lists the remote folder.

And then I try to select the 3 files again and hit upload (right click) and it keeps using the old password and not the one on the password field.

I had to restart Filezilla and re-connect to transfer the files without having this old in-memory password fail the transfers.

Please fix, Thank you.

#11477 Can no longer resume paused transfers new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

This happens when either re selecting process queue or when just dragging between tabs to a folder with an existing file. The error is "local: unable to open /path/to/partial/file/filename.extension Critical file transfer error"

#11482 Directory tree is clumsy to browse reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If I have a slow connection to server, browsing the directory tree is very troublesome. If I want to go to certain path I already know, I need to wait every parent directory to load first so that I can expand their children. So I need to click twice and wait between. Usually this is avoided by allowing expanding unknown directory. After the directory has been loaded arrow can be hidden.

Browsing is also clumsy when I sometimes click wrong directory accidentally. Then I need to wait it to load before I can open the directory which I wanted. The previous directory retrieving should be cancelled if user changes directory during the operation.

With these changes browsing would be way faster also with a slow connection.

#11497 Moving more than 5 files at once into another directory triggers a Cmd-A like action new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
  • Connect to an ftp or sftp server by using FileZilla 3.30.0
  • Enter a remote directory that has more than 5 files in it
  • Select at least 6 files and move those into parent directory by using your mouse and dragging and dropping them into "..."
  • Once all's moved, click on "..." to enter parent directory
  • You'll see every file that's inside that parent directory was selected just like when we press Cmd-A keys

Similar thing occurs, say, you have one folder and 6 files inside a directory. If you were to move all those files into that one folder and then enter that folder, you'll see all files except the first one in that directory got selected.

It doesn't occur if you select and move less than 6 files

If you wish to see it, I've recorded my screen while following the steps mentioned above to reproduce the bug, and put it on YouTube. Here's the unlisted link of the video:

#11509 Certificate dialog is not scrollable and too big on small screens new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The content of the certificate dialog ("Unknown Certificate") exceeds the screen height on Notebooks with a screen size of 1366x768 pixels (tested on my ThinkPad x230).

Though the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are on screen, part of the content (and the "Don't ask again" checkbox) is not.

I'm proposing to just make the content scrollable.

#11515 New field in statusline new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have some huge folders, that i upload using FileZilla. Therefor it would be an advantege, if i in the statusline beside the (sorry this is in danish)

"Filer i kø", "Mislykkede overførsler", "Gennemførte overførsler" had i field "Transfers not made due to selection"

Best regards Erik Gotfredsen

#11517 Windows size saving not consistent across DPI new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When you close FileZilla and re-boot using a monitor with a different resolution, the location and size of the window is quite wrong. The size and position should be saved in a resolution-independent way (rather than raw pixels) so it will look similar when switching monitors/changing resolution. (my laptop has 4K screen, but often use with HD external monitor; restarting with a different config can result it FileZilla almost entirely off the right-hand side of the screen).

#11527 "Size thousands separator" setting not working new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello. This FileZilla setting is not working for me (see attachment). In Mac OS X settings, "thousands separator" is set to "space" (see attachment). Thanks.

#11531 WxGTK3: Strange gradient new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The "notebook bar looks" like it's from the 90s. Strange gradient in dark mode and it's not readable.

#11534 Copy vs Move Cursor Icon during drag 'n drop new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When files are moved from folder-to-folder on a connected server, the cursor icon shows the Windows traditional "Copy" cursor. This is very deceiving because it actually NOT COPYING the file, its MOVING it. I have accidentally broken a number of websites because I thought I was copying a file, when I was actually moving it. The cursor types should be synchronized with Windows standards, which traditionally show a "+" cursor for copy, and an arrowed cursor for moving.

#11539 Delete capacity moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Not possible to delete one shot more than 4000 files. When you have to delete more than 4000 files, Filezilla will stop between 3000 and 4000. To erase more, you need to wait or disconnect and wait the synchronisation. It is painful when you have 10000 or more files to erase (storage of security ipcam images for instance). Thanks for helping here as it is time consuming.

#11540 "Unknown Certificate" Dialog Too Big When Using Increased Font Size (Accessibility) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When connecting with a server with e.g. a homebrewn or invalid certificate, the info dialogue displayed is too big even on a 1080p screen if increased font size is selected. The "OK" and "Cancel" buttons cannot be read.

This could be solved by embedding the group boxes into a scrollable widget.

For replication:

  • Linux (but most likely OS independent)
  • UI: GNOME 3.22
  • Font Scaling Factor: 1.10 (use TweakUI -> Fonts)
  • Font Size: 13pt (use TweakUI -> Fonts)

These settings are not actually that big. I personally find the behaviour of the dialogue box quite annoying. I can imagine how annoying it must be for someone who has to use even bigger fonts. By the way: The same issue might occur in other large info boxes like the one in Menu Help->About.

Details From Help->About: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.28.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2017-10-29 Compiled with: gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-12ubuntu1) 7.2.0 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/filezilla-YKhf0t/filezilla-3.28.0=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 SQLite: 3.22.0 GnuTLS: 3.5.17

Operating system:

Name: Linux 4.15.0-10-generic x86_64 Version: 4.15 CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx Settings dir: /home/christian/.filezilla/


#11543 duplicate search/ricerca duplicati new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

sarebbe utile che prima mentre carica la lista dei file in upload o download controlli subito l'esistenza di duplicati e chieda cosa fare in questo caso e di conseguenza se si ignorano li elimini tutti subito dalla cosa

it would be useful that before while uploading the list of files in upload or download check for duplicates and ask what to do in this case and therefore if you ignore them you eliminate them all right away from the thing

sorry for english

#11544 Cannot connect SFTP with DEBIAN 9 Openssh moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Problem with an OVH Cloud 3 VPS loaded with Debian 9. Problem also with Debian 9 on my PC. Although the password is good, the connection is refused with a network error.

#11545 Add a checkbox to allow Import to replace all existing sites new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

At home I use a desktop computer for development, but when traveling I use a laptop. As my site list changes, I want to export from Filezilla on my desktop and then import on my laptop, replacing all of the existing sites. However, import ends up duplicating any sites that already exist on the laptop so I have to laboriously delete every site manually in the Site Manager before importing.

My request is to add a checkbox in the Import dialog that indicates that all of the existing sites are to be replaced by the sites in Filezilla.xml.

#11551 No option to choose whether or not to download updates new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The settings page gives users the option of whether to check for updates, but not whether they want those updates automatically downloaded or where to save the file. The user should have the option to select either the download path or whether to download updates at all.

It's frustrating when the Downloads folder gets polluted with files from an assortment of programs with no sense of organization, and you have to go through and sort them out one by one just to be able to find anything. Having Downloads as the default path makes sense, but users should have some say in what gets put into that folder.

#11555 UTF-8 Characters in file/directory name new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Just ran into this issue. If one side supports UTF-8 characters in either the filename or directory name, and the other side does not, the transfer fails (and can never succeed.)

The main issue here is that the error message is a terribly generic "Could not start transfer".

The easiest fix for this is simply showing a better error message (Took me a while to figure it out.)

A better solution would be to use some system function to determine and invalid path characters and add them to the list of invalid characters for filtering.

In this case, as I was downloading a site backup (new client,) they had images (from god knows where) that included the width and height as 57×57 instead of 57x57 (first contains a, new to me, UTF-8 x whereas the second contains a normal x.)

Let me know if you need additional logs or anything else.


00:13:25	Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
00:13:25	Trace:	CSftpFileTransferOpData::Send() in state 0
00:13:25	Status:	Starting download of /applications/wfcrhveasu/public_html/wp-content/themes/ALTN/icons/apple-touch-icon-57×57-precomposed.png.png
00:13:25	Trace:	CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0
00:13:25	Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
00:13:25	Trace:	CControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0)
00:13:25	Trace:	CSftpFileTransferOpData::SubcommandResult() in state 1
00:13:25	Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
00:13:25	Trace:	CSftpFileTransferOpData::Send() in state 4
00:13:25	Command:	get "apple-touch-icon-57×57-precomposed.png.png" "D:\Projects\Adfinitely\AnyLabTestNow\old-server\applications\wfcrhveasu\public_html\wp-content\themes\ALTN\icons\apple-touch-icon-57×57-precomposed.png.png"
00:13:25	Error:	/applications/wfcrhveasu/public_html/wp-content/themes/ALTN/icons/apple-touch-icon-57×57-precomposed.png.png: open for read: no such file or directory
00:13:25	Trace:	CSftpFileTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 4
00:13:25	Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
00:13:25	Error:	File transfer failed
#11559 Feature Request: OS X Mac Auto-Install Auto installer automatically install update new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've been using FileZilla client for a long time and i always wondered. Every time there is an update available on mac, i have to: manually close Filezilla, go to the downloads folder and move the install to the Applications folder. Is it a security issue to build this feature in? Is there a way the community can help implement this feature more easily?

#11562 Connexion FTP new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I having a problem with my connection FTP. When I test connection is don't work. I have the next error message

Réponse : 257 "/" is the current directory Erreur : Impossible d'analyser le chemin retourné. Erreur : Impossible de récupérer le contenu du dossier

But on my Command Prompt(shell) the connection work. And with the same configuration for connection ( same login, same hoste, ...) on other computeur is working.

My filezilla it do not work have this information system FileZilla Client

Version: 3.31.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2018-02-23 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.4 SQLite: 3.22.0 GnuTLS: 3.5.18

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 Settings dir: C:\Users\fcargouet\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

And the filezilla who work is

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.30.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2018-01-08 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.4 SQLite: 3.19.3 GnuTLS: 3.5.13

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 15063), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx Settings dir:

(sorry for my bad english if you speak french it's good for me)

#11571 Request connection to an IP address but gets a different IP new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Request connection to an IP address but gets a different IP. Try to connect to but connects to instead. The computer I am using is a windows 10. The ones I am connecting to are embedded Linux machines.

Status: Connecting to Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpConnectOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: Going to execute C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\fzsftp.exe Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Trace: CSftpConnectOpData::ParseResponse() in state 0 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpConnectOpData::Send() in state 3 Command: open "root@" 22 Trace: psftp: Implicit session load. Trace: Connecting to port 22 Trace: We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.32.0 Trace: Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6 Trace: We believe remote version has SSH-2 channel request bug Trace: Using SSH protocol version 2 Trace: Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256 Trace: Server also has ssh-ed25519/ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/ssh-dss host keys, but we don't know any of them Trace: Host key fingerprint is: Trace: ssh-rsa 2048 db:b6:7c:e6:fe:58:f3:bc:ee:93:26:70:c0:9c:57:99 ryabs8j26Yyhtu5mYQ38R+i8M2tmS9sKKz/tTMoBMdE= Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher) Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher) Trace: Attempting keyboard-interactive authentication Trace: Server refused keyboard-interactive authentication Command: Pass: * Trace: Sent password Trace: Access granted Trace: Opening session as main channel Trace: Opened main channel Trace: Started a shell/command Status: Connected to Trace: CSftpConnectOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CSftpConnectOpData::Reset(0) in state 3 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 1 Command: pwd Response: Current directory is: "/home/root" Trace: CSftpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CSftpListOpData::SubcommandResult() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 2 Trace: CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 3 Command: ls Status: Listing directory /home/root Trace: CSftpListOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Directory listing of "/home/root" successful

#11584 Delete group which is in use cancel button in German new Bug report normal FileZilla Server

If you delete a group that is assigned to users it will ask you to either assign it to a new group or delete the affected user accounts. The cancel button is in German ans says "Abbrechen" my system is in English so I would say this is a bug.

#11590 Display confirm dialog to dragdrop directory. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm making mistake in drag-drop directory unexpectedly. Especially remote directory's case is getting critical. So I suggest to display confirm dialog like "Are you sure?" when drag-drop directory, we can avoid unexpected trouble... Thank you.

#11597 ../config/test-driver crashing starting with 0.12.2 new Bug report normal libfilezilla

The test suite no longer passes for me with 0.12.2 on Arch Linux. Not sure what is going on here and the test log doesn't seem too helpful, but maybe you know what's wrong.

If you need any more info please tell me. Sadly it seems I don't get a core dump and I'm not sure where that's disabled

   libfilezilla 0.12.2: tests/test-suite.log

# TOTAL: 1
# PASS:  0
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

.. contents:: :depth: 2

FAIL: test

........terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CppUnit::Exception'
  what():  assertion failed
- Expression: fz::dispatch<fz::timer_event>(ev, this, &timer_handler::on_timer)
#11604 Could not connect to server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

From ticket 11603. With the port blank I still receive an error. I have attached a screenshot of the issue without the port filled in.

#11607 double-click to download from search window new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In settings, there are options to set default double-click options when browsing directories, but when downloading from the search window, settings must be confirmed each time as to whether or not to keep the directory structure intact, download now/later, etc. I would like to be able to set my preferred actions for downloading from a search as defaults so that I can simply double-click a file from search results instead of going through these extra steps every time. Also, if I could have an option with this to automatically create a "downloads" folder in the current folder of my local directory, that would be more beneficial to me than the name of the remote directory. I.e., I regularly go on and download reports from directories called 2017 and 2018, and I do want them kept in separate folders from the current files I'm creating using the old data, but I would prefer they be together in a single folder instead of their respective separate folders. So, for example, if I am working in a May 2018 folder, and need to download two files on a single project that happen to be from separate years, I would like to highlight the two files, hit Enter, and have the program automatically create a "downloads" folder in my May 2018 folder and push both the 2017 and 2018 file into it.

#11608 Amazon S3 permissions applied to only 1 file instead of entire multi-selection new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Amazon S3 integration is great. However, there is a huge limitation. Whenever, I upload new files through FileZilla, they do not get the appropriate permissions of the containing folder.

What's worse when I try to mass apply the permissions to a selected group of files, the interface only applies permissions to a single file.

The only workaround is a 2-step process of upload using FileZilla and then reapplying the permissions on the folder level of Amazon S3 bucket using the AWS management console.

Possible solutions would be to 1.) iterate through the selection applying the permissions to every file in the selection. OR 2.) allow the applying of permissions on the folder level (currently the interface just shows a dialog as though it were connected to a Linux server, so there is no way to set permission on a folder within Amazon S3 using FileZilla 3.) automatically apply the appropriate permissions of the Amazon S3 folder immediately after the initial upload

#11611 Some alt key combinations not working on Mac new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'm using FileZilla version 3.33.0, on macOS High Sierra on an iMac, 21", Mid 2011. To use the "at" (@) key on my Spanish ISO keyboard I must pres Alt + 2 (both keys together). This works in all applications and screens o the system, but it's not working in the top most fields of Filezilla , where you enter Host, Username, Password and Port for Quickconnect. It seems to be using some other keyboard layout, just for that part. Specifically for the "@" character it shows nothing. If I use the keyboard on other places of Filezilla client (comments, etc.) the keys seems to be ok. This didn't happen with the previous version.

#11613 Add file/directory owner changing in File permissions... new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently I am using Filezilla to change access rights to directories and files in the server. But when I have to change the owning user and group of the file, I am bound to use Putty. I think it would be a very good and comfortable feature if you allowed changing owning user and group of the file/directory in the File permissions/attributes window.

#11615 Accessibility: Add a way to sort files and folders by change date through the menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

With Filezilla it's possible to sort files and folders by thair date of the last change. But this is not possible for me, because I'm blind and cannot click on any header of the filezilla file list. Please add a sort by... menu to make this action much easier for blind people.

#11617 Support for OpenSSH Certificate based authentication new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

OpenSSH support client certificates signed by some CA (not X.509-Certificates, but their own simpler form). These certificates are great because they when created with a short validity time they can function as a temporay access token for servers. This makes handling a large number of servers and users on these servers very easy.

The certificates are described at and should be easy to implement in the protocol, according to the putty devs ( I don't share their opinion that the ppk files need to be updated, but the gui should just add a field where the cert file can be added and together with a pkk file containing the key the client has all information it needs to connect to a server.

The absence of any free Windows SCP client supporting OpenSSH certificates is the only thing currently stopping me from rolling out this feature in our organization. We are willing to donate 500$ if someone finds the time to implement that.

#11640 Site Manager selection pane too narrow and non-resizable new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After updating from 3.33.0 to 3.34.0, selection pane in site manager (pane with site tree) is too narrow to display its contents and can't be resized.

See region circled in red in attached screenshot.

#11642 Can't upgrade software "Error opening file for writing" new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I was told there was an update so I did the auto updated and during the download of the new update I get "Error opening file for writing" in c:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe. Now the program and all my settings have been removed :-(

#11652 (000116)6/27/2018 14:24:27 PM - ftp (> 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/" new Other normal FileZilla Server

Full permission has been provided but still getting the below error from the server :(000116)6/27/2018 14:24:27 PM - ftp (> 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/"

On the client: Response: 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/" Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#11663 Double Taskbar Icon new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, when i minimize Filezilla to tray there are 2 identical tray icons instead of just 1 icon. This looks messy and isn't necessary.

#11670 missing from FileZilla_3.35.1_src.tar.bz2, breaking macOS builds new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'm building FileZilla 3.35.1 on macOS High Sierra, and the make command fails due to missing

make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_yen_Projects_macports-ports_www_FileZilla/FileZilla/work/filezilla-3.35.1/src'
"../data/" "../"
/bin/sh: ../data/ No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [dylibs.copied] Error 127

Looked into the tarball, there's data/ but no data/ I assume there's something wrong during the tarball generation process?

#11672 Issue with Verafin new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Our normal Filezilla processor is out for an extended period of time. With doing backup work I have come to notice our Filezilla is not linked correctly to Verafin. We load our ACH files to Filezilla and they transport them over to Verafin and then kicks out an e-mail letting us know they were loaded successfully. Verafin claims on the days myself and another co worker did the files they never received files to check. We have contacted our IT and now Verafin. Both are claiming an issue with Filezilla and having the correct authority. We do have one user here and everything works for hers if you need to check things out on her side. I will say Both mine and my co workers computer say we need updates. They wont allow us to load, needing passwords?

#11673 3.35.1 doesn't load bookmarks on macOS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The bookmarks are gone. Menu only contains "Add" / "Manage".

macOS 10.13.5

Launching 3.34.0 afterwards shows the bookmarks so they are physically still there.

#11675 local file rename does not auto-refresh file list new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce issue: 1) Launch FileZilla client application. (you do not need to be connected to a remote host to experience this bug.) 2) Select a file in the left (local site) list pane. 3) Initiate file rename mode using either F2 function key, OR right-click-menu -> rename, OR click-pause-click. 4) Modify the file name by adding a character to the end 5) Press enter.

Observe that the file will appear to revert back to its original name.

6) Refresh the file list by F5 function key, or right-click -> Refresh, or View-menu -> Refresh

Observe that the file was indeed renamed.

Additional info: This behavior only happens in the local site file list. If you rename a file on the remote site file list, the list will auto-refresh and present the correct file name.

#11676 Can not pull up files. Error: Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specifications reopened Glynn Myers Bug report normal FileZilla Client

This is what I get every time I try to login.

"Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specifications Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER bbhscom Response: 331 User bbhscom OK. Password required Command: PASS * Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: EPRT Response: IDLE Response: MDTM Response: SIZE Response: MFMT Response: REST STREAM Response: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Response: MLSD Response: AUTH TLS Response: PBSZ Response: PROT Response: UTF8 Response: TVFS Response: ESTA Response: PASV Response: EPSV Response: SPSV Response: ESTP Response: 211 End. Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 200 OK, UTF-8 enabled Command: PBSZ 0 Response: 200 PBSZ=0 Command: PROT P Response: 200 Data protection level set to "private" Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is your current location Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (74,220,215,78,175,249) Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specifications Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER bbhscom Response: 331 User bbhscom OK. Password required Command: PASS * Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 200 OK, UTF-8 enabled Command: PBSZ 0 Response: 200 PBSZ=0 Command: PROT P Response: 200 Data protection level set to "private" Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is your current location Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (74,220,215,78,179,175) Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing"

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.35.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2018-07-23 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.22.0 GnuTLS: 3.5.18

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 17134), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 Settings dir: C:\Users\Glynn Myers\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#11678 Double-click now downloads file instead of opening in editor new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Double-clicking a file in the remote site window used to open the file in the editor. Now it downloads the file to the local directory. Behavior changed upon update to v 3.35.1

#11679 Search and opening multiple files option to open ALL local or refresh new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce.

  1. open filezilla and search for files
  2. select files from list
  3. right-click on files and select open/edit
  4. message box pops up asking to "Reopen Local File" or "Discard Local File Then Download and Edit File Anew" (note the files must have been opened previously for this box to show)

Suggestion to add a "Reopen ALL Local Files" and "Discard ALL Local Files..." option within this popup. Hitting this box for several files is very tedious and time consuming.

#11683 File upload said success but not showing up at my website new Other normal FileZilla Client

Last night was my first attempt to upload my files for my first website using FileZilla Client. It gave me a message that the upload was a success but when I go to my website there is nothing there. I uploaded them to DreamHost using the Host, Username, Password, and Port FTP info that they gave me. not sure what to do, if it is you or them I need to get in touch with. My website is:

#11694 Ungraceful handling of slow connection new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When using slow (satellite) connection, uploads files at partial or zero length, tries a few times, them marks them as successful transfers. The dual directory shows them in green as if the lengths matched. Log report reports occasional timeouts, but otherwise normal.

A second attempt immediately reports successful transfers, despite the the file lengths being obviously different. I have to kill the partial files and try again. I am averaging ten attempts, whether for a single file or a batch of a dozen. See screen cap.

#11698 support for unencrypted WebDAV new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm currently trying to reach my storage server created by an iOS App called nPlayer, which will only be visible via my local network when activated. This app creates a WebDAV server, but its unencrypted and trying to connect to it using FileZilla Pro will fail.

Thats how it looks like in the logs: Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::Connect( Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::List() Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CWebdavListOp::Send() in state 0 Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::DoRequest Trace: WebdavRequestOp::Send() in state 0 Trace: Requesting Trace: CHttpControlSocket::Request() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::InternalConnect() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CHttpInternalConnectOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake() Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(10) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(10) Trace: CHttpRequestOpData::Reset(10) in state 18 Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(10) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(10) Error: Directory listing aborted by user Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::Connect( Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::List() Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CWebdavListOp::Send() in state 0 Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::DoRequest Trace: WebdavRequestOp::Send() in state 0 Trace: Requesting Trace: CHttpControlSocket::Request() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::InternalConnect() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CHttpInternalConnectOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake() Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake() Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CHttpRequestOpData::Reset(2114) in state 18 Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::Connect( Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::List() Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CWebdavListOp::Send() in state 0 Trace: CWebdavControlSocket::DoRequest Trace: WebdavRequestOp::Send() in state 0 Trace: Requesting Trace: CHttpControlSocket::Request() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::InternalConnect() Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CHttpInternalConnectOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake() Trace: CTlsSocketImpl::ContinueHandshake() Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CHttpRequestOpData::Reset(2114) in state 18 Trace: CHttpControlSocket::ResetSocket() Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

I guess allowing to explicitely choose that the WebDAV Server doesn't know how to work encrypted could fix this issues.


Best Regards.

Toni Barth

#11717 Limit number of invalid commands new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Right now there is no limit to the number of invalid commands that a user can send to the server. It's common for protocols to disconnect clients that don't behave.

I occasionally see (probably automated) attempts to connect to the FTP server and then the client sends data for a completely different protocol. This can go on for quite a while and will fill up the log file quickly.

I suggest adding an option that allows the user to define the maximum number of invalid commands until a connection is dropped.

This might be extended to "useless" commands. A client can spam "HELP" right now to get a disproportional large answer from the server, which could be leveraged into DDoS attacks.

#11718 trouble with connecting over explicit TLS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi. I've used FZ for many years. Love it.

I've had an issue crop up since the upgraded to 3.36.0. When connecting via explicit TLS it freezes for 3 minutes, then won't connect. And finally windows reports that FZ has stopped working.

This is on a site that has been working on explicit TLS for years. Another oddity is that when I go to help->Check for updates..., it's never able to connect. It checks continuously until I close the window. It never connects and tells me I have the latest version.

I've attached the log.

Note, this is not an emergency. I'm able to connect via sftp and everything works normally there. I'm must reporting the bug so it can get looked at in due course.

#11719 Providers denies error report of filezilla new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Here the log file

2018-09-03 13:51:16 7468 1 Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für 2018-09-03 13:51:16 7468 1 Status: Verbinde mit 2018-09-03 13:51:17 7468 1 Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht... 2018-09-03 13:51:17 7468 1 Antwort: 220 ::ffff: FTP server ready 2018-09-03 13:51:17 7468 1 Befehl: AUTH TLS 2018-09-03 13:51:17 7468 1 Antwort: 500 AUTH not understood 2018-09-03 13:51:17 7468 1 Befehl: AUTH SSL

Provider denies and answers: WE ARE SUPPORTING FTP OVER TLS

What must I do ??

#11720 Search onkeyup crush moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open client.
  2. Connect to host.
  3. Ctrl+F, than start enter digits
  4. Get error
#11725 Lost Local Mapped Drives with v3.36 window 64 bit moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a Windows 10 virtual machine on a Mac. In windows explorer, I have 2 drives, "Home on 'Mac' (Y:)" and "AllFiles on 'Mac' (Z:). In prior versions of FileZilla, these drive show on my local site: side.

Although I work mostly in Windows, I store some things on the Mac side.

I updated my FileZilla to the current version, 3.36, and now those Mac drives no longer show. Looking through all the menu items and icons, I cannot figure out if there is some setting that has them not show or what to do to have them show.

To confirm that I could see those drives in a prior version, I downloaded an older version and they just show up in the local site tree.

#11727 storj upload progress bar shows >100% new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, there is a bug with uploading files to storj. I ve just test to upload few files and the progress goes upper then >100%. I stoped uploading manually on ~130%. Actually i don't know what Filezilla try to upload when file size less than 790mb but uploaded more then >1300mb.

#11731 Не работает moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

На последней версии программы FileZilla_3.36.0_win64-setup перестало подключаться ко всем серверам. Вернулся на раннюю версию FileZilla_3.31.0_win64-setup и все заработало. А перестало работать сразу после последнего обновления.

On the latest version of the program FileZilla_3.36.0_win64-setup stopped connecting to all servers. I returned to the earlier version of FileZilla_3.31.0_win64-setup and it all worked. And stop working right after the last update.

#11735 Recursive downloads not immediately re-scanning directories new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In testing a webcam's FTP uploads, I have a need to do multiple recursive downloads every few minutes to verify that new image files are successfully getting uploaded. Since my webcam uploads are going into multiple directories by day and hour, it is easiest to do a recursive download from the top level. I am doing this by dragging the root webcam folder from my ftp server to my local directory in FileZilla. The recursive search works successfully the first time, but then subsequent drag/drops of the root folder will not actually re-scan subdirectories, but rather only use locally cached information of the remote directory structure. So I am missing newly created files on the remote server to download since the first time I downloaded in this FileZilla session.

It appears that it will eventually do a forced full re-scan of subdirectories (observations indicate that this could be every 15 minutes or so), but not on every drag/drop. Clicking on the "refresh the file and folder lists" icon only refreshes the top level folder and not any subdirectories.

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