Opened 7 years ago

#11611 new Bug report

Some alt key combinations not working on Mac

Reported by: Alex Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: at key, @ key Cc:
Component version: 3.33.0 Operating system type: Other
Operating system version: macOS High Sierra 10.13.4


I'm using FileZilla version 3.33.0, on macOS High Sierra on an iMac, 21", Mid 2011. To use the "at" (@) key on my Spanish ISO keyboard I must pres Alt + 2 (both keys together). This works in all applications and screens o the system, but it's not working in the top most fields of Filezilla , where you enter Host, Username, Password and Port for Quickconnect. It seems to be using some other keyboard layout, just for that part. Specifically for the "@" character it shows nothing. If I use the keyboard on other places of Filezilla client (comments, etc.) the keys seems to be ok. This didn't happen with the previous version.

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